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Fire Emblem: Burden of Choice


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I suppose I should be able to update these screenies with new mugs later this month.

Provided I don't get lazy with my mugs of course. teheh...

Although I'm making one atm, he doesn't show up in the screenies. (probably because I wanted to make sure he's awesome as fresh as it can be off my mind rather than holding it off)

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diplomancy is obviously the practice of using diplomat-based sorcery (you... throw diplomats at people???) to control the outcomes of world events (such as tax returns, compound interest, lottery winnings)

can...can you make this a thing...in your hack...please... :D

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I suppose it can't hurt to sneak an extra information.

Yes, you will control the outcome of story.


Like FE6 (FE11 too, and maybe 12? I don't remember) and in a way like FE Awakening if you think a little about it. (Different Futures)

You'll have few choices and it'll influence the outcome of maps, events, and characters that'll probably make you get to feel emotionally or such and provide an ending depending on the choices taken.

I'm trying to solve the puzzle though, so it doesn't mush too much since these can happen :\

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I suppose I'll post a new progress update.

1. I'm changing Items stats and balance it out to not be a one hit wonder on each map. (I'm sure you find having a character being able to kill a dodge units or remarkably armored unit in one turn boring.) This will also lead to the player having to think about item choices.

Swords now carry crits, but are vaguely weak in powers, they rarely miss.

Lance is the balance of all stats.

Axe now carry powers, but less crit happy, this includes Tomahawk and Killer Axe, to which will be modified to be less weight in exchange for crit, making it a favorite of warrior and such, perhaps may need a name change for that.

Uncertain about Bow. I think I'll make them power, but less hit in exchange for crit. I means, it's pretty hard to land an arrow unless you're incredibly skilled. I'll adjust the numbers for bow users character to reflect this, no worries. I'm open to suggestions however.


Here's what they CURRENTLY look like. They are subjected to change. I am still testing them of course.


That's why I'm still testing. I need to work out the WTS to make the stats balanced.

2. I'm making each map difficult to present challenges for LTCer and 0 growths, while keeping it fun for the casual players.

3. Not much progress with eventing, still testing out a couple of things.

4. New Hilda mug.


Just a peek.

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I've updated screenies in OP as well adding Credits. Some may be not true... YET, but I forget easily, so I included them anyway.

More screenies to come.

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That's why I wanted to balance items, I always felt swordfighters were better for game than a warrior, a general, or a sage.

Hm, I'm interested in the weapon stat changes. I wonder how they'll work out. I always found swords to be overpowered.

Generally speaking, swords have terrible 1-2 range options, ultimately making axes more dangerous.

And better than a sage? Ehh...Hitting RES and 1-2 range and staff utility is pretty key.

Edited by Siuloir
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If I knew how, I'd made something cool for swords to be 1-2 without using magic stats and not be like Axe version, or lance. I'm assuming the module for those are locked to a weapon and if you change it, their weakness change too, if this thought is wrong, tell me please, because that's giving me a new exploration option.

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Oh gosh Hilda's hair and her title don't match! :P:

What about swords in their current state do you think is overpowered? What about lances/axes?

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Oh gosh Hilda's hair and her title don't match! :P:

What about swords in their current state do you think is overpowered? What about lances/axes?

I may or may not change their titles, so far, only one title actually fits their character.

Metztli is Maroon Edge, Imon is Silver Thunder, Cid is Ebony Aegis, and Arulle is Snow Killer.

Yeah, I need to change few of those hahahaha...


The sword is far too light for how much their offers.

So Swordmasters and Heroes are just stomping everyone, (at least that's how it goes for me, they almost never lost.) Remember Marisa in my FE8 female!sword run? (Although that doesn't count since she was assassin which is pretty outclassed by Swordmaster in term of sword usage)

Lance and Axe will be changed anyway to balance out with nerf to swords.

As I stated, Swords will carry little power, but accuracy and crit will be higher.

Lance will be the jack of all trade (reach, precision, and powers, so they crit better than axe, but not better than sword due to how small it can be, while the reach give it accuracy and powers.)

Axe obviously get the power due to their weight of forged blades offering powers, but no critical because you're not going to get them in their heart or whatever due to how large it is.

I have a vague idea for Bow to make it power, and crit, but less accuracy and will have the original wielder's skill buffed for trade off. (Archer, Sniper, Nomad, the classes that starts and prioritize bows as their weapon anyway.)

Edit: OR i could just throw the entire items rework out the door and make everything the identical stats based on their type. Iron get 1 POWER 100 HIT 5 CRIT, STELL GET 4 POWER 80 HIT 10 CRIT



Actually, that'd be fun.

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I'd say add a bit more weight, but that screws over specific characters, as opposed to doing anything about the weapon itself. I never thought swords were particularly unbalanced, because of the lack of common 1-2 range options.

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Swords aren't good. At all. Giving them -2 MT just seems wrong.

I did say I'm testing the stats. Good results atm, but I still need to look at few things first.

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The sword is far too light for how much their offers.

So Swordmasters and Heroes are just stomping everyone, (at least that's how it goes for me, they almost never lost.) Remember Marisa in my FE8 female!sword run? (Although that doesn't count since she was assassin which is pretty outclassed by Swordmaster in term of sword usage)

Swordmasters and Heroes don't stomp because of swords, they stomp because they tend to have much better bases than other classes, especially Skill and Speed. Swords as a weapon aren't great post-FE6, where ranged options are limited bar FE10 while lances and axes don't have this problem. And Iron and Steel Swords are at a slight disadvantage compared to their lance/axe counterparts in FE7-9.

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i'm not sure how sword users being unbalanced for reasons completely unrelated to swords makes swords super duper strong


for clarification, post-FE6 basically any unit I can think of that prefers to use swords is a) locked to swords and b) would be far better if they had axes instead

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I wish I knew how to change palette.

Fe Recolor doesn't help, nor does feditor's color thing.


Now I need to figure out how to safely insert the map sprite without breaking the game.

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I wish I knew how to change palette.

Fe Recolor doesn't help, nor does feditor's color thing.


Now I need to figure out how to safely insert the map sprite without breaking the game.

Cam wrote a pretty thorough tutorial on how to change palettes in Hacking Resources. You should read it.

Also you're probably inserting the map sprite without making sure the 'compressed' box is checked.

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I have a topic in hacking questions on map sprite insertation.

I have most of it in, but when you hover over the mapsprite, one frame is so off it's spasming back and forth.

A tip of the wing is not placed properly and Cam said to find a map sprite with similarity to Wy.Kn. in FE7 and switch the "Another". (Can't find one yet. :\)

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you could always just remove the wingtip

I'll make that a last resort, I don't want to have to remove the tip if there's a solution.

Meanswhile, have an in-work palette for Hilda, could use feedback on it.


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