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Is it OK to use summoned Phantoms?


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You know those characters in the Bonus Teams section of the Wireless option? I was wandering your guy's opinions on them. Personally, I think they're a bit too powerful, especially because you can get them whenever you like, and if you have the right amount of money, you can just buy them. They never talk, and you can't interact with them, and because they're so friggin powerful, they sweep everything in the game, and the game becomes way less fun. Now, while it's great that the FE makers are trying to honor their veteran fans by giving them past characters (something I wish a LOT of companies would do), most non-veteran fans, who are only here because of SSBB and because they heard Awakening was a really good game, will only see these as very powerful troops, and not know their origins. So what about you guys? This is just my opinion.

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I kinda feel the same way. mainly cause of the lack of support convos and they're not real people, they're "einherjar" cards or whatever. I've never recruited them not even in Lunatic mode. the ONLY exception is Katarina for Apotheosis because she's the best rally bot in the game but that's it.

I would love it though if characters like Lyn and Marisa could actually have supports with the Avatar and such. if they weren't merely cards then I'd probably recruit them.

tl;dr, I'd recruit them if they had supports. but they don't.

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They all can get Veteran at the drop of a hat and any skill in the game and never permanently dies. If you keep updating your einherjar data after every chapter, even on Classic, they won't permanently die as you can use the Gaffee episode to summon them back. They along with DLC do make the game alot easier.

But...I always love commanding my favorite characters from other games shouting fourth "Go. My deadlords." :D

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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I don't see why not? I enjoy using the Einherjar sometimes, although I generally just mess around with them post game in my main file. I do have a Einherjar only run going, though, which has been pretty fun! (Although it's not PURELY Einherjar.. It's also my run for M!Avatar/Nowi, because Manakete babies, so I use them too, but it's mainly an Einherjar run.)

And really, in the long run, they're not that powerful, because while they can access any class their gender can get, and therefore any skills.. They still lack supports. Which means they can't get the big boosts that high support ranks give. So when it comes down to it in post-game, they're not as great as Awakening's actual characters. It doesn't matter as much in the story stuff, though, at least from what I've seen.

But really, I see no problem with using them. I think they're quite fun to use! It's really nice being able to.. SORT of have certain characters from previous games, in some form or another. (Although some do bother me, due how classes work in Awakening.. It bothers me GREATLY that Einherjar!Black Knight can't use swords due to the General class not getting them. :| And then there's just how beyond confusing Einherjar!L'Arachel is. Why is she a War Cleric? She's a Troubadour back in FE8! ..And Troubadours exist in Awakening. So do Valkyries. So why is L'Arachel NOT a Valkyrie? I mean, I can understand why, let's say, Serra is a War Cleric. Bishops don't exist, so that's the next best thing, I guess? But.. When the Valkyrie class exists in Awakening, and there's even other Einherjar of that class... Why is L'Arachel a War Cleric and not a Valkyrie. Yes this probably bothers me far more than it should. And don't even get me started on DLC!Micaiah... Anyway, enough of my sort-of-ranting. Not the point of all this.)

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Is it in the game? Yes. Then, in my opinion, it's a perfectly valid resource. It's not an exploit; it's not even grinding. And it's not like you're getting them for free, either. You still have to buy them, and without Max Renown, it's not like you'll be able to blaze through Lunatic Mode with them.

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Unless you beat their spotpass team, in which case they come for free.

But what kind of early-game team could beat a team that would help them sweep the entire game?

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But really, I see no problem with using them. I think they're quite fun to use! It's really nice being able to.. SORT of have certain characters from previous games, in some form or another. (Although some do bother me, due how classes work in Awakening.. It bothers me GREATLY that Einherjar!Black Knight can't use swords due to the General class not getting them. :| And then there's just how beyond confusing Einherjar!L'Arachel is. Why is she a War Cleric? She's a Troubadour back in FE8! ..And Troubadours exist in Awakening. So do Valkyries. So why is L'Arachel NOT a Valkyrie? I mean, I can understand why, let's say, Serra is a War Cleric. Bishops don't exist, so that's the next best thing, I guess? But.. When the Valkyrie class exists in Awakening, and there's even other Einherjar of that class... Why is L'Arachel a War Cleric and not a Valkyrie. Yes this probably bothers me far more than it should. And don't even get me started on DLC!Micaiah... Anyway, enough of my sort-of-ranting. Not the point of all this.)

Troubadours promote into War Clerics in Awakening, you know.

But what kind of early-game team could beat a team that would help them sweep the entire game?

One that's very specifically set up to do so, usually involving recruiting progressively stronger Einherjar to beat the next team. That's generally more trouble than it's worth, though.

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Troubadours promote into War Clerics in Awakening, you know.

That's true, but that doesn't change the fact that either way, in FE8, L'Arachel always has a horse. Either Mage Knight or Valkyrie. So I just find it strange that Einherjar!L'Arachel is, not only a class that doesn't have a horse, but also NOT the class that she can actually promote to in her home game. (Even if Valkyries in Awakening are different than FE8's ones. Actually, it's more akin to the Mage Knight class.) But again, as I said, this probably bothers me far more than it should. Whoops, this is getting a bit off-topic. Sorry.

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I'll admit, I can definitely see that point. And it is perfect. XD (I mean, her being a War Cleric isn't bad or anything. I just found it strange, considering she could have been a Valkyrie. But War Cleric certainly works anyway, because L'Arachel with an axe is just priceless.)

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counterpoint: lack of horse be damned, how is l'arachel wielding an axe not the most perfectly fitting thing ever


Anyway, i dont really use the Einherjar much unless im crafting a rally bot of some sort. On my Lunatic file, i got one of my Avatars helping out cuz yes. Thor and Loki battle buddies is best

So, im not opposed to people using them or using them in general. They are there. They are there to use. Wynaut.

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Since I can't become attached to FE13's cast, my games tend to end as einherjars runs. In fact, my first file was in hard mode and ended as Nino sweeping the whole game while I waited for other characters to join the party. So I think it's ok.

So despite the lack of some of my favorites characters (even more when they're from FE4 while Ardan is in), I'm quite glad they're here. But some of them just feel like complete opposites of their original (Lewyn without +speed mod? Lachesis with -str? L'Arachel with a mod decreasing her luck?)

Edited by Sartek
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I don't bother with them, mainly because of lack of supports. Also, the part where some of them just don't feel like their originals (Eliwood with -Luck? Really??).

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