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Your reaction about Ike's appearance in SSB4

Your reaction about Ike's appearance in SSB4?  

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  1. 1. How is your reaction that Ike is confirmed for SSB4?

  2. 2. Did you expect to see Ike in SSB4?

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Link uses the Bug-Catching Net to reflect shockwave and kill Ike.

My sides, they are in the stratosphere.

Jave, you owe me some new sides.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think the reflecting properties of the Bug catching net (and by extension bottles) are limited to energy balls and don't cover shockwaves. ...kinda makes me wonder who would win in a fight between Freeza's planetbursting Death Ball and a Hylian milk bottle.

Personally I find Link's abilities very hard to pin down. He is obviously very durable and is supposed to have divine powers. But he runs and jumps pretty much like a normal person. He might be completely powerless against Ike or he could eat Black Dragon Kings for breakfast.

Edited by BrightBow
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S'alright, BrightBow.

Oh, right, the Bug-Catching Net COULD reflect stuff back in A Link to the Past...I think. Could it do the same in some of the other games? I forget.

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Some of these Ike vs Link posts are ridiculous... Ragnell's shock wave attack is out-ranged by quite a lot of Link's own arsenal including his boomerangs, magical arrows, fire/ice wand, hookshot, throwing bombs and even bombchus. People are saying Ike would crush Link with his strength, despite the fact that the Golden Gauntlets offer Link strength unparalleled in Fire Emblem and even without them, his strength is definitely not like that of a normal person (as some people are comparing him to). Whilst still being weaker than Ike physically without equipment, he's still strong, able to throw a large chain ball with pretty good accuracy as well. That's not even considering the facts that he can clash with Ganondorf and other huge monsters.

It is honestly not a fair fight for Ike, Link's arsenal is much larger, Link has access to some pretty ridiculous power-ups and we haven't even considered his arsenal from Hyrule Warriors which shows him doing some insane stuff that Ike would just get destroyed against.

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Um, I was finished with this debate hours ago...

And I'm not changing my stance on it. I've stated all my arguments, there's no need for me to say anything more.

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Um, I was finished with this debate hours ago...

And I'm not changing my stance on it. I've stated all my arguments, there's no need for me to say anything more.

then you should have said it earlier if you didn't want people talking about it now. i'm also somewhat curious as to who would win (yes, someone that's not you :P).

anyway, okay

i think if ike could get up close to link without taking too much damage, he would win. but link does have so many projectiles, so that probably wouldn't happen. i think it could go either way.

Edited by Comet
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They are from different games and worlds, so it is a bit difficult to compare. But since this is still going on I guess I'll throw in some more points for fun.

I'd say that Majora's Link would put up a good fight against Ike. MM Link has access to Fierce Deity as I mentioned before. Fierce Deity can easily defeat a entity strong enough to pull down a moon. And he does it using magic blasts that always hit. Or he could use the Giant's Mask as well I suppose. Or maybe the stone mask, so Ike could not even see him. But don't forget he can get six bottles in that game too. Chateau Romani for infinite magic + five fairies. That's 120 hearts, potentially with half damage. Or 140 hearts if you just wanna go for 6 fairies. And he doesn't have to waste any time using fairies. Link's arsenal is ridiculous. He has so many options and has proven to be quite adaptable.

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Well, true, I could've been more clear about that. But yeah, depending on the variables, it could go either way, I guess. Because there's a bunch of different Links, but only one Ike. So it depends on which Link Ike is fighting, the distance between the two, and so on.

EDIT: I DID say OoT Link would give Ike the hardest fight. :P (he's the same Link as in MM)

Edited by Anacybele
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He'd trample anything in the Fire Emblem universe period. Storywise, he's actually the mightiest, strongest hero that ever lived. Old Hubba says so in Awakening.

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I think Shulk could take on Ike in a fight, because even though Ike has the greater physical strength, Shulk can SEE INTO THE FUTURE. Can't beat a guy who can see into the future and predict your every move, because he knows what you will do next.

/obligatory "still hoping for Shulk" post

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I think Shulk could take on Ike in a fight, because even though Ike has the greater physical strength, Shulk can SEE INTO THE FUTURE. Can't beat a guy who can see into the future and predict your every move, because he knows what you will do next.

/obligatory "still hoping for Shulk" post

"you can't beat someone who can see into the future." not necessarily. if you have anything that can guarantee a hit, you're fine. or if you can eliminate options regardless of whatever the opponent does, you're fine.

but i don't even know who shulk is, so that's all i have to say on the matter.

Edited by Comet
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Well yeah, I don't think anyone would be able to beat a power like that. :P

EDIT: Oh, never mind. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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"you can't beat someone who can see into the future." not necessarily. if you have anything that can guarantee a hit, you're fine. or if you can eliminate options regardless of whatever the opponent does, you're fine.

but i don't even know who shulk is, so that's all i have to say on the matter.

Well, I don't LITERALLY mean that you can't ever beat someone who can see into the future :P: But when faced with someone who can predict what moves you're going to do, that's them pretty much being one step ahead of you. So it'll at least present a challenge in the beginning until you can figure out how to get around it.

EDIT: While I haven't been able to finish Xenoblade because I haven't touched my Wii in years, I've spoiled myself on the gameplay and story through LPs. Shulk's game pretty much focuses on his ability to see into the future, such as actions that the enemy will do and who they will target, and changing the "course of the future" by preventing that action from happening or lessening its impact.

Edited by Sangyul
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Well, I don't LITERALLY mean that you can't ever beat someone who can see into the future :P: But when faced with someone who can predict what moves you're going to do, that's them pretty much being one step ahead of you. So it'll at least present a challenge in the beginning until you can figure out how to get around it.

yeah, i was just saying it wasn't impossible. xD

maybe ike could summon ana to do the fighting for him. no competition then. ike's friends will now fight for him

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He'd trample anything in the Fire Emblem universe period. Storywise, he's actually the mightiest, strongest hero that ever lived. Old Hubba says so in Awakening.

He would probably decimate everything except maybe Awakening characters. They simply have crazy stats and skill options because they're like a few 1000 years later. Consider how he pioneered Aether. Other people could only do one or the other. And they were masterful fighters. Ike = 2x a master fighter. But Ike's just like nah, one mastery move is not cool enough for me.

Well, true, I could've been more clear about that. But yeah, depending on the variables, it could go either way, I guess. Because there's a bunch of different Links, but only one Ike. So it depends on which Link Ike is fighting, the distance between the two, and so on.

EDIT: I DID say OoT Link would give Ike the hardest fight. :P (he's the same Link as in MM)

Agreed, too many variables to answer, but it was all in good fun I hope.

Edit: Finish Xenoblade! Shulk's power only grows! And the end helps show how far he can go. Not spoiling anymore for anyone else out there though.

Edited by Kyea
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He'd trample anything in the Fire Emblem universe period. Storywise, he's actually the mightiest, strongest hero that ever lived. Old Hubba says so in Awakening.

Medeus, Gharnef and Idounn say hi.

Also, getting back into this. If he were to focus more on swordplay, and not other weapons, TP Link would be the best match, if not better than Ike himself. Dem hidden skills, yo.

Edited by The Chosen One
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Medeus, Gharnef and Idounn say hi.

Hi to what? Ike's perfectly capable of defeating dragons.

As for those hidden skills, did you forget who taught them to TP Link? OoT Link. :P So like I said, OoT Link would be the hardest match.

Edited by Anacybele
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I suppose we could go through and compare each and every Link, and then decide which ones win and which ones lose. Finally, we'll tally up the results and see if Link or Ike wins more often. :P

I guess this could be spoilers, but...

The dragons in the Tower of Guidance are actually pretty scary. Especially their boss! But Ike makes his way past them.

EDIT: I guess powerful magicians would give him trouble.

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I seriously don't think Ike could take on any of the Holy Blood Magic users from FE4. Those dudes have monstrous stats, and Ike has shit resistance.

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Admittedly, I had to use the laguz royals to bring down Deghinsea. But if lucky, Ike would probably defeat him with a couple Aethers. He'd have to dodge that insane breath attack, but still. :P

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Admittedly, I had to use the laguz royals to bring down Deghinsea. But if lucky, Ike would probably defeat him with a couple Aethers. He'd have to dodge that insane breath attack, but still. :P

...for a fire emblem fan whose favorite games are in tellius, i'm quite surprised.


Edited by Comet
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Hi to what? Ike's perfectly capable of defeating dragons.

As for those hidden skills, did you forget who taught them to TP Link? OoT Link. :P So like I said, OoT Link would be the hardest match.

Lorewise, Medeus could only be beaten by either Falchion, or Naga, herself [spoiler='FE11/12]and by extension, Nagi

inb4 Wrys

Gharnef was invincible to everything, and I repeat, EVERYTHING EXCEPT Starlight magic

Idoun.... okay, that, I made an assumption there.

And I should note that the Master Sword did get a power up in TP :P

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