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Do you think fe 14 will be more like others and less like awakening?


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Ok so i dont like the direction fire emblem is going ever since shadow dragon. Awakening got new comers like it was supposed to but took out key elements of fire emblem such as weapon weight magic triangle proper thoughts of money there was to much and to easy to buy. Anyways do you think fire emblem 14 will be more classic or easy and have bad systems like awakening?

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Ok so i dont like the direction fire emblem is going ever since shadow dragon. Awakening got new comers like it was supposed to but took out key elements of fire emblem such as weapon weight magic triangle proper thoughts of money there was to much and to easy to buy. Anyways do you think fire emblem 14 will be more classic or easy and have bad systems like awakening?

Given absolutely no one on the planet saw that SMT/FE crossover coming, I don't think we can predict what they're doing next. It's possible they made enough money from FE13 to feel secure in taking some creative risks with the next game. Then again, maybe they'd prefer to keep on making buckets of money.

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i can't say what will happen, but i know that i DON'T want the next game to be like awakening, i might leave the franchise behind.

It probably going to be similar to awakening if it gets released on the 3DS or the Nintendo's next portable console since money talks.

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It probably going to be similar to awakening if it gets released on the 3DS or the Nintendo's next portable console since money talks.

At this point, it is probably safe to assume that a 3ds fe14 will use a modified form of fe13's engine, because every FE game that i am aware of that is on the same console as a previous one has used a modified version of the same engine. However, this includes FE5, which so different from FE4 that you essentially can't tell without peeking under the hood(it has more in common with fe9, imo), andgaiden, which also changes a lot. On the other hand this also applies to fe7 (which is essentially a reasonably through fe6 romhack in terms of differences.), so all i can say for certain is that they will have engine-level similarities.

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Seeing as Awakening was so popular, not to mention the highest grossing of the series, I would be very surprised if the next game isn't similar in at least some aspects.

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I don't think so, considering the high sales. I'm hoping it strays away from Awakening's style. It took away what made Fire Emblem special to me.

Edited by DragonLord
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Do I think so? No, Awakening was dumbed down in terms of story and gameplay but people loved it, even though the fact that people bought it is more likely attributable to the fact that this game was actually advertised well-- IS and Nintendo will probably interpret this as that the masses love dumbed-down FE games, which is generally true of the masses in general as far as dumbed-down games go.

That's what the cynic in me says, anyway.

The optimist in me HOPES that IS and Nintendo will use the opportunity and gift of new life granted by Awakening to begin a new dawn of FE games that actually innovate again like 2-5 did. Or hell, even rehashing innovations from games like 4 would be okay by me.

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Do I think so? No, Awakening was dumbed down in terms of story and gameplay but people loved it, even though the fact that people bought it is more likely attributable to the fact that this game was actually advertised well-- IS and Nintendo will probably interpret this as that the masses love dumbed-down FE games, which is generally true of the masses in general as far as dumbed-down games go.

That's what the cynic in me says, anyway.

The optimist in me HOPES that IS and Nintendo will use the opportunity and gift of new life granted by Awakening to begin a new dawn of FE games that actually innovate again like 2-5 did. Or hell, even rehashing innovations from games like 4 would be okay by me.

...i'm actually agreeing with one of game theory's videos.

welp time to kill myself.

on the otherhand, a broken clock is right atleast twice a day

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I think Game Theory is okay when they're actually presenting factual information instead of delving into more subjective territory while acting like their theories are factual.

I enjoy the humor and editing even when the theories are wrong, in any case. And it's good food for thought for people who don't think about that kind of thing, even if the theories are wrong. For instance, I never knew about all the religious iconography in Chrono Trigger, so it was fascinating to see all the connections drawn there for me haha.

But I digress.

Edited by BANRYU
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I think Game Theory is okay when they're actually presenting factual information instead of delving into more subjective territory while acting like their theories are factual.

But it's just a theory... a GAME THEORY.

Considering Awakening made a lot of money and Nintendo is in bad shape right now, I bet the next game will be just like Awakening in which case I'm don with the franchise.

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Since I am certain that just like any other franchise when it innovates, Fire Emblem got it's fair share of backslash, I personally expect that the next game will try to strike a balance in that regard. That IS will try to make them more like past games to at least some extend.

But I am not sure if that will even make a difference to me personally.

I wouldn't hate a game because it is merely boring and generally bad. I know that Awakening is supposed to be a fluffy wish fulfillment game but that's not the impression I got from it. The game is just generally disturbing and unpleasant. Like a slimy mix between "No more Heroes" and "My little Pony", as I like to describe it. Just without NMH's self-awareness about it's messed up protagonists and the writing quality of "MLP".

There is tons of stuff in the game that isn't merely bad but makes me wonder what the heck is wrong with the people responsible for it. And then there is other stuff that makes me feel insulted as a fan in particular.

I mean, Nowi isn't just blatant paedophile pandering. She is also for all intends and purposes a clone of the old Tiki, down to her crown which you would think would be restricted to Divine Dragon royalty. Her being essentially Tiki is something that's not relevant for the new players but only for fans. And I don't like what this says about the way Intelligent Systems sees their fanbase and consequently me personally.

So no matter how hard they might try to be more like the old games, I am not sure that these people are even capable of creating a game which doesn't make me want to take a long shower after I'm done playing it.

Edited by BrightBow
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I think the new Fire Emblem will probably take over some elements from Awakening, but i'm still rather positive. I think most of the problems I had with Awakening was because IS was trying to do way too much at once with their new pair up system, two gens, 3/4 bad guys. This resulted in a pair up system that could use some tweaking and a story that was lacking a little.

I think IS will have more time to focus on making things a little smoother now that the fear of cancelation has gone down a little so they don't need to push every idea in the game at once. I also think they will throw some of the old stuff back in like more varried map objectives and the like. I hope its a little like the transition from fe6 to fe7.

The new art style is a subjective thing. I personally prefer the more grounded style that the other games used, but I don't think the new style is that bad.

Edited by Sasori
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While I do like the art style for some of the characters in Awakening, I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer the simpler more practical armor designs from like say the GBA games.. or even Tellius.

Shadow Dragon started a really unfortunate trend of regressing from the simple, endearing art style that was one of the things that really made me love the GBA Fire Emblems in both 1) sexualizing its characters more, and 2) overcomplicating the designs. Given that, I'm hardly surprised that Awakening was doing this too.

I don't expect them to go back to a simpler art style, but I do hope they at least do a better job with the story and gameplay.

Edited by BANRYU
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I too prefer the older art styles, when armor and weapons looked at least somewhat practical as compared to the majority of Awakening's designs, which seem to be more based off of flashier anime/manga styles.

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Shadow Dragon started a really unfortunate trend of regressing from the simple, endearing art style that was one of the things that really made me love the GBA Fire Emblems in both 1) sexualizing its characters more, and 2) overcomplicating the designs. Given that, I'm hardly surprised that Awakening was doing this too.

How did Shadow Dragon start this trend? The armour designs for the DS games are incredibly detailed and beautiful but their still practical enough. Hardly a departure from the Tellius (RD especially) art design.




Hardly sexualized or impractical.

And New Mystery even dials it back just a bit.



The difference between the GBA art style is still quite obvious. The newer art is a lot more detailed but no one is sexualized and it's all very practical. The designs for Awakening are far too sexualizes, far too non-sensical and far too impractical.

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I think I was thinking of characters like Linde and Athena who have their boobs overemphasized in their art. I don't recall seeing a lot of that in the earlier (western-released) games except from characters like Sonia, who was sexy for a reason that served the plot.

But, point taken, there's nothing necessarily wrong with detailed, well-shaded art. (I do really like the art of Minerva)

I guess maybe the transition was a bit jarring for me and I'm just full of shit.

Edited by BANRYU
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I think I was thinking of characters like Linde and Athena who have their boobs overemphasized in their art. I didn't get a lot of that in the earlier games except from characters like Sonia, who was sexy for a reason that served the plot.

But, point taken, there's nothing necessarily wrong with detailed, well-shaded art. (I do really like the art of Minerva)

I guess maybe the transition was a bit jarring for me and I'm just full of shit.

Linde has always been like that. She pink dress seems to be the only thing that's covering her. Makes you wonder how the hell she escaped detection in Knorda.

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Linde has always been like that. She pink dress seems to be the only thing that's covering her. Makes you wonder how the hell she escaped detection in Knorda.

It's far from the same. In none of those pictures is her bust noticeably protruding out from underneath her little collar thingy like in her FE11 art. Anyway I've already admitted I was wrong, but maybe you can at least see how I got that impression.

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I'd love a style like Tellius's again. Every character there just looks awesome, even the chubby ones like Brom and Meg. Hell, I actually think Meg is cute for a chubby girl. The only character I find to be totally fugly as hell is Oliver, but he's supposed to be like that. :P

I like some Awakening designs, but not all. It's mostly the armor I have a problem with.

Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem has a nice style too, but I dislike how they made females overly skinny. Previous games weren't that bad with this. Also, I slightly disagree on Minerva's SD art not being sexualized. I can see her panties. xP

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