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SpotPass/Legacy Character Rant

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I have a few complaints. I don't mind the free Spotpass characters basically being Avatars with different hairstyles but the DLC legacy characters definitely deserved more effort. All of them should have had unique skills or classes (though being Avatars and having access to all classes and skills makes this difficult).

There are definitely a few bizarre decisions when it comes to the legacy characters. The Black Knight isn't black, can't use swords and doesn't even wear a helmet. Legion doesn't have a mask either and they easily could have used the Risen Chief Mask on him. Lachesis is a Troubadour even though she's best at using physical weapons in her own game. Some of the unique legacy characters definitely deserved unique classes. And if not, then if would have been better to just exclude them completely. Some characters are in classes that just clash so heavily with their character. Gentle and sweet Deirdre wearing the see-through outfit of a Dark Mage? Technically, it makes sense since she can now use Nosferatu which was a Light magic tome but no. Just no.

But I don't really see the problem with killing these characters in battle. That's not really an issue for me.

The way I see it, the einherjar are just a whole set of "what if" and "mix-and-match" characters. "What if these past FE characters were playable in Awakening with its pool of classes and skills?" Sure, their starting classes and skills (mostly) make sense for them. We can change them to whatever we'd like, regardless of it makes sense or not."

I wouldn't have wanted Black Knight or Zephiel to be removed just because their starting class (General, which does make sense for them) can't wield swords, or that their models don't show anything unique like BK's helmet. Can't do anything about the models, but I simply changed BK to a Hero and Zephiel to a Grandmaster (Hero at first, but I picked GM for it's purple robes. Plus I like to think it alludes to his Prince class in Blazing Sword), then giving them Armsthrift and Limit Breaker (as their original weapons had infinite uses); all in all, just getting as close and faithful as I could to their original classes the way I thought fit best. Could've done anything else with them, but that's what I wanted to do with them. And I enjoyed every minute of it, and I kept going, eventually forging an epic legacy army full of characters I always liked/wanted to play as in FE. Nevermind that they're overpowered, it's still pretty awesome, and I had an awesome time making it.

(This one's aimed more at the OP) And the DLC's that have you killing the legacy characters? To me, they're just dream battles. A fixed set of "what if" scenarios. "What if all these characters split into teams and fought each other, with Chrom's army as a third party?" I don't think they truly die, given their nature as einherjar, for one thing. And another, you can essentially resurrect fallen einherjar you've recruited by paying a large sum of gold. Lastly, the fact that you can repeat these "dream battles" as many time as you want, meaning all those beloved legacy characters that were killed are brought back to life to play out the scenario again, your army's actions determining how different or the same the scenario play out, though ultimately the legacy characters will die by your hand (or the NPC's) once again. But they'll be back again next time, and everytime after. They're immortal.

In short: While it is painful to kill your favorite past FE characters, it's all just-for-fun and "what if" possibilities with a fun little collection of character cards, as it were.

You know, when you think about it, it's sort of like all of those fan speculations behind the concept of Smash Bros. And the Smash Brethren DLC was made as an allusion to Smash Bros. That ties it all together for me.

Edited by Baron the Shining Blade
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I always related Einherjar to the concept of Heroic Spirits (Legendary Souls in the Aksys translation) from the Fate/ series where the souls of important figures from history and legend are recorded and can be summoned by certain magic users under certain circumstances.

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The real problem I had was L'Arachel being a War Cleric instead of a Troubador or a Val Kilmer. (EDIT: dammit, autocorrect... you know what? No. I'm keeping it. Intelligent Systems, why can't L'Arachel be Val Kilmer?)

I mean, L'Arachel with axes is fitting, but I guess it just doesn't feel correct to me.

Edited by Rollertoaster
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The real problem I had was L'Arachel being a Val Kilmer.

I won't even respond directly. This post just killed my sides.

Lachesis is a Troubadour even though she's best at using physical weapons in her own game.

Same with Ethlyn. She has a magic growth of 5%. WHY is she a Valkyrie?

the DLC legacy characters definitely deserved more effort. All of them should have had unique skills or classes

This, they need to be like the characters they represent. Give me a reason to buy DLC other than "Guest art" being in the portrait slot (some of which I can't stand.)

Micaiah being a dark mage was downright bad. Especially since she has Shadowgift already.

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This, they need to be like the characters they represent. Give me a reason to buy DLC other than "Guest art" being in the portrait slot (some of which I can't stand.)

Most of (all?) the DLC characters that don't come with an item/skill have semiunique skills that are sometimes really good. The best examples are Roy with DS+ and Leif with Underdog, though Celica's RK can be fun to play with. I think Elincia also gets Charm, which is great on a staffbot if Chrom is a combat unit.

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Legacy characters are cool because they're going to be the only way the THEORETICAL FE13 0% GROWTHS PLAYTHROUGH EXTRAVAGANZA can be completed without too much heartache (maybe even on Lunatic...or maybe not).

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Spotpass characters could do a 0% growths one lunatic+ if you had the cash to summon them. They could probably even do it easily if you used the Logbook to raise their stats first or streetpassed yourself for statboosters. Recruit King Marth with capped Mag (LB optional), reclass to Sorc, own stuff with RK+all those procs, go GK or something for Grima and roflstomp him with Exalted Falchion and dual Astra procs.

Actually forget Streetpass, if you're allowed to Streetpass yourself on 0% growths you can buy infinite statboosters and use skirmishes for money, so nothing is challenging anymore, just tedious. I still think Spotpass could pull of Lunatic+ some way though.

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Some characters are in classes that just clash so heavily with their character. Gentle and sweet Deirdre wearing the see-through outfit of a Dark Mage? Technically, it makes sense since she can now use Nosferatu which was a Light magic tome but no. Just no.

Would have made more sense for Julia since her mother couldn't have Nosferatu IMO.

I completely agree on some character having classes that don't fit (and even stupid modifiers for some)

Edited by Sartek
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