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Requesting a development team, maybe?


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I have a couple ideas for a game I'd want to do, either in FEXP or by hacking. However, when it comes to actually doing anything productive, I haven't the faintest idea. I tried downloading some hacking tools from Blazer's website a couple years ago, but none of them seemed to work on my computer. Even if I did get them to work, I don't have the work ethic to actually do all of the work by myself, so I was thinking: maybe if I get a team of people who are experienced in hacking or FEXP, we can come out with something together. I could write the dialogue and script, for sure, because that's what I'm best at, and maybe do some simple sprite edits (but even having somebody to do that with us would be beneficial, because most of my sprites are rather simplistic and not very good...), but I don't think I'd be able to really do anything pertaining to actually developing the game. FEXP completely escapes me for some reason, and, as aforementioned, my computer is where hacking resources go to die. I know I'm asking a lot, but if there was anybody who is willing to help me out with this, that would be fantastic and you would be like, literally the best people on the planet.

In case you were wondering, here's the idea I wanted to work on the most:

Okay, so the idea is actually based off of a Legend of Zelda fanfic/roleplay I've been trying to start for, like, ever, and the plot I have come up with for it seems very Fire Emblem-esque. It takes place in a modern-setting (although it still retains its fantasy elements, and the modern technology doesn't really play much into the plot, so we can almost ignore it completely for the sake of a Fire Emblem game), at a University that offers majors in subjects such as swordplay, sorcery, blacksmithing, tactics, etc. Ganondorf, the chief of the Gerudo tribe that presides in the desert state of northeastern Hyrule, has offered a treatise of peace to account for the past mistakes of the former King Ganondorf, who invaded Hyrule in an attempt to steal Hyrule's royal treasure, the godly power of the Triforce. The King begrudgingly accepts, much to the distaste of both nations' citizens. Gerudo students at the university become victims of prejudice, trade becomes nearly impossible; the two countries are in a cold war, waiting to see who will defy the treaty first. When the King suspects that Gerudo is preparing for war, he sends his daughter, Princess Zelda, and her friends from the university into Gerudo to spy under the guise of a humble mercenary group [i need to come up with a legit reason for why this should happen, because at the moment it seems very deus ex machina]. Obviously, at some point in the story, Gerudo actually launches an invasion on Hyrule, and the main heroes of the story must lead the army to victory. This is just kind of the core concept of the story, and I plan on expanding it further and whatnot. Here are some of the characters I want to include:

Len, age 19

Class: Ranger ---> Legend

Equip: Swords (+ bows and horse once promoted)

He's basically Link. He has a generic Naruto-esque backstory that nobody ever cared for him throughout childhood, and he has big dreams of becoming a hero, so he enrolls in Legend University, where he meets the best friends of his life. Obviously, I'm going to need to come up with reasons behind this traumatic childhood (like I said, it's still mainly a concept).

Leo, age ~18

Class: Fire Mage ---> Fire Sage (maybe something different because he's a main character)

Equip: Fire Magic (+ staves once promoted)

Leo has no memory of anything that happened to him before he turned 16. He was found unconscious by a couple who lived in the village next to the ranch nearby Legend University. He was cared for by them, but so far has still never regained his memory. When he discovered his talent for fire magic, he enrolled in the Legend University in hopes to hone his power, so he may one day set out on a journey to find out where he comes from.

Ella, age 19

Class: Princess ---> Savior

Equip: Light Magic (+ sword and horse once promoted)

Princess Zelda, who prefers the name Ella, has never had an ounce of freedom. When she was born, a prophecy foretold that a great danger would overtake the land, and that she would be the one to stop it. Ever since, every moment of her life has been planned out for her. She loathed her heritage, her destiny, and her family for putting this pressure upon her, therefore, she has adopted a rather harsh and rude personality. The only person she shows her true face to is her childhood friend, Garrett.

Garrett, age 22

Class: Soldier ---> Halberdier

Equip: Lances

Garrett is a soldier in charge of guarding Princess Zelda. He met her when they were both young, through his father, who was of the King's Royal Guard. The two immediately clicked and became best friends. After his father's death, he followed in his footsteps and became a soldier. When the King saw how close he and his daughter were, he placed her in charge of guarding her life, knowing he would never allow any harm to befall her.

Ganondorf, age 31

Class: Dark Prince ---> Vagabond

Equip: Swords, Dark Magic

Originally thought to be the villainous fiend behind the invasion, we eventually learn that the war was instigated by his subordinates, who loathed the Hylians for how they've treated the Gerudo people. Partway through the game, he is confronted by Len's team, and once he explains his side of the story, he offers to join the group, though they are skeptical. He harbors a darkside.

Those are the main characters, but here are some less plot-centric characters I want to include:

  • Pipit (Mercenary) - one of Len's classmates
  • Nabooru (soldier) - Ganondorf's second in command
  • Malon (cleric) - Daughter of the couple that found Leo
  • Talon (fighter) - Malon's father
  • Impa (assassin) - Zelda's nursemaid
  • Mutoh (Berserker) - a carpenter
  • Chown (thief) - a lowly thief who gets caught up in the action
  • Maple (dark mage) - a young witch in training
  • Syrup (druid) - Maple's grandmother, a talented potion-brewer
  • Keet (cavalier) - Student at the university who joins Len's army
  • Orielle (pegasus knight) - Student at the university who joins Len's army
  • Parrow (wyvern rider) - Orielle's brother
  • Karane (cavalier) - student at the university

And of course to even out the list we need to add some knights, myrmidons, etc. But I can come up with those as I write the story.

I know I'm asking a lot, but I feel like with my ideas and the talents of the people on this board, we can come up with a great game!

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i'm pretty sure you'd find a bigger concentration of the best hackers on FEU

i don't see why i (and by proxy anyone else) should help you over Random Joe #2 who also has a cool idea?

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i don't see why i (and by proxy anyone else) should help you over Random Joe #2 who also has a cool idea?

You're right. There's really no reason for you to help me. It's not something I expected, I just figured I'd try since I keep thinking about how cool this game would be, yet I have no talent whatsoever. I figured if I ask, the worst that could happen is everyone says no lol

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well, as long as you understand that I too don't see anything wrong with it :P there is the really rare chance that someone has skills but not ideas, haha

allowing myself to be unmodest for a moment that would be me except i'm also lazy as fuck

Edited by CT075
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allowing myself to be unmodest for a moment that would be me except i'm also lazy as fuck

Maybe if we find more people we could make a group and split up the work

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Hacking questions are for questions directly related to hacking (like "I did this in assembly and things aren't working as they should, why?"). I'll shove this into Hacking Concepts, where you might get a slightly more receptive audience.

And I'm on the same boat as Cam.

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i can't even be bothered to work on my own project, why do you expect me to get anything done for yours?

This is like my hacking career in a single sentence... except, you know, I don't actually do anything progressive. I'd probably be willing to do something simple like a music track if you really asked, but you need to be able to at least do something hacking-wise. Writing doesn't usually cut it.

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but you need to be able to at least do something hacking-wise. Writing doesn't usually cut it.

Since I wanted to do this game in FEXP, I know my way around the program enough to at least design the maps, probably. I'm also a composer, so I might be able to write some music tracks if we weren't just gonna use the original music.

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Now that's more something people might be interested in! Learn a bit more about FEXP, if you have at least a basic grasp of most fields, then you'll be more likely to attract support.

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Now that's more something people might be interested in! Learn a bit more about FEXP, if you have at least a basic grasp of most fields, then you'll be more likely to attract support.

I've been following Klokinator's tutorial but I get completely lost in the section with face sprites. I can't figure out how to work the program he suggests downloading, and it's all just really confusing for an amateur spriter such as myself. I do all of my work in MS Paint, if that helps prove my point lol.

EDIT: Among other parts. This program just gets me so confused. lol

Edited by Ewan101
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Using MS Paint isn't really an indicator of being a novice spriter. Hell, I've been spriting for around 7 years now and I've never used any other program. And I'm not sure which program you're talking about... is it Gimp?

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My tutorial (Cough"Guide"cough) was never finished and I was never really happy with how it turned out. That being said, the section on face sprites should be one of the easiest sections to understand? What's confusing you about it?

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My tutorial (Cough"Guide"cough) was never finished and I was never really happy with how it turned out. That being said, the section on face sprites should be one of the easiest sections to understand? What's confusing you about it?

I don't think it was so much the tutorial was difficult to understand, just that I couldn't do the eyes and the mouth thing. I tried a couple times and was like, "Wait what huh?"

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