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Question about Apotheosis

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I'm preparing to do my first Apotheosis run in fe awakening, but I need to make sure I'm prepared with some questions

1. Do my rallybots have to be max when they go into battle?

2. I'm easily able to max out all the stats of my units with limit break except resistance how useful is resistance in apotheosis? Should I expect to take a major beating from mages and sorcerers?

3. What class should my rallybots be? I have a male one and a female one both avatars I've picked up from street pass.

4. Do I need a lot of divine weapons, or will forged do?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

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I'm preparing to do my first Apotheosis run in fe awakening, but I need to make sure I'm prepared with some questions

1. Do my rallybots have to be max when they go into battle?

2. I'm easily able to max out all the stats of my units with limit break except resistance how useful is resistance in apotheosis? Should I expect to take a major beating from mages and sorcerers?

3. What class should my rallybots be? I have a male one and a female one both avatars I've picked up from street pass.

4. Do I need a lot of divine weapons, or will forged do?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

1. Your Rally units should not be seeing battle unless it's ABSOLutely necessary. ;)

2. Honestly, you're mostly facing physical units but it doesn't hurt to beef up on your Res. Just make sure that you have at least one unit that can take 2 hits(one hit each) from the non-boss Sorcerers( one with and without Luna in wave 3) and 2 Luna hits from the Sages(one Sage at a time) in the NE part of the map in wave 4. I pair my lead Henry!Cynthia with Kellam!Laurent so she can take both hits. On the next turn, I have Cynthia take on the 99 Luck Sorcerer. As for the Sages in wave 4, I usually lure closest one out on Enemy Phase and then take out the rest on the Player Phase. Of course, you can always use other strategies but this is what I use.

3. They should be units with high movement, preferably fliers so they can reach your units easily.

4. Use forged Brave weaponry if you can. Their damage output will almost always be greater than that of the Legendary weapons. I usually use units with the Armsthrift skill so I don't have to keep forging my Braves. If you don't have the Golden Gaffe DLC, you can money grind with Leif's Blade.

Edited by MagicLugh
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I'm preparing to do my first Apotheosis run in fe awakening, but I need to make sure I'm prepared with some questions

1. Do my rallybots have to be max when they go into battle?

2. I'm easily able to max out all the stats of my units with limit break except resistance how useful is resistance in apotheosis? Should I expect to take a major beating from mages and sorcerers?

3. What class should my rallybots be? I have a male one and a female one both avatars I've picked up from street pass.

4. Do I need a lot of divine weapons, or will forged do?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

1) They should never need to see combat.

2) Both defensive stats are pretty useless if you have a good team, since you can take almost everything down before it can even attack you.

3) As much movement as possible - flying probably. Doesn't really matter beyond that.

4) You don't really need either. You can get by with run-of-the-mill stuff like Thorons and Braves, but ideally you'll have forged brave weapons. The best weapon is usually forged (+5mt/+15 hit) Celica's Gale due to being the game's only 1-2 range brave weapon. But it doesn't matter too much.

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Don't forget about Waste. It's got the 1-2 range and brave properties, even though its other stats are pretty trashy and its use is much more restricted. >.>

Oh, yes, I did forget about Waste. And Waste really is better than Celica's Gale in a few ways - it's cheaper per use, has 50% more uses and can be bought en masse more quickly, which makes setting it up less tedious. The extra uses mean less issues with it breaking mid battle, and with 6 mt more than Celica's Gale, as long as you can deal with the hit rate it's much better. A +3/+25 Waste forge has 70 hit even, which is likely going to be enough for your front unit to have 100% hit rates most of the time, and is still 4 ,t more than a +5/+15 Celica's Gale

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The only enemy units need Waste's MT are Lck99 Sorcs, Boss Berserker and Anna. All the other enemies can be 4-hit KOed by Celica's Gale Dual Strike only.

You always face up accuracy problem on them because all the Waste-MT required enemies have the top 3 Avo in Apo.

So Waste is worthless.

Besides that, Magical vs Hi-Res is inferior to Physical vs Hi-Def.

Because all enemies can be 4-hit KOed by Brave Axe Dual Strike only & hit 100% ensured.

Edited by MelonGx
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The only enemy units need Waste's MT are Lck99 Sorcs, Boss Berserker and Anna. All the other enemies can be 4-hit KOed by Celica's Gale Dual Strike only.

You always face up accuracy problem on them because all the Waste-MT required enemies have the top 3 Avo in Apo.

So Waste is worthless.

The same argument could be made regarding Celica's Gale's accuracy, and the same conclusion reached, thus your argument is flawed. Hitting 100% hit against the majority of enemies isn't hard, and you seem to be making assumptions about the user's MAG and pair up partners anyway, which is... interesting.

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RLM: Skl+2, Lck+2


Rally Skl/Spec/Heart, LB - HIT 186 - 84 on "most" Avo102, 56 on Avo130, 29 on Throne Anna

Full Rallies, LB, Tonics, All+2 - HIT 198 - 98 on "most" Avo102, 68 on Avo130, 41 on Throne Anna

Celica's Gale(5/15)!Sage

Rally Skl/Spec/Heart, LB - HIT 229 - 100 on "most" Avo102, 99 on Avo130, 72 on Throne Anna

Full Rallies, LB, Tonics, All+2 - HIT 241 - 100 on "most" Avo102, 100 on Avo130, 84 on Throne Anna

Same conclusion reached? Please see the results. Celica's Gale's accuracy only shorts to Avo 130+, while Waste's accuracy shorts to almost everything, including "most enemies" who don't need Waste's MT.

Q: Why they don't need Waste's MT?

A: Enemy ORKO by 4DS 0lead magical MT requirement ranking: Zerker/Anna 105(108 at Throne), Lck99 Sorc 104, DarkFlier 101(83 against CG), Sage 95. CG!Sage has 98+MagMod MT with full boost. Waste!Sorc has 102+MagMod MT. The only difference between CG and Waste is how easy to deal with Zerker/Anna & Lck99 Sorc within Dual Strike 4 hit & zero leading damage. Others are below both thresholds.

That's why I considered Waste is worthless.

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You can easily and conveniently buy Waste, there is no such method to get Celica's Gale (unless I missed something, in which case my bad). So it would never be worthless by virtue of being the more convenient (if not less efficient option) overall.

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You can easily and conveniently buy Waste, there is no such method to get Celica's Gale (unless I missed something, in which case my bad). So it would never be worthless by virtue of being the more convenient (if not less efficient option) overall.

This is the only acceptable reason to use more Waste than CG.

However, someone can endure the inefficiency of re-summoning SpotPass Celica to buy CG. Someone has the access to HomePass or multiple 3DS Self-StreetPass to duplicate CG shops.

Within one StreetPass, you can buy up to 50 different forged CGs.

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Absol never said what units are in play. You're assuming an optimized team is being fielded, which is probably not the case as this is a first runthrough of Apo. A few points of Hit really don't matter here.

Anyway, Waste will work just fine as long as it gets a +25 Hit forge. So will pretty much any other weapon in the game, though Braves are best.

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