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Help me choose! Dark Knight vs Wyvern Lord

Wyvern Lord vs Dark Knight  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Which class do you like better?

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help me choose a class for my MaMU as a final class.

do NOT take stats into consideration, i dont really care about stats, they will both have Limit breaker and Iote's Shield (wyvern lord)/Acrobat (dark knight).

just wanna know which one you like better? which one's cooler or looks better (sprite AND combat)? which one has better animations?

a tome-wielding fire shooting horse-mounted mage? or an axe wielding/throwing dragon rider?

Edited by poptdp
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Wyvern Lords are badasses, and even though I don't like them as much in Awakening, they're still my favourite class in the series.

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looks like the general consensus so far is wyvern lord, thanks! the Luna animation is also pretty cool on the wyvern lord (the dragon attacks the enemy)

i guess it'll work out well considering my waifu is cordelia whos a falcon knight making us both fliers...

which ironically introduces a new problem. what is UP with the 'auto' camera?? what setting do u guys use for the camera because with auto, and especially with 2 fliers, the camera is sometimes so messed up that it goes INTO the wyvern showing lots of fkd up polygons (especially bad for my eyes while the 3D is on). but at the same time im not really a fan of the 1st person view. 'auto' is the best imo WHEN it works good, but some of the time it is DAMN annoying. so many times i've missed the action because the camera is in a weird position or being blocked by my characters :(

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Set the camera to fixed if it bugs you.

I also say Wyvern, Wyvern Avatar x Falco Cordelia is one of the best setups for no-DLC Lunatic Risen and is pretty foolproof anywhere but Apo. Gradivus spam is fun.

Wyvern doesn't really need Iote's though, it would like Deliverer/Renewal more, especially if Boots are in play or Cordelia has Galeforce.

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Why is wyvern+falco Cordelia one of the best setups?

Also, when u say gradivus spamming, I was under the impression that helswath was a better option? (More damage + paired with cordy who already had lances = axe + lance varied dual striking as opposed to just lances) because won't this cover the weapon triangle better?

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Why is wyvern+falco Cordelia one of the best setups?

Also, when u say gradivus spamming, I was under the impression that helswath was a better option? (More damage + paired with cordy who already had lances = axe + lance varied dual striking as opposed to just lances) because won't this cover the weapon triangle better?

Against the Risen, it's because you cover pretty much every single base. Wyvern has high Mov and isn't slowed by terrain, your Str and Def are high, and Cordelia fixes any Spd/Res issues (Aegis/PPO are enough to take down the occasional wind mage, mage groups aren't arranged by element). Since Cordelia has Galeforce she can go after those targets without needing to tank an EP either, though she has Sol and plenty of Breakers if she does need to.

Second, if you're doing Lunatic Risen with no DLC, your preparation options will be limited. That's why Gradivus is important- you get it at the start of the game, Helswath comes at the end. Once you have it it's best to hang onto both, Gradivus is still good sometimes for hitrate issues, and is slightly stronger, though Helswath is great (also hang on to Superior weapons for full triangle control). Also relating to preparations, 1st gen units can get their S supports earlier with Avatar, and Cordelia is the only 1st gen female with Armsthrift which is great for forges. Having two Morgans with incredible starting classes for this sort of thing (Peg/Merc) is also a good thing, only Olivia's children have them better.

All this is primarily based around Lunatic Risen, but there's nothing the non-Apo DLC maps throw at you that they don't, other than RaR's breakers and a rare few legendary wind tomes (none of those in the challenge pack, though), so it works there too.

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^ interesting. I get what u say about how cordelias support boosts work perfectly for wyvern lord (boost to speed and resistance which is what wyvern lord lacks).

I think Helswath is better than Gradivus in every way though, especially with Axefaire and a lack of Lancefaire (Pegasus only), making Helswath stronger than Gradivus. The only thing I see bringing Helswath down is the low accuracy which is especially evident against sword wielders :/

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Actually curious to know what your asset an flaw is.

As long as you didn't harm your speed, go with Lord.

Dark Knight is just a weaker Grandmaster on wheels.

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^ interesting. I get what u say about how cordelias support boosts work perfectly for wyvern lord (boost to speed and resistance which is what wyvern lord lacks).

I think Helswath is better than Gradivus in every way though, especially with Axefaire and a lack of Lancefaire (Pegasus only), making Helswath stronger than Gradivus. The only thing I see bringing Helswath down is the low accuracy which is especially evident against sword wielders :/

Risen lack Dragonskin and PavGis+, so the extra +5 atk from a Faire usually won't change the number of hits it takes to KO something. Against the Risen it's better to use utility skills like Pass and Renewal.

Enemy SMs with capped Spd/Lck have 91 base Avo, with a possible 10 from Avo+10.

Assume Avatar has neutral Skl/Lck mods, Skl =42 and Lck =48 (no tonics). Avatar's Hit: 87(base) +60(Helswath) +15(Cordelia) -15(WTD) =147. That's 46 listed Hit, not so glorious. If the SM has a Wyrmslayer, you're in trouble.

So yeah, it's good to at least keep a Lance on hand, and Gradivus is the best one there is.

Dark Knight is just a weaker Grandmaster on wheels.

DK's stats add up to just one less than GM, and their Mag/Def is better. While they're technically weaker, the difference is practically insignificant (unless you're referring to their Beast weakness, which sometimes does hurt).

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^ yea I see what u mean. I'm running him with helswath, forged brave axe, gradivus and forged brave lance (but most if the time I will be using helswath or if not that gradivus for the 1-2 range)

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Might want to chuck on a Superior Axe for WTC. Braves are usually overkill on the lead, I prefer to carry things like a Blessed Lance instead (if you still want them, remember that you can use Cordelia to effectively expand your inventory).

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