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[FE10]PKL still wants to play a draft-like playthrough


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Its ok Quint, at least you have Leo

not when Sothe misses Beastfoe A TURN AND THE REST IGNORED A MASTER SEAL

Also yes, did 1-6, slowplayed here. Scrubs group in the middle thickets and Sothe approaches slowly the north west to avoid reinforcements from appearing in bunches. Those hitrates kinda suck, specially Jill's when low bio and Ilyana's neverending 70s or 80s. In the end, everybody got awesome level ups, I got surprised here. Not submitting turns or unit stats at the moment tho, going to clear stage 2 because RAEG not enough iron forges so I need Sothe to break the 8 bronze uses with the melee cavs proc'ing Adept a couple of times and then insta equipping the forged knives AND adept/crt Laverton. Otherwise, in my attempt of having scrubs drain exp, if Laverton doesn't sd then scrubs die miserably to the best bio cavs and ballista.

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Im probably gonna start tomorrow. Quick question to Mar-mar though: It's been a while since I last saw a LTC of HM or played it myself, but wasn't a 7 turn of 1-P only possible with Leo chip?

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umm I'm pretty sure you don't need Leo. The way I think I did it was I rigged a dodge on turn 6 PP while Ed was in wrath range, then turn 7 pp had Miccy chip and Edward finish. This was a while ago though, I'll try to replicate it quickly and let you know, maybe I made a mistake. Didn't mean to cheat if I did.

EDIT: But there are no battle saves so I definitely didn't rig a dodge...huh...now you've got me curious as to what I actually did lol

Edited by Mar Mar
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Ok I just figured it out. Its not reliable, but what happened was Edward got a non-wrath crit on one of the middle bandits, allowing him to push through to the last 2 bandits a turn earlier. It is in no way reliable, but its what had happened when I played through it and I capitalized. Obviously I just got lucky...idk maybe you can get Eddy into wrath and have him dodge for a more reliable way to clear the bandits, but then he risks dying.

So turn by turn its this:

Turn 1: Miccy and Ed gang up on the first bandit

Turn 2: Same thing with another bandit

Turn 3: Ed goes to cut off the path between Miccy and the rest of the bandits so that he is only being attacked by 2 at a time, and Miccy chips at one of the bandits. EP Ed got the lucky crit.

Turn 4: Miccy chips another Bandit to have 3 hp and Eddy kills that Bandit. Now there is only one more bandit with 3 hp that will suicide onto Ed on EP.

Turn 5: Wrath crit one bandit, chip at the other with Ed. Miccy stays back.

Turn 6: Miccy chips at the final bandit, Ed gets in range of the boss, wrath crits on EP(or maybe turn 7 PP, I don't remember, but I think he only needs one.) EP the bandit suicides on Miccy as opposed to attacking Edward.

Turn 7: Miccy chip and Ed finishes the boss off

Edited by Mar Mar
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Stage 1: 6/53

Stage 2: 2/55

Already detailed strat for both parts of the chapter.


Lv 9.28

18 HP

2 Str

14 Mag

10 Skl

10 Sp

18 Lck

4 Def

12 Res


Lv 5.25

37 HP

20 Str

7 Mag

24 Skl

22 Sp

19 Lck

14 Def

10 Res


Lv 11.86

21 HP

11 Str

0 Mag

19 Skl

16 Sp

10 Lck

10 Def

9 Res


Lv 16.25

23 HP

7 Str

17 Mag

15 Skl

17 Sp

9 Lck

5 Def

12 Res


Lv 15.29

25 HP

14 Str

1 Mag

12 Skl

16 Sp

15 Lck

15 Def

4 Res

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Edward weakens things and Miccy gets the kills. Edward got a Wrath in on the boss and then a normal hit and I took a turn to feed him to Micaiah instead of risking the second Wrath on Player Phase.

8 turns

Copying Quintessence because I can.


Level 2.48

HP 16

Str 2

Mag 8

Skl 9

Spd 7

Lck 10

Def 3

Res 5

Light D


Level 5.20

HP 20

Str 8

Mag 0

Skl 12

Spd 12

Lck 8

Def 5

Res 0

Sword D

Also, I am not gonna try for lowest turns or anything. I'm kinda gonna play like Quint.

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Oh c'mon. ):

I'm busting my ass. At least try to beat me.

Then post some turns :smug:

Now, I'm worried Leo is lv 11 and I only have one seal which is BAD. I'll seal Ilyana and take infinite turns in 1-E because Miccy is so average she won't handle a single hit, or at least take like 2 or 3 extra turns. Also 1-8 is a thing which is horribly luck reliant unless you have Nailah or other ridiculous things. But Ily will get her ass kicked by dem brigands and Leo and Miccy will have to make their best efforts here.

I recall Aran and Ilyana struggling in the other hm draft where I tried to ltc in 1-8. Also wut soul? Units are pretty average besides Leo and Ily getting Sp almost every lv up Q,Q

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Maybe this will help:


I may record some of the more fun chapters (the ones I consider fun, anyway).


1-P is nothing new, really. Strategize and manipulate Wrath procs here and there. Enemies hit, enemies don't. You curse them for either result, all through out.

Stupid-ass chapter, if you don't get lucky. It shouldn't even be that hard, but that's been my luck so far. Luckily, for this draft, it didn't take that much tries to get it right, rather quickly.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.18 15  2   8   9   7   10  3   5    A Sothe
Edward     5.41 20  8   0  11   13   8  5   0
Micaiah got a decent level-up and Edward's was pretty good, too (at least, what I'll be needing...).

6 turns.


Fuck. This. Shit.

At least...the way that I did it. It took me a billion tries to finally get my strategy down. And it wasn't even anything crazy (which, I'm avoiding, for the sake of reliability). Still, Leo saves a whole turn and makes this quite easier.

Managed to get the Hand Axe, surprisingly. No Steel Sword, though.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.93 15  2   8   9   7   10  3   5    A Sothe
Edward     6.13 21  9   0  12   14   9  5   0
Nolan      9.50 29 12   0  11   10   7  9   0

5 turns.


I tend to send Nolan down the left side, against the Soldiers and then head up, along with the others. Edward tends to go up the ledge and take on the two Fighters, kind of teaming up with Micaiah (depending on wether he kills them with Wrath or not). This time, though, they switched places. Not sure if this is necessary to get Thani faster or not, but I'm kind of sure it isn't. Also did it so Nolan could weaken up the first Fighter for Micaiah (Edward would Wrath critikill him, more often than not).

I kind of got it easily on my first tries, but, I realize I could've gotten Thani at least. So I went back at it- And did. Great success.

Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to get the Energy Drop. Turns out I would need Leo and a bit of luck. :awesome:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    3.51 16  2   9   9   8   10  4   6    A Sothe
Edward     7.08 22 10   0  13   14  10  6   0
Nolan      9.79 29 12   0  11   10   7  9   3
Sothe      1.07 35 18   4  20   20  15 14   9    A Micaiah
Laura      1.33 16  3   8   3   5    8  2  10

5 turns.


Surprisingly easy chapter. Thani actually became useful and used it to 1HKO the Knight cockblocking the exit. Everything else was just a matter of course. Went with the usual RHS (Right Hand Side), Kurthnaga and Aimee blocked that one chokepoint, Nolan 1HKO'd the Door and Edward killed the first Fighter and softened up an Archer for Micaiah to kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.38 17  2  10   9   9   11  4   7    A Sothe
Edward     7.42 22 10   0  13   14  10  6   0
Nolan      9.79 29 12   0  11   10   7  9   3
Sothe      1.44 35 18   4  20   20  15 14   9    A Micaiah
Laura      1.44 16  3   8   3   5    8  2  10

5 turns.

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>Calls quint a cheater. Proceeds to get all the wrath crits and good Eddie levels.

The levels weren't even intentional. Or necessary.

Edward getting 50+% Crit. is hardly what I'd call "rigging". Especially how it's only mostly necessary in the first chapter and he should get them much more often than not.

That's Soul

No it's not. Watchootalking'bout.

Edited by Jeff Strongman
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The levels weren't even intentional. Or necessary.

Edward getting 50+% Crit. is hardly what I'd call "rigging". Especially how it's only mostly necessary in the first chapter and he should get them much more often than not.

No it's not. Watchootalking'bout.

The probability of a 6 turn with Str and Spd on Eddie and Miccy getting def is ridiculously low but ok. Both of those are significant difficulty softeners in the next chapters. For example, Micaiah isn't OHKO'd next chapter and Eddie doubles Fighters.

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Uh, I didn't rig Micaiah's Def. She just got it. I don't do that kind of stuff, what do you take me for. 8P Edward's awesome 60% Str/Spd (he only needs Spd and that massive HP growth to proc, anyway) is easy.

When I rig, I don't go for something insane like 1% crit. and dodging a 70% Hit midway through chapter. Or stuff like an enemy proccing/not proccing a certain stat, assuming they're likely to get it or not (for example, I need at least one of the Brigands in 1-P to have 8 AS, otherwise, Edward won't double).

I hated 1-P in LTC, lawl.

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Uh, I didn't rig Micaiah's Def. She just got it. I don't do that kind of stuff, what do you take me for. 8P Edward's awesome 60% Str/Spd (he only needs Spd and that massive HP growth to proc, anyway) is easy.

When I rig, I don't go for something insane like 1% crit. and dodging a 70% Hit midway through chapter. Or stuff like an enemy proccing/not proccing a certain stat, assuming they're likely to get it or not (for example, I need at least one of the Brigands in 1-P to have 8 AS, otherwise, Edward won't double).

I hated 1-P in LTC, lawl.

What I mean is that the probability of 8 AS brigands, 2 wraths, those levels and a 6 turn happening is extremely slim, is all. Calculate it and you'll see.

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NO ]x

Oh no no no, feel free to rig all you want. But next time, consider thinking before calling someone else a cheater? ;)

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I won't be called a hypocrite by some...dog with a funny face

What mockery is this!

With a Marcia badge

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