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Would, Ike will return for the new Smash bros?

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Who really cares in the end? Wouldn't you be hyped as all hell if you predicted something that people doubted? People do it all the time in sport events, yet no one's shutting them up

I say let him have his fun

I'll admit, one of the best things of Rosalina being confirmed was seeing all the naysayers swallow their words.

There was also this guy on another board who wrote this huge essay on why Lucario wasn't returning. I haven't seen him post since he was confirmed.

Not that I constantly rejoice on these things.

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Who really cares in the end? Wouldn't you be hyped as all hell if you predicted something that people doubted? People do it all the time in sport events, yet no one's shutting them up

I say let him have his fun

There's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, but using your predictions that happened to be correct to further a point you're trying to make is silly and should be shut down.

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There's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, but using your predictions that happened to be correct to further a point you're trying to make is silly and should be shut down.

on other places on the internet, we'd assume your a buttmad lucina fan.

but i know this isn't the case so yeah i'm sorry i can't have fun at being proven right yet again, ofcourse i can't predict all the roster, but i cheer everytime a favorite gets in or when i am right.

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on other places on the internet, we'd assume your a buttmad lucina fan.

but i know this isn't the case so yeah i'm sorry i can't have fun at being proven right yet again, ofcourse i can't predict all the roster, but i cheer everytime a favorite gets in or when i am right.

Just be smug when a better prediction of yours comes true.

Marth coming back was a no-brainer, and while there were people who expected Ike to be cut, I wouldn't say it was the larger majority. People were mostly on the fence with him, especially after the returns of Toon Link and Lucario, which made people consider his return to be a real possibility. I myself predicted he was coming back, and I say the next FE newcomer (if any) won't be Chrom. So what now?

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Just be smug when a better prediction of yours comes true.

Marth coming back was a no-brainer, and while there were people who expected Ike to be cut, I wouldn't say it was the larger majority. People were mostly on the fence with him, especially after the returns of Toon Link and Lucario, which made people consider his return to be a real possibility. I myself predicted he was coming back, and I say the next FE newcomer (if any) won't be Chrom. So what now?

idk, i'm just happy i'm right.

though i do think that chrom will be the third FE add, i wouldn't care if he wasn't.

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idk, i'm just happy i'm right.

though i do think that chrom will be the third FE add, i wouldn't care if he wasn't.

Chrom has nothing unique going for him. I mean, really, what can he do that Ike can't? And what about Marth?
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Chrom has nothing unique going for him. I mean, really, what can he do that Ike can't? And what about Marth?

He can use lances for one. Not to mention he has quite a few moves in cutscenes Ike and Marth can't do like that spinning buzzsaw slash

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Maybe but its still something different for an A attack

Also people should realize Marth didn't even get the majority of his attacks from his own games but he borrowed from Jugdral

Who says another Fe character can't do the same? Chrom also has Reclass going for him in terms of possibility

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But wouldn't reclass be considered a non-Final Smash transformation though, which Sakurai isn't doing anymore?

Marth probably borrowed stuff because at the time Melee and Brawl were made, Shadow Dragon didn't even exist, so all Sakurai had to work with was his old NES titles, which probably offered nothing. xP

And since Marth is a high tier character with what he's got, why try to fix what isn't broken?

EDIT: Oh lol I just punned. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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But wouldn't reclass be considered a non-Final Smash transformation though, which Sakurai isn't doing anymore?

Marth probably borrowed stuff because at the time Melee and Brawl were made, Shadow Dragon didn't even exist, so all Sakurai had to work with was his old NES titles, which probably offered nothing. xP

And since Marth is a high tier character with what he's got, why try to fix what isn't broken?

Marth also had an SNES game, also I meant with reclass being part of his move set not changing characters entirely. Like he could ride a mount for an attack or use a Bow for something as well as the possible lances

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