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NFL 2014-2015 Season: Super Bowl Champion Patriots


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I vote this best game of 2014...

No, this is the worst. The absolute worst. If this was more competitive, even if the Steelers still lost after that, it would've been way better. But this is just utterly terrible.

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Just rub more salt in the wound, why don't you?

I...can't show my face here anymore. This is too embarrassingly pathetic. So I guess I'm departing from this thread. I don't know if I'll keep making the NFL threads either, depends on what the future holds, I suppose. But see you all around for now. Find me elsewhere in the forum if you want to talk.

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Just rub more salt in the wound, why don't you?

I...can't show my face here anymore. This is too embarrassingly pathetic. So I guess I'm departing from this thread. I don't know if I'll keep making the NFL threads either, depends on what the future holds, I suppose. But see you all around for now. Find me elsewhere in the forum if you want to talk.

Are you quitting your own thread because your club lost a big match

because uh

that's kind of the nature of sport. It happens.

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Just rub more salt in the wound, why don't you?

I...can't show my face here anymore. This is too embarrassingly pathetic. So I guess I'm departing from this thread. I don't know if I'll keep making the NFL threads either, depends on what the future holds, I suppose. But see you all around for now. Find me elsewhere in the forum if you want to talk.

chill out, it's not like you played in the game. you don't have power over these sorts of things. my team lost its first game to the vikings 34-6. and one of my favorite players in the league is out all season because of an injury during pre-season.

it's not the end of the world.

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Are you quitting your own thread because your club lost a big match

because uh

that's kind of the nature of sport. It happens.

Lost a big match BADLY. And to a team I've never liked at all. And after I'd basically been saying that the Steelers will put up a fight. And after saying this to a Ravens fan (Lord Raven). So yes, I'm leaving here, at least for awhile. Saying "anymore" was stretching it a bit, I guess, but yeah.

chill out, it's not like you played in the game. you don't have power over these sorts of things. my team lost its first game to the vikings 34-6. and one of my favorite players in the league is out all season because of an injury during pre-season.

it's not the end of the world.

Again, it's not so much that they lost at all, it's HOW they lost.

Edited by Anacybele
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no, because you're making this into so much a bigger deal for yourself than it needs to be. so you lost badly, who gives a shit? guaranteed the steelers are gonna be celebrating tonight anyway.

(btw the rams got creamed. my loss is actually worse in terms of how the teams played, i think.)

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no, because you're making this into so much a bigger deal for yourself than it needs to be. so you lost badly, who gives a shit? guaranteed the steelers are gonna be celebrating tonight anyway.

And what reason would they have to celebrate?

Also, AGAIN, it's not so much the loss itself. It's HOW it happened. I said it would be a close game since the Steelers seemed fired up after last season. But I got proven wrong COMPLETELY.

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Well, you're not me. And like I said, I was also telling you that the Steelers would play well and give the Ravens a hard time. Can't you all see how embarrassing this is for me?

Oh yeah because I totally wasn't saying the Ravens would have their way with the Patriots, shut down their mediocre receivers, pressure Tom Brady like crazy, and their defense was weak enough that our weak offense could put up points.




Fuckin' awesome.

Edited by Lord Raven
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And what reason would they have to celebrate?

Also, AGAIN, it's not so much the loss itself. It's HOW it happened. I said it would be a close game since the Steelers seemed fired up after last season. But I got proven wrong COMPLETELY.

i was only in hs football and 5 minutes later my team and i were having a great time whether it was a win or loss (happier if it was a win, but that's not the point).

these dudes play football for a living and arguably make way too much money doing it. a loss, trust me as a fellow football player, isn't as soul crushing as you make it out to be.

i feel like the place you'll see the most heart is college ball, anyway.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Well, I handle embarrassment differently than some people, okay? And I'm not used to seeing my team get blown out. The Rams seem to have that happen to them all over the place lately.

Ben is right about what he says happened though. Self-inflicted mistakes. Like I said before, penalties killed them. Those dropped passes and turnovers killed them.

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Week 1 was great to me. Bills won a game on the road that they were expected to lose, and the patriots didn't just lose. They lost bad. I recently moved to NH so I got to watch the entire Pats-Phins game. The patriots are going to be either 4-5 or 3-6 at their bye and they will finish the season with 8 or less wins. As long as EJ stays healthy and plays all 16 games, I see the bills with 10 or 11 wins and a playoff berth.

The bills have 5 "Williams" on their team. 4 on defense and 1 on offense.

I am so sick of espn talking about ray rice. Everyone is over-reacting to and over-analyzing this shit. The only thing that video showed me was exactly what I pictured happening when we heard about it months ago. Ray shouldn't have lost his career and Roger Goodell's ability to do his job shouldn't be getting questioned.

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hawk king, i know you hate the pats, but that statement was just flat out stupid. the pats have historically been bad against the dolphins. they have to them more often in the last ten years then they have to the jets and bills combined. if you honestly think that was how they're gonna play every week then i do not know what to tell you.

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Goodell's issue here is that he fucked up quite a bit of incidents. Spygate and Bountygate to name a few, as well as the fact that I believe there have been TWO lockouts. Now he's outlined a policy for domestic violence that he, himself, did not follow, allowing him to basically overwrite anything that gives him bad press. It's also resulting in pressure for other teams to get rid of their players convicted of DV before due process - Greg Hardy is speculated to be cut in 15 minutes or so, even though his case hasn't even finished yet.

The only thing is that the league is making so much money that the owners don't really care.

The bills have 5 "Williams" on their team. 4 on defense and 1 on offense.

We have 4 Smiths; Torrey Smith, Daryl Smith, Steve Smith (Sr.) and Jimmy Smith. Oddly enough Torrey Smith's real first name is James, so we have two James Smiths on our team.
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I'm pretty sure the lockouts are by the players and the owners, the commissioner is paid by the owners to run the league and has really no say in the collective bargaining agreements. He handled the Ray Rice incident like all other domestic violence abuse by nfl players (and other criminal offenses really). Brandon Marshall has had 3 domestic violence arrest and he only got suspended 1 game total. The media is just overreacting because it was caught on video. Every year there are players who get caught for domestic violence where they choked the woman or they beat her or whatever and no one gave a shit because there wasn't any video of it. Greg Hardy got convicted and they are appealing is what I thought was happening.

Also, they always try to avoid bad press. The NFL is a business trying to make money. They don't really care about any of the players or their well being really unless it would stop them from getting wins, see Aldon Smith. Frankly if you didn't already know this about pro sports in general it is a little naive of you.

I still love watching football but lets be realistic, they aren't saints out there, the players and the owners and everyone involved in it, they are just human beings.

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Okay, I'm coming back for two reasons. One, I'm getting tired of Steeler fans saying Tomlin or Haley or Ben should get the boot. I do still think we could use a better OC than Haley, but none of these three were to blame for the Ravens blowing them out. Ben was doing his damndest out there, the rest of his offense kept making him look bad (except guys like Bell, Miller, and Antonio Brown that is) and the defense raked in too many major penalties. Ben got sacked like three times because the o-line started looking bad again when they had seemingly gotten better.

It was like Ben said himself, they beat themselves. Tomlin was even shaking his head repeatedly on the sidelines as if to say "this isn't Steeler football at all." He wasn't happy.

The defense was actually looking pretty decent too, they stuffed Flacco's crew several times. But they need to be CONSISTENT with this. They're too ALL OVER the place. Shazier also needs to tackle low more often. He seems to have trouble with high tackles and is probably just not strong enough for them.

But yeah, if the Steelers are to have ANY chance against the Panthers next week, who are supposed to have a defense strong enough to take on the fricking Seahawks, that offense needs to stop this crap completely.

Second reason is a post I saw on Facebook. The Steelers apparently visited people in the hospital while in Baltimore. That's just amazing. These guys rock even when losing.

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Defense didn't stuff the offense that many times - there were a couple stuffs but they were horrendous on third down. Remember we only punted twice and settled for field goals because the game was up 13 points and the TDs scored earlier were designed rollouts and basically based around getting a receiver open. They ran it in to burn clock and it was obvious. Ravens still marched down the field and hit the 1 yard line a few times.

On top of that, hate to be the one to break it but Ben was horrific in that game. Starting in the second quarter he was missing a ton of passes that are routine and he doesn't normally miss them; they weren't even dropped they were just thrown in the wrong place, he didn't have the proper throwing lane, etc. The entire offense, from the QB and OL down to the receivers was just bad.

My theory as to why Tomlin's not on the hot seat is a lot like Rex Ryan (except Ryan is a much better coach); the FO kinda screwed him with the cap and contracts that he has almost nothing to work with. Their drafts haven't been too great either, and I dunno if Haley crafted a good game or not but the execution was horrendous so I don't think Haley should be getting much blame there.

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