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Awakening Avatar Run

Awakening Avatar Run Poll  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Who were your favorite avatars to read about this run?

  2. 2. Who do you feel should be MVP of this run?

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I needed an excuse to run a hard mode classic file (because somehow I've played a lunatic classic run and a hard mode draft, but never an actual hard mode file) and to get Chrom married to the generic maiden. I figured an avatar draft was the best idea.

Also, I've already decided on all of the logbook avatars who will be in this run and spent a good 4 or so hours getting all of them into the logbook, so please don't ask me to include your avatar if yours is not already here. I don't have the room to run another avatar's file because all my "casual file" save slots are taken up, and my two main avatar files are already in the other two slots.

The main avatar for this run will be Robin, whose customizations will be in the table provided below. While I normally have him marry Miriel, he will be single in this run for the sake of getting a single avatar ending, and since no one else I'm using can marry.

Chrom will be used in every chapter, since I can't bench him. However, EVERYONE ELSE (including Lucina) will not be used once I get a deployment screen. I want access to all the paralogues, though, so I will be grinding the parents in EXP Growth "behind the scenes" (not that it should affect the run since they won't be used). For the sake of getting the logbook avatars the skills that their creators had wanted on them, they will be getting some EXP Growth love too, but not THAT much.

I don't have a Miiverse account, nor do I really WANT one, so no promises on pictures. I'll see if I can snap a few with my phone a few times, though.

Anything else I remember will be added on later.

Let's see if I still remember how to do tables ...

Unit     Asset    Flaw    BD   EY   HR   HC   VC   GD   Creator
Robin    Magic    Skill   01   02   04   09   01   MA   Sangyul
Erin     Magic    Str     01   04   05   02   01   FE   Friend 1
Robin    Speed    Luck    01   01   02   05   01   MA   Friend 2
Jamie    Skill    Luck    01   01   04   01   01   MA   Friend 3
Silvia   Speed    Str     01   01   01   01   01   FE   Vashiane
Silver   Magic    Spd     01   01   01   01   01   MA   Vashiane
Hjordis  Str      Res     03   02   04   09   03   FE   Lumi/Thor
Mira     Magic    Def     03   01   04   02   01   FE   Aqua
Loki     Speed    Luck    01   04   03   09   01   MA   Florina/Loki
Rey      Magic    Luck    01   02   05   09   02   MA   shadowofchaos
Belinda  Luck     Def     02   01   02   09   01   FE   Bindi
Kelli    Str      Def     01   04   03   13   01   FE   Anacybele
Luna     Def      Luck    01   01   03   19   03   FE   Sangyul
Raven    HP       Spd     01   01   05   20   01   FE   Sangyul
Luka     Luck     Res     01   02   01   17   02   MA   Sangyul

Premonition - 2/2

Chrom and Robin paired up, ran over to Validar, and stabbed him in the face with Chrom's Silver Sword.

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Oh, forgot to mention this. Friends 1, 2, and 3 are my IRL friends who have Awakening and whose avatars I've streetpassed. Erin is the lowest leveled of the three, while other Robin and Jamie are higher leveled. (Also, yes, I know there isn't a lot of diversity in the creators but I literally got this idea at ~9 PM my time so I asked people who were around.) I'll also use Golden Gaffe as many times as I need to hire logbook avatars, forge their stuff, and buy equipment. However, characters I am using CANNOT be used in Golden Gaffe. I think this is a fair rule.

Prologue - 11

Chrom: You all right?

​Robin: Yeah, but where are all the others?

Lissa: Others? What others?

​Frederick: Milord, I fear we may have picked up a madman ...

I paired up Robin and Chrom for this map and had them basically clear everything. Didn't really need Frederick at this point, and Lissa healed whenever she could. Chrom seems to like dual attacking, even though there's no chance of him and Robin having a support. Chrom found a tree branch on the first event tile. Also, Chrom REALLY likes dual attacking! Robin gets enough speed to double near the end of the map. Holy crap, Chrom faces 7% crit against the boss! Robin returns the favor for all the dual attacks and finishes off the boss on the EP with a dual attack.

Also, if it wasn't obvious, I am not playing for LTCs or anything more than just fooling around and getting people as much EXP and combat as they can get.

Unit     Level    HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom    02.73    21   08   01   08   09   06   07   02
Robin    03.87    20   07   09   05   08   05   07   04

I'll only be putting in stats for characters I am actually using.

Chapter 1 - 6

Frederick: Milord! Milady! Are you all right?

Lissa: Frederick! There are monsters everywhere!

Chrom: Everyone, get ready to fight!

​Robin: … This day just got worse, didn't it?

I pair Robin and Chrom up again and move them to the bottom fort (the one with the event tile). Both Chrom and Robin gained some neat stats in the previous chapter to be able to double stuff, so I'm happy. Chrom finds an Ephraim Lance. Frederick is still not needed, so he takes Lissa and retreats.

Robin and Chrom switch on the next phase so that Robin is in the lead (and Chrom still likes to dual attack). Sully and Virion show up, pair up, and sit on the forest tile not too far from Robin and Chrom to lure in some enemies. Frederick and Lissa move down because people need healing. Virion also likes to dual attack.

Chrom gets knocked down to about half health, so everyone starts retreating towards the upper event tile. Robin takes out the archer on the EP and softens the boss. Everyone moves out of the boss' range. Virion steps on the event tile and get a support boost with Sully (fine, you two can get married) and Chrom finishes off the boss.

Unit     Level    HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom    04.23    23   09   01   10   11   08   07   02
Robin    05.02    22   07   11   06   09   06   08   05
Edited by Sangyul
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This is cash. The little bits of conversation you're writing are neat, too. I'll be following this.

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Thankfully, there are only two more chapters until I can start recruiting avatars, so this won't be the "Robin and Chrom show with all those people called the Shepherds" for long. How much gold I can scrape up once the wireless feature is unlocked will end up determining which avatars get recruited first.

Chapter 2 - ???

Vaike: But can he do this? *belches*
Maribelle: Vaike, you abhorrent buffoon! *beats Vaike over the head with her parasol*
​Chrom: … What is going on here?
Sumia: Oh, captain! *trips and falls on her face*
Robin: I hate all of you already.

And to demonstrate just how much he hates the Shepherds, Robin starts off the chapter by missing a mercenary with thunder. Sully paired up with Virion manages to tank most of the EP, with Robin and Chrom (not paired up but next to each other) taking on one on the EP. Frederick actually get some action this chapter.

Miriel shows up on turn 2. I have Stahl paired up with Vaike weaken an enemy for Robin to finish off. Chrom kills a soldier Sully weakened on the EP. Lissa heals Sully. Virion weakens a risen that someone else had weakened on the previous EP. Miriel moves next to Robin and finishes that guy off. Only one enemy left on the EP after Frederick killed something at full health.

Sully and Virion step on an event file and get a support boost. Lissa heals, while Robin and Miriel finish off something else again. Frederick pairs up with Chrom to give him more defense. Virion snipes at the mercenary Chrom weakened. Chrom kills the barbarian that Robin weakened. Lissa heals Robin, who moves up next to Chrom and weakens a mercenary, which suicides on Chrom on the EP after a soldier attacks Robin. Miriel finishes off the soldier weakened by Robin, who moves up onto the event tile and gets EXP.

After that, Lissa heals everyone and once she's done Robin pairs up with Chrom and they move up to kill the boss. It takes 2 turns, but Robin crit-kills him on the second EP. I also forgot to keep track of how many turns this chapter took, lol. It was probably 12-14.

Chapter 3 - 13

Robin: I hate the cold.

Frederick: Milord, the Feroxi appear to be getting ready to attack us!

Chrom: What? Why would they do such a -- waaaaaaah!

Sumia: I got you, captain!

Time to unlock some supports! (Because I forgot to do so last chapter.) Sully and Virion have attained a C support at this point, and Robin and Chrom got their C as well.

YAY I GET A DEPLOYMENT SCREEN! And, uh, fuck, I don't remember if the enemies charge at you like in lunatic mode or only if you get in range like normal. Considering that my team is not very well leveled even at this point, I'll deploy Frederick and Lissa to be safe, Sully and Virion to get some support points, and Miriel for bias points shut up.

Cutscene happens and Sumia flies Chrom to safety. Vashiane votes that I pair Sumia and Frederick together, and I'm going to pair Miriel with Kellam in this run so that helps a lot.

Chrom and Robin stand in front of everything, with the others in range. Robin dual guards Robin from a soldier, then dual attacks to finish the guy off. An archer attacks Sully. Chrom dodges the second soldier and gets attacked by an archer (that he dodges). Robin suggests pair up about 3 chapters after I started using it. Miriel weakens the archer that attacked Sully, which Sumia finishes off. Sully stabs the second soldier in the face and Robin finishes it off.

It appears that enemies won't aggro me in hard mode, so I decide to send everyone not named Chrom, Robin, and Lissa over to the other side of the map, so I can get some support points on them. Chrom gets hit by an armor knight, gets pissed, and crits the guy to death. Sully gets a good level up. Miriel finishes off an enemy Sully weakened on the EP and (amusingly) gets strength. Things like to suicide on Sumia. Miriel steps on the event tile and gets experience. Chrom gets weapon experience on the second event tile and C swords.

Sully, Virion, Sumia, and Frederick catch up with Chrom and Robin, and they get a little fighting action on enemies near Raimi. Robin and Chrom finish off Raimi.

Unit     Level    HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom    07.33    25   10   01   11   14   11   09   03
Robin    09.31    25   11   14   10   11   08   09   06

At this point, the wireless feature is unlocked on my game but the outrealm gate is not. Which means I have to mull over who's going to be my first pick. Do I want one of my healers (Silver or Luna, with Silver getting higher priority by virtue of not being mine) or another fighter if I can only pick one? Maybe I should put up a poll ...

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Vaike: But can he do this? *belches*

Maribelle: Vaike, you abhorrent buffoon! *beats Vaike over the head with her parasol*

​Chrom: … What is going on here?

Sumia: Oh, captain! *trips and falls on her face*

Robin: I hate all of you already.

Literal gold. And that's just the little tidbits of conversation! xD

As for the poll... Priest. You need healer ASAP.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm glad the conversation makes up for the lack of screenshots XD

Also, slight predicament. I actually can't hire Silver unless I can come up with 12000 more gold without selling everything I have (which is not a good idea). So I can definitely only hire one non-Silver avatar, and Lissa and Frederick will see another chapter of use.

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Yeah, this poll is pretty much unanimous XD That one vote on Silver gets defaulted to leader (Silvia), and Mira is the only other one with more than 0 votes, so welcome to the team first, Silvia! And Frederick and Lissa will get another chapter of use, and then I can drop them because Golden Gaffe.

Chapter 4 - ???

Lissa: Chrom! There's someone standing behind you!

Chrom: What?! Um, who are you?

Robin: Silvia? When did you get here?

Silvia: What are you talking about? I was here the whole time.

Frederick: Milord, they're multiplying ...

Yes, chapter 4 is a bit of an awkward time to recruit a new avatar, so Silvia has apparently been with the group the entire time and no one noticed her. Stop taking invisibility lessons from Kellam, Silvia XD

I also bought a staff for Lissa (because she has 3 charges left), and I was incredibly lucky that recruiting Silvia left me with 600 gold, exactly the cost of a heal staff. I REALLY need to get more gold now!

[5/3/14 5:30:21 PM] Boron: In other words, Silvia was considerate enough to leave me with ~just~ enough money to buy Lissa a staff

[5/3/14 5:30:36 PM] Vash: D'aww, Silvia, look at you, having a sweet side!

Frederick and Lissa get one more chapter of use, until I can recruit everyone else eventually. Chrom pairs up with Lissa and Silvia pairs up with Robin. The tacticians run to the right and Silvia steps on an event tile, getting experience. Chrom and Frederick go the other way. Lissa stays out of enemy range. Frederick likes dual attacking with Chrom, apparently. Silvia kills the mage and claims his thunder tome.
Chrom and Robin draw in the armor knights on the EP and finish them off easily. Silvia has not learned the art of dual attacking, so Robin fails to kill the hand axe fighter with a sword. Lissa heals Chrom, who finishes off the other fighter.
I move Chrom and Frederick to the other event tile and unequip Frederick. Chrom finds a Seliph's Blade. Robin doesn't have the speed to double Masked Marth, but Silvia does. I think Chrom faces 1% crit from Lucina, and I don't want to risk that because low crit percentages always bite you in the butt when you least expect it. Silvia gets her first boss kill. (She also dodged a 73% chance to get hit. Silvia thanks all her dedicated and loyal followers for voting her to be the first avatar in this run.)
While I don't have Hjordis yet, I'm going to pretend that Basilio lent her to us along with Lon'qu. This is the part where Robin would say something about how the Feroxi are nuts and he doesn't like them, but I think he's too busy being afraid of Hjordis to actually say it.
Unit     Level    HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom    08.60    26   11   01   12   15   11   10   03
Robin    10.12    25   12   15   10   12   08   09   06
Silvia   14.28    30   16   12   10   16   12   11   08
I'm still waiting for the moment where I find out I messed up Silvia's modifications because her flaw is so not strength. :/
New poll up in a minute.
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I guess Hjordis is some sort of bonus prize! Like the champagne you get with the sports car you win! Keep it up!

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I move Chrom and Frederick to the other event tile and unequip Frederick. Chrom finds a Seliph's Blade. Robin doesn't have the speed to double Masked Marth, but Silvia does. I think Chrom faces 1% crit from Lucina, and I don't want to risk that because low crit percentages always bite you in the butt when you least expect it. Silvia gets her first boss kill. (She also dodged a 73% chance to get hit. Silvia thanks all her dedicated and loyal followers for voting her to be the first avatar in this run.)

Protip: Cht.4 Lucina can't critical. At all. The Masked Marth cut-in uses her "normal" voice, which would be a spoiler so the devs just disabled it. It still appears on Lunatic+ if she has Luna+, but that requires a clear of the game to unlock so they didn't care.

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Protip: Cht.4 Lucina can't critical. At all. The Masked Marth cut-in uses her "normal" voice, which would be a spoiler so the devs just disabled it. It still appears on Lunatic+ if she has Luna+, but that requires a clear of the game to unlock so they didn't care.

Oh yeah, I think I remember soc talking about that, but I completely forgot. I'll just say that Silvia had to look better for her adoring public.

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After several behind-the-scene hours of grinding at Golden Gaffe and clearing skirmishes with non-avatar units (and unlocking a few good levels of supports), I have the first few avatars recruited. Erin, Mira, Hjordis, Silver, and Kelli join the run.

Chapter 5 - 12

Erin: Hey, Robin! Did you hear about the -- *starts blabbering on*

Mira: Whew, I'm glad I made it before things got too crazy.

Hjordis: Direct me at whatever enemy you want skewered on my lance.

​Silver: … Silvia? What are you doing here?

​Kelli: I'm here, everyone! But … where's my Freddy Bear?

Chrom: He, uh, fainted. He said something about how 'they're everywhere' and collapsed. I don't think he will be on a battlefield anytime soon …

Robin: Somebody just kill me now.

This chapter has just enough deployment spots to let me use all the avatars I've recruited so far, plus an extra spot. Silver's experience gain from staves kind of sucks, but we'll see if I decide he needs paragon later or not. Silvia pairs up with Mira, Robin with Erin, Hjordis with Chrom, and Kelli with Silver. Mira kills the bandit blocking the entrance, while Erin and Robin team up on the myrmidon. I move Maribelle and Ricken to a safe spot after pairing them up. Hjordis and Chrom go left and take out the dark mage. (Also, Hjordis is a cavalier. Everyone else minus Silver is a tactician.) Kelli and Silver move up. On the EP, a bandit suicides on Kelli while the other attacks Hjordis.

Silver heals Mira and she takes out a wyvern on the mountain. Erin hits a bandit with fire. Maribelle and Ricken retreat. Hjordis and Chrom move up. Silvia helps Mira take out an enemy on the EP, twice. Things suicide on Mira, almost killing her, but she pulled through. Robin attacks a barbarian with his sword. Silvia uses a sword to take out a myrmidon. Hjordis and Chrom continue to move up, and on the EP a reinforcement pops up next to them. Robin and Erin dual attack quite a bit together, as do Chrom and Hjordis.

Chrom switches to lead to take out Orton, because Hjordis with a bronze lance fell short just a bit. Mira and Silvia move to take out a dark mage that was creeping on Ricken and Maribelle. Mira needs more speed. Robin breaks stuff on his face, and stuff almost breaks Robin's face. I pause for a moment to heal everyone up, then I have Erin partner up with Kelli so she can actually do stuff this chapter. Kelli steps on the event tile and gets experience. The others crowd behind her. Silvia takes out the dark mage that attacked her instead of Kelli (the question is WHY, Silvia was equipped with a tome and Kelli a sword). Silver heals Silvia, then Kelli finishes off the myrmidon she didn't double and chapter clear.


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I wonder how much strength Hjordy has rn

She has 24 strength as a level 11 cavalier. I can't remember what level she was before I reclassed her from tactician, though.

EDIT: She has the highest strength at the moment of all the avatars. The only person who comes close is Silver (the priest) who actually had a brief stint as grandmaster to pick up Ignis.

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