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oh god

why did we take cahill off why didn't we take fucking oar off cahill should only be taken off if literally fucking dead, leckie is our new striker and he is very alpha to be fair 2nd Bundesliga represent

how the fuck are you blaming that goal on ryan, he did fine. like 'not godlike reflexes' isn't a 'stupid fucking mistake'

Edited by Parrhesia
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is it just me or was I the only one who thought that penalty was a horrible call

still, it was nice to see straya in front, if only for a while

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is it just me or was I the only one who thought that penalty was a horrible call

nope, it WAS a terrible call ndeed

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oar is finally fucking coming off to face execution at the hands of the state

wow leckie may be alpha but his acting skills are decidedly epsilon

Edited by Parrhesia
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Netherlands doesn't really care if Van Persie is out for the next match if they win this one; two wins + a huge differential thanks to Spain means they'll pretty much be through even if they really screw up against Chile.

On the other hand, Australia losing Cahill means they're pretty fucked against Spain; not that they weren't already.

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Ryan wasn't on the same page as Akinfeev, but he could have done more. That said, it was a curving annoying strike for goalkeepers to deal with. Unlucky, I'd say.

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Netherlands doesn't really care if Van Persie is out for the next match if they win this one; two wins + a huge differential thanks to Spain means they'll pretty much be through even if they really screw up against Chile.

On the other hand, Australia losing Cahill means they're pretty fucked against Spain; not that they weren't already.

Spain as in Spain 1-5 Netherlands

yeah I'm going to say that Australia were, and still are, going into that game with a chance.

also the penalty was probably a penalty imo but i wouldn't have complained were it not given

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i genuinely back us to get a result against spain, we do this thing they might find strange called 'actually fucking attack'

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Australia showcased a more competitive team than much more hyped squads such as Belgium, Russia and Portugal.

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We're going to fucking walk the Asian Cup. Imagine us at home and with our best two centrebacks/Robbie Kruse/Rogic/Kennedy kinda fit, and playing like this compared to fucking Japan/South Korea/Iran

also I defended Ryan earlier but I didn't see he did in fact get to it at time but too weakly - still he made up for it with a couple brilliant saves at different points imo

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South Korea is the only team that can stand a chance. Son Heung Min is a nimble player, too bad most of his shots against Russia ended up on the moon .

GG fellas.

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They are better than us on paper (from memory) but on this form and with half our team actually fit, christ...

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Japans pretty good bro

some pretty decent players but goddamn they have no tactics at all

zaccheroni is a piece of shit coach, he killed any chances japan could've have of beating ivory coast

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That was a good match I was surprised with Australia, they could have done it if they were a little more careful.

Still I am kinda glad the Netherlands won this one

Stupid phone

Edited by James Bond
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it is literally all tommy oar's fault

That said the Netherlands dominated after the third (maybe second it's all a fucking blur) goal, if we'd scored maybe they would've gone that extra mile for a fourth, who the fuck knows? But then Oar converting it wouldn't have lead to the chance for them to get their third idefk (Oar is shit)

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