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3-turning chapter 7 on 0%

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i've been trying to figure out a strategy with the best reliability and i was wondering if anyone can help me do better.

turn 2 image (vanessa is about to drop eirika and move 1L):


- franz has a +6 pure water

- colm and ross have a +7 pure water

- franz is at 11/20 HP

- vanessa is at 2/17 HP

- all others are at full HP

seth is carrying neimi, in case you were wondering what he's doing.

right now the problem is that i can't have both archers attacking eirika, because anywhere i drop her they will block the way to the gate. that means that i have to bait one of them away with another unit. unfortunately, franz needs to have less than 11 HP to do it. the current plan on turn 2 EP is the following:

1. soldier attacks colm. colm needs to dodge. (58 disp)

2. if colm dodges, fire mage attacks franz for 3 HP damage. (84 disp)

3. thunder mage attacks franz for 7 HP damage. (77 disp)

4. iron bow archer attacks franz for 7 HP damage. (84 disp)

franz needs to get hit by the fire mage and then dodge either the thunder mage or the archer. (14.14% chance)

alternatively, i can try to use vanessa to bait one of the archers. she has to dodge an OHKO at 74 disp (13.26% chance). i can probably set this up by not having ross use a pure water or something, though i suspect that colm still has to dodge the soldier.

.sav file available at: https://db.tt/1HmOyBjK

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oh my god you promoted ross

I can't think of another way but i'll see what I can do

for some reason Seth has 12 con too, he has 11 normally

EDIT: was using a hacked rom rofl

Edited by General Horace
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he has 11 con in my game ._.

EDIT: this would obviously be easier if i gave the dragonshield to someone else instead of seth, but i'm pretty sure seth needs the dragonshield for later maps (especially chapter 9).

Edited by dondon151
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turn 1: colm goes into river and rescues eirika; ross goes into river and rescues franz; vanessa takes and drops franz across river. there's only 2 starting slot combinations for colm/ross where this is possible so i think you can figure it out from here.

i actually have franz unequipped on turn 1 so that vanessa can absorb most of the damage. iron lance soldier attacks unequipped franz; slim lance soldier and thunder mage attack vanessa. if i leave franz equipped, iron lance soldier attacks vanessa and vanessa dies to thunder mage.

turn 2: garcia gives joshua to ross, who gives to franz; colm gives eirika to vanessa.

EDIT: i had a thought to buy a steel axe and weigh down ross with it to 0 AS, but the fire mage moves before the thunder mage, and the thunder mage is the one that i want ross to sponge. the soldier in the image is quite irksome and moves to the tile above colm to attack (i don't know if he is consistent in this behavior, though); otherwise the fire mage couldn't reach ross.

Edited by dondon151
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oh holy shit neimi mvp

regardless I can't find anything with better odds without resetting to get more favourable enemy stats. Super helpful, I know.

Out of curiosity, what did you get on the chapters leading up to this, and do you have a projected TC?

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i got the same TC on the previous chapters compared to the standard clears... i guess i couldn't 2-turn chapter 6 without some massive dodge rigging (you know, something about vanessa dodging OHKOs from archers...) . everything else is the same. i have no idea on the projected turncount, but i'd like to get 100 or fewer turns.

did you 2-turn or 3-turn chapter 6? i'm getting conflicting information from http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43587&page=1

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minor update: i've been experimenting with giving the dragonshield to different units, and none of them work. dragonshield on franz doesn't work because the soldiers prefer to target equipped vanessa over unequipped franz if he has 8 def (but not if he has 6 def). dragonshield on vanessa doesn't do anything because soldiers still prefer to target 8 def vanessa over 6 def franz if both can counter.

the big issue is that i still can't have both archers targeting eirika, so somehow i need to make one of them target franz or vanessa. they can't target joshua, because it's impossible to have only one archer target joshua without him being unable to reach murray. they'll only prefer franz over eirika if he has less than 11 HP, but if he has too little HP then the mages will attack him over colm. speaking of colm, he can survive soldier + both mages as long as the soldier remaining is the one with the slim lance.

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i haven't tried, but if the iron lance soldier attacks iron sword franz, it's bad news because franz takes 10 HP damage from the soldier and 6 HP damage from the thunder mage, leaving him with 4 HP that can't tank much of anything.

i managed to get a successful run with dragonshield on eirika: she needs to dodge the ballista at 50 hit but otherwise everything works out.

but dragonshield on eirika is ew. terrible. maybe it'll help me out later, but 16 HP, 5 def doesn't seem like much of an improvement over 16 HP, 3 def.

EDIT: i'm still really confused as to whether chapter 6 can be 2-turned. refa tells me it can't; horace said it can't but has a thread where he says it can, except there's also an arithmetic error which leads me to believe that he made a typo.

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EDIT: i'm still really confused as to whether chapter 6 can be 2-turned. refa tells me it can't; horace said it can't but has a thread where he says it can, except there's also an arithmetic error which leads me to believe that he made a typo.

In that same thread, chapter 6 is listed as a 3 turn clear in the first spoiler, so it's probably a typo in the second one. I think it's only possible to go below 3 turns when using the enemy control glitch.

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I seem to recall Vykan getting the 2 turn. I don't have any sort of objections to using glitches in LTCs. The point is to force the game as much as you can and get the lowest possible turn.

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given that the enemy control glitch is pretty well-defined, it's easy to separate an ECG from a non-ECG category. same for the FE6 suicide glitch. as far as categories go, it would be the same for recruiting all player units and/or keeping all player units alive.

if we're plainly talking about LTC, then glitches are fine to exploit. but usually we talk about glitchless LTC.

anyway, i was curious about chapter 6 because it seems like vanessa can drop seth on turn 2 in novala's attack range if she starts in the top position. so what prevents this strategy from working (other than vanessa dying)?

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Hmm...if Vanessa fullmoves with Seth just out of the enemy's range, then drops him turn two, I don't think that he'd be able to be in Novala's range. I could be wrong. *shrugs* I need to look at a map.

The only way I'd imagine a two turn for that chapter is if Vanessa suicides with Seth against someone, then Seth moves up and kills Novala, but the problem with that is that Vanessa is needed for other chapters, specifically the next one.

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I think the suiciding with someone rescued thing only works in FE6, I tried doing it with Tana in 5x in reverse recruitment since she'd come back anyway, but the unit she was carrying lost her move.

you can technically two turn if Vanessa survives like 6 enemies including an archer while carrying Seth, but the odds are pretty much less than zero, especially in 0%

actually you might be able to use the torch glitch, but that's pretty lame.

edit: apparently I did it in my last playthough, maybe I found something different, idk if I still have the videos after my computer crashed though

edit edit: Its definately possible and kind of reliable actually, Vanessa with some levels isn't oneshotted by the archer, and she only gets attacked by two enemies. In 0% it might be possible, but I think people would get clogged up and Vanessa wouldn't be able to dump Seth by the boss due to enemies in the way. I guess its kind of reliable when Franz and Vanessa have really good stats.

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I remember there being a video I saw of Ephraim's route C10, with Vanessa suiciding against something, which dropped Ross in front ofthe boss. I dunno, my memory is pretty foggy.

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my guess is they got her oneshotted by the ballista so ross would appear in front of the boss, which would otherwise be impossible. It'd be on the enemy phase though, which would be why it worked out

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nah it isnt


franz and vanessa are pretty ridic tho, vanessa needed the dragonshield too (although i think that was from last chapter)

i should really get back to finishing my fe8 ltc run but being lazy it much more appealing.

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I doubt it, Franz and Vanessa have significantly less avoid and durability, plus they wouldn't kill any enemies, I think Vanessa's path would get blocked even if they did survive.

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