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NFL 2014-2015 Season: Super Bowl Champion Patriots


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Ryan Mathews returns to practice for candy, Halloween time, he is practicing. Prediction: Ryan Matthews = Main String RB Branden Oliver = Woodhead role Donald Brown = Late game back when defense is tired or to carry the load when resting the other RBs. Though he'll likely be out until the Raiders game. The Raiders game is the earliest Melvin Ingram will return, late season boost is great.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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You stated your argument... And I refuted it... And I got no response... Just "I don't want to read that"...

Donald Brown is an odd player, he's that guy who runs a shotgun draw at the most random times. Not a good workhorse back at all, and generally just a bust for Indianapolis.

Edited by Lord Raven
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You stated your argument... And I refuted it... And I got no response... Just "I don't want to read that"...

Donald Brown is an odd player, he's that guy who runs a shotgun draw at the most random times. Not a good workhorse back at all, and generally just a bust for Indianapolis.

The only reason he signed with us + Dwight Freeney because Tom Telesco is a bit bias. He used to be a scout for Indianapolis before he became General Manager. Dwight Freeney was a hit. Donald Brown only really had 2 good years. 2011 and 2013. Sadly enough Telesco's bias gave him a $10 million dollar contract with $4 million guaranteed. So we're pretty much going to use him somehow.

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I don't care what was going on with the Colts in their game against the Steelers, it was still the awesomest Steeler game I ever saw. ^^

Many of us fans are saying they need to give the Ravens similar treatment too, and I agree! For two reasons: 1, the team showed just how well they are capable of playing, and 2, it'd be the perfect revenge for week 2. Here's to dishing out more punishment and moving up in the AFC North!

Also, on a somewhat related topic, William Gay's purple cleats in the Steelers vs Colts game have been explained. He's wearing them because of domestic violence awareness and he wants to promote it. He thinks it's just as important as breast cancer awareness and I agree with him. I myself have been a victim of domestic violence as well (though not nearly to the degree that Gay was. The poor guy was orphaned along with his brothers when his stepfather murdered his mother and then killed himself), so I support everything and anything Gay does! The NFL was going to FINE this guy for wearing the wrong colored shoes, but thankfully, they had a heart. And I give kudos to Ike Taylor as well for coming to Gay's support and offering to pay the fine himself if it really was handed out. Taylor is going to continue to support Gay too. These guys are just awesome. Some NFL players are fools and asses, but others are worth looking up to, like these two.

And Lord Raven, before you ask, no, Gay didn't go bitching about Ray Rice or anything. In fact, he said that he wants to tell Rice his story, implying that he wants to attempt to help the guy turn his behavior around. This says that Gay also believes in second chances and he isn't letting the past blind him. I like that a lot.

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I don't think any athletes gonna kick rice while he is down but I don't think Ray Lewis should have gone on air saying that "my situation doesn't compare to Rice's." I think Ray Lewis needs to be fired from ESPN and just spend time breaking down film elther for a team or for NFLN, he is awful on ESPN. Brilliant guy on the field but I can't stand him as an analyst.

A bunch of people have reached out to Rice at any rate. I've said this elsewhere but it's fitting that our colors are purple.

You'd consider Donald Browns 2013 a good year? I remember him getting all of 500 yards, he definitely got like 300 of those in two games. He seemed pretty useless... Maybe I am thinking of Trent Richardson but nothing about Donald Brown has ever been good or reliable. I'm glad Ryan Mathews is back though, he's a beast when he's healthy.

Speaking of RBs who is in a fantasy league? I went from 0-4 to 3-5 because Mark Ingram came back and I traded Calvin Johnson for Sammy Watkins and Justin Forsett.. I'm glad my RB situation is good now.

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I have to agree with that, it IS fitting that the Ravens have purple for their color.

William Gay actually got Vikings cleats (just with the Nike check mark colored gold so they can still kinda match the Steelers uniforms), but yeah.

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I don't think any athletes gonna kick rice while he is down but I don't think Ray Lewis should have gone on air saying that "my situation doesn't compare to Rice's." I think Ray Lewis needs to be fired from ESPN and just spend time breaking down film elther for a team or for NFLN, he is awful on ESPN. Brilliant guy on the field but I can't stand him as an analyst.

A bunch of people have reached out to Rice at any rate. I've said this elsewhere but it's fitting that our colors are purple.

You'd consider Donald Browns 2013 a good year? I remember him getting all of 500 yards, he definitely got like 300 of those in two games. He seemed pretty useless... Maybe I am thinking of Trent Richardson but nothing about Donald Brown has ever been good or reliable. I'm glad Ryan Mathews is back though, he's a beast when he's healthy.

Speaking of RBs who is in a fantasy league? I went from 0-4 to 3-5 because Mark Ingram came back and I traded Calvin Johnson for Sammy Watkins and Justin Forsett.. I'm glad my RB situation is good now.

By Donald Brown standards. Yes. LOL

The only reliable thing about Donald Brown is he doesn't have fumble-itis.

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lol wow, I love NFL.com's Football Baby videos. XD At first, I didn't want to take these seriously, because really, a baby dressed as a football making game predictions? Yeah, doesn't sound like something you should take seriously. I only watched them for the entertainment. :P

But Football Baby is uncannily accurate. He went 4-0 last week, including picking the Skins over the Cowboys! He might have just gotten really lucky this time around, and besides that, it was only four games out of like a dozen, so yeah. But just for the fun of it, some of his picks today are the Steelers, Patriots, and Eagles.

I'd prefer that Pey-Pey and his Broncos win over the Pats, but I can hope that he's right about the Steelers winning today. ^^

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Yeah, I'm actually kinda surprised at how bad the Chargers are right now. xP

Also, just as I figured, the Jags and Bucs just can't do it against the Bengals and Browns... But that's okay for now. If the Steelers can get the Ravens out of their way, all they need to do is take a broom to the Bengals themselves and they can win the division.

The Ravens are the main obstacle now though. But I hope this game is good, because the Steelers likely want revenge for week 2 and the Ravens are likely mad about their recent loss to the Bengals, so both have good reasons to go in angry and fired up!

Broncos vs Pats ought to be good too though, for obvious reasons! This game is in about an hour and Steelers vs Ravens is on later tonight!

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The Brandon Weeden experiment is failing terribly for the Cowboys it seems

Man the chargers didn't even show up to play. Meanwhile Sanchez has a better game than Foles has had all year.

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...This has got to be the luckiest play of the season. Just wow. lol

Also, way to go Dolphins for shutting out the Chargers. ^^

EDIT: Oh, also, Football Baby is perfectly accurate so far again! He picked the Dolphins and the Eagles. Does this baby have psychic powers? Just dang. lol

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The Brandon Weeden experiment is failing terribly for the Cowboys it seems

Color me shocked.

Anyway, many Browns fans are being way to optimistic right now. We lost to the Jaguars and just barely beat the Buccaneers and Titans. All of those are garbage teams this year, and our 23-13 win against the Raiders wasn't nearly as close as our wins against the Titans and the Buccs but if we were truly a good team we would have crushed them. We have a few more "weak" teams to play yet (Texans, Falcons, and Panthers are all not looking so hot this year), but not as weak as the last three. And we also have to play the Bengals twice, the Colts, and the Ravens at their stadium. There's also the Bills, but I can't tell right now if they're actually a good team or just having a bit of good luck like we are.

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Color me shocked.

Anyway, many Browns fans are being way to optimistic right now. We lost to the Jaguars and just barely beat the Buccaneers and Titans. All of those are garbage teams this year, and our 23-13 win against the Raiders wasn't nearly as close as our wins against the Titans and the Buccs but if we were truly a good team we would have crushed them. We have a few more "weak" teams to play yet (Texans, Falcons, and Panthers are all not looking so hot this year), but not as weak as the last three. And we also have to play the Bengals twice, the Colts, and the Ravens at their stadium. There's also the Bills, but I can't tell right now if they're actually a good team or just having a bit of good luck like we are.

Yeah I agree, that offense in general seems to be a mess since Mack went down. I'm not sure I'd pick them over the Texans, Panthers, or Bills at this point honestly.

@Broncos Patriots are a good team, tough to beat at home. Somehow, that offense went from terrible to firing on all cylinders between them getting blown out by the Chiefs and them blowing out the Bengals.

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Pey-Pey, why is your team getting blown out by the Pats...?


Yeah I agree, that offense in general seems to be a mess since Mack went down. I'm not sure I'd pick them over the Texans, Panthers, or Bills at this point honestly.

@Broncos Patriots are a good team, tough to beat at home. Somehow, that offense went from terrible to firing on all cylinders between them getting blown out by the Chiefs and them blowing out the Bengals.

i think its mostly related to how healthy gronk has been. and how much lafell and brady seem to be in sync. but mostly gronk. because really how the hell do you stop him, grahm or thomas. aside from manning not throwing the ball your way.

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...I don't see what's so facepalming about my question? I'm merely wondering why Peyton chokes on big games all the time. First the Super Bowl, now this... .>.>

Anyway, Steelers vs Ravens is about to start! LET'S GO STEELERS!! We need that team that crushed the Colts to keep doing what they were doing! And make Football Baby go perfect again since he's now 3-0. :D (though how this kid does it, I don't know. :P)

*song* Here we go, Steelers! Here we go! Pittsburgh, go and take the Ravens out! *song*

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...I don't see what's so facepalming about my question? I'm merely wondering why Peyton chokes on big games all the time. First the Super Bowl, now this... .>.>

Anyway, Steelers vs Ravens is about to start! LET'S GO STEELERS!! We need that team that crushed the Colts to keep doing what they were doing! And make Football Baby go perfect again since he's now 3-0. :D (though how this kid does it, I don't know. :P)

*song* Here we go, Steelers! Here we go! Pittsburgh, go and take the Ravens out! *song*

whats facepalm worthy is that peyton isnt playing a shitty team that shot at beating him. hes playing a team ranked third in defensive pass yardage coming in, probably fifth after this game but what you gonna do. not onnly that but he was up against a team that had scored an average of 39.8 points per game. and yet you still wonder why he got beat.

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yah and he was playing in new england weather which is a big deal, new england weather is not great.

Fuckin' Torrey Smith. Love that guy. Disappointing season but amazing person, decent receiver and great person.


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Looks like the Ravens D is having some trouble holding back Blount when they were stopping Bell just fine. Haha.

But the offense still needs to find a pass game here too. And not get such garbage field position every freaking drive... They need to fire up like last week!

EDIT: Which is not happening... Letting Ben get sacked three times in a row? What the FUCK. Where the hell is the o-line that did so well last week?

EDIT2: Aaaand, now the Ravens are finally giving me some entertainment. A fumble recovered by the Steelers, then the birds get THREE penalties in one play. That was just hilarious. XD I'm sorry, Lord Raven, but even if the Steelers lose this game, that'll keep me laughing for awhile. lol Now Le'Veon Bell for the TD! Finally something is happening here!

EDIT3: FLACCO GETS PICKED OFF!! WOOOOO!! I love seeing him throw picks and now one of my Steelers got one off of him! :D FUCK YEAH!

EDIT4: Martavis Bryant for the TD catch! I told you this rookie was for real! That's at least one TD in every game he's played in so far! 14-7 Steelers! For a little while there though, I was afraid this was going to go just like week 2. But nope! That's out the window! ^^

EDIT5: And now our defense has NONE of its best players because they keep getting hurt again! First Shazier for the second fucking time, then Harrison, now Polamalu, you god damn idiot, why'd you have to try plowing that guy like that? You've likely broken your ankle the way you were hopping off the field! Ike Taylor and Jarvis Jones are still out too. It's going to be up to the offense at this point, I think. Our defense has just taken too many blows...

EDIT6: Alright, that was too close for comfort. Polamalu and Harrison are both back in, lucky guys. xP

EDIT7: HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF SHIT!! After a BEN BOMB TD to Markus Wheaton, a fucked up FG kick turns into TWO POINTS!! 22-10 STEELERS!! And Harbaugh is just like...what the fuck just happened. lol

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Watching ana spam edits when no one posts is great.

Not watching the Bears lose this week was the highlight of my weekend. Congratulations to the team for pulling off not losing while at home. Really encouraging.

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What else can I do when no one else posts? xP

Anyway, Tomlin, that was an idiot move. Flacco's knee wasn't quite down (close, but not down), as much as I hate to say it. -_- Now we're going to lose a timeout.

Also, Polamalu is out for real now, ugh... For the same reason Shazier is too. Ankle sprains on both.

EDIT: We actually won that challenge, I'm surprised. It was the shin that was down, not the knee. I didn't know that counted. But am I ever glad to be wrong. The Ravens are just shooting themselves in the foot now. I'm guessing they're mad. But I hope they cool off, I don't really want the Steelers to win because their opponents are getting a bunch of bad penalties. Although, I'd have to accept it if this is the case...

And now we have one timeout left and the third quarter isn't even over... Seriously?

EDIT2: *major fangirl squee* ANTONIO BROWN!!! EEEEE!! YEAAAAAAH!! BIG TD RUN!! He ran all over those silly birds and put on the JETS!! Now it's your turn to get blown out, Ravens! STEELER NATION LOVES YOU, AB! :D 29-10 Steelers!!

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