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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Reading Eury is actually painful.


-#348 is ehhh, been said before but it seems awfully convinced that Makaze is ITP? Point 7 is graspy either way, criticising the use of the word 'mafia' instead of the word 'scum' when that's not really indicative of alignment at all.

-#353 does anyone actually do that?

-#385 I like how even though she seems very focused on Makaze she is actually scumhunting and considering other people (in this case Shinori but I'm pretty sure she calls Psych out too).

-#446 applying scorri's meta to Makaze is kinda stretching it no? This is just an example, but I think the whole Makaze case is blown out of proportion.

-#658 another example of good scumhunting depth.

-#689 I don't really buy that she'd never ITP hunt as ITP? I feel worse about this self-meta than other instances of self-meta for some reason. I think it's because of how sure she seems? Iunno something is giving me red flags so let's just call it my gut.

-#710 You try to excuse yourself from not playing like a solid townie by saying that it's why you haven't been shot? So what you're saying is, you're purposefully avoiding being shot? Which alignment most wants to avoid being shot again? Oh right, ITP.

-Effort is waning but tl;dr what people have said about overuse of ITP hunting is true, but good scumhunting and a "no ITP would be this obvious" feel make me a little happier.

Lynch priority is now: eclipse > Cam >> Eury > Makaze >> Darros

I actually kinda like Makaze's summary on Cam (regarding losing good reads) and pair that with Baldrick's case and what I found I moved him down.


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you make a huge post detailing exactly what it is i've done that's "strange" (which isn't a scumtell regardless; it's not like there's one universal style of scumhunting that people have to conform to), and then you vote Eury??? O_o

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you make a huge post detailing exactly what it is i've done that's "strange" (which isn't a scumtell regardless; it's not like there's one universal style of scumhunting that people have to conform to), and then you vote Eury??? O_o

Explaining my reads to someone with doubts isn't the same as changing them. Eury is still more scummy.

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makaze what say you about shinori's parting gift

you have literally not mentioned it at all

What is his parting gift?

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So I shot J00 last night and it failed, he's probably the sk.\

unless darros is the SK, if he's telling the truth Shinori has literally handed the game to us on a silver platter
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unless darros is the SK, if he's telling the truth Shinori has literally handed the game to us on a silver platter

Oh, forgot about that. It would be great to hear kirsche's account of that. All they had to say was that they were an Insomnia. An Insomniac BPV SK seems out of place, and so is a BPV Insomniac.

kirsche, can you please clarify? "Sure" is not going to cut it. Are you or are you not a BPV?

Even without that, I knee-jerk ignored that claim because:

1: BPV town has been a thing. This is role madness.

2: j00 has had decent pro-town content; null read at worst for me.

I am, however, getting a bad feeling from the way you segued into this right after calling me out for quote walling you but not voting you. Do you think j00 or kirsche are anti-town? Why are you trying to change my focus instead of build a strong case?

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You do realize that is not a defense, right?

for that matter, if kirsche was town BPV why would j00 not have CC'd darros

That is a decent point. Makes getting an answer from kirsche is even more pertinent.

Still would like some actual effort from you.

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I don't have a BPV and Shinori is lying scum. I'm surprised anyone is taking what he said seriously at all since he's clearly salty at town and would want to screw them over.

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Jesus, waking up at 3am for 7am flights is obnoxious... I have a crapton of shit to read over, and I'm not sure how much time we have in this phase atm, but I'll do what I can.

Imo, (from what I could tell on the initial skim), the last blurb from Shinori wrt shooting j00 seems believable. If (from what I recall seeing earlier) his lackluster gameplay was any sort of indicator of lack of drive to win (especially since his scum buddies kinda lined themselves up for being lynched two consecutive days in a row, leaving him alone to deal with matters), then I don't see a real need for him to lie about the matter- nothin' like self-hammering and throwing out meaningful information to sink another scum party along with him. (And also, as was said earlier, Insomniac BPV ITP/SK isn't really that hard to believe/consider either, so it's a viable notion.)

On the other hand, I'm also not completely sold that the Announcer is necessarily a town role/claim. Proven yes, but cleared? Nope. (Also, I don't see why you keep insisting on posting, "If I'm dead, x, y, and z" when it's pretty clear [at least to me] that scum would be more liable to nailing other players over yourself if they can, if they suspect other power roles (or passive ones) are still lurking about. 'Cause once you claim/confirm that it's you, you probably tanked in terms of priority to knock out, 'cause you're not going to be doing much more than announcing things?

Will be re-reading through ISO's to get more detailed reads.

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kirsche, it seems extremely unlikely that there are two town BPVs. Are you saying that Darros is not a BPV?

then vote me

Like you voted me after all of that prodding?

Right now you are refusing to defend yourself, haven't built a case on kirsche at all aside from taking Shinori's word and have invited me to vote you. How are you helping town right now?

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On the other hand, I'm also not completely sold that the Announcer is necessarily a town role/claim. Proven yes, but cleared? Nope. (Also, I don't see why you keep insisting on posting, "If I'm dead, x, y, and z" when it's pretty clear [at least to me] that scum would be more liable to nailing other players over yourself if they can, if they suspect other power roles (or passive ones) are still lurking about. 'Cause once you claim/confirm that it's you, you probably tanked in terms of priority to knock out, 'cause you're not going to be doing much more than announcing things?

We've already been over how it's not a confirmed town role; this is a red herring. It's a factor but it's not as important as who actually makes sense as ITP right now. The hard role data we have right now is...

Cam is Nexus

Darros is BPV, used up

kirsche is Insomniac and BPV, used up

Makaze is Announcer

At this point in the game one target, votes scattered and an all-too-easy hammer condition, I think we need a Mass Claim. Please claim your whole roles and any results from night actions that could help us. This means your whole role, so even those who have already claimed a part of their role, please reiterate and try to help narrow it down as much as you can.

I am David Attenborough, the British Announcer and lover of all things natural, including our fair island. What are you?

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##Vote: kirsche

Dearie, I'm the cop. Why do you think I was so insistent on Makaze not being ITP?

Either the SK has a hook on top of a kill, or actions fail against kirsche/j00. I think it's the latter.

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What does that mean?

I want to hear Eury's claim before switching but you make a very compelling case.

N4 - targeted kirsche, action failed. Either the SK has a hook and a kill (which seems a little odd, given the sheer number of passive roles, but then there's Cam, who at least had the decency to claim his role immediately), or kirsche has something that causes roles against him to fail. Given his posts during the night, I am inclined to think that actions against him fail, as opposed to someone who was able to read the loaf of bread I dropped on D4.

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kirsche, it seems extremely unlikely that there are two town BPVs. Are you saying that Darros is not a BPV?

I think you misread what I said? I don't have a BPV.

Dearie, I'm the cop. Why do you think I was so insistent on Makaze not being ITP?

WOW I''m dumb I reread again and now it just seems so obvious lol. Iunno why your action failed against me but I guess SK has a hook? I don't know what to say to you to defend myself from this speculation, aside from the obvious fact that invincible!SK is dumb which we all learnt from Duel Terminal.

Anyway unless Shinori is there just to confuse alignmentcop!SK I'm pretty sure eclipse is town now so


##Vote: Cam

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