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Spoiler - This game has unrealistic view of love and unrealistic characters

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I vagued out while clicking topics at random and thought this post was in the thread about that anime woman's arse for a second

Pretty fitting, huh?

I don't mind the point OP makes, though. I think he/she made another, similiar topic. It was more detailed, about the stance on this.

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Ppl who can shoot bows and arrows, fire lightning from books, and morph into giant ferrets and dragons. DRAGONS

Would a normal human being want to date or even chance ticking off by breaking up with a girl who can turn into a giant fire breathing dragon?

It's a video game, video games are unrealistic. As long as its fun who cares.

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Out of all the unrealistic things in the fire emblem universe, you wanna call this *is* into question? How about, "it's so unrealistic how MAGIC IS A THING" I mean, that's the thing that bothers you? Really?

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"A story in which a princess with a glowing sword from the dark future time travels back to the past with her 11 closest friends, all of whom being sole survivors of the end of the world to save the world from a giant evil dark dragon by disguising herself as the Hero-King Marth of old.

Only to confirm that the anti-christ was her father's closest friend and tactician, and possibly fall in love with him."

Totally realistic.

I think you missed a bit, there.

Would a normal human being want to date or even chance ticking off by breaking up with a girl who can turn into a giant fire breathing dragon?

No, and neither do Inigo and Virion.

Dibs on judge.

Dibs on audience.

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"Oh no, a game about cooperation and tactics on the battlefield can't spend several hours developing a mature and realistic love story."

-The argument of this thread.

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"Oh no, a game about cooperation and tactics on the battlefield can't spend several hours developing a mature and realistic love story."

-The argument of this thread.

Where's the 300+ support conversations I have to spend with the waifu of my choice?

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The funny part is that, with the exception of Chrom and Tharja, the purity of the characters you cite is completely realistic.

Why is Lucina virgin? Not realistic. Why is Tharja virgin? Not realistic. Why is Say'ri virgin? Unrealistic.

And the biggest unrealism is Tiki. Yea, she lived for 2000 years and has no BF, no previous love-life. Extraordinarily unrealistic.

Lucina and Say'ri are virgins because they're princesses. Princesses are supposed to be pure so they're more desirable for the family who wants them.

Have you seen Game of Thrones, or read the A Song of Ice and Fire series? It's all about realism, and in those series, purity is extremely valued and princesses who aren't virgins have a hard time finding a husband.

How the heck is Tiki being a virgin unrealistic? She's been asleep for most of those 2000 years. She's lonely and has lived in isolation most of her life. She obviously is not used to that kind of stuff. Secondly, she's not a freaking human being. She'd probably feel out of place having sex with most humans.

Edited by Chiki
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The funny part is that, with the exception of Chrom and Tharja, the purity of the characters you cite is completely realistic.

Lucina and Say'ri are virgins because they're princesses. Princesses are supposed to be pure so they're more desirable for the family who wants them.

Have you seen Game of Thrones, or read the A Song of Ice and Fire series? It's all about realism, and in those series, purity is extremely valued and princesses who aren't virgins have a hard time finding a husband.

How the heck is Tiki being a virgin unrealistic? She's been asleep for most of those 2000 years. She's lonely and has lived in isolation most of her life. She obviously is not used to that kind of stuff. Secondly, she's not a freaking human being. She'd probably feel out of place having sex with most humans.

This is probably the most informative post. I'll keep this in mind in my next playthrough!

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This is probably the most informative post. I'll keep this in mind in my next playthrough!

You're welcome.

Also, to answer the case of Tharja and Chrom, there's no evidence that they are virgins.

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Pretty sure that Virion gets around, though. He is LEGEND after all.

And that's all that matters, really.

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Pretty sure that Virion gets around, though. He is LEGEND after all.

And that's all that matters, really.


Ah, my dear Frederick. Not all bonds take equal time to form, you know! Some are forged in a lifetime, while other spring to life in a moment. … Others still take but one very good night.

I'm pretty sure he does. Additionally,


People forget I've been around the block a few thousand times.

Probably her too.

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I love how people like to point out "dragons and magic" when it comes to "unrealistic" ideas, as if that allows the possibility of pretty much anything else being possible.

Like the idea of Walhart being a zombie able to reproduce with a living woman being completely feasible.

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I love how people like to point out "dragons and magic" when it comes to "unrealistic" ideas, as if that allows the possibility of pretty much anything else being possible.

Like the idea of Walhart being a zombie able to reproduce with a living woman being completely feasible.

People talk about that. It's just not brought up that often.

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That's exactly my point. They talk about it, "they", aknowledge it (hint: 1-2 people).

Might as well include Blade Lord Shinon in the mix. Much more possible, ee-mo.

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When I first read your topic headline, I thought you were talking about the strange, one-sided, or non-existent chemistry some of the game's pairings had (i.e. Gaius and Tharja, Robin and Chrom, etc.), which I would have agreed with. I think this 'first love straight to marriage' thing is kind of over-reading the game. Fire Emblem is fictional (Obviously), so you can't really expect it to match up with everything about modern society when it comes to romance.

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you know what's more unrealistic

coding in a complicated unintuitive romance system that handles modern views of how romance works in a game that is not supposed to be a modern dating simulator

Not happening, would make for piss-poor gameplay, nobody's gonna spend budget on that, etc

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While the majority of relations which go to marriage might not be the first ones I certainly see first love going to marriage as being viable. Plus, I wonder how often in the past first love would lead directly to marriage anyway. I think naivety plays a part in that.

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