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Most Awkward Moment Of Your Life

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We all have those moments where the situation just becomes incredibly...awkward. So, what was yours? Tripping down the stairs in a public area? Letting one rip during an exam? Accidentally walking in on your parents having some "fun" time? All of the above?

Think of the most awkward moment of your life to share Entertain me! We're all anonymous here...I think?

Here's mine: About a couple months ago, I was talking with a friend of my mom's (and keep in mind I haven't seen her in over seven months or so) and we were just casually talking when I asked her, "So how is your husband doing?"

She paused before she angrily responded, "He's my soon-to-be-ex-husband. We're getting a divorce." We immediately stopped having that conversation. My mom later asked me why I brought it up, and I had to explain to her that "nobody tells me sh*t anymore." :dry:

By the way, I'm not pressuring anyone to do this, so if you're not comfortable, then you don't have to :P:

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This is a bit TMI (and by a bit I mean a LOT), but here goes:

When I was 10 years old, I went six months without having a bowel movement. Willingly. When I finally decided to rectify that, I spent 6 hours on the toilet (with my mom, to make it slightly more embarassing) in some of the worst pain of my life. I think it's the closest I'll ever come to experiencing the pain of childbirth. On the bright side, I got two days off from school.

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I'm really curious, how did you manage to go half a year without shitting? o_o

Yeah, that isn't exactly healthy for anyone and even worse for a developing child

Edited by Alb
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I have an Easy button from the Staples commercials:

that I keep in my backpack. After turning in a math test, I put my pencil in my backpack and accidentally hit my Easy button with it. So yeah, it just blurted out, "That was easy" while some kids were still taking the test. Their stares.

I'm really curious, how did you manage to go half a year without shitting? o_o

I went 6 days without shitting around that age, and that sucked. I can't even imagine 6 months.

Edited by BuddyBoy
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This is a bit TMI (and by a bit I mean a LOT), but here goes:

When I was 10 years old, I went six months without having a bowel movement. Willingly. When I finally decided to rectify that, I spent 6 hours on the toilet (with my mom, to make it slightly more embarassing) in some of the worst pain of my life. I think it's the closest I'll ever come to experiencing the pain of childbirth. On the bright side, I got two days off from school.

I call bullshit.

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That isn't really healthy for anyone in general, like damn

That isn't really healthy for anyone in general, like damn

I do not know. It hasn't had any adverse effects on me, as far as I know.

I call bullshit.

I will admit that I'm kind of fuzzy on the timeframe, but it was several months at least.

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Once when I worked at a fast food place, a manager was turning around in a hallway while her hand was swinging and accidently grabbed my crouch. It was even better because she would joke flirt with me because she knew it flustered me(I got used to it), so it was sweet revenge. Still pretty awkward when it happened though but I got over it quicker.

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You can't go several months without a bowel movement. You're mistaken. You might have gone a week, but I'd expect people at that stage to be heading to the hospital.

You're probably right... my memory is not very good. Sorry about that.

(It's like they always say, PEMN :Kappa: )

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Ive gone nearly a week without a BM, and i freaked out and got some treatments for it.

Awkward moments? Well i cant remember too many to be honest. But one is pretty awkward and got hilarious. Breaking wind while...in the middle of intercourse. Much lolz were had.

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I once tried to flirt with one of my older brothers friends during a party where I got drunk. Her boyfriend was there too, but fortunately he was drunker then me. It was a little ackward the following day.

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There are too many to choose from....but there was one time in high school when I was at my friend's house with some other girls. She had younger brothers in the house too. And one of my pads must have somehow fell out from my backpack where it was under the table, but no one noticed for a while. And then suddenly...my friend's mom was like 'WHOSE IS THIS' and I was like '....' Yeah, that was totes awk.

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looooool mewyeon you've shared stories that have sounded more awk x3

i haven't had much social interaction but there was one instance where i tried confessing to someone that i liked them and i left halfway...i said "i can't right now" or something like that and walked away. it wouldn't have been so bad if well...i was a dumb teenager, so...well, i still AM a dumb teenager but i was like 13 or 14 then. it was one of those crushes where i'm convinced i like a person i don't even freakin know, just had acquaintances who did. to them i was a "vaguely familiar stranger" pretty much.

it was a very nice person though, so they were very attentive. they looked me in the eyes and stayed mostly silent and didn't really do anything to...try and just blow me off. very awkward, but it wasn't so bad for the very first time i ever tried confessing to someone.

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I have been alone in a small clearing with one other person for around forty-five minutes. We were... facebook friends, and we shared the same group, but that was about it. I tried talking to him. Briefly. I asked him where other people were. There was another long pause. I asked him about his writing. He gave a short noncommittal answer.

Total silence for forty minutes before I decided to leave. I still don't know how I managed it.

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I have been alone in a small clearing with one other person for around forty-five minutes. We were... facebook friends, and we shared the same group, but that was about it. I tried talking to him. Briefly. I asked him where other people were. There was another long pause. I asked him about his writing. He gave a short noncommittal answer.

Total silence for forty minutes before I decided to leave. I still don't know how I managed it.

where da context at

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where da context at

he was a cunt and the last time I saw him was with two friends and i literally did not acknowledge him for the whole hour and a half i was hanging around with that group

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i say 'was'

he still is until proven otherwise

i'd like to meet him again just to kick sand in his face and flex and be alpha as fuck and call him by the shortened version of his name that he cries when he hears

you know the guy in that stereotypical bodybuilding ad where there's this tiny guy who gets sand kicked in his face by someone alpha as fuck and then bulks up

i literally want to be the antagonist of that ad only instead of losing at the end this cunt i hate just cries into a box of ice cream for twenty fucking panels

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i'll say this though he's a fucking great comic actor and i genuinely think that could be his career but he's still a cunt

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One time I was with friends at school a few years ago. One of the girls was eating cookies or whatever while one of the guys was talking about his junk. After noticing the girl was eating something I liked, I jokingly asked her to "put that in my mouth", completely forgetting what the dude was talking about.


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