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Almost OC Mafia - Game Over


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@Cam: Mmmm, understandable (and yeah, I can see that in play currently).

if you're not apprehensive about people knowing you're being secretive it makes you look more confident and such

my opinion on you now is liable to change you know

While confidence is good n' all (and looking wishy-washy/skittish can often seem scummy to some extent), how does it affect whether someone's town or scum? o.O

I'd be more worried if your opinion(s) weren't liable to changing at this point, Frosty. And... might just be me, but that kinda sounded like a weird, off-handed threat/warning of sorts?

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@Cam: Mmmm, understandable (and yeah, I can see that in play currently).

While confidence is good n' all (and looking wishy-washy/skittish can often seem scummy to some extent), how does it affect whether someone's town or scum? o.O

I'd be more worried if your opinion(s) weren't liable to changing at this point, Frosty. And... might just be me, but that kinda sounded like a weird, off-handed threat/warning of sorts?

scum would be more wary of attracting attention - at least I think so

and uh, no, that wasn't a threat. why would you think that?

gonna be gone for a short while

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Hi guyyyyssssss cool looks like RVS ended. *ahem*

FFM's claim seems to have townie intentions IMO (or should I say newbtownie lol) so I don't get the people who are so paranoid about the claim. It was pointless and was in RVS- so there, that's exactly what makes it town. That would be a bad move to make as mafia since that would be drawing attention to yourself.

GP does seem waffly wrt her FFM read, yeah. I felt there was no point in saying FFM's claim was not pro-town and then spec about why it could come from town and then remain unsure about it. That's just scummy. Then her vote on Euklyd was highly reactionary, so yeah , she looks scummy to me. HOWEVER, she already has votes and pressure on her, so, I'm going to:

##Vote: Camtech

He's guilty of the same waffly read on FFM that GP had, except he's avoiding more discussion. Its right there in #49. Those questions he pots tell me nothing about what he thinks of the rest of the players in the game.

Or do they?

You say you have no reads or nothing of worth but you vote Poly anyway because ??? Is aggression a scumtell according to you, Cam? Also I feel like you've asked more questions/ answered more GP quotes which tells me you have a better read on GP than Poly. So why the Poly vote?

Shinori in his last post had more stuff to say about GP than he did about Junko, yet there's a Junko vote with questions asked. Feels iffy to me.

Eurykins you list GP, Junko and FFM as your suspects. Have you taken their interactions into account? Does GP finding suspicious sound like a possible bus to you?

I'll try getting more stuff out in a bit, I'm a little busy atm.

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can you tell me how i'm avoiding discussion?

You say you have no reads or nothing of worth but you vote Poly anyway because ??? Is aggression a scumtell according to you, Cam?

the chainsaw defense (which is what i cited in the first place) by definition involves aggression, so i suppose that yes, it is a scumtell under circumstances

FFM makes an anti-town move -> with nothing else to go on, potential scum

refa jumps on him

poly begins attacking refa and buddying with FFM

Also I feel like you've asked more questions/ answered more GP quotes which tells me you have a better read on GP than Poly. So why the Poly vote?

because i feel that poly's more likely to be scum than gp?
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What people don't realize is that if you don't vote people for something that's not fully scummy when the game just starts then the game doesn't progress. So sitting on your vote is at the least bad play and deserves to be called out as such. Additionally, GP not voting is scummy because she had reason to vote for FFM as more than just a random vote and didn't, and kept calling him "not pro-town" even though all her comments about him indicated that she found him suspicious.

@GP- OMGUS probably isn't the right term but your vote sucks anyways.

This post was actually typed up like two hours ago but SF just started working for me. >_> And now I have to leave so I'll come and post more later but Cam is feeling weird to me atm despite his holy-wtf more-than-Kirby-level spamposting.

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Is it just me or did that vote from Shinori feel extremely lazy. Doesn't have a read on GP I vote him is what I got from that post. By the way your worded the post it seemed like you had out for GP but voted me instead for some reason.

Also I explained why Euklyd was scummy in my vote. His vote felt like he voted green poet because she would be the easiest to target later on. It felt like Euklyd basically skimmed the whole thread and when he saw that GP was under pressure he voted her for not voting. Would have liked him to more elaborate on it at least. He again basically had nothing to say about the other players at all.

Since Bluedoom mentions bussing I dunno why but I get this feeling that Refa and Shinori might have been bussing at the beginning of the game. There early posts against each other feel really weak to me. And with that not exactly spectacular vote shinori just pulled now it has been bugging me. It is based of gut I will admit though.

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Green Poet I guess is an interesting one. Gp on Frosty's post about his experience did you think it was a scummy post?

why even ask this

i want an answer

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(about spamposting - i'm massively procrastinating on this history essay that i'm supposed to be writing so i'm periodically checking the thread and just saying whatever crosses my mind as relevant)

Since Bluedoom mentions bussing I dunno why but I get this feeling that Refa and Shinori might have been bussing at the beginning of the game. There early posts against each other feel really weak to me.

what does "weak" mean? it's ed1, how strong could they possibly be?
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Shinori in his last post had more stuff to say about GP than he did about Junko, yet there's a Junko vote with questions asked. Feels iffy to me.

GP already has three votes on him and I wanted to question Junko who at the time was my second scum read. Pressuring someone else gives us more information and gives me more reads.

Is it just me or did that vote from Shinori feel extremely lazy. Doesn't have a read on GP I vote him is what I got from that post. By the way your worded the post it seemed like you had out for GP but voted me instead for some reason.

Also I explained why Euklyd was scummy in my vote. His vote felt like he voted green poet because she would be the easiest to target later on. It felt like Euklyd basically skimmed the whole thread and when he saw that GP was under pressure he voted her for not voting. Would have liked him to more elaborate on it at least. He again basically had nothing to say about the other players at all.

Since Bluedoom mentions bussing I dunno why but I get this feeling that Refa and Shinori might have been bussing at the beginning of the game. There early posts against each other feel really weak to me. And with that not exactly spectacular vote shinori just pulled now it has been bugging me. It is based of gut I will admit though.

Once again: GP already has votes on him and I'd like to convince more people to talk. People aren't required to vote their #1 scum read. ALSO you kind of ignored my question. I asked you of your opinion on GP, not Euk.

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Eurykins you list GP, Junko and FFM as your suspects. Have you taken their interactions into account? Does GP finding suspicious sound like a possible bus to you?
I have a bit, yes.
Junko felt like he tried too hard to put interactions with other players in the game (IE. GP and BBM) by asking them things we already know/had seen them posting about earlier. In addition, all he said was "GP's an interesting one" and never really gave any reads or thoughts concerning her. Seems like a "free-pass-to-GO" in terms of sliding GP under the radar, and the padding statements/questions also feels like they're there to avoid the notion of "He totally fails to account for what others have said as well." (Point used against Euklyd) from being applied to himself as well.
Also, Junko never chooses to mention what happened ED1 wrt FFM's mishap/claim of VT. Again, seems kinda easy to just disregard or bypass things like that (things that should otherwise be easily noticed, I'd think?).
FFM sounded like he was sheeping Junko's case on Euklyd earlier (whom they find scummy due to his vote on GP), as well as speaking against BBM for his case against GP (possible buddying aspect here?).
GP has openly stated that FFM has done things that are not "pro-town" and thus "anti-town" actions, yet it didn't warrant a vote, even ED1 (where cases can be weak/flimsy at best).
From a scum PoV, GP's waffling on FFM was a means of admitting that FFM did an anti-town act/post, but at the same time trying to downplay or otherwise slide it under her radar as "not really scummy enough to warrant voting for". Instead, she chose to redirect towards Euklyd, and otherwise has not spoken about Junko as of yet.

Also I explained why Euklyd was scummy in my vote. His vote felt like he voted green poet because she would be the easiest to target later on. It felt like Euklyd basically skimmed the whole thread and when he saw that GP was under pressure he voted her for not voting. Would have liked him to more elaborate on it at least. He again basically had nothing to say about the other players at all.

Italicized: He also voted her due to the waffly nature BEHIND her not voting. Not just based on the fact that she hadn't voted. I feel this is a slight misrep/grasp here.

"Easiest to target later on"? This makes no sense- do explain? (Also, you didn't say that "He's going for what he sees as the easiest target to go for later on" remotely in your original vote post.)

Looking back:

PREDITY: Euklyds vote probably worries me the most though. I don't see how not voting for someone is scummy especially at this point in the game where it is important to go over content carefully first before voting someone based off actual content. An experienced player like Eulyd I am sure knows this. He may have just skimmed the game but then why vote in the first place? An experienced player like Eukyld probably knows this.

He totally fails to account for what others have said as well.

##Vote Euklyd

Bolded statements are the reasons stated: (Not including the "Experienced player this, experienced player that" shinanegans.)

1. You don't think his assertion that GP not voting = scummy is true.

2. "Why vote when you just skimmed the thread?"

3. "Didn't say shit about anyone else."

So where did the "Easiest to target later on" point come from? And why say that NOW, as opposed to back in your original post/vote?

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Additionally, GP not voting is scummy because she had reason to vote for FFM as more than just a random vote and didn't, and kept calling him "not pro-town" even though all her comments about him indicated that she found him suspicious.

@GP- OMGUS probably isn't the right term but your vote sucks anyways.

I'm getting two things from this post:

(1) GP is scummy because she didn't vote FFM despite making a case on him.

(2) GP's Euklyd vote is bad.

I've explained more than once why I have decided to do (1), to multiple people. I now do have a vote out, and fail to understand why you dislike the case.

You are not giving me reasons as to why you believe (2), nor have you responded to anything in my earlier post. What you've offered here is essentially the same thing as what you last posted, but without addressing any of the issues brought against your case.

-i don't think omgus means what you think it does

-"There wasn't enough content to base a vote on" - so you're going to vote euklyd based on... his single post?

"If you just got around to reading this game [...] Right now, you're scum trying to contribute by relying on a false tell." - pretty bold assertion coming from someone too hesitant to vote over multiple posts of discussion wrt FFM


-is he (BBM) scum?

-If you want, offer and argue a definition, or I have no thoughts to offer.

-Number of someone's posts =/= how scummy I think they are.

-What sort of game-related response were you expecting to this?


Will try to post more, about other people, shortly.

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-Number of someone's posts =/= how scummy I think they are.

-What sort of game-related response were you expecting to this?

you're not allowed to say "i'm not voting because there's not enough for me to base a vote on" and then go "you're scum because your vote on me is bad"


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you're not allowed to say "i'm not voting because there's not enough for me to base a vote on" and then go "you're scum just because your vote on me is bad"

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-you're not allowed to say "i'm not voting because there's not enough for me to base a vote on" and then go "you're scum because your vote on me is bad"


-What do you mean by "not allowed to"?

My Euklyd case runs on the reasoning that he's scum who skimmed the thread trying to find good people to vote, and chose me because not voting an apparent scumread is a general tell. This doesn't apply very much in ED1, and he should've considered my explanation for not voting, as well as any other posts in the game, before deciding to drop a vote. It's a clearly noncommittal post, and I think you're focusing too much on "Euklyd voted but GP didn't, therefore the latter is scummy" without reading the legitimacy and context of the cases behind the votes.

"Not enough content for me to base a vote on" means "I don't see obvious or inherent scuminess in any of the few posts in the game so far." When something pops up that pings me as much as Euklyd's post has, I think it merits a vote. And maybe you don't, so that's why I'm explaining my thought process.

-His case on me borrows elements from Euklyd's (which I'd already addressed), and he doesn't respond to anything I've said about his post before rephrasing the same things.

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My Euklyd case runs on the reasoning that he's scum who skimmed the thread trying to find good people to vote, and chose me because not voting an apparent scumread is a general tell.

This doesn't apply very much in ED1, and he should've considered my explanation for not voting, as well as any other posts in the game, before deciding to drop a vote. It's a clearly noncommittal post


only issue i have is that it seems that the default assumption is that he's scum; i could change the relevent bit of the bolded part to say "town" and it makes just as much sense but whateveer

I think you're focusing too much on "Euklyd voted but GP didn't, therefore the latter is scummy" without reading the legitimacy and context of the cases behind the votes.

don't put words in my mouth

i literally don't care that you didn't drop a vote; you'll notice that i never even mentioned it. my opinion is that it's a null tell (it's not particularly helpful but there isn't any scum benefit in it either).

what i don't like is that you can somehow get enough of a read on euklyd out of one post in which he literally only talks about you (if he mentioned anyone else it clearly wasn't enough to make an impression on me) to conclude that he's scum right after making a hard defense of yourself

"Not enough content for me to base a vote on" means "I don't see obvious or inherent scuminess in any of the few posts in the game so far." When something pops up that pings me as much as Euklyd's post has, I think it merits a vote. And maybe you don't, so that's why I'm explaining my thought process.


-His case on me borrows elements from Euklyd's (which I'd already addressed), and he doesn't respond to anything I've said about his post before rephrasing the same things.

which makes him scum because...
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what i don't like is that you can somehow get enough of a read on euklyd out of one post in which he literally only talks about you (if he mentioned anyone else it clearly wasn't enough to make an impression on me) to conclude that he's scum right after making a hard defense of yourself in which you claim that there isn't enough for you to go on from the FFM drama

not entirely convinced of the logic but whatever

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only issue i have is that it seems that the default assumption is that he's scum; i could change the relevent bit of the bolded part to say "town" and it makes just as much sense but whateveer

what i mean by this line is that the fact that he's skimming doesn't indicate alignment; it's not as if he was jumping on a major wagon or anything
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This is getting to the point where it's frustrating to have to repeat myself regarding FFM. Hopefully, this'll be the last time I do so.

GP has openly stated that FFM has done things that are not "pro-town" and thus "anti-town" actions, yet it didn't warrant a vote, even ED1 (where cases can be weak/flimsy at best).

I didn't vote FFM because the "must claim ascetic ---> must claim VT" mentality is understandable when you consider his experience. I was one of the only people not on FFM's wagon in SFMM4 when he was ascetic, too; I just don't think FFM's "bad plays" indicate that he must be scum or should be voted.

He's new. He makes mistakes. EO2 D1 was a nightmare for me because I unintentionally played in the most antitown way possible at literally every opportunity that I could have, and I'm affording FFM the benefit of doubt because of this capacity for questionable play coming from a townie.

There were people who hadn't posted, and chances are at that, during ED1, every vote was being placed on town because the only players that will stick out to scumhunting townies are other scumhunting townies with differing opinions.

TL;DR - I think BBM is scummy and Euklyd is arguably so as well, and would appreciate if thoughts were given on those cases rather than my lack of voting FFM.

what i don't like is that you can somehow get enough of a read on euklyd out of one post in which he literally only talks about you (if he mentioned anyone else it clearly wasn't enough to make an impression on me) to conclude that he's scum right after making a hard defense of yourself

Yeah, I'm not terribly satisfied with it either, but he's my strongest scumread at the moment. . . well, however strong an inherently soft D1 scumread can be.

which makes him scum because...

-It rides an already established case. Scum has difficulty finding people to pin as scum; scum!BBM's play facilitates that process.

-It puts words in my mouth. Strawman, whichever one would like to call it.

It would be scummy of me to say that FFM is my top scumread and not vote him, which I did, according to BBM. It should be obvious that I didn't ever say FFM was my top scumread. Scum needs to change/exaggerate a townie's words in order to make a case on them feasible, which is what BBM's doing.

-It tries to cite bad play without explanations in order to make me appear scummier. "GP's chainsaw accusation against Shinori and question about voting FFM with Poly have no substance" are not backed by any explanation as to why they're insubstantial. He merely states that they are, which scum does in order to give the false impression that they are scumhunting, and make others seem disproportionately scummy.

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what i mean by this line is that the fact that he's skimming doesn't indicate alignment; it's not as if he was jumping on a major wagon or anything

Yes, skimming =/= scum. It's the reliance on a scumtell (hesitancy to vote = scum) when it was ED1 and not applicable, not to mention that I'd already explained why I thought an FFM vote wasn't called for, that I have issues with. He should've read others' content and looked for scum intent instead of choosing to capitalize on some out-of-context tell to entirely justify his vote.

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Moar posts, k.

@GP: That specific post that you quoted = From a post that was answering my thoughts wrt You, Junko, and FFM (interactions amongst you guys). So do keep that context in mind (I wasn't re-slinging it against you or anything, if that's where your annoyance was aimed at).


"There were people who hadn't posted, and chances are at that, during ED1, every vote was being placed on town because the only players that will stick out to scumhunting townies are other scumhunting townies with differing opinions."

1. Obviously people hadn't posted much at that time- it was ED1, around RVS. I wasn't even online at that time (had class).

2. RVS votes were scattered amongst multiple people (and meant little to nothing, given RVS phase), so what makes you so sure that, amongst said votes, all were on town and not scum?

3. Also, you're assuming with the last part that scum cannot "openly (visually) scum-hunt" with the rest of the players in the thread, which is inaccurate. Scum are going to appear like they're scum-hunting because it's what's needed in order to gain town cred and otherwise remain under people's radars.

"TL;DR - I think BBM is scummy and Euklyd is arguably so as well, and would appreciate if thoughts were given on those cases rather than my lack of voting FFM."

I already addressed my thoughts wrt Euklyd in the previous post(s), and I didn't find your BBM the best either (though I personally want to hear more from him).

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Moar posts, k.

@GP: That specific post that you quoted = From a post that was answering my thoughts wrt You, Junko, and FFM (interactions amongst you guys). So do keep that context in mind (I wasn't re-slinging it against you or anything, if that's where your annoyance was aimed at).


"There were people who hadn't posted, and chances are at that, during ED1, every vote was being placed on town because the only players that will stick out to scumhunting townies are other scumhunting townies with differing opinions."

1. Obviously people hadn't posted much at that time- it was ED1, around RVS. I wasn't even online at that time (had class).

2. RVS votes were scattered amongst multiple people (and meant little to nothing, given RVS phase), so what makes you so sure that, amongst said votes, all were on town and not scum?

3. Also, you're assuming with the last part that scum cannot "openly (visually) scum-hunt" with the rest of the players in the thread, which is inaccurate. Scum are going to appear like they're scum-hunting because it's what's needed in order to gain town cred and otherwise remain under people's radars.

"TL;DR - I think BBM is scummy and Euklyd is arguably so as well, and would appreciate if thoughts were given on those cases rather than my lack of voting FFM."

I already addressed my thoughts wrt Euklyd in the previous post(s), and I didn't find your BBM the best either (though I personally want to hear more from him).

1. Yeah, which is why I'm saying that. . .

2. . . .since a majority of the players had not posted, it's proportionally more likely that scum had not posted. I did mean to say that the votes were likely on town instead of scum.

3. I agree, conditionally.

There's less of an advantage for scum to be noticeable. Scum that is not under pressure to post or appear townish is in a better position than scum that has made an effort to appear townie, and made enemies because of conflicting views/reads. If there's someone who is scum and hasn't at all posted yet intentionally, or very sparsely, they have escaped all of our notice and is thus winning, because we're chasing each other in circles and about to misylnch while their name doesn't even cross our minds.

That said, this hardly ever happens, because townies do get people to talk, and extensive lurkers are vigged by policy. So scum tries to engage in scumhunting because this ideal is not realistic, but for scum to gain town-cred and try to lead town is a scenario that is significantly harder and more risk vs. reward inefficient.

Not sure what you mean by the bolded. I'm saying scum!BBM is trying to appear townie, like any scum that chooses to post does, and that the resulting case is bad because of it. Is that not "open/visual" posting?

I already addressed my thoughts wrt Euklyd in the previous post(s), and I didn't find your BBM the best either (though I personally want to hear more from him).

Thank you; I'll take a look shortly.

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Wrt #3.

I find that most people assume that scum don't want to be memorable. That scum want to always hide and not be seen/heard from. But just the opposite can often be true- some scum do their best by seeming ACTIVE and posting and otherwise doing a lot of pro-town posting/pushing for progress and what appears to be "scum-hunting". And I personally think it's a mistake to assume that the majority of scum are going to sit in the back and let things pan out without their faces being shown, because we usually find more suspicion landing on the more inactive players (so why would they make it their goal to hide themselves away, if they know that's where we're going to look?). So the chances of scum posting ED1 scum-hunting posts, whether it was through reaction-testing or other means, isn't unheard of or otherwise unusual, especially if it is utilized to steer the discussion down a certain way/path.

The bolded part was in response to this part of your statement: "the only players that will stick out to scumhunting townies are other scumhunting townies with differing opinions."

Your comment above seemed to say/imply that only scumhunting townies (with different opinions) will stick out them. When there could be just as active "scumhunting scum" likewise attracting attention or otherwise being memorable just the same (if not moreso) in order to blend in with the crowd. (Not sure if it's more of a difference in interpretation [in my mind] of what you were saying/meant to say, or something else?) Because scum can easily post up ED1 scum-hunting tactics the same as town can, which is why I was a bit confused/skeptical of your statement.

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can you tell me how i'm avoiding discussion?

the chainsaw defense (which is what i cited in the first place) by definition involves aggression, so i suppose that yes, it is a scumtell under circumstances

FFM makes an anti-town move -> with nothing else to go on, potential scum

refa jumps on him

poly begins attacking refa and buddying with FFM

because i feel that poly's more likely to be scum than gp?

-You were avoiding discussion by not posting any reads or what you though of the GP/FFM fiasco, which means we can't get any idea on what your priority is like, if you even had any.

- And if you didn't that would be weird because there was enough to have at least a small priority.

-If you feel Poly's more likely to be scum than GP then that's weird because Poly has like, only 4 posts in the game compared to the numerous posts GP has and she also has done more than Poly. Considering that you have questioned her and now I see a wall of replies between you and GP, I'm inclined to think that you do have a stronger read on her than Poly. I have a hard time believing Poly's higher on your priority list.

ITT: I think Camtech is voteparking on Polydeuces and arguing with GP to hop on to a possible GP! Lynch later in the day.

@Eury: I respectfully disagree with your Junko read. I don't think the manner in which he asked questions was bad and I thought his Euklyd vote was reasonable considering Euklyd pretty much just dropped in a vote on GP just when things were spicing up and people were looking into GP. I don't agree with it myself( there's just as much likelihood that town could drop in a vote like that) but that doesn't mean Junko's case on Euklyd is scummy. Also his BBM part is reasonable: BBM only explains his GP vote 6 minutes before Junko's post, so that's reasonable and legit for him to ask BBM about his vote.

@Shinori: Ok that's reasonable

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- GP seems a little prickly/defensive wrt the voting thing, but it's nothing I haven't seen before (and I actually believe that Poly's notion to nudge/prod GP into voting FFM seems a bit odd.), in terms of not casting votes that often. Though this statement feels/sounds weird: "I'm not confident that anyone I could vote based on content at this time is more likely scum than not." It's ED1- you're not exactly expected to have super solid reads or scum tells, and that in itself shouldn't restrict your will to vote. Whether it's a prod/pressure vote for more information/reaction, or just the weirdest/potentially scummiest thing you seem to notice, I don't think anyone expects/places a vote at this time with the intent of a super solid/sure case behind it.

The vote on Euklyd feels bad to me given the timing (and she jumps from not voting on someone earlier [FFM] who did something that was not pro-town (can be assumed it falls under the category of 'Anti-town' interests if not "pro-town"?) to voting Euklyd based on his post/finding him scummy for it). In addition, I don't necessarily see "Hesitation to vote" as not being a possible scum-tell in general (if it makes it seem as though people are not committing to where their thoughts/reads are at the time and used to distance themselves for any given reason = I'd find that a bit scummy imo). And while scum hunting, I don't think it necessarily is also scummy to just point out the first thing that seems odd/sticks out to you and mentioned that first and foremost without concerns for the rest of the "filler" gameplay. Sometimes unnecessary posts clog up the thread and honestly, I sometimes don't even pay attention to what I see as petty arguments/exchanges that (from my PoV) I see little to nothing gained from it (in terms of scum/townie gameplay/intent).

Also, this statement rubbed me the wrong way: "If I was going to OMGUS vote someone, I'd have voted you last page." This doesn't nullify the fact that you basically pulled an OMGUS vote on Euklyd at all, nor does it really make your case/post look any better. In adddition, (from what I saw) you'd look defensive as fuck for no reason if you had voted for BBM as a sort of OMGUS vote, in which case that'd seem 10x worse than the Euklyd vote. (So, logically speaking, you wouldn't risk doing something like that, and stating that you "could've done x if I really wanted to do y" doesn't really do anything for you?)

1. I had issues with the plays from Poly and FFM. I didn't feel either were scummy enough to merit being voted; I just didn't think their posts were particularly good. They are the two that comprise my "anyone."

2. The votes on me say otherwise, though.

3. How so? What's odd to you about the timing? I think FFM's bad play doesn't merit a vote, but I think Euklyd's is comparatively worse and more likely motivated by scum intent, so I voted for him.

4. What/whose filler gameplay are we talking about?

5. Sure, I understand; there's no real weight behind a claim like "I could've made [insert bad play/OMGUS in this case] if I wanted to," and I apologize if my saying it caused confusion. Does it detract from, or give a different meaning to, my case on Euklyd to you?

Looking for your comments on my BBM case. I want to get to rereading Shinori and Cam sometime, though, since they have a lot of content out.

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