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Would, Ike will return for the new Smash bros?

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fixed for ya.

smash already has more girls in it then last game.

The peen-to-vaj ratio is still pretty widely imbalanced, tho.

Besides, one of our new female characters was just advertised as such in her announcement and is in fact available in both genders, which kind of neutralizes the supposed female contribution.

...Also I thought we deemed this thread dead?

I know it's not necroposting or anything but jeez

This thread is tenacious

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The peen-to-vaj ratio is still pretty widely imbalanced, tho.

Besides, one of our new female characters was just advertised as such in her announcement and is in fact available in both genders, which kind of neutralizes the supposed female contribution.

It doesn't really neutralize as it is (for now, at least) still a female default, male alternate situation, which is opposite from the norm. However, if there's no female alternate for Villager, that will still make for a double standard...
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It doesn't really neutralize as it is (for now, at least) still a female default, male alternate situation, which is opposite from the norm. However, if there's no female alternate for Villager, that will still make for a double standard...

All I meant was that having a male version of a female player kind of lessens the significance of a new female... at least from my perspective. Yeah, I completely agree on the Villager thing though.

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The peen-to-vaj ratio is still pretty widely imbalanced, tho.

Besides, one of our new female characters was just advertised as such in her announcement and is in fact available in both genders, which kind of neutralizes the supposed female contribution.

...Also I thought we deemed this thread dead?

I know it's not necroposting or anything but jeez

This thread is tenacious

well yeah while that's true, its not a fact that it needs more girl characters, that's an opinion

also some others kept bring the topic back to life so i guess its back to life for abit longer.

also this game is pretty good http://pbskids.org/arthur/games/factsopinions/

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Yeah the way SwordofSpheals worded it was poorly thought-out lol. It is a fact that the Smash series has many more male characters than female characters VS it is an opinion that the series NEEDS more characters.

I share this opinion myself, but... yeah. 'Pinions.

I'd sure like to see Luci be playable but who knows what'll really happen. *shrug*

Edited by BANRYU
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  • 3 weeks later...


I missed the part where Lucina was confirmed to not be playable.

Anyway, the question can now be answered for good: Ike is returning for SSB4.

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Dangit, I was too busy posting other places to be the one to be like "HA, THIS THREAD IS USELESS NOW" or something, XD

I don't even think Lucinan would make a great playable character in terms of gameplay due to similarities to Marth, can we please remember that Smash Bros. is more than just having your favorite characters playable *shot*

seriously though, let's just focus on Ike hype

Edited by Trails in the Blaze
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So now the question is whether this means that Lucina and/or Chrom will be a third FE representative or maybe just a costume swap (Lucina for Marth, Chrom for Ike). Or whether they'll be included at all (which I honestly can't see them not be. I mean, Awakening is only both the most recent and best selling Fire Emblem game).

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I'm pretty sure it's the Chrom fanboys thought that he'd replace Ike, not Lucina.

I don't even think Lucinan would make a great playable character in terms of gameplay due to similarities to Marth, can we please remember that Smash Bros. is more than just having your favorite characters playable *shot*

I don't think what you just said applies to anyone here. Also Chrom and Lucina use the exact same style, if anything Lucina would be lighter (given Marth is already pretty light in Brawl). I'd prefer neither of them to get in, both are extremely boring, but I find it silly people are differentiating Chrom and Lucina when they are even more similar than Lucina is to Marth. Yes, yes, I've already heard it all, lol.

Not that this applies to you, but it does apply to some people: the fact that people want Chrom but decline Lucina because of her similarities to Marth are absolutely ludicrous. Chrom can offer neither a unique hair colour, weapon or fighting style, just like Lucina can't offer those things either.

Edited by SlipperySlippy
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also i say lucina because if fire emblem is getting a third rep, which it has a fair chance of, its gonna be chrom. please save this post so it can be brought back up when i'm right, like i was with Ike returning. as well as Marth.

also we do have a female who's not kidnapped every 5 minutes, samus, wii fit trainer, what appears to be a female village in ike's screenshots, and nana from ice climbers assuming they are still back(if they are i can't remember because heck yes ike!) oh and rosalina, who i don't remember being kidnapped in galaxy

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Eh, I'm not one of those people who think that Lucina will be a newcomer…but, perhaps as a skin swap for Marth.

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also i say lucina because if fire emblem is getting a third rep, which it has a fair chance of, its gonna be chrom. please save this post so it can be brought back up when i'm right, like i was with Ike returning. as well as Marth.

Just about everything you said is debatable, from Fire Emblem 'likely' getting a third rep to even if it did to 'it's gonna be Chrom'. I don't mean to be rude, but your post comes off as pretty condescending, being correct with Marth and Ike isn't anything remarkable and I'd bet it's actually what most people thought.

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Just about everything you said is debatable, from Fire Emblem 'likely' getting a third rep to even if it did to 'it's gonna be Chrom'. I don't mean to be rude, but your post comes off as pretty condescending, being correct with Marth and Ike isn't anything remarkable and I'd bet it's actually what most people thought.

It isn't.

Given the Roy thing, most people weren't sure if Ike was going to come back. I myself confess to being among this crowd (in terms of being unsure of his return of course, as opposed to outright not wanting him or saying he'd be replaced), and I've seen plenty of others outside of SF that thought so too. He can be rightfully smug about this.

Only time will tell who's the Awakening rep; it's almost inevitable at this point.

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It isn't.

Given the Roy thing, most people weren't sure if Ike was going to come back. I myself confess to being among this crowd (in terms of being unsure of his return of course, as opposed to outright not wanting him or saying he'd be replaced), and I've seen plenty of others outside of SF that thought so too. He can be rightfully smug about this.

Only time will tell who's the Awakening rep; it's almost inevitable at this point.

I completely disagree with it being anything to be smug about, predicting Ike and Marth returning is in your opinion worthwhile, but not others. Given there are no statistics, no one should make a definitive claim. In fact, posts on forums can be misinterpreted in a variety of ways. I for one can testify on the few forums I go on that I've seen people who pretty much expected Ike, but that doesn't speak for the community at all. At best, you only know a small fraction of the community and as such, you're basing your opinion on that small fraction, likewise I am doing the same.

As such, no Makalov shouldn't be smug about anything, nor should anyone else including myself for making a prediction that in some peoples opinion (ie. mine) an obvious outcome. People often say Ike, Lucario, Wolf and other characters are in the 'grey' area, but that's all relative to the person. I never thought of Ike in the grey area and didn't consider the possibility of him being cut as a worthwhile possibility. On the other hand, I believe Jigglypuff has a chance of being cut and wouldn't be surprised if she was, which is as I've seen from other peoples opinion, not a possibility they're considering.

The fact that one is trying to support his argument with Chrom/Lucina with the fact that they guessed Ike/Marth returning correct is actually extremely silly.

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Who really cares in the end? Wouldn't you be hyped as all hell if you predicted something that people doubted? People do it all the time in sport events, yet no one's shutting them up

I say let him have his fun

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It's nice Ike's back n' all.

He gets Aether, so hey. I'm happy.

But seeing as the second FE character to Marth is always promotional, I was kinda stunned it wasn't Chrom...

With a Stage from Awakening, you'd think we would at least get him, or at least maybe Lucina, but...

G.G, Ike. G.G.

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I'd rather have Roy back than Lucina or Chrom. I feel like Chrom would play like an Ike and Lucina would play like a Marth. Not that I don't want them in, I do really but Roy man... and.... IKE CONFIRMED! YEAYUH. ;) I NEVER DOUBTED IT FOR A SECOND! X)

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I'd rather have Roy back than Lucina or Chrom. I feel like Chrom would play like an Ike and Lucina would play like a Marth. Not that I don't want them in, I do really but Roy man... and.... IKE CONFIRMED! YEAYUH. ;) I NEVER DOUBTED IT FOR A SECOND! X)

I personally do not want him back. The game itself ironically made me not like him more.

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I'd rather have Roy back than Lucina or Chrom. I feel like Chrom would play like an Ike and Lucina would play like a Marth. Not that I don't want them in, I do really but Roy man... and.... IKE CONFIRMED! YEAYUH. ;) I NEVER DOUBTED IT FOR A SECOND! X)

I feel like if Chrom were to use Aether, it would be more like... The actual Aether.

And Roy... He's got nothing going for him. He's a dulled down Marth, if you think about it.

But then again, now that I think about it... Wouldn't Chrom and Lucina be a copy of Marth? What would their final smash be?

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