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What is an OAM data overflow in the Class Animation Creator?


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i was having no issues using the CAC in FEditor and got to a point where i added a few frames and the script loads correctly but it won't allow me to save it to a file, giving me the error:

" Model.AnimationBuilder.create:


OAM data overflow! "

I initially thought it was because i had given the program too much data to insert (makes sense, right?) and so i removed all of the frames i had just added and cleaned up the rest of the script to make sure i wasn't using any unecessary frames but it's still giving me the same issue.

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As far as I know, that happens because you're trying to insert too many frames. Remove some more of them.

I've tested that in the past, and it seems the lenght of single frames isn't much related to the matter, it's just the number of frames that causes problems, really.

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I ended up taking a different route to get what i want in the ROM, so i ended up avoiding the issue anyway.

A completely different issue i'm having, however, is with Map Sprite editing. I understand taht it's very similar to item icon editing where you save the bitmap of the icons used ingame, edit them with Usenti so you don't accidentally warp the palettes, and then put it back into the game. However, every time I attempt to edit a map sprite then return it to the game, it returns an error where it says the new file is larger than the old file (even though they're the same size). I followed all of the steps in the Ultimate Tutorial, and it suggests to place it somewhere else in the ROM where there is free space. I put it there (with GBAGE's reset pointers box checked) and it allows insertion but messes up the palette of what i inserted (not what was there originally, i didn't insert a palette). i'm 100% certain that what i'm inserting doesn't have any colors that aren't in the map sprites' palette, i double and triple checked using FEditor, GBAGE, and APE. Anyone know perhaps a solution to the issue i've been having?

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