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FE7 LHM + HHM LTC Run COMPLETE - 179 Turns


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  1. 1. Who will have the most kills by the end of the playthrough?

  2. 2. Who will enter the most battles?

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Deploy Ninian farther north and rig dodges for her life? Actually, it would come up 1 tile short too, so it doesnt help...hmm...idk it looks impossible. Those hill and sea tiles are placed just right to not allow this...

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i'll get the video up after dinner hopefully. I'll just post screens in the meantime for those interested.


so this is the crappy part. Ninian has to dodge Pascal, 2/3 ballista and a pegasus knight to survive, which isn't very good odds. Kent goes to the middle bridge tile and kills the guy on the fort with a hand axe, and is danced by Ninian. Marcus goes to the space above and kills the cavalier above with the hand axe and Kent seizes.


isadora kills the bottom left pirate with a hand axe (the dude has a hammer so she doubles and orkos barely) and Rath kills the top middle guy with the longbow, allowing Fiora to seize. Hawkeye exists.


Heath gets the village, Lowen kills the bishop with the short spear and Florina seizes.

I could give Ninian a robe so she wouldn't be OHKO'd by the steel lance peg, but it doesn't increase her survivablity against the ballista (still 2hko'd) so I still might save it.

Edited by General Horace
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Someone has to lure Pascal and I can't get anyone else in range but hector, but that leaves Ninian too far away to dance next turn for one of the Paladins to seize.

I'll also probably swap Heaths and Fioras positions, a Pegasus that attacks florina will go for fiora but not Heath.

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because he didn't crit and i was too lazy to rig it. He doesn't really need it anyway honestly.

At the end of unfulfilled heart I'm looking at

Level 17 Hector

Level 13 Eliwood

Level 13 Fiora

Level 13 Sain

Level 10 Priscilla

aaand Canas got level 15 and promoted on turn 3 so he could spam heal. I think Sain and Fiora might turn into real units!

Not gonna have time to record it for a week or two unfourtunately though, going camping then finishing my move.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to record chapter 26 today, and on the last turn I accidently used physic on Eliwood instead of Hector, and he needed the healing to survive a hit from Vaida and I really didn't want to restart the half hour recording again. so maybe i'll attempt to do it again tomorrow.

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i meant if you record vba replays, not .avi directly from vba. recording replays is not very memory-intensive, so i can't imagine it causing input lag.

what i did for FE6 was, i'd record a vba replay, then record the .avi from the replay.

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its really not worth watching fuck defence chapters

i did rout it though (except Vaida)

Chapter 27 is looking like a 5 turn clear with talisman. I might even keep Heath unpromoted, but it might be worth promoting him and giving him the bosskill instead, and I can use a heal staff with Canas on turn 1 if i promote him too (since he's still E staves.)

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chapter 27 in 5 turns

got the talisman for cog

yeah, not a lot to say about this chapter really.

Who do you guys think I should pour exp into in Battle before dawn? My team right now is Eliwood, Hector, Ninian, Canas, Pent, Heath, Fiora, Sain, Legault (required) and Priscilla. If you guys think I could make a change that would benefit longterm, yell now.

EDIT: fml just 7 more exp


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I don't know if anyone has told you this already but, you're amazing! You've given me new ways to experiment with these maps.

Thanks dude! It's always good knowing that people out there appreciate these playthroughs, they (sometimes) take quite a while to figure out, so these kinds of comments make it worth it.

I might get chapter 28 up tonight as well too, although its a royal PITA since its 15 turns and my internet is pretty terrible, depends if I manage to find a path that gets me good levels before I go to the gym so I can upload it while i'm there.

Canas hits about B.5 in staves here, and Heath gains another three and a half-four levels, so that's always nice. Ursula is way faster than I remember her being, although I usually just instagib her with Bravesword Harken when I play this chapter normally, she's a lot harder to kill with unpromoted Eliwood for some reason.

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Yeah...no kidding. Figuring out a strat, then optimizing it, then recording it takes a ton of effort, then finding time to upload it. It's really not easy. After awhile I get annoyed and put the playthroughs on hold xD. Good job with yours. Can't wait for 28x and Cog! And lol @ how much time to spam staves you get in FE7 (well, training time in general). That's something that demotivates me a ton of FE7...too many defense chapters.

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Oh rite. I had hair in my eyes, didnt see that part.

Hmm other thoughts. How would Harken function if you grinded him with Axes? Considering the upcomig defend chapters, and strategic reinforcements, he could get some decent exp and make use of Brave Axe and Hand Axe?

If anything, a decently leveled up Harken could SwordSlayer-drop Lloyd&Linus lategame

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