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Fire Emblem: Burden of Choice


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This hack isn't dead.

I'm just neglecting my work.

I did manage to fix a weird bug that happened after seizing. HideMap, why must you do this to me.

Other bugs my testers found are present mainly because I didn't ask in event question thread yet. I'm too lazy :v


Here's the event that never showed up because of that seize bug.


Demo in couple of days.

-Edit: Whoo, got brave effect on ranged weapons... how did I forget about Brave Bow's byte.


Edited by Fateborn
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I didn't see this on the known issues list, but when I recruited Alvaria and went to chapter 1B, she doesn't appear and the cutscene at the end of the prologue still happens.

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I didn't see this on the known issues list, but when I recruited Alvaria and went to chapter 1B, she doesn't appear and the cutscene at the end of the prologue still happens.

Y-you actually crossed that distance on time before the hidden turn limit were up? You Monster!

I'll add that to the issues. You're not supposed to be able to have Alvaria for 1B and vice versa

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I didn't read the readme, so just played prologue, it needs a lot of work.


the iron bow is literally the craziest weapon i've ever seen. It's stats make zero sense. It's obscenely stronger than steel weapons and have a terrible hit rate. Basically kanon is a glass cannon... Her whole use as a character is to just gamble hits, i had to rng abuse a bunch just to get her to hit a cavalier. While i appreciate the effort in balancing an archer, i do not think this is the way to go.

the bandits are insanely powerful, they basically chase you into other enemies. Which sounds like a good idea, but it's executed poorly. I have 3 allies to use and im getting chased by 4 axe users who are more powerful than any of my units. and when i say powerful, i mean like stupid levels of power. It literally takes 3 of my units to take out one.

Hilda is basically useless for like 3 turns since she starts so far away, and given that these enemies are punishing. You figure a jeigan is needed assaaaap. so moving her or making less punishing enemies could be a good idea.

krev i don't understand why he's there in the first place, he's placed in the most inconvenient spot ever. he's in a narrow pathway with ranged weapon. so yeah frustrating.

all these issues basically made me have to just turtle and bait and switch with hilda getting most of the kills. Two strategies that make gameplay in fe not fun.


it seems like you're trying to have this theme of suspense and darkness in your story. But there doesn't seem to be any build up of suspense; we don't really know why arulle hates metz but she does. It just seems quite rushed.

but there's one truly jarring issue i have. Metzli can't take on villagers. and these villagers are literal 'residents' of a village. How is this new famed general being utterly demolished by scrub soldiers and cavs... and villagers?

the nation is governed by 5 generals, but there's also a king? do they have separate roles?

you seem to have a lot of ideas, but it looks like you're trying to stuff them in 3 chapters (2 really since you have a prologue and an essential route split)

Edited by Y.O.L.O Dewey
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The prologue requires a lot of turtling, I didn't leave the little fortress area at the beginning until all the brigands had been killed.

Metzili and Sean have really high defense and after they get a couple levels can tank pretty much anything the game throws at them.

Kanon seems pretty useless since she either can’t hit or can’t do any damage.

We don't really know what any of these generals do yet, or really anything about the setting. A bit more exposition might be needed.


The music at the end of the cutscene with the generals seems to play over the map music for a bit after the scene changes.

Music in 1B is really out of place

Letting Kanon (or potentially anyone) die crashes the game at the start of chapter 1A (when there's map movement)

Alvaria never says anything?

You can recruit Reave and kill Alvaria, or kill both, making the cutscene not make sense. Maybe put the two exits farther apart or lower the turn count.

Edited by Toa
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Thanks for feedbacks, those helped. Let's see how I can improve the hack.

I'll answer few questions.

@Dewey Replies in bold

the iron bow is literally the craziest weapon i've ever seen. It's stats make zero sense. It's obscenely stronger than steel weapons and have a terrible hit rate. Basically kanon is a glass cannon... Her whole use as a character is to just gamble hits, i had to rng abuse a bunch just to get her to hit a cavalier. While i appreciate the effort in balancing an archer, i do not think this is the way to go.

I agree it need work, I was looking for a way to make bows user a heavy hitter, high mt, low hit while providing bow users a chance to ignore that via short bow. I'll revert the bows back to normal in next demo and see if it's better.

the bandits are insanely powerful, they basically chase you into other enemies. Which sounds like a good idea, but it's executed poorly. I have 3 allies to use and im getting chased by 4 axe users who are more powerful than any of my units. and when i say powerful, i mean like stupid levels of power. It literally takes 3 of my units to take out one.

I had the enemy units outlevel your units, which is why they're powerful, it's also due to my adjusting their % stats gain each level.

Hilda is basically useless for like 3 turns since she starts so far away, and given that these enemies are punishing. You figure a jeigan is needed assaaaap. so moving her or making less punishing enemies could be a good idea.

She arrived from the King Palace when she discovered about Metztli's trechery and went to look for herself, given that all four generals before Metztli lives closer to the Palace, they knew about her 'betrayal' before she even arrived to her castle to settle some matters before launching her attempt to fix her region.

krev i don't understand why he's there in the first place, he's placed in the most inconvenient spot ever. he's in a narrow pathway with ranged weapon. so yeah frustrating.

Javelin is there so you can't use Kanon as a cheap method of farming off him, but yeah, I think he need better placement, you have any suggestion?

all these issues basically made me have to just turtle and bait and switch with hilda getting most of the kills. Two strategies that make gameplay in fe not fun.

If it was your hack, how would you improve it? Knowing things help me tremdously.


it seems like you're trying to have this theme of suspense and darkness in your story. But there doesn't seem to be any build up of suspense; we don't really know why arulle hates metz but she does. It just seems quite rushed.

Maybe I didn't make it clear, but she hates Metztli because she's a newcomer, and then there's the whole attentions on her.

but there's one truly jarring issue i have. Metzli can't take on villagers. and these villagers are literal 'residents' of a village. How is this new famed general being utterly demolished by scrub soldiers and cavs... and villagers?

She's trying to not kill them. All enemy units on that chapter are knocked unconscious by Metztli's party. She asked everyone to not kill them while escaping.

the nation is governed by 5 generals, but there's also a king? do they have separate roles?

That'll be made clear later. To be specific, would had been cleared up in world map event, but as I don't understand how it works, I'm putting it off for now.


The prologue requires a lot of turtling, I didn't leave the little fortress area at the beginning until all the brigands had been killed.

I'll figure something out for that. Thanks for freedback.

Metzili and Sean have really high defense and after they get a couple levels can tank pretty much anything the game throws at them.

They're supposed to be the innate tanks of your low resistance team, while Hilda is the resistance tank, perhaps I should nerf them.

Kanon seems pretty useless since she either can’t hit or can’t do any damage.

Yeah, she has an issue. I believe it's because SKL doesn't really give much of hit rate. 2 each 1, which is hardly numberous. I'll revert the bow changes to normal next demo.

We don't really know what any of these generals do yet, or really anything about the setting. A bit more exposition might be needed.

Working on that.


The music at the end of the cutscene with the generals seems to play over the map music for a bit after the scene changes.

I have 0 clues about music, I'm hearing impaired so I can't understand which music are good for which scene.

Music in 1B is really out of place

See above

Letting Kanon (or potentially anyone) die crashes the game at the start of chapter 1A (when there's map movement)

Hmm. That clears up more about my death id situations. thank.

Alvaria never says anything?

She talks in 1A. She just prefers to be quiet, she's a foreigner taken in by Metztli, so she's feeling out of place from everyone.

You can recruit Reave and kill Alvaria, or kill both, making the cutscene not make sense. Maybe put the two exits farther apart or lower the turn count.

I had the turncount even lower than 18. Both me and beta testers could reach both area with no issues from that, but I figured, better safe than sorry for the players.

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Thanks for feedbacks, those helped. Let's see how I can improve the hack.

I agree it need work, I was looking for a way to make bows user a heavy hitter, high mt, low hit while providing bow users a chance to ignore that via short bow. I'll revert the bows back to normal in next demo and see if it's better.

? just make kanon a high mt low skill character? Why make unrealistic weapon stats when you can just change bases of a character to do the same thing.

I had the enemy units outlevel your units, which is why they're powerful, it's also due to my adjusting their % stats gain each level.

This doesn't make any sense for a story or gameplay perspective..

She arrived from the King Palace when she discovered about Metztli's trechery and went to look for herself, given that all four generals before Metztli lives closer to the Palace, they knew about her 'betrayal' before she even arrived to her castle to settle some matters before launching her attempt to fix her region.

She can still spawn closer to her allies, regardless of the plot in this situation.

Javelin is there so you can't use Kanon as a cheap method of farming off him, but yeah, I think he need better placement, you have any suggestion?

My sug? just get rid of him, it's very weird that this random paladin with beast weapons is in the first chapter of a game.

If it was your hack, how would you improve it? Knowing things help me tremdously.

i'd improve it by doing the things that i suggested, that and waiting for other feedback and changing it all.


Maybe I didn't make it clear, but she hates Metztli because she's a newcomer, and then there's the whole attentions on her.

I'm sorry if this offends you, but that is a terrible way to set up this whole shtick of treachery. It's very juvenile and generals should know a lot better than to just point fingers and be jealous. These people are leading a nation, and they act like children. I really suggest you find a better reason than because she's jealous that she is getting all the attention.

She's trying to not kill them. All enemy units on that chapter are knocked unconscious by Metztli's party. She asked everyone to not kill them while escaping.

That doesn't justify the fact that they are herculean compared to a general of a nation. Just because they need to be "knocked out" doesn't mean they need to be OP. Also it's strange to me that swords, a ballistic bow and spears can knock out people. What are they hitting people with? The hilts?

That'll be made clear later. To be specific, would had been cleared up in world map event, but as I don't understand how it works, I'm putting it off for now.

you could just have exposition at the beginning for this

but in the end it's your hack and you can choose to do what you want~

Edited by Y.O.L.O Dewey
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