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Question about Thracia 776 translation


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Alright, I have the ROM and I downloaded the translation. However, there are 3 different patches, all of which are named FE5 Patch 0006. What it the difference between (H-ROM), (NP), and (ROM)? I was also wondering if the menu was supposed to be untranslated.

Edited by GreatSaiyaman
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There should be a README included with the translation that you downloaded. Have you tried reading through that?

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There are three versions of the rom floating around and each patch version is for one (the rom should say weather it is the ROM or np version, and the hirom is biger than most snes roms.O The result is the same. just try all three and the correct looking one is probably right. It the game runs, you are probably good. As for menus, they are supposed to be untranslated, as the patch was no quite complete when work was stoped(all of the story is translated). A new patch is being worked on, but it will probably be years (the fe4 and fe6 translations are higher on the priority list).

Unsoliceted advice warning:

Fair warning, this game is hard as all bleep for a newbe (although lots of the dificulty can be avoided if you know what you are doing). just rushing in and slashing away WILL result in dieing inumerable times, and quite posibly an unwinable situation. It's probably a good idea to play elite mode on your first playthrough. the code to get it, and lots of usefull (and in two, cases, nesesairy to promote a character) tricks, can be found here: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe5/hint.html

At the loading screen, choose New Game. Before choosing an empty file, quickly press the following button combination:

Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right

If done successfully you should hear a chime. Now press B to cancel and you should see a new option called Elite Mode. Select that and choose an empty file.

Now when you play that file, all the characters will have a hidden Elite skill. If a character already has Elite (either as a personal skill or from the weapon), the effect will stack and the character can gain x4 EXP. Elite Mode has no other effects besides those stated.

Some other advice: abuse capture. You WILL need it, and weapons in this game are ludicrously expensive(plus meany weapons, like the master line, can only be obtained this way, given that nothing drops on death). Also, crusader scrolls increase growths(every stat on everyone exept hp caps at 20, excluding temporary bonuses) and grant crit immunity. You also want to know how to unlock all the bonus chapters (unless you want to play through around a third of the game with no competant healers or mages). Information can be found here: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe5/gaiden.html

read through the fe5 section of the sight in general. If you want extremely precise information about what is where in each chapter, Incredibly well annotated chapter maps can be found here:


You might be able to play it blind on elite mode, you would have issues with the same playstyle you used for fe4

If you need more help, start a forum thread in the snes section.

Edited by sirmola
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I have no intention of playing Thracia anytime soon. I haven't even finished Holy War yet. Just wanted to have everything up and running by the time I wanted to.

There are three versions of the rom floating around and each patch version is for one (the rom should say weather it is the ROM or np version, and the hirom is biger than most snes roms.O The result is the same. just try all three and the correct looking one is probably right. It the game runs, you are probably good. As for menus, they are supposed to be untranslated, as the patch was no quite complete when work was stoped(all of the story is translated). A new patch is being worked on, but it will probably be years (the fe4 and fe6 translations are higher on the priority list).

Any difference between the 3 different versions of the rom?

Unsoliceted advice warning:

Fair warning, this game is hard as all bleep for a newbe (although lots of the dificulty can be avoided if you know what you are doing). just rushing in and slashing away WILL result in dieing inumerable times, and quite posibly an unwinable situation. It's probably a good idea to play elite mode on your first playthrough. You might be able to play it blind on elite mode, you would have issues with the same playstyle you used for fe4

In all fairness (as I don't really consider myself a noob to FE), pretty much every FE game eventually devolves from strategy to just having a couple of people camp out and singlehandedly take out entire armies. I want to play Thracia just to see if I am good enough to beat it, seeing as how it is often quoted as the most infuriatingly difficult of the series. But like I said, I haven't beaten FE4 yet, so it will be a while yet.

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the different versions afaik don't have any real differences other than I think maybe one or two minor details or fixes? either way, it's only really important to know for hacking projects, data moves around

the most commonly used is the V.ROM version I think

Edited by Lamia
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the different versions afaik don't have any real differences other than I think maybe one or two minor details or fixes? either way, it's only really important to know for hacking projects, data moves around

the most commonly used is the V.ROM version I think

THe rating system is different (sss is the highest rank in the rom version, aaa is in the np version.) There may be other minor updates and fixes in the rom version, which came out latter, so everyone tends to use the rom version, for the same reason that you will use the latest software version absent any rationale.

In all fairness (as I don't really consider myself a noob to FE), pretty much every FE game eventually devolves from strategy to just having a couple of people camp out and singlehandedly take out entire armies. I want to play Thracia just to see if I am good enough to beat it, seeing as how it is often quoted as the most infuriatingly difficult of the series. But like I said, I haven't beaten FE4 yet, so it will be a while yet.

THe developers specificaly tried to prevent this in thracia, and they did a pretty good job. PARTS of it can be soloed, but you generaly have to do a lot of planing and know what you'r doing.

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pretty much every FE game eventually devolves from strategy to just having a couple of people camp out and singlehandedly take out entire armies.

how can you tell me you're good at FE and then say this

(not to mention the fact that it doesn't work in fe5)

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how can you tell me you're good at FE and then say this

(not to mention the fact that it doesn't work in fe5)

In all fairness (as I don't really consider myself a noob to FE), pretty much every FE game eventually devolves from strategy to just having a couple of people camp out and singlehandedly take out entire armies.

Which doesn't mean every game in the series. That just means a lot of them, (specifically every one I have played up until now) (FE6-9 and 4) with Thracia being the exception to the series and not the rule.

Edited by GreatSaiyaman
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