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Will GameFreak ever make an X/Y follow-up now?


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I will admit that it's possible I could change my mind about getting the gen 3 remakes. But as of right now, that possibility is slim. And I realize that Hoenn hasn't been visited in a long time. Again, that's why I said it could've been added as a postgame thing in X/Y follow-ups. Would probably have saved GameFreak time and money too while still catering to all the Hoenn fanboys.

Then they'd be selling two games in one, if they made a remake and then a sequel they have more games to sell and more opportunities to sell people stuff. They'd have less opportunities to make money, more effort put into a single investment.

That, and if they included Hoenn it would be gutted and end up like GSC Kanto.

I'm looking forward to both as I skipped Gen III. As long as Rayquaza is obtainable, I'm satisfied.

You could get Raqyquaza in R/S (I, uh, admit I never did myself, I didn't even know he existed back then...), I imagine he'll be in the remakes.

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So yeah, I'm a bit worried. X and Y pretty much surpassed gen 4 and 5 for me (Platinum was previously my favorite along with B2W2. HG and SS are close behind), I've really wanted a follow-up for awhile. Not to mention the event legendaries that still haven't been released as far as I know.

Pkmn B/W - 3/6/2011

Pkmn B2/W2 - 10/7/2012

= 19 months later

Pkmn X/Y - 10/12/2013

Today's date - 5/8/2014

= ~7 months later

Just chill. You're reading too much into a problem that isn't there.

Edited by Sirius
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I will admit that it's possible I could change my mind about getting the gen 3 remakes. But as of right now, that possibility is slim. And I realize that Hoenn hasn't been visited in a long time. Again, that's why I said it could've been added as a postgame thing in X/Y follow-ups. Would probably have saved GameFreak time and money too while still catering to all the Hoenn fanboys.

First, the chances that there will be a second Kalos game are really high. They've been doing these since Yellow and it always made a lot of cash so I don't see them stopping now. Also, as previously mentioned, Zygarde is way weaker than the other members of its trio in a similar manner to how Kyurem was in comparison to Zekrom and Reshiram in B/W. Moreover, hackers have found 2 moves in X/Y data that seemed to be Zygarde exclusive.

Regarding the 'waste of time and money' that the R/S remakes will be, even if only the 'Hoenn fanboys' buy them, Nintendo will be still make money since they're still a lot of people that wanted the remakes. Then, the people that bought the R/S remakes will probably buy the X/Y sequel when they come out, meaning Nintendo will end up making way more money than if they just released X/Y sequel with Hoenn grafted in.

And I personally doubt that only the 'Hoenn fanboys' will buy the remakes. There will surely be new features in the games that will make people buy the games (likenew mega stones or move tutors). And people that didn't play R/S the first time around either just because they didn't have the occasion or because they skipped it due to lack of backward compatibility.

Just because you don't like Hoenn and you saw people posts their discontent with the region doesn't mean no one will buy the game. I personally think that Game Freak are gonna make tons of money with this game (the overall internet reaction to the announcement seemed to be a positive one)

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You could get Raqyquaza in R/S (I, uh, admit I never did myself, I didn't even know he existed back then...), I imagine he'll be in the remakes.

I hope so, Rayquaza is one of my favorites. I just want to catch one myself for once.

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First, the chances that there will be a second Kalos game are really high. They've been doing these since Yellow and it always made a lot of cash so I don't see them stopping now. Also, as previously mentioned, Zygarde is way weaker than the other members of its trio in a similar manner to how Kyurem was in comparison to Zekrom and Reshiram in B/W. Moreover, hackers have found 2 moves in X/Y data that seemed to be Zygarde exclusive.

Regarding the 'waste of time and money' that the R/S remakes will be, even if only the 'Hoenn fanboys' buy them, Nintendo will be still make money since they're still a lot of people that wanted the remakes. Then, the people that bought the R/S remakes will probably buy the X/Y sequel when they come out, meaning Nintendo will end up making way more money than if they just released X/Y sequel with Hoenn grafted in.

And I personally doubt that only the 'Hoenn fanboys' will buy the remakes. There will surely be new features in the games that will make people buy the games (likenew mega stones or move tutors). And people that didn't play R/S the first time around either just because they didn't have the occasion or because they skipped it due to lack of backward compatibility.

Just because you don't like Hoenn and you saw people posts their discontent with the region doesn't mean no one will buy the game. I personally think that Game Freak are gonna make tons of money with this game (the overall internet reaction to the announcement seemed to be a positive one)

I agree with everything Lux said.

The announcement video alone has over 34,000 likes right now, with only a little less than 400 dislikes. I'm pretty sure a fuckton of people will buy the games.

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If all the "Hoenn Fanboys" buy the game, that would be great considering the original R/S sold around 16 million.

And let's not forget, every mainline Pokémon game is someone's first.

I'm sure ORAS will be among the top selling games on the 3DS, not that it takes a genius to predict that.

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I can safely say I don't like Gen III.

And even I'm stoked for the remake because they could make things much more interesting. And the music a lot less TRUMPETS TRUMPETS TRUMPETS that made the soundtracks shit. (Songs were good. Arrangements weren't and I /know/ the GBA can produce great sounding stuff that a lot of games lacked)

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Z (or whatever) will most likely be coming, Ana. It's too soon to jump the gun and say 'boohoohoo where's our third Kalos game'. It's practically implied that Zyggy will be getting some attention due to the fact that he's much weaker than Xerneas and Yveltal in terms of stats, for one thing, and keep in mind that Emerald didn't come out until a good three years after Ruby and Sapphire did; this seems like more or less the same situation.

Just be patient.

On a personal level.... Yes. I am teh hype.


Edited by BANRYU
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I can safely say I don't like Gen III.

And even I'm stoked for the remake because they could make things much more interesting. And the music a lot less TRUMPETS TRUMPETS TRUMPETS that made the soundtracks shit. (Songs were good. Arrangements weren't and I /know/ the GBA can produce great sounding stuff that a lot of games lacked)

Allow me to disagree with your opinion that there was too much trumpet. The B2W2 remix of Steven's theme removed the trumpets and it was worse than the original. Hoenn Trumpets are great

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Personally, though I'm not huge on the design of the games, most of my favorite monster designs for Pokemon come from Hoenn. Aesthetically speaking, it's my favorite, just above Kanto.

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Wow, you people are really making way too big a deal out of this. Just be glad that I wanted Hoenn to be included at all. I could've easily said GameFreak should just throw gen 3 away entirely.

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We're so grateful for your benevolence, o Ana, she whose word dictates all business practices in Pokemon. o3o

Speaking for myself, I'm mostly just having fun being silly. I'm too old and cynical to get THIS legit excited over anything except Smash Bros anymore, I'm mainly just enjoying the enjoyment of people who are getting all hyped and silly over it.

Basically I just wanted excuses to post the silly pictures I've been posting.

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Wow, you people are really making way too big a deal out of this. Just be glad that I wanted Hoenn to be included at all. I could've easily said GameFreak should just throw gen 3 away entirely.

Talk about condescending.

Right, and we all care sooooo much whether you like Hoenn or not.

And it'd be soooooo bad if you didn't want Hoenn included at all.

C'mon, Ana.

Big deal?


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Wow, you people are really making way too big a deal out of this. Just be glad that I wanted Hoenn to be included at all. I could've easily said GameFreak should just throw gen 3 away entirely.

What are you trying to say here, exactly? Why should I be glad you wanted Hoenn at all? Why would I care if you said you didn't want Hoenn at all?

I thought we were talking about trumpets ;-;

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Fruity Insanity: Tell that to LuxSpes.

Anyway, I hope we learn more about this mysterious new region that was mentioned in X/Y when the follow-up comes around. Remember the one backpack guy that said he was from a region that we would "visit in time" or something like that? That's what I mean.

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Personally I'm not really fond of someone bashing something I like (in this case, Gen III) just because they don't like it, call it a waste of time and money, and act like it's a disgrace to the Pokemon series just because they and a few others don't like it.

Again, it's okay if you don't like Gen III. We all have opinions. Just...don't mention it every so often. It gets people irritated.

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people aren't upset because they disagree with your opinion

they're bothered because in every topic related to this game, that you've posted in, you have to include a line saying that you dislike it

we get it already

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people aren't upset because they disagree with your opinion

they're bothered because in every topic related to this game you have to include a line saying that you dislike it

we get it already

holy shit this

I thought we were talking about trumpets ;-;

Can we continue praising the trumpets?

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[trumpeting intensifies]

I actually never noticed the trumpets until someone pointed it out

Do I think GF will make an X/Y sequel? Of course. Nintendo needs the money. Although, I'm way more excited for these games.

[trumpeting re-intensifies]

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