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Awakening Avatar Run

Awakening Avatar Run Poll  

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  1. 1. Who were your favorite avatars to read about this run?

  2. 2. Who do you feel should be MVP of this run?

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Laurent: What is this balderdash that you speak of? I am perfectly aware of my own parentage!

Robin: Look. I'm not your father, okay? I'm especially not your father in this universe. For once, you are actually Kellam's kid.

​Kellam: … Not even my own kid knows who I am …

I am dying. DYING. XD

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You're so good at dialogue, Sangyul. XD It's all gold. lol

I make Kelli a Dark Flier these days rather than Grandmaster, but this is your game, so you get to make everyone whatever you please. :P

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You're so good at dialogue, Sangyul. XD It's all gold. lol

I make Kelli a Dark Flier these days rather than Grandmaster, but this is your game, so you get to make everyone whatever you please. :P

Yeah, Kelli will end up a dark flier once I finish picking up skills for her.

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Since about 1/3 of my team is still unpromoted, I decided that it'd be a good idea to grind them to level 20 and promote them in the skirmish that just popped up (and additional skirmishes if necessary). I deploy Erin as well, even if she is a grandmaster, because her stats are kind of stinky. Silvia promoted after the second skirmish. Raven promoted after the third. I run Rey, Belinda, Robin, and Erin through a fourth one. It takes five skirmishes before Rey and Belinda feel like promoting. (This was their plan all along, to get a romantic date all to themselves XD)

I'm only going to provide stats of the characters whom I actually grinded.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Robin    01.27     56   28   25   27   31   27   24   17
Silvia   01.00     50   24   20   30   35   25   16   14
Rey      01.00     58   30   23   25   26   16   32   09
Belinda  01.00     55   26   24   25   29   32   18   22
Erin     02.93     33   18   26   16   18   15   18   14
Raven    01.00     65   29   17   29   27   22   25   17

Robin is a hero, Silvia a swordmaster, Rey a great knight, Belinda a dark flier, and Raven an assassin.

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It takes five skirmishes before Rey and Belinda feel like promoting. (This was their plan all along, to get a romantic date all to themselves XD)

I see your subtle shots, Boron.



Anyways, Internal levels are going to start biting you in the ass now that you're going to be reclassing from promoted units... which level 15 skills will instantly add at least 17 levels worth of internal levels (That is if you reclass immediately out of Level 15 promoted for skills like Dual Guard+ or Galeforce) in addiiton to reclassing us before as Level 20 tacticians.

Anything after the promotion reclassing will be be gaining exp as Level 28 unpromoted... and Level 48 promoted.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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There's only one reason why Rey and Belinda would refuse to promote even after everyone else has *shot*

And yeah, reclassing is going to be a big pain. But at least veteran+paragon gives 24 experience minimum for every kill, which means 5 kills get a level, so that at least helps. If I have to, I'll cheat and "grind" as well.

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Though I think story chapters should get priority first before you kill everything in sight. xD

You should totally reclass us down back to tacticians after we get all our skills

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This part is definitely true. I might end up doing half of the children's paralogues before I move on to chapter 14, though, because OCD says "GET ALL THE KIDS ON THE YLISSEAN SIDE". I'm actually grinding up Sully and Virion for Kjelle right now, once that's done I can move on and get her paralogue.

The map looks kind of empty without Morgan's paralogue, lol. XD

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Paralogue 8

Kjelle: You! Who are you? Ah, wait … you look so familiar …

Sully: Ain't no time for that right now, kid! We've got a battle at hand!

Kjelle: R-right!

​Hjordis: They're definitely related, that much is clear to me.

I have Silver and Raven sit out of this battle. Luka's needed because there are treasure chests in this map.

Rey pairs up with Belinda and the two of them start by flying towards a dark mage and having Rey take it out. Erin and Jamie pair up and take out an armor knight near the right entrance. Erin gets a good level up and Jamie is good at dual attacking. Hjordis takes Loki and parks in front of the other entrance so the armor knight will suicide on her. Robin and Silvia pair up and Silvia kills a mercenary. I accidentally hit rally instead of switching Luna and Kelli, so boo. Loki dual attacks with Hjordis on the EP, while she tanks stuff. Mira is still an enemy magnet. Erin gets another good level up. Mira still needs speed.

On the next phase, Luna rescues Kjelle and Chrom recruits her. Mira then kills the armor knight that she's in range of. Luka partners up with Kjelle to keep her safe and weakens an armor. Belinda and Rey go over to the area where the first chest is and block the entrance with Belinda in the lead. Erin learned Ignis. Hjordis kills a dark mage and Robin an archer. Belinda gets hit on the EP and Rey dual attacks with her on the counterattack. They both hate archers. Kelli kills the archer on the left side of the map with Luna dual attacking and gaining a level. Rey and Luka weaken some enemies near the right chest and Mira kills a mercenary with Ignis. She also gets SPEED. Jamie and Erin plug up the left entrance near the top and switch to Jamie in the lead. Luka gets hit for 1 damage and he critical hits the armor knight in response.

Belinda kills the archer blocking Luka with a crit, which lets him move up and get the chest. Kelli gets the left event tile and finds a log. Silvia and Robin draw out enemy reinforcements at the bottom. Kelli learned Ignis. Hjordis doubles back and takes out a few enemies above Kelli. Silvia kills enemies. Luka finds a Roy's Blade. Erin and Jamie take out enemies on the EP. Jamie also gets mad a lot. (Ignis crit?) Things suicide on Jamie instead of Hjordis, but at least he can dodge. Robin and Silvia switch on the player phase so he gets in some kills. Luna runs around healing people, and Belinda draws out an archer. Robin and Silvia have a good run where they dual attack for one another on both hits and she guards him from an armor. Rey takes out the sorcerer who Silvia broke her sword on. Once everyone is healed, Hjordis kills the boss. (She also somehow sucks at dodging and Loki helps out with a dual strike.)

Stats coming later.

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She could still tank the boss' magic, so it was all good ^^; Hjordis is practicing to be a tank even for magic or something, I suppose! Noire's paralogue will be after this, I just need to get Tharja tome breaker so she can pass that down to Noire.

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Though I think story chapters should get priority first before you kill everything in sight. xD

You should totally reclass us down back to tacticians after we get all our skills


It's an inside joke that probably only Vashiane will understand.


Loki was very helpful this battle. (Yay, Mira got speed!)

Loki is always helpful. :V

Who needs res when Hjordis could just block magic with MUSCLE and METAL

And Loki's face.

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Paralogue 16


​Tharja: Oh my … this will be interesting … ehehehehe!

Loki: Hey, you two! Stop trying to upstage me as the crazy morally gray person in this run!

I HAD a write up that was going pretty well for this run, then I accidentally hit "next unread topic" and lost it. So mad. Basically, what you need to know is this: Hjordis+Loki, Luka+Kelli, and Jamie+Mira went left. Robin+Silvia, Rey+Belinda, and Erin+Raven go right. Hjordis is a good tank, Rey is not as good of a tank but still manages to absorb hits. Loki and Hjordis kill everything, and all the people on the left go help out people on the right. The right team tries to stall out fliers. Doubling is hard for some people. Noire runs for her life. I think that's the important part.

Anyway, once the fliers coming in from the left are dead, the enemies on the right catch up but my team is ready for them. Robin and Silvia dual attack together to kill a paladin (and Robin learns Sol), Belinda crit-kills a griffon rider with Elfire, and Hjordis weakens a falcon knight. Erin gets the kill and an okay level up. (I wish she would get more HP.) Kelli kills a griffon knight with low HP and gets … defense at least? She at least didn't get killed by the paladin that attacked her on the EP. She refuses to get speed, though. :/ Mira weakens said paladin and Erin gets the kill again and receives an awesome level up. before getting the boss and the enemies near it, I take a heal break. Chrom gets the event tile and EXP.

Luka finishes healing everyone, and I have Hjordis stand at the edge of the enemies' range to draw them out. Jamie uses rally spectrum, which I realized this map that I have. Somehow, being at the edge of enemy range won't provoke them? Hjordis moves further in. The others follow cautiously. Going in deeper draws them out, but most of them have ranged weapons and the rest of my team is too far away, so I go back to the bridge. Loki helps Hjordis kill a falcon knight, while Raven somehow draws out the rest of the enemies. Go figure. Rey and Belinda kill the tomahawk griffon rider and Rey gets Luna. Raven gets the other tomahawk griffon rider, weakening it for Silvia to kill. Luka kills a falcon knight and picks up lucky 7. Hjordis kills the last falcon knight with a luna strike. Luka heals up everyone again and reaches D staves.

Jamie rallies everyone and Belinda flies to the boss' room and stands on the event tile. Rey protects Belinda from an 80% hit with a bow and Belinda weakens the boss. She also gets the boss kill.

Stats coming next chapter.

(Also I actually changed my avatar. It's only temporary, Rath will be back eventually, but I thought this would be an interesting switch since the avatar in the picture is essentially Robin.)

EDIT: I also activated a skirmish with some of my lowest leveled avatars. Some of the highlights include Silvia getting Astra and Kelli getting Ignis (and a really good level up). Mira also proc'd speed.

Edited by Sangyul
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​Tharja: Oh my … this will be interesting … ehehehehe!

Loki: Hey, you two! Stop trying to upstage me as the crazy morally gray person in this run!

*giggling madly*

anyway, though, yay for awesome stuff happening! (and of course Rey would protect Bindi.)

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​Tharja: Oh my … this will be interesting … ehehehehe!

Loki: Hey, you two! Stop trying to upstage me as the crazy morally gray person in this run!


Trying to upstage Loki himself.

Rey protects Belinda from an 80% hit with a bow and Belinda weakens the boss. She also gets the boss kill.


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So, I finally managed to recruit the last member of this avatar team. Say hello to "other Robin", whose speed asset fooled me into thinking he had better stats than he actually had. He doesn't really talk much.

Paralogue 13

Mira: Chrom, there's someone with the mounted mercenaries who's waving to us …
Jamie: Oh … it's Robin.
Kelli: Robin? But he's standing right there!
Erin: Yeah, but that's other Robin! We have two of them, you know?
O. Robin: Hello. *waves*
​Chrom: … Why am I finding so many weird people? *Yarne clinging to his waist*

The chapter is more fun when you try to fight everything, so I decide to take on both of the armies. Luka starts off the chapter by rescuing Chrom over to where Yarne is, so I can recruit him easily. Jamie pairs into Luka once Chrom and Yarne retreat as far south as they can. Mira and Erin pair together and stand diagonally from where Luka and Jamie are. Loki and Hjordis pair up and stand in front of Erin. Belinda and Rey fly over to a bow knight and defeat it. The two Robins pair up and stand on a forest tile, while Kelli and Silvia stand behind Luka.

On the EP, Erin manages to not eat a silver lance and Mira dual attacks with her on an armor. She gets hit in the face with a spear, though, and crit-kills the guy. At least she has over 40 HP at last. Rey tanks things that are not magic. Other Robin's defense is not as crappy as I thought it was, so I'm happy about that. Player phase rolls around. Chrom kills a sage, Silvia kills another sage, and Luka gets another. Hjordis runs up and stands right above Luka, killing the final sage in her range, which should make it safer for her to tank. She also gets a level up with everything except resistance. Mira stays back and chips at a sword master. Other Robin stands on a forest tile and switches to a bronze sword. (Must get him to C swords.) The amount of bow knights make it unsafe for Belinda, so Rey stays in the lead.

An armor knight attacks Luka and gets massively weakened. Hjordis tanks stuff. Silvia eats a silver lance and activates Astra. Kelli helps her kill the armor. Swordmasters suicide on Mira. Other Robin gets a not very good level. (I also forgot to give him paragon.) He, Mira, and Silvia barely dodge death on the EP.

Erin misses killing the sword master that Mira weakened on the EP. :facepalm: I get Chrom to do the job. Jamie switches to take the lead and kills the armor knight Luka weakened. Kelli kills the other sword master. Robin and other Robin switch so that Robin takes the lead. Rey stays in the lead again because bow knights. Kelli takes a tomahawk to the face but gets everything but magic. Robin and Rey somehow manage to not die despite ~30-40% hit rates and high damage. Belinda protects Rey from wind magic. Other Robin gets a dual attack and C swords. On the player phase, Hjordis 1-shots the sage (and with a crit) while Jamie gets the kill on one of the armors. I just have to let the other armor knight suicide on someone. Mira becomes Jamie's pair up buddy so Luka can heal people. Rey, Belinda, and the Robins are doing a good job clearing the enemy horde, I'll let Belinda take the lead once the two wind magic valkyries are dead. Jamie is pro at dodging silver axes. Mira is pro at dual attack crit.

Kelli gets one of the villages and the armor knight boss positioned to suicide on her. Hjordis gets the hammer village. Robin kills the arcwind valkyrie and Rey smashes the rexcalibur one. Kelli doesn't quite kill the armor knight boss, but close enough. Luka heals Mira. Hjordis and Chrom move towards the villages up north. Rey, Belinda, and the Robins move to the right to stall out the paladin boss to get the villages. I decide to let Jamie get the armor knight boss kill and move Kelli out of the way. He hits level 20 and is ready to reclass to something else now. Belinda gets a few levels from killing enemies, with Rey assisting. Luka rescues Robin out of range of the leftover enemies. Chrom and Hjordis get the leftover villages. Rey protects Belinda from the boss and dual attacked with her, but it wasn't enough to kill him. Loki gets the event tile and finds sweet tincture. I have other Robin take an elixir and beat the paladin boss.

After the battle, other Robin gets a paragon. Jamie class changes into a dark knight. A skirmish appeared in the chapter 9 spot, so I take Silvia, Mira, Kelli, Raven, and other Robin through it.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom    13.67     80   44   08   41   42   46   35   18
Robin    08.45     63   31   27   29   34   31   26   20
Silvia   07.78     55   27   24   31   39   29   20   18
Rey      09.28     66   35   23   30   32   17   35   09
Belinda  08.66     62   29   28   29   34   35   21   24
Erin     14.03     40   23   37   24   25   20   22   19
Mira     15.80     50   26   33   28   23   21   19   12
Hjordis  15.17     69   49   18   29   26   25   34   06
Loki     18.46     70   22   36   38   38   25   27   24
Kelli    15.40     50   37   28   27   25   21   21   18
Luka     09.33     59   30   30   36   34   40   22   15
Luna     10.34     64   18   33   30   33   29   27   28
Silver   14.41     66   36   40   26   34   36   33   29
Jamie    01.00     60   29   25   34   26   15   26   15
O. Robin 18.99     52   24   23   27   35   19   27   12
Raven    02.70     67   30   17   30   28   23   25   17

At this point I'm considering just dropping Raven, Luna, and maybe Luka until endgame or something. I'll probably need Luka a bit more because he's the only thief, but until missions start letting me deploy 14 or 15 people (or I need them in particular) I should just leave them out. Which means if I do decide to leave them out, they'll probably be getting behind-the-scenes leveling to keep up with the other avatars. I dunno, where do you guys stand on this?

Also, Chrom is Chrom.

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That Chrom is as good as he is because he's gotten a ton of extra exp by being force-deployed in all the LB3 Paragon grinding fests. My Chrom has capped Mag as a Dread Fighter with LB, wallow in awe!

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