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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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The neighborizer point is actually good, but I was talking about him as Psych's scumbuddy.

What are your thoughts about my reasons for why Makaze doesn't make sense as the third scum?

My reads are currently something like:

- Mafia: j00

- Leaning Scum: Eurykins

- Leaning Town: Shinori

- Not scum, possible SK: Cam, Darros

- Obvtown: eclipse, Makaze, Baldrick

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My reads probably haven't changed all that much from this post.

Makaze > J00 > Cam > Eclipse > Other people > Me

That would probably be my current reads. As for actual definition and reasoning: I'm still partially biased towards Makaze and I honestly like Eury's case against him as well as a few other cases against him. I was already iffy on J00 previously from my last actual reads post because of slightly PoE, same with Cam. But I also like Prim's current case on him and this is enough that I feel I should put effort into glancing over his ISO and that's why he is currently #2. Cam/Eclipse are the only other two people that I'm not really reading as town besides Makaze/J00. Which puts them here as PoE. Currently if I had to pick out of the two from known info that I have from skimming and this current day phase I'd probably vote Cam > eclipse. His role seems perfect for an SK but I question why he claimed it and I'm liking Eclipse's posts.

Who do you think is mafia, specifically?

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I think I've been swayed too much on what Eury said about Makaze. I see him more as SK candidate than scum candidate.

To answer Makaze's question if you want me to rank reads based on who I think is SK vs who I think is scum it would be like this:

SK: Makaze > Cam > Eclipse > J00

Scum: J00 > Eclipse > Makaze > Cam.

@Prims: I'll go back and check it in a sec.

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I'm very confident Makaze isn't the final mafia member - everything j00 has used to defend herself about late Day 2 applies to Makaze tenfold, only with Makaze it's a lot more meaningful because he was on Cam earlier in the day and definitely did not need to switch back if Psych was his buddy. He was also an early contributor to both scum wagons. tbh I believe you're probably legit at this point going by >implications about your role and general play since you've subbed in so yeah nevermind we're not lynching Makaze. If I'm somehow wrong then hats off to him for the very convincing bus game.

However, I don't think Shinori is scum so much as lazy town. "This guy annoys me" is not how you bus your scumbuddy.

I like the reasoning here put forward but how does this stop him from being SK?

Let's say J00 is the last scum member who do you think is SK Prims?

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eclipse said she had reasons to believe Makaze isn't SK; I'm inclined to take this at face value as I believe she is town.

Cam / Darros are the most likely SK going by role. I could also see you as SK. I would honestly rather handle this by lynching scum then massclaiming once it's just the SK left.

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...but Paper had a harmful action, an effective strongman and an effective rolecop.

I actually think Cam's role doesn't make sense in conjunction with Psych's, although maybe he can't redirect kills. That said, his D2 play doesn't match up with how Psych's buddy should act - he has nothing to gain from taking his time to get on the Psych wagon when the day was going to come down to Psych/Cam wagons anyway. As scum, Cam would want to either push Psych's lynch so that town would go "oh Cam was Psych's counterwagon, we can't lynch him" or attack a townie really hard as an alternative to both wagons. I can see him as SK though.

I really think lynching off rolespec today is a waste, and that we should save it for when there's only a SK left.

I'm reading hooker/follower, and both require an active role to be considered harmful. Having Something Else on top of nexus as town reads pretty powerful, IMO.

There's currently two scum left, out of seven. Darros claiming hit BPV means that he's probably not mafia, BUT on the off chance that Cam flips town, I'd have him up next as the likely ITP target. In my eyes, it's a 50% chance of hitting scum. Now, assuming that Prims is correct about Makaze (he is NOT the ITP), that leaves six players and two scum otherwise - a 33% chance. 'sides, this is the only way we're going to get a read out of Cam.

Unfortunately, there's a very high chance that I'll end up being a functional vanilla, but eh.

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I can buy itp!Cam and will support his lynch if others want to go this route, but I don't think he's the last scum. I'm also confused where the second kill went last night if the SK is a Nexus and not a Bulletproof - Darros should only be able to survive one kill, right?

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... that could very well be where the second kill went, since if she was last here Jun 20 2014 05:33 PM (PST) she only had 2 and a half hours to send in her kill.

I don't really want to lynch her over this though because it's kind of lame.

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I can buy itp!Cam and will support his lynch if others want to go this route, but I don't think he's the last scum. I'm also confused where the second kill went last night if the SK is a Nexus and not a Bulletproof - Darros should only be able to survive one kill, right?

Can you elaborate? I don't get what you're saying.

I'm not how this works on here, but isn't it possible that the other kill was avoided/fixed by a bodyguard (I think that's it) or doc?

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Doctor and Jailkeeper and Bulletproof in the same set-up seems incredibly unlikely. Bodyguard would've died in the target's place.

If Darros is a 1-shot BP who was targeted by both kills, he'd have died. Which means the second kill is unaccounted for and I'm not sure what possible kill-stopping roles there are with a JK dead and a BP claimed, except for BPV SK.

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actually nevermind the Eury theory is bad because Shin started the phase an hour early, implying he had all actions in.

it was lame play anyway

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I see... In that case, Eury is looking bad for the inactivity. Considering no one else has claimed to have redirected the kill or anything (more or less confirming the target town), it does seem like the most viable option.

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Either one of our unclaimeds is a protective role (well, I'm pretty obviously not <_<) or scum shot the SK who is bulletproof, which would mean it's not Cam.

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If scum shot the SK who is bulletproof, does that negate the SK's night kill action? If not, then what happened to the SK's kill?

I think a possible explanation is that we have a hooker. If that is the case, a hooker telling us who they hooked last night would be very helpful.

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Hmmmm. . .

Oh, didn't catch that the first time 'round, either. It's possible that this is a slightly bastard game. . .or someone's sitting on a very nice role. Can't really say whether or not that BPV would've guarded both shots - it depends on the wording in Darros' PM (DARROS IF YOU POST THAT I SWEAR I WILL TURN ALL THE MILK AT YOUR JOB INTO GLUE).

(reread Psych's role PM CAREFULLY)

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If scum shot the SK who is bulletproof, does that negate the SK's night kill action? If not, then what happened to the SK's kill?

I think a possible explanation is that we have a hooker. If that is the case, a hooker telling us who they hooked last night would be very helpful.

I'm talking about a scenario where Darros is legit town BP (shot by SK) and the SK is BP as well (shot by scum). Interestingly the only reasonable NK targets I can think of would be Darros (can't be SK in this scenario), myself (yeah uh) and j00 (which would mean she's SK rather than mafia). Maaaaybe eclipse if you stretch it but I don't think she is the SK.

if there's a hooker I imagine they would've claimed it already since it's an effective guilty.

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Cam could also have been shot but I'm not sure why scum would be willing to risk him redirecting kills unless they somehow knew about Darros' role.

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