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What if Nintendo releases a HD remake of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn for Wii U?


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I am. I want an entire new story first. New continent that doesn't have any relation to previous worlds, new cast of characters, etc.

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While it would be nice to have a PoR/RD Wii U remake/re-release I have a few issues:

1. I believe IS have previously expressed a reluctance to develop for the Wii U due to the cost of HD games. Which brings me on to...

2. The Wii U and FE's fanbase probably couldn't support the cost of said game. Perhaps in a few years on the back of another good FE but not now.

3. There are more important games to remake/re-release. FE4 and FE5 have been mentioned but FE2 is just begging for a remake

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As much as I'd love to see both of those games in HD, or even a new Tellius game... I don't think now is the time for it, or anytime soon. The Wii U is not doing well at all and considering how far under Nintendo's expectations Super Mario 3D World sold, a series as niche as Fire Emblem would do very poorly. I think the best thing Nintendo could do for Fire Emblem right now would be another 3DS game, at least until the Wii U (assuming that it can) gains some momentum.

I do think Path of Radiance should turn up on the Wii U Virtual Console if we get GameCube games though (and of course FE7 and FE8 for GBA VC).

Edited by Booton
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I would buy a FE Radiant HD (or 3D) collection in a heartbeat. Would be more justifiable than paying $60+ for RD right now.

Though as bookofholsety said earlier, I'd rather IS work more on original FE games. If we did get remakes, I think it would be better for remakes/releases of FE2/4-6, on account of them not having been released stateside yet. The Virtual console would be a perfect solution to this, but everyone knows Nintendo doesn't like putting effort into their VC releases.

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I'd definitely buy it, if only because I never got a chance to play the radiant series before, but... I mean, it's not at all a good idea to make. The series has only just been pulled from the gaping maw of cancellation, and then to turn around and release a remake of a game nobody played on a system nobody bought? It'd be suicide.

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fire emblem for ps4 rite guiz

I wouldn't be that thrilled. It wouldn't be worth dropping money for a Wii U for me, and while I'm sure it would be a good game/s (especially FE9 for me), I don't think it would make much sense. As people already said, on Wii U major doubts it would sell well. Handheld, maybe.

I'd like to see at least one more new game before another remake. pls fe2

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Given that it would be more of a graphical/balance upgrade then a remake, it might be possible to create it cheaply enough to still make a profit off lowish sales.(this is why square-enix re-releases its old games every 5 minutes). However, this tends to work better for 2d games, as they are cheaper to upgrade (this is why ff1 has been re-released more than ff7, despite the latter being much more popular).

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A Tellius remake would be no more unwarranted than Wind Waker HD was. :0

Personally, I'd rather just have a new FE game.

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A Tellius remake would be no more unwarranted than Wind Waker HD was. :0

There's a giant difference though.

The FE fanbase in regards to numbers is like a speck compared to the Zelda fanbase.

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I couldn't disagree more, especially on the topic of the 3D Zelda games.

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So did anyone ever mention the fact that an HD remake of the Tellius series might not even be worth it, if the optimizations are only *slightly* better than what Dolphin already offers?

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Yeah, FE doesn't seem like the game that would benefit from better textures (unless I misunderstand, and the models will be theoretically redone too?), as FE isn't about graphics, and it wouldn't benefit from it as much than an exploration based game or something.

I also think it's a bit too soon from a full on remake.

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Battle animations in FE9 were crap anyway.

Radiant Dawn? Maybe that would work. Their models are better anyway.

But even then...

Can it really benefit even more than it has on Dolphin?


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Super unlikely given that they sold so poorly last time around. Then again, with the release of Awakening, Fire Emblem probably has access to its largest audience ever, so maybe. I think it's an incredible waste of resources though. To add to what SoC has already brought up (as someone who runs RD on Dolphin on what could be described as 'balling out of control' settings), there's a bit of a ceiling that'd be hit. Portable is clearly the direction that most benefits the series, though, so a home console release seems superfluous. I'd love for them to return to the concepts and mechanics of the Tellius games.

I'd feel bad for the Awakening-only folks who jumped in on Radiant Dawn though, as they'd run head first into a game with actual decent map design...

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An Avatar wouldn't make much sense for either game, imo. Because Soren already exists as a tactician in PoR's case. As for RD, it jumps between parties constantly. There's no realistic way to make a single Avatar help all those people. :P

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Too soon for the Tellius games to be bothered with in terms of remakes. If you're getting remakes of beloved old classics to introduce it to the a new generation with additional content for fans of original or just polish it up and make it a refreshing experience because the game may not aged well, you get this gems like this:





If we're talking about remaking games from generations where not much has changed or for the sake of HD, "remake" might as well be an euphemism for "port" and you can say hello to more and more HD updates just made to grab cash from people willing to buy the same game again with very little added. That would be sad.

Gaiden or the Jugdral games are much more interesting choices for remakes. Tellius games, are not.

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Super unlikely given that they sold so poorly last time around. Then again, with the release of Awakening, Fire Emblem probably has access to its largest audience ever, so maybe. I think it's an incredible waste of resources though. To add to what SoC has already brought up (as someone who runs RD on Dolphin on what could be described as 'balling out of control' settings), there's a bit of a ceiling that'd be hit. Portable is clearly the direction that most benefits the series, though, so a home console release seems superfluous. I'd love for them to return to the concepts and mechanics of the Tellius games.

As someone who has repeatedly failed to dedicate time to Radiant Dawn despite knowing what a good game it is, I can personally attest that portability is a huge boon for the series. RD is fine if you have a TV to yourself, but as someone who has almost always had to share (whether it be with family or the waifu nowadays), chances to play RD are few and far between (because Fire Emblem isn't that fun to watch TBCH).

Too soon for the Tellius games to be bothered with in terms of remakes. If you're getting remakes of beloved old classics to introduce it to the a new generation with additional content for fans of original or just polish it up and make it a refreshing experience because the game may not aged well, you get this gems like this:


[Kirby Super Star] / [KSSU]


[Metroid 1] / [Zero Mission]

If we're talking about remaking games from generations where not much has changed or for the sake of HD, "remake" might as well be an euphemism for "port" and you can say hello to more and more HD updates just made to grab cash from people willing to buy the same game again with very little added. That would be sad.

Gaiden or the Jugdral games are much more interesting choices for remakes. Tellius games, are not.

Er, what games were you trying to reference here? They're not showing up for me.

EDIT: Oh never mind there they are.

Incidentally, I agree that I'd much rather see a Gaiden or Genealogy remake. (or... hell... even a new Fire Emblem *cough*)

Edited by BANRYU
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As someone who has repeatedly failed to dedicate time to Radiant Dawn despite knowing what a good game it is, I can personally attest that portability is a huge boon for the series. RD is fine if you have a TV to yourself, but as someone who has almost always had to share (whether it be with family or the waifu nowadays), chances to play RD are few and far between (because Fire Emblem isn't that fun to watch TBCH).

Er, what games were you trying to reference here? They're not showing up for me.

EDIT: Oh never mind there they are.

Incidentally, I agree that I'd much rather see a Gaiden or Genealogy remake. (or... hell... even a new Fire Emblem *cough*)

Games like DMC and Metal Gear Solid HD collections are examples of what he was referencing. They added NOTHING new besides better graphics and trophies.

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It seems like an unfortunate trend nowadays.

I just hope that we get back to great remakes like Metroid Zero Mission soon.

*secretly prays for an improved Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles remake for the 3DS*

Edited by BANRYU
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It seems like an unfortunate trend nowadays.

I just hope that we get back to great remakes like Metroid Zero Mission soon.

*secretly prays for an improved Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles remake for the 3DS*

Well the Kingdom Hearts HD collections added the final mix versions to their games(because the west never got the improved versions for some odd reason).

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