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Rite of Introductions


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Yo, so first I'm going to start off by saying the usual thing that most people say in their introduction. I have been a lurker on these forums for 2 1/2years. Last year, February of 2013 I made an account but forgot to click the confirmation link, so there goes that. Anyways... Here I am today. What I should've did was post my introduction on the first day right? No, you're wrong there. You see, I have a ritual (lol) where I introduce myself 1 to 2 months after joining a forum. Now, going back on track I noticed a template which can be used for introductions, and since I'm lazy right now I've decided to use it rather than throw a barrage of text at everyone like I usually do. Let's get on with it.

Online name: I have so many names I use online, does this really matter?

Real name: Talk to me and befriend me, then maybe I'll give you my name.

DoB: View my profile. Otherwise, it's September.

Favourite FE Game: I did enjoy Genealogy of the holy war, but I like Blazing sword better.

Favorite Game (other than FE): I can't decide. It's currently tied between Asura's Wrath, Tales of Symphonia, and Shadow of the Colossus.

Favourite FE Character: Denning, because most people I know dislike him.

Least Favourite game: The call of duty franchise, Puzzle games.

Sports: I used to play Volleyball competitively.

Online friends: I don't have any irl friends that go on the same forums I do, but I have a lot of online friends.

Favourite music: I don't listen to music really much.

Favourite artist/band: ...

Favourite song: I don't have one.

Country: Canada!

MSN/Yahoo/AIM: Ask me, or view my profile.

Hobbies: Ask me, or view my profile.

Good Point: I'm friendly. Most of the time :p

Bad Point: I can't keep a conversation going. I have difficulty talking with others.

Anything else?: Unless you want to get more text thrown at you, sure. But I have nothing more to say.

Edited by Crysallia
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Favorite Game (other than FE): I can't decide. It's currently tied between Asura's Wrath, Tales of Symphonia, and Shadow of the Colossus.

I think we'll get along just fine.

Also I've seen you in the IP Chat. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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I am not used to reading so much in an introduction page; my poor eyes. That's also a nice picture of Miku you got there

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost, and enjoy your stay!

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Well now. Nice of you to introduce yourself. I think we can become good fri-

I don't listen to music really much.


*ahem* Nonetheless, friends are always nice. Do enjoy your time here ^_^

Edited by The Chosen One
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I think we'll get along just fine.

Also I've seen you in the IP Chat. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I gained another buddy ♪. Yes, you're correct. I'm in IP chat most of the time.

I am not used to reading so much in an introduction page; my poor eyes. That's also a nice picture of Miku you got there

Reading is a good thing to do every once in a while, and thanks for your compliment.

Denning huh you hipster lol

Welcome and enjoy your stay, eh?

Ha ha, thanks. Denning's such an amazing character, eh?

You know what's up.

Also, hi. I think I've seen you before in FFTF

Yes, you even quoted one of my posts... Nobody noticed me ♪. (That was pretty bad, lol.)
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Is it bad I never made an intro thread?

Neither did I, but I feel it would be rather pointless at this point. Maybe I'll fill out the 'Your Profile' thing.

Welcome to the forest! It's always nice to see a new face around here.

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Probably a bit late, but I welcome you to SF ;)

(You've probably seen me hanging around in the IPC for quite some time already)

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Reading is a good thing to do every once in a while, and thanks for your compliment.

Yes, you even quoted one of my posts... Nobody noticed me ♪. (That was pretty bad, lol.)

I do think reading is very important in one's life, and no problem!

And a lot of people do Nobody jokes, it's nothing to be ashamed of!

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>Favorite game is FE4

I approve of this greatly

>says FE7 is better

I also approve of this.

Personally, I like FE4, 7, and 9 equally. Right now my bias is 4 because of Levin~

Anyway, I'm Duck (just like ignore my username) and I think we'll get along. Now for intro stealing even though he's already done it...

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost, and enjoy your stay!

Edit: Also come to the Hello, Hi, Hey, thread, a place of mysteries and wonders and stuff

It's basically this thread where weirdos people like me, Shadow, Nobody, Dusk, and others talk about random stuff

Edited by Ringabel
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Edit: Also come to the Hello, Hi, Hey, thread, a place of mysteries and wonders and stuff

It's basically this thread where weirdos people like me, Shadow, Nobody, Dusk, and others talk about random stuff

weirdos huh

Well I can vouch to say that's true.

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