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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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First day I targetted Darros which resulted in nothing and second day I targeted Boron which likewise revealed nothing new. I got the message that my vote was fixed in the same results so I thought it was because I targeted her.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Persuader role only apply to the day it's done on? If so, FFM, are you aware of this? You seem to have assumed that you can't vote at all since it happened on D2.

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I think FFM is saying that they know that they were targeted for kills but they learned that from the flips when the Day started so they gained nothing of value.

i don't have an issue with your definitions it's just off-putting to me (and presumably others) if your definitions differ slightly from the colloquial one

this is why i recommend making your definitions clear at the start of an argument

Good advice. I shouldn't assume I know what I'm talking about at this early stage in my mafia career.

you're solo asking for roles under vote pressure, which can be bad (as it comes down to your judgement as to who deserves to have their role out in the open)

what prims is suggesting is that town collectively decide who is scummiest (aka standard mafia play) and then forcing them to claim under lynch pressure

In other words I haven't been a team player and that's not good.

Thanks for explaining.

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FFM: why did you think Boron messed with your vote when she had just died and her flip said nothing about moving votes?

Also, confirm you saw a kill attempt on Boron? If so, was there anything interesting about the kill?

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according to votals, FFM is in fact forced to vote for FFM (note he hasn't dropped a vote this phase), so that much checks out

wrt Kay i'd be down if we can't find anyone else to consolidate on

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I don't have a problem with turboing Kay because at worst we are getting rid of a useless and scummy town and at best we are hitting scum. I'll consolidate on her if necessary but would prefer a stronger read if possible.

I don't think FFM is scum so either that or a Eury lynch is fine with me.

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I've basically always found Kay to have the scummiest play individually since the start of the day, but I figured nobody would want to push her because she AFK'd. Still, seeing her call Eury "noncommittal" while posting an incredibly waffly opinion on Psych was really, really bad. Was hoping a dayvig exists to fix this situation since waiting for a sub is a crapshoot (and even if there is one they're still going to have been a question mark for the first 2 and a half day phases), but I get the impression that if they do they don't want to shoot.

I'm still OK with FFM lynch too though.


##Vote: Kay

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Eury, if you're a power role with an incriminating result on Makaze, now's the time to out that. Just saying.

according to votals, FFM is in fact forced to vote for FFM (note he hasn't dropped a vote this phase), so that much checks out

wrt Kay i'd be down if we can't find anyone else to consolidate on

She also already said she would have given it if she had it. I actually buy that part.

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according to votals, FFM is in fact forced to vote for Makaze (note he hasn't dropped a vote this phase), so that much checks out

I'll vote for Kay if no better option presents itself

also baldrick is posting the excitement is killing me

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Are you sure nothing targetted them on either day?


FFM: why did you think Boron messed with your vote when she had just died and her flip said nothing about moving votes?

Also, confirm you saw a kill attempt on Boron? If so, was there anything interesting about the kill?

I saw my results before I saw what had happened during the night and just assumed

And yes, I was informed of the kill attempt on Boron but nothing other than that

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