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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

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No thank you. I'd rather catch one myself. Besides, I'm not far in the game, eventually it wouldn't obey me anymore given how that exp. share works.

If someone trades you a Ralts egg, you can hatch it and it will obey you without the need for badges. You'd probably only need 2 since it's 50-50 gender split.

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Yeah, but the egg could hatch female. And I'd have to spend more time leveling it up...

Someone who knows what they're doing would save before they hatch the egg, and make sure to send over a male one. As for leveling... That would happen whether you caught it or not. Ralts is one of those pokemon that requires a lot of training even in the best of times :Nino:

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How about this. I'll breed you a Ralts egg, and I can know for sure that it will be a Male before I trade it to you. Would that be alright? As for the levels, it would shoot up pretty quickly, and it's not like there is that much of a gap to make up. Also, the EXP Share exists for a reason.

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I know the exp. share exists, I'm not dumb. But using that would also level up my team and that Ralts would never get on par with them. Well, eventually it would, but it would again take forever. I also want a Ralts with a nature favorable for a Gallade. It doesn't have to be the perfect nature, but still.

Look, I already made my decision, so stop nagging me about it and go enjoy the game. So what if I'm not enjoying it the way you guys are? Deal with it. And this isn't even the sole reason I'm selling my game. I wasn't too interested in much to begin with, I only wanted it for Mega Gallade, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Diancie. I eventually would bring the Diancie I got for X over to Alpha Sapphire, but Mega Lopunny isn't available until the post-game and a Ralts to evolve to Gallade is really hard to find. Diancie isn't really reason enough to keep going and I'm sure these Megas will be available in the eventual XY followup. And I believe Mega Diancie is probably post-game only too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well it's because you've posted fairly consistently since ORAS news first came out in threads about it, saying again and again to people who were/are obviously very excited about the game that you hate Hoenn and I think most of us were just like... so why are you still here? And then you got the game and are abandoning it within the first few routes because you can't find a male Ralts?

I got one as my first sneak-up pokemon on that route fwiw, albeit with a bad nature (though I yolo'd and raised it anyways)

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Traded Pokémon isn't that big of a deal even with EXP Share... at least it wasn't for me once I got Roxanne's badge.

This with me. I got close to bumping the disobey level around Brawly but after that I didn't get close to it any more

I caught Kyogre and can Soar now and it's already my favorite aspect of a Pokemon game. And I got a Uxie and Happiny. Where do I get the National Dex upgrade? I know I should have it or get it soon, but I'm being lazy and not fighting Wallace yet.

Also after my Sharpedo disappointment, I've switched to a Lanturn, which has worked out OK. God Hoenn water types do not live up to my expectations. I'm wondering if I should switch it for Crawdaunt or Kyogre but I kind of want a dual type for better coverage and Lantern was doing okay but it pails compared to the rest of my team.

My team right now is Latias, Roserade, Blaziken, Metagross, and a Snorunt who will end up as Froslass, so I kind of need a Water type and I don't really like Gyrados or Tentacruel so I don't really know what else I have for options. I did catch a Feebas earlier but I don't feel like making blocks forever for Milotic and it's a monotype, I don't really want Golduck either.

Whiscash is an option but idk

any ideas? I have soaring locations available now, so I suppose I can just wait a few days until I find something at one of them, and I should get the Nat Dex soon so things will appear on previous routes too,

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Well it's because you've posted fairly consistently since ORAS news first came out in threads about it, saying again and again to people who were/are obviously very excited about the game that you hate Hoenn and I think most of us were just like... so why are you still here? And then you got the game and are abandoning it within the first few routes because you can't find a male Ralts?

I got one as my first sneak-up pokemon on that route fwiw, albeit with a bad nature (though I yolo'd and raised it anyways)

Because I DID start to get kind of excited for the game.

But I guess now I'll stop posting here. Because you're right, I have no reason to anymore. xP

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I know the exp. share exists, I'm not dumb. But using that would also level up my team and that Ralts would never get on par with them. Well, eventually it would, but it would again take forever. I also want a Ralts with a nature favorable for a Gallade. It doesn't have to be the perfect nature, but still.

Look, I already made my decision, so stop nagging me about it and go enjoy the game. So what if I'm not enjoying it the way you guys are? Deal with it. And this isn't even the sole reason I'm selling my game. I wasn't too interested in much to begin with, I only wanted it for Mega Gallade, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Diancie. I eventually would bring the Diancie I got for X over to Alpha Sapphire, but Mega Lopunny isn't available until the post-game and a Ralts to evolve to Gallade is really hard to find. Diancie isn't really reason enough to keep going and I'm sure these Megas will be available in the eventual XY followup. And I believe Mega Diancie is probably post-game only too.

It doesn't take that long to catch up a Pokémon in levels, honestly. I've caught up a hatched Pokémon to level 50, same as my party, in maybe 10 minutes or so. Even then, you could use Pokémon Amie to just boost the experience of the Ralts, speeding it up even more. As for the favorable nature, I have an unfortunate breeding reject who was perfectly built for a Gallade... but was a female. I can breed her, perfect nature and everything, and send you an egg that is guaranteed to be a male.

Who is nagging you? You said you were going to abandon the game for this and that and we gave you suggestions to solve this and that.

And as an FYI, you get the Mega Diancie stone as soon as you trade your Diancie to AS. It's that simple, don't even need the National Dex.

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Look, I already made my decision, so stop nagging me about it and go enjoy the game. So what if I'm not enjoying it the way you guys are? Deal with it. And this isn't even the sole reason I'm selling my game. I wasn't too interested in much to begin with, I only wanted it for Mega Gallade, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Diancie. I eventually would bring the Diancie I got for X over to Alpha Sapphire, but Mega Lopunny isn't available until the post-game and a Ralts to evolve to Gallade is really hard to find. Diancie isn't really reason enough to keep going and I'm sure these Megas will be available in the eventual XY followup. And I believe Mega Diancie is probably post-game only too.


"I can't find Ralts, I give up."

"Here, let us help you."

"OMG stop nagging me, I said I'm done!"

If you're truly done, then please just sell the game and leave us alone. For everyone's sake.

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This with me. I got close to bumping the disobey level around Brawly but after that I didn't get close to it any more

I caught Kyogre and can Soar now and it's already my favorite aspect of a Pokemon game. And I got a Uxie and Happiny. Where do I get the National Dex upgrade? I know I should have it or get it soon, but I'm being lazy and not fighting Wallace yet.

Also after my Sharpedo disappointment, I've switched to a Lanturn, which has worked out OK. God Hoenn water types do not live up to my expectations. I'm wondering if I should switch it for Crawdaunt or Kyogre but I kind of want a dual type for better coverage and Lantern was doing okay but it pails compared to the rest of my team.

My team right now is Latias, Roserade, Blaziken, Metagross, and a Snorunt who will end up as Froslass, so I kind of need a Water type and I don't really like Gyrados or Tentacruel so I don't really know what else I have for options. I did catch a Feebas earlier but I don't feel like making blocks forever for Milotic and it's a monotype, I don't really want Golduck either.

Whiscash is an option but idk

any ideas? I have soaring locations available now, so I suppose I can just wait a few days until I find something at one of them, and I should get the Nat Dex soon so things will appear on previous routes too,

You can fish a Staryu with the Super rod off Lilycove. It's kinda rare but comes at 40, learns Psychic at 42, and you can grab a water stone once you find a blue shard diving.

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Yeah Ana, these complaints are really starting to get on our nerves. Well, they were before, but now this is just very, very irritating. Let us enjoy talking about ORAS and how fun the two games are without your complaints dragging us down. Alright? Alright.

Here are some mega stone locations for all of you:

Loppunite: Mauville Hills (obtainable after you fight Primal Groudon/Kyogre)

Beedrillite: Sea Mauville (obtainable after you obtain Dive)

Diancite: Transport Diancie from X/Y, have it in your party, leave the Pokemon center, then re-enter.

Venusaurite: Route 119

Charizardite X: Fiery Path

Charizardite Y: Scorched Slab

Blastoisite: S.S. Tidal

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Yeah Ana, these complaints are really starting to get on our nerves. Well, they were before, but now this is just very, very irritating. Let us enjoy talking about ORAS and how fun the two games are without your complaints dragging us down. Alright? Alright.

Here are some mega stone locations for all of you:

Loppunite: Mauville Hills (obtainable after you fight Primal Groudon/Kyogre)

Beedrillite: Sea Mauville (obtainable after you obtain Dive)

Diancite: Transport Diancie from X/Y, have it in your party, leave the Pokemon center, then re-enter.

Venusaurite: Route 119

Charizardite X: Fiery Path

Charizardite Y: Scorched Slab

Blastoisite: S.S. Tidal

Serebii has a page with the location of every mega stones

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You can fish a Staryu with the Super rod off Lilycove. It's kinda rare but comes at 40, learns Psychic at 42, and you can grab a water stone once you find a blue shard diving.

I already have Metagross and Latias, which is why I don't really want another Psychic type

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Did anybody here tried to use the DexNav after getting the National Pokedex. I've been trying to get a Platinum Crown on every route and I'm in Petalburg forest right now. I've been walking around there for hours and I still can't find a Paras. I was wondering if there's a DexNav trick I'm not aware of or if I'm just unlucky.

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Did anybody here tried to use the DexNav after getting the National Pokedex. I've been trying to get a Platinum Crown on every route and I'm in Petalburg forest right now. I've been walking around there for hours and I still can't find a Paras. I was wondering if there's a DexNav trick I'm not aware of or if I'm just unlucky.

I don't have the NatDex, but I noticed that pokemon that trigger the DexNav tend to be either close to the borders of the screen or just off-screen. DexNaving for good Aron and Corphish, along with hatching eggs on Route 117 made this really stand out to me. If I biked near the edges of the grass on 117, I could easily trigger a pokemon to show up. With Corphish and Aron, I'd have to do little things to increase the chances one would show up (and not get stomped by the Ruin Maniac for Aron); most notably for Corphish, I'd go to the lower pond in Petalburg (the upper was too small), and once I triggered and defeated/captured a Corphish, I'd go to the lower right corner of the pond so it will trigger near the middle-ish of the whole pond almost guaranteed. For Aron, I tried to start the next search near the Ruin Maniac or far off from him so it's pretty unlikely Aron would dig over there.

Anyway, I'd recommend just biking around a good area where you can brush by the grass and listen closely for Paras' cry, so probably somewhere near the upper middle or lower middle of the woods so either big patch could potentially trigger. If this doesn't work, uh, sorry, I don't know then.

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I don't have the NatDex, but I noticed that pokemon that trigger the DexNav tend to be either close to the borders of the screen or just off-screen. DexNaving for good Aron and Corphish, along with hatching eggs on Route 117 made this really stand out to me. If I biked near the edges of the grass on 117, I could easily trigger a pokemon to show up. With Corphish and Aron, I'd have to do little things to increase the chances one would show up (and not get stomped by the Ruin Maniac for Aron); most notably for Corphish, I'd go to the lower pond in Petalburg (the upper was too small), and once I triggered and defeated/captured a Corphish, I'd go to the lower right corner of the pond so it will trigger near the middle-ish of the whole pond almost guaranteed. For Aron, I tried to start the next search near the Ruin Maniac or far off from him so it's pretty unlikely Aron would dig over there.

Anyway, I'd recommend just biking around a good area where you can brush by the grass and listen closely for Paras' cry, so probably somewhere near the upper middle or lower middle of the woods so either big patch could potentially trigger. If this doesn't work, uh, sorry, I don't know then.

Thanks for the tips. I managed to find one minutes after posting in the upper right corner of the forest by running between 2 big patch of grass, so I think it matched up with what you described.

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Thanks for the tips. I managed to find one minutes after posting in the upper right corner of the forest by running between 2 big patch of grass, so I think it matched up with what you described.

I was thinking more of the left side, because I'm pretty sure you can see both patches while in the middle rows, although I was going to suggest that spot also, I just couldn't remember how much the ledge got in the way on the right. But I'm glad that it worked out.

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