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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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Erion paused, a look of confusion on his face. "Well... it seemed like a good idea at the time. An' if I wait til I'm sober, I can get down. Just drunk me can't. 'Sides, trees are nice. Comfy, yer taller than people, can hide in 'em. Why wouldn't I climb one? As fer yer other question, it's through that door. People were mostly drinkin last I checked. Nice alcohol they got here."

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A Man Called Gar

"Oh that," Gar replied like it was just the most inconsequential thing in his life. "You know, tuck, roll, absorb the impact. Really that guy overestimates his abilities, he's honestly kind of a loser. And if there's anything I am, it's a winner. And losers don't beat winners." Gar explained with as much nonsense as usual.

Veronika came over and asked just as non-specific a question as the green-haired girl. "Can you be more specific? A LOT happened."

"You're going with 'Gar'? Really?" Xenia questioned as well.

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"Hmm, don't remember exactly sorry- was busy getting nagged at the time," Veronika replied to Arietta before resuming her questioning of Gar.

"Well, why didn't the explosives go off? How did Raquel get injured?" she asked, narrowing her line of questioning.

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A Man Called Gar

"Well they didn't go off because I didn't set them. We didn't manage to get papa Raquel out before she got injured by that annoying fellow who warped me away. So there went that escape plan." Gar explained.

"So that's how it is?" Xenia interrupted. "Where's this Raquel at anyway? I wanna heal her up and go on my merry way."

"I hired her to do just what she said." Gar threw in an introduction for no cost.

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"Well luckily some of our...new allies managed to get Jethro away anyway. Raquel is in the infirmary, I believe she's already been tended to, but an extra staff may be helpful," Veronika said with a nod towards the older woman. "Who is the person that warped you away?" she asked Gar.

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Dining Hall

Gar's answers weren't surprising; in the end, even the most perilous incidence could be trivialized by this guy. Then there was the unfamiliar woman. It was beyond obvious that she knew Gar ... and by some other name, apparently, but she was here to help Raquel? If this was Gar's idea of an apology, he was probably doing it wrong. More likely than not, he was just hiring her to make incidence like this less likely in the future.

Gabbie glanced at Uniter, wondering if he was going to wait a little longer or interject to explain the disciples' part in that madness. Would he be doing his uniting thing or just simple explanation followed by what to her would be an annoying question and answer session? She might not be around to find out, she realized, as she was soon approached with a tray that had three paninis on it. "Here you are," the woman said, knowing full well these were for Gabbie, and whoever she wanted the other two for ... probably planning to eat all three, she secretly suspected.

"Thanks," Gabbie said, taking the tray. Deliver Connor's to him before it got cold ... or wait a few minutes to see what happened here? Decisions, decisions.


"Sure," Cassandra nodded, though she wasn't sure if he was asking for a specific order. She didn't have anything specific in mind in either case.

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A Man Called Gar

"Sounds like everything ended well then, now that's a rousing success if I ever heard it," Gar feigned raising a glass in cheer. "That guy who warpped me away it was that one who did the whole 'burn a hole in the wagon' I think. That arrogant bastard. What was his name? Lamael? Close enough anyway." Gar shrugged. "That white-haired Raquel was there too. It was a real eye-opener really."

"Yeah," Xenia interjected. "I dunno where the infirmary is so if anyone could point it out that'd be great."

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"You can ask one of the staff where the infirmary is, I've never been there myself. I suppose we should have expected Samael's involvement...what was Raquel's double like?" Veronika asked Gar out of curiosity. I don't really know the proper term to describe her...double works I suppose.

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Xenia and a Man Called Gar

"So like, the kitchen then?" Xenia asked first.

"Oh, she's much like our Raquel I guess. Thrown into silly stupid situations she has no desire to be a part of but things keep roping her in," Gar explained what he sort of got. "Well, that'll probably change soon enough."

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Zach was pretty sure he was going to have to drag Kat to her bed fairly soon so she could sleep her intoxication off, "I'll take her to her room soon Arietta." He told the fighter, pointing to Kat and how she'd obviously had too much to drink "Mind helping me drag her if it comes to that?", chuckling after he asked. That would happen soon enough, but he wanted to get a few answers himself out of Gar. "Does she seem to have her own unique personality, or does she seem fairly similar to Raquel in that aspect as well?" This double business was hitting a little too close to home with memories of Lia, maybe that was why he wanted to know.

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"A double of Raquel." said Robin simply as she looked down. Was it too late to admit things had gone well over her head? Looking over to the clearly tipsy Kat, part of her wondered if it was best to drag her off to... Well...

"Kat? Are you feeling okay? Maybe I should take you somewhere safe while Veronika and the rest discuss things like this."

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Katrina gaped at Gar after his answer, looking completely befuddled. She was pretty sure that explanation wasn’t legitimate but right now she was having a hard time thinking of why. “…I don’t believe you,” she said finally. Everyone else was asking Gar questions now, and she was a bit miffed, so she walked back over to pour more of Zach’s vodka. Zach was still holding it of course, which meant it was more like trying to tilt his hand to overturn the bottle over her glass.

“I don’t hafta go anywhere. I have not had too much to drink, after this one it’ll be too much,” she stated.


And that is why I don’t drink, Synthia thought, looking up at Erion’s predicament. “Well, I hope you’ll be comfortable up there for a couple more hours, then,” she said. Normally she would’ve just continued on her way at this point, but he had mentioned that people were drinking in the dining hall. Maybe this wasn’t the best time. The mage felt a bit odd about loitering underneath the tree, but she walked closer for a proper conversation instead of calling across a good chunk of the courtyard. “Who was in the dining hall last you saw? I just came from the infirmary, and the healer there finished operating on Raquel. He said she’ll be fine.”

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"Mmm like I said. Trees are nice. You could join me." Erion patted the empty spot next to him. "Oh! That's won... wonde... That's great! Lesse... in the dinin hall... Nika... Blake an' a Fallen chick were just leavin... Robin... Red armor dude, Gytha maybe? Think some more people were comin in as I was leavin but not sure. That's good news though... Any idea when she'll be up fer havin people stop by?"---------------------------------------

Keeper gave an absentminded nod and warped away. Appearing in his safe house, he wandered into the kitchen, grabbing a small satchel on his way. Wrapping up some fruits and vegetables, he placed them in the bag, along with some bread and cuts of meat. It was nothing fancy, but it would do for now. Grabbing two water flasks, he added them to the mix and nodded. Slinging it over his shoulder, he activated his warp yet again, appearing near where he'd left. "There's stuff to make sandwiches and some other things in the bag I brought back. Feel free to help yourself." Following his own advice, he made himself a chicken sandwich and grabbed an apple and one of the water flasks. Walking over to one of the few bare spaces of wall, he slumped against it and begain to eat.

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A Man Called Gar

"She threatened me with a gun at one point. I'm sure 'unique personality' is in there somewhere," Gar answered back once again. That green-haired woman spouted off something about not believing him but... "Hey I'm here aren't I?"


"Since I'm just an afterthought here..." Xenia excused herself and headed over to the kitchen. Or where she thought the kitchen would be. And it was. "Hey, I heard the staff know where that Raquel girl's resting? I'm a healer."

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It would be easier if she were just a clearly insane copy of Raquel we could destroy and be done with. Her being similar to Raquel makes things...difficult, although if she threatens me with a gun that should make my choices easier, Veronika thought to herself. "So where do you think we should go from here Gar?" she asked the man. He was...unorthodox, but he could possess some useful insight.

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A Man Called Gar

Oh man, Veronika was asking for his opinion? Was she drunk or something? Well, either way... "Alright, they're gonna be out of town, that's for sure. In some crazy other base they have I'm sure. I spent most of my time talking and playing mind games in an attempt to rip the trust and respect between their factions apart and I think it's kind of working," Gar revealed some information. "We already know about their mind control maybe thing and they're divided into different groups. That Lamael guy is a colossus jackass so I did what I could to further divide the wedge between him and the Sardis' folks. When I show right back up after he warped me to certain death it's just gonna break everyone's minds." Bit of a long shot he'd run into the minion crew again but hey, it'd already happened and he was luckier than anyone. "Now of course, Weyland wants to send some east for the Fallen gate, which leads straight into the guys we just attacked where my presence would be most destabilizing. But Raquel might not want that and she has her pops back so she may finally just cede herself from involvement. But who knows, we're gonna have to wait until she wakes up before hearing her decision about that." Gar leaned back in his chair. "So, anyone who wants to warn Neviskotia irregardless if Raquel goes or not should make their own preparations once they're nice and rested up." It seemed like he was wholly endorsing some sort of split but... "Doesn't mean you have to go in person, a nice letter to someone trustworthy's an option and such but yeah, unless there's another secret base in the city not much more to do than wait or prepare."

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Cherish pursed her lips at that comment. "Then it may be better for me to just go in to town tomorrow to get what I need. Odds are I'll need to have a good stock of it just in case. I have no idea how long I'm going to need it so having some extra isn't a bad idea..."

She had made her way to the front now, carrying a lot of green clothes to try on in a pile but wanting to finish this conversation before ducking to a changing room. "...And just so we're clear I've been asked to do this so it would be a Business Expense, right?"

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"...I'd hold off on drinking it,then, if you want to stick around and listen in," Uniter said, as the wyvern rider refilled her glass. "Shouldn't be much longer before that, anyways."

Still no sign of the Wrathite. Hopefully it would stay that way.

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Gytha hadn't spoken up throughout the exchange, instead just content to eat her fish, pay attention here and there about things and do some thinking of her own. The conversations had turned from their homes to their families, and then a mysterious man came by who wanted to know where Veronika was and more about the mission was cleared up. There was a lot to think about, and now the topic of discussion had even turned to what may happen next. They'd already lost people who used to fight with them recently. Gar brought up a good point, though: if Raquel decided to stop traveling around, where did that leave some of them? More specifically, where did that leave her? Was this fish a golden mullet? Cause she was mulling all right.

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"Raquel had still planned to travel with us until the Organization is no more, but perhaps her injury and having her father nearby may have changed her opinion. I agree that we should get to Neviskotia or send word as quickly as possible, but the war makes any travel back and forth...difficult to say the least. Perhaps Weyland has something in mind," Veronika said, trying to sound hopeful. Relying in Weyland for everything is getting tiresome, but he is the one with the connections and the power in Ursium, not I.

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Reign's Room

Reign had just been about to lie down when Faatina sat down beside him. What to do, what to do ... "I'll find him some other time. For now, though ... sleep," he nodded once at the statement before letting himself fall onto his back.

"... feel free to start tucking, whenever," he quietly reminded her.

Changing Room

"Oh my gods, yes," Anna answered, burying her face in her palm. "Be sure not to obsess to much while in character, okay?"

"Are you putting on a play or is she sneaking into a group?" the maid asked, cocking her head slightly at Cherish.

"Bit of both ..."

Dining Hall

"Isabella," Gabbie called, motioning for the woman to come over. She could at least get one of the deliveries taken care of right this minute.


"You heard wrong," Johnny immediately called back to Xenia.

"You're a healer?" Erica spoke up, deciding to actually see what was needed. "I guess she would be in the infirmary if she needs healing, but I don't know why Ethan wouldn't be available right now. Well, in either case, go out of the dining hall and make a right, and then keep going straight. You'll pass the main hall and staircase on the way but keep going until you see the door. I think there was a sign on it. Be sure to knock before going in. It's about the same distance from the main hall as the dining hall is, so that should give you as sense of the distance." Hopefully that was helpful, she thought.


"Keep the lid on straight," said one of the men, a remorseful look on his face. Lilith told them it would be up to Lord Wrath whether or not Desmond recovered from his injury, but for the time being, there wouldn't be any convincing anyone that the Head Wrathite wasn't stone cold dead. The clumsily disguised procession made their way back toward the Grand Cathedral, some guarding the flanks, others carefully moving Desmond's body in the nearest disguise they could find ... a mere supply crate barely large enough to double as a coffin. Lastly, there were two wrathites looking after Clover, who had been in tears since Desmond's body was placed in the crate.

... Lilith was also with them, trailing a few meters behind the rear guard. She could see two distinct outcomes to this situation. From what she understood, there had to be a Head Wrathite ... only a short amount of time could pass before a new one was chosen. Clover, despite her young age, was one of the better candidates among the wrathites still around. Either Desmond would recover, and the issue would be resolved that way, or his body would begin to decompose after a time, and these people would have to seek guidance from the Archbishop on the matter before moving on to choose a successor. Still, the little purple haired girl, bawling with two guards trying to console her, was likely Desmond's replacement.

Desmond's reputation as the Avatar of Wrath had only just begun, so losing him in a random skirmish would be a blow the order might never fully recover from. Lilith had considered this as well, but she didn't see anything that could be done about it if he died. Hiding that fact for too long would only sew mistrust, even if the little Bradford wound up taking up her father's position like a good many had wanted. I wonder what he'll do about this ... Regardless of what was to come, Lilith wouldn't be doing anything more than escorting them back to the Grand Cathedral for the time being. That Raquel lookalike was still out there somewhere, and with an emblem piece, no less ....


Cassandra's host returned with more options than she'd expected. She figured now was a good time to take off at least one of her combat gloves, no easy task, but they weren't something she wanted to touch food with after the day's ordeal. "Thank you," she humbly said before getting started. It took her almost a minute just to get them both off, and after that, another to decide on and slap together a sandwich of her own.

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"I heard wrong eh?" Xenia grinned at the bullshit being cut through. "I only just arrived so I don't know the situation. So, thanks for the help." She gave a good-nature wave as she left. Rag-Gar whatever was just as busy and he was annoying so screw'em and she continued on anyway. Right out of the dining hall... keep going straight... count the steps... past the main hall staircase... keep going about that same amount of steps... "...and door." Infirmary just like the staff said. "Knock knock," she said aloud as she knocked as well

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