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Mist solo

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The primary challenge in c17 has nothing to do with Mist, but rather Ike. The name of the game is to keep him alive while achieving the map objectives. Here's a summary of the game plan for each subchapter.

  • Part 1: Mist runs up and kills everything before going back to take out the reinforcements. To minimize turn count, I only attack ranged units on player phase.
  • Part 2: Mist rescues Ike and runs across the swamp to arrive. A few horsemen and soldiers are killed along the way.
  • Part 3: Mist routs the top half of the map over the first three turns, while Ike slowly retreats from the oncoming enemies from below. Once all mages in the top half are killed, Ike hides in a bush while Mist heals him.
  • Part 4: Ike has nowhere to hide, imposing a 6 turn limit before the reinforcements appear and kill him. The horseman with a droppable Iron Blade is a lifesaver as I had only one sword left at the start of the subchapter.


The goal is to have the enemies block each other off such that only one enemy can attack Ike.


They should change this guy's class to Clown.

I fail to reach the halberdier with the Adept in c17-4 by turn 5. Mist is unable to ORKO the halberdier, so I am forced to kill Oliver to end the battle, losing a moderately useful skill. Overall, I complete c17 surprisingly quickly in 34 turns (10+9+10+5). On the bright side, I have automatically recruited Sonic Sword Tanith, the MVP for the final chapters of this playthrough.

I've taken the advice of my fellow posters to level Ike. If I hadn't done so, he would likely not have survived c17-3 and c17-4 anyway.


Better stats at 20/1 than Mist at 20/15. :(:

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As a rout map, c18 is an exercise in endurance. Although Mist is never in any real danger of dying, she can easily run out of swords. The Sonic Sword is Mist's most powerful weapon, but it must be used sparingly until Hammerne is available in c23. In this chapter, I use it to quickly eliminate the wyvern rider reinforcements, leaving me with 22/25 uses. Otherwise, I use up a Steel Sword, an Iron Blade, and two Iron Swords routing the map.


Getting surrounded by generals here was the closest I came to a Game Over.


Death to traitors.

Mist reaches 20/20 at the end of the stage, following which I use my remaining stat boosters, a Seraph Robe and Speedwings, on her.


For reference, her average 20/20 stats are as follows.

HP 38, STR 16, MAG 26, SKL 14, SPD 25, LCK 28, DEF 10, RES 22

Aside from another +2 STR from the c21 Energy Drop, Mist's stats have no further room for improvement. However, Silver Swords will be available in c23 and the Runesword in c26. It remains to be seen if this will be enough to remedy her stagnant offensive capability.

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This is a cool idea for a playthrough. I can think of many chapters were I would have given up but it's nice to see how far you're getting.

Did Mist's strength or lack there of make it difficult to beat certain chapters? For c19 are you going to defeat all the ravens?

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This is a cool idea for a playthrough. I can think of many chapters were I would have given up but it's nice to see how far you're getting.

Did Mist's strength or lack there of make it difficult to beat certain chapters? For c19 are you going to defeat all the ravens?

To be honest, this hasn't been much of a challenge to point. Mist's strength looked like an issue at first, but for the first two-thirds of the game, she is very overleveled. Entering c18, Mist had 18 STR, the same as Tanith, who joins in that chapter and is generally considered a top-tier character.

I don't know how c19 will turn out, but my goal is to only kill Homasa for maximum BExp.

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C19 was a joke. Apparently the BExp for sparing the crows is only awarded if Naesala is befriended. Simply ending the chapter without fighting any crows does not grant the BExp. However, in something resembling an LTC playthrough, Mist defeats Homasa on turn 3, netting the entire 300 regular BExp.


Mist is capable of a 3HKO/3RKO on Naesala, who also 5HKO/3RKOs Mist. With Vantage, the victory would go to Mist.

Stefan Mist: Sheathe your blade. If that's all the skill you possess, you're not ready to challenge me.


The real shame is that I can't get his Sonic Sword.


Indeed, "somehow."

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You might want to save some Hammerne uses for the Runesword. It'll be useful in 27, 28 and E, where Mist might not be strong enough to handle enemies alone.

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You might want to save some Hammerne uses for the Runesword. It'll be useful in 27, 28 and E, where Mist might not be strong enough to handle enemies alone.

Just before you wrote this, I was doing some calculations in my head and I realized that the Sonic Sword is actually weaker than the Silver Sword (26+10 vs 20+18 MT). The Runesword is indeed a better use of Hammerne charges.

C20 is a race against the clock. Not the 15 turn clock to shut the flood gates, but a 6 turn limit to save Ike from enemy reinforcements. The wyvern riders and knights are too defensive for Mist to ORKO with the Steel Sword, so I end up burning half of my remaining Sonic Sword uses to get past the chokepoint on the mountain slope. Shiharam is obnoxious as he will stall with Elixirs if at low HP, so I need to ORKO him.


Although the Sonic Sword is capable of a 2HKO, using it would have broken the weapon on the subsequent enemy phase. Instead, I rely on a Steel Sword critical (18%).

I have 11/25 Sonic Sword uses left. They may very well be exhausted in c21 to defeat Tauroneo and Ena.

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I have 11/25 Sonic Sword uses left. They may very well be exhausted in c22 to defeat Tauroneo and Ena.

That's not a problem when you have the Laguz Slayer for that unless that you have already broken it. -.-

Taureneo will be a problem due to his Resolve. Hope that an Armorslayer works.

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Just before you wrote this, I was doing some calculations in my head and I realized that the Sonic Sword is actually weaker than the Silver Sword (26+10 vs 20+18 MT).

This isn't relevant because the vast majority of enemies have much higher def than res.

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That's not a problem when you have the Laguz Slayer for that unless that you have already broken it. -.-

Taureneo will be a problem due to his Resolve. Hope that an Armorslayer works.

Anti-class weapons like Laguzslayer and Armorslayer are terrible in FE9 due to only having 2x MT when used against their intended target. As such, they aren't any stronger than a Steel Sword. Not making anti-class weapons 3x MT like in Shadow Dragon (Rapier) really nerfs their usefulness.

C21 was very much a challenge, again due to the problem of running out of swords. Although the chapter is not a rout map, it effectively became the same thing as Ike needed to safely travel to the throne. I entered with 2 Steel Blades, a Steel Sword, and the Sonic Sword. I finish the stage with half of a Killing Edge and 4/25 Sonic Sword uses remaining. The chapter would have been lost if an enemy hadn't dropped the Killing Edge.


The thief just had to steal the useless Master Seal first instead of the Brave Sword.


A very tedious battle as Mist deals around 16 damage per round with a Steel Sword while Ena counters for 10 damage after Laguzguard. Ena heals 10 HP each turn and will use Elixir when below half health. Once Ena is below 34 HP, Mist can finish her off by switching to the Sonic Sword (11 damage per hit).

While I am now low on weapons, c22 should be possible to complete while minimizing combat. Silver swords in c23 should fix most of my inventory problems, as buyable weapons will finally have usable MT.

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I'm sort of surprised you haven't switched to steel blades or using Ike as a weapons mule, actually.

The extra 2 MT on Steel Swords is important for a number of ORKOs. I did buy a few Steel Blades for c21 though. "Weapons mule" Ike doesn't work out very well, because the enemies like to gang up on him.

C22 is not an especially difficult chapter, but the initial phase is tricky as the sage with Bolting can target pretty much every square on the map. To get past this, Mist needs to fight off several waves of enemies while rescuing and guarding Ike. As I needed to obtain a Chest Key to get the Resolve in c27, I had to kill an extra priest. In total, I killed two priests and Tomenami. The boss is a joke; unsurprisingly, none of the three priests next to him felt like healing him.


Now that's just unfair.


This square by the staircase is a godsend. Now, only the annoying sniper with the Venin Bow can hit Ike.


Isn't the whole plot of this game that the gods are evil or something? Also, there goes the Ashera staff...

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How are you going to use Hammerne? Are you going to let Ike hold the weapon or will you allow yourself another unit to use it on Mist? Also what skills do you have on Mist. Savior would probably be a good one if you're rescuing Ike a lot at this time.

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How are you going to use Hammerne? Are you going to let Ike hold the weapon or will you allow yourself another unit to use it on Mist? Also what skills do you have on Mist. Savior would probably be a good one if you're rescuing Ike a lot at this time.

I'll probably have someone hold the weapon to be repaired. Mist currently has her default Miracle as well as Vantage, which is a godsend as it converts 3HKOs to 2HKOs. Overall, there's not a lot of skills available in this game. Savior would have been great if it showed up about 10 chapters earlier.

  • Vantage: good
  • Adept: missed
  • Wrath: Ike
  • Miracle: useless
  • Resolve: Ike
  • Guard: useless
  • Gamble: useless
  • Smite: useless
  • Corrosion: useless
  • Nihil: useless
  • Saviour: c24
  • Occult: c27

Edit: C23 is awful. The reinforcements eat through swords like there's no tomorrow. Mist clears the first two ballistae before doubling back to take out the reinforcements. After advancing a bit further, Haar spawns, forcing Mist to head back yet again. Once all the reinforcements are down, Mist still needs to muscle through several tigers, paladins, and wyvern riders. Petrine herself has ridiculous defense and speed, wasting yet more swords.


Stepping past here will trigger Haar and 3 wyvern rider reinforcements from behind. The first two ballistae must be eliminated for Tanith (w/Ike) to have enough room to flee.


I should have stocked up on Steel Blades back in c21, as they have more uses than Silver Swords with almost all the MT.


We're saved!


Or not. The allied reinforcements made a valiant effort though, taking out the wyvern riders and several archers.

I get a free Silver Sword from Lucia next chapter, but otherwise it's looking grim weapons-wise. I have one generic Silver Sword left, and I'm not ready to start burning my forged copies yet. I guess I'll have to settle for generic Steel Swords and the resultant 2RKOs. As for my Sonic Sword, I used 4 of the remaining 5 charges taking out Haar's company, followed by 3 charges post-repair against Petrine.

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C24 is straight-forward. The objective is to reach the castle before Geoffrey Ike gets killed. Mist has 10 move, allowing her to out-pace the pursuing enemies. I take the upper bridge to get the Saviour, which would have been a neat skill if it were available 10 chapters ago. A generic Steel Sword is sufficient for this chapter as most foes flee when at low HP.

Curiously, this chapter features what I believe is the only other Valkyrie in the game. Mist's clone, the allied healer, sadly always ends up dying. Her comrades must not like her very much, as they ignore her while myrmidons whack her to death. On which note, the game logic for "arrive" maps never made much sense to me. Mist safely reaches the castle while leaving everyone else behind to die.


Ike: Mist, don't worry about me. Save yourself!


Mist: Goodbye, brother. I'll never forget you.


Wait, what? Rikard hasn't even moved from his starting point, unless this is one of those "failure means death" moments.

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C25 is straight-forward. Mist rescues Ike with Saviour before charging up the left side. To conserve weapons, I buy a set of Steel Blades for the next two chapters. The Steel Blade is not powerful enough to ORKO the enemies on the map, so Mist eventually gets cornered halfway up the mountainside. Eventually, all the enemies will commit suicide trying to attack Mist. At this point, I descend the other side of the mountain and clear up the remaining enemies.

I enter the map with one generic Silver Sword, two Steel Blades, and 22/25 Sonic Sword uses. I end the map with 15/25 Sonic Sword uses and no other weapons. They just don't make swords like they did in the old days.


I've wanted to be able to do this for so long.


I'm not relying on luck when throwing Mist into enemy mobs. They literally can't hit her.


Except for falling rocks. Mist can dodge axes, lances, swords, and bows as though they were child's play, but not rocks.


Resolve could have made Gromell dangerous. Except, they had to give him the useless Bolt Axe for some reason.


I had no idea the player could also push rocks. Poor cat never stood a chance.

Just as I escape the hell of babysitting Ike (seriously, what kind of guy needs his little sister to babysit him), the game throws Elincia at me in c26. And she's even more pathetic than Ike if such a thing is possible.

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There's a set of trees near Elincia's starting point that completely cover her from attack except by the Steel Bow paladins. Giving her a Full Guard with a bunch of Vulneraries/Elixirs and bexp and taking her there could work.

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There's a set of trees near Elincia's starting point that completely cover her from attack except by the Steel Bow paladins. Giving her a Full Guard with a bunch of Vulneraries/Elixirs and bexp and taking her there could work.

I have neither of those things.

It looks like I'm going to have to give up at c26. The enemy has 2 bishops and 4 sages and heals faster than Mist can deal damage. It is impossible to reach the boss without being surrounded, at which point there is no way to break free, resulting in slow but assured death.

Edit: Perhaps Wrath would get me through this chapter. Not sure what I'd do about Ashnard without it though.

Edit2: Nope. Wrath is useless. This can't be done.

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