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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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I think you misread what I said? I don't have a BPV.

WOW I''m dumb I reread again and now it just seems so obvious lol. Iunno why your action failed against me but I guess SK has a hook? I don't know what to say to you to defend myself from this speculation, aside from the obvious fact that invincible!SK is dumb which we all learnt from Duel Terminal.

Anyway unless Shinori is there just to confuse alignmentcop!SK I'm pretty sure eclipse is town now so


##Vote: Cam

You're right, I did misread.

It's more plausible that the BPV claim is false than that eclipse is wrong, but this is a WIFOM argument. We know for a fact that both kills were nullified the other night and no one idled that night. There are two BPVs still alive. If Darros was one, then who is the other?

Anyone want to claim it?

Basically, throw up a post with a lot of scumreads, not counting Eury.

I was going to say... I read that as exactly what Eury was doing early in the game.

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That part of the game which I forgot existed.

I wanted to make a case based off of Eury's activity, but she had to go on today and make a post. ;/

Fine. . .I'll get to that before I go to bed. But not right now. I need to decide what to eat, and pizza's on my mind.

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I count Prims, Baldrick, and myself. That's three.

Prims wasn't a scumread, he was leaning town. I had stated that I thought ITP!Prims would be very unlikely to play the way he was.

Shinori probably shot Darros the same night. Or maybe he was hooked by the SK. He did say his kill failed which is pretty ambiguous? It would explain where the SK hook was N3 but then there's the two nights before that. That would mean they hit a passive role or someone shot by scum for 2 consecutives nights.

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Prims wasn't a scumread, he was leaning town. I had stated that I thought ITP!Prims would be very unlikely to play the way he was.

Shinori probably shot Darros the same night. Or maybe he was hooked by the SK. He did say his kill failed which is pretty ambiguous? It would explain where the SK hook was N3 but then there's the two nights before that. That would mean they hit a passive role or someone shot by scum for 2 consecutives nights.

In order to consider any of that we would have to assume that a hooker exists and that they just so happened to hook the specific person who tried to use the factional night kill that night; that this person would target Shinori over eclipse is mind-bogglingly stupid. As far as I am concerned the hooker explanation is out the window because of that alone.

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Scum had a one-shot hook which was lynched on D1; thus, that theory makes very little sense, unless we're somehow arguing that there's a SK who also hooks, and who DIDN'T claim on D4 (which would've sealed a scum lynch).

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(dammit, I'm trying to ignore that PR)

What I meant was that if that hook wasn't hostile, then they would've said something on D4 to lynch someone.

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There is only one scenario which actually makes sense with an SK hooker but it's exceptionally far fetched:

Shinori targets Darros and fails.

SK uses their hooker ability on eclipse but does not fire at anyone.

This requires that the SK cannot use both the kill and the hook on the same night.

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After a short burst of rereading:

1. Eurykins, prove your role. I think I know what you're alluding to, and if it's what I think it is, target kirsche.

2. If Cam's the SK, he's the worst one around, as he was arguing for a Shinori lynch. Furthermore, SK wouldn't want to mess with mafia at that point, because of the gigantic town lead.

Currently think that it's kirsche > Eury, but that's subject to change, depending on what Eury does.

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Even more reason. Who did you read, or did you already say?

Ignoring the hooker possibility which conveniently cannot be proven despite unlikelyhood, a second BPV makes a lot of sense. A few strange facts are coming together to make kirsche look bad.

1. Shinori claimed that they fired on kirsche and failed.

2. kirsch had an out of nowhere vote on eclipse from the start of the round and did a 180 as soon as they officially claimed cop.

3. kirsch are arguing for the existence of a hooker they cannot prove exists who has to have made some very bizarre and illogical actions to so much as cut it. Oddly defensive against the existence of a BPV.

4. eclipse tried to rolecop kirsche and failed.

None of these would make a case by themselves but when they stack up like this it's hard to call it a coincidence.

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I'm not a rolecop, I'm an alignment cop. That's why I was pressing you on D4 - Kay had scanned you, and you turned up town, but I wasn't certain if I'd hit a godfather. Shinori's flip confirms that you are town. As for my N3 target. . .



Third (first two sentences in my reply to you)




First one's probably the biggest hint.

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"This announcement has been cut short due to illness. That's right, I'm sick of making them!"

kirsche (2): Cam, eclipse (L-2)

Cam (1): kirsche

Eury (1): Makaze

Not voting: Eury, Darros

Big Ben says there are 52 hours remaining! With 6 alive, it takes 2 to lynch and 4 to hammer!

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2. kirsch had an out of nowhere vote on eclipse from the start of the round and did a 180 as soon as they officially claimed cop.

Makaze did you even read my posts because my vote on eclipse was not out of nowhere ans the 180 is totally justified with the knowledge that eclipse is essentially confirmed town.

Also, FMPOV that must've been a hook, or maybe a safeguard? I am not kill-proof ascetic so that's definitely not it. Also I don't get what's odd in repeating the fact that I do not have a BPV considering you seem convinced of it?

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I was thinking of the game overnight and I thought it was Eury, because of willingness to hunt ITP over mafia ((I have to admit, I would've been willingg to hit the ITP, but scumhunting seemed ideal because flips)). But if eclipse ((basically)) has results that changes everything. I thought that kirsche may have not been shot because of the whole "night awake" thing but I'm starting to think kirsche is scum now. I'm hesitant to vote with all the time left in the phase and hammer being 4 votes. We're currently at a lynch area already, with 52 hours left, so I'm not going to vote for now, as I'll be away all day.

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After a short burst of rereading:

1. Eurykins, prove your role. I think I know what you're alluding to, and if it's what I think it is, target kirsche.

2. If Cam's the SK, he's the worst one around, as he was arguing for a Shinori lynch. Furthermore, SK wouldn't want to mess with mafia at that point, because of the gigantic town lead.

Currently think that it's kirsche > Eury, but that's subject to change, depending on what Eury does.

So we are goin' with the fullclaim shinanegans, then? Alrighty.

I'm Queen Elizabeth II, British Guv'nr (lol the spellings OP). The restriction I spoke about earlier was the fact that, in the ability to nullify a lynch for any day phase, I could not conduct it at the times that I myself was the intended lynch target (which is why I believed that I'd be unable to do so the day I was getting focused down for the day's lynch).

[And as there'd still been 2 scum parties/NK sources still mucking about at that time, I really didn't want to even bother proving my role when it would've just spoon-fed them two freebie kills. ;/]

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Makaze did you even read my posts because my vote on eclipse was not out of nowhere ans the 180 is totally justified with the knowledge that eclipse is essentially confirmed town.

Also, FMPOV that must've been a hook, or maybe a safeguard? I am not kill-proof ascetic so that's definitely not it. Also I don't get what's odd in repeating the fact that I do not have a BPV considering you seem convinced of it?

eclipse's role was extremely obvious from their ISO. I say you came out nowhere because your vote was based solely on her first post. Comparatively, you read other people, including me, far more thoroughly.

You said what you aren't. What are you? Tell us everything.

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eclipse's role was extremely obvious from their ISO. I say you came out nowhere because your vote was based solely on her first post. Comparatively, you read other people, including me, far more thoroughly.

I'm pretty sure you haven't read my posts now then as I talked about eclipe's actions as a whole over the phase (e.g. commenting on how she sits on her Shinori vote for a long time), just because I only quoted one post doesn't mean I was only addressing one post. And yes, I missed the role due to a combination of derpage and the fact that everything I read is taken out of context because it's just ISOs.

You said what you aren't. What are you? Tell us everything.

I've already said like a million times. I. Am. Plain. Town. Insomniac.

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Note: I was not sick, I just ran out of FLAVAH.

"I say, fellas, I have a joke for you. What's the difference between the England football team and a teabag? The teabag stays in the cup longer."

kirsche (2): eclipse, Cam (L-2)

Cam (1): kirsche

Eury (1): Makaze

Not voting: Darros, Eury

Big Ben says there are 29 hours left in this phase! With 6 alive, it takes 2 to lynch and 4 to hammer! Phase ends on 28/6 16:00GMT+0.

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