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Spoiler - This game has unrealistic view of love and unrealistic characters

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I'm pretty sure most people would agree that Fire Emblem and video games IN GENERAL are unrealistic in their portrayal of love. There is no reason to single out Awakening as if it is the only game that is guilty of this.

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Well... I'm just glad that people do agree that FEA depicts unrealistic and idealistic view of love, marriage, and love-life.

But nearly every kind of media has a form of unrealistic views on real life subjects. What's so special about Awakening compared to other works? Even then, who cares? Not everything has to be realistic. That's why most entertainments are made for escapism.

Edited by AllAroundGamer9
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But nearly every kind of media has a form of unrealistic views on real life subjects. What's so special about Awakening compared to other works? Even then, who cares? Not everything has to be realistic. That's why most entertainments are made for escapism.

So it's safe to assume that male characters in this game also have unrealistic vibe?

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"A story in which a princess from the dark future time travels back to the past to save the world by disguising herself as the Hero-King Marth of old.

Only to confirm that the anti-christ was her father's closest friend and tactician."

Totally realistic.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Well... I'm just glad that people do agree that FEA depicts unrealistic and idealistic view of love, marriage, and love-life.

And why does it matter that people agree? I play the game for the unbalanced, shallow and bland strategy, not to find a boyfriend-free girl to build into a sweetheart-from-the-ground-up. I don't really like many of the characters to begin with. You know what, why are you ranting so much about such an unimportant topic when you could be enjoying the game in all its horribly flawed glory?

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Thank you for sharing your stupidly obvious observations

From first love straight to marriage? Very idealistic and unrealistic.

Every character screams virgin. Almost all, if not all, female characters are pure maiden-like waifus who never had a BF in the past. Which relates to the point above - first love straight to marriage - unrealistic.

Seriously thank goodness it is unrealistic, I would freaking hate to have a realistic, idealistic thing. Oh my gosh that would be awful in so many ways and is not what I want or need in my FE game (having any of it at all in an FE game is controversial enough if you ask long-time FE fans)


indeed, we might be on the receiving end of a troll, but being on the internet means taking such risks

Edited by Trails in the Blaze
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Despite being a game, and the obvious being obvious, I think it's pretty cute.

People in real life are all desperate and stuff to keep it in their pants, anyway.

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People in real life are all desperate and stuff to keep it in their pants, anyway.

I vagued out while clicking topics at random and thought this post was in the thread about that anime woman's arse for a second

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