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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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"The Cathedral... do you have business there?" Faatina asked, as it was brought up, going over it in her head for a moment, looking away slightly with a bit of a blush.

"A-and you said you were going to see your family, as well? I-if it's not too much of a bother... do you think maybe I could go with you?" The paladin managed, with a slight stammer.


"I see... if you approve, then, please excuse my intrusion, Lord Devlinos." Annelise responded, bowing her head as she did so, just barely managing to catch herself before banging said head on the floor, as she was still sitting. She then promptly stood up and completed the gesture proper.

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Having finished bathing not too long ago, taking a break from the planning he'd been doing for the last several hours, Zachary had changed his clothing from what he'd been wearing earlier. A simple white tunic with a black pair of pants, his comfort clothes really. The mage had just left his room, walking down the hallway back towards where the location of the library... finding someone else in the hallway at this hour after walking a short way.

"Pavel." Giving the man a short nod as they crossed paths, figuring he'd just leave it at that... before pausing, something inside of him preventing the mage from walking on "Actually... could I speak to you for a moment, while I still have the chance?" Figuring that the man was about to leave, since he was no longer with Veronika.

"...Sure, you have a few minutes," Pavel said, to the brown-haired man who had just passed him by. He had been at the dining hall earlier on, so there was little doubt that whatever he wanted to talk about was related to Nika. Perhaps this would shed a little light into how her life had been in the past year.

"I've... I've gotta ask, why not just reveal yourself to Nik... Veronika earlier? Or even track her down just to let her know you're alive? There's no doubt you've been busy but still, anything just to put her mind at ease." Zach replied to the man, a bit surprised by his own words, maybe that vodka from earlier really had affected him.

"... Well, let's just say what happened to me put me in a tough position, and I didn't want her, or our families, to become targets because of that," Pavel said, avoiding eye contact. "I didn't know that she had left Neviskotia until recently, but that's really no excuse for my inaction."

"Nevertheless... she was starting to worry if you were even alive or not. I've been in that situation before, lost those I've cared about greatly. I don't want her to have to go through that, I care about her..." Trailing off, Zach was avoiding eye contact as well.

"Well, I'll let you know that she had some cause for concern, though now that's probably not going to happen," Pavel said, evenly. "... What is your name, by the way?"

"Zachary, Zachary Fairweather... Call me Zach if you like." The aforementioned mage said, now properly looking at the slightly shorter man.

"Zachary, could I ask you to help my fiancee for a while longer, until I can rejoin her?" Pavel asked, turning to face Fairweather. "It's a selfish request, but I think Nika needs whatever help she can get."

"I'd have done it even if you hadn't asked me to Pavel. She's had my back and the past and I don't plan on abandoning her after all we've been through." Zach said with a nod, extending his hand to the other man.

"...Alright. Thank you, Zach, " Pavel said, as he shook the man's hand, with a slight smile. "That makes me feel a bit better about this whole situation. Just make sure to take care of yourself, as well."

Giving a nod, Zach closed his hand around Pavel's as well, giving a strong shake "Stay alive, because if you die it's going to hurt her, and then I'll have to drag you back and force out an apology for making Nika upset."

"I don't plan on dying any time soon, but if it happens, good luck trying," Pavel said , as he released his grip and began to turn away. "And if it happens, Zachary, I'm counting on you to protect her, at least, until she's out of danger."

"Let's hope it doesn't come down to that... but if it does you have my word. I'll look after her with my life." Zach replied, giving a nod to Pavel as he turned to leave. "Good luck Pavel, wherever you go after this, save me a piece of cake at the wedding after this is all over eh?" Chuckling a bit, Zach turned to walk away as well.

"Heh, alright then. Just don't lose the invitation," Pavel said, as he too went on his way.

"I don't like the idea either, but, we either have to do that or rely on the army if we do this and don't have the numbers to fight the organization." Blake said, before turning back to Weyland. "That was before my time, but if the group's made contact with her, then that makes things a little easier. Still, all that means is that we have to act swiftly and decisively, even moreso than before."


"That's not very reassuring to hear," Evelyn said, as someone named 'Samael' was mentioned. "Though, he might think you to be dead, depending on how you left. Regardless, do you have any idea what your next move is, in that case?"

Edited by Snike
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"It's always the same move, Evelyn," Jethro said, unable to smirk, but not for lack of trying. "Take care of my family." He shrugged, adding a slightly pessimistic, "as best I can."

Reign's Room

When Faatina asked about his business at the cathedral, he was somewhat surprised, though more amused than anything, and simply tapped the center of his eye patch a couple of times with his finger, indicating his business there. Her next question required a bit more thought, since he knew he would have to put up with an even more annoying version of his father this morning. On second thought, he supposed he would be more Faatina's problem than his own. No doubt he would start asking her intrusive questions, the ones Reign wouldn't answer or barely explained. He supposed, if she was willing to put up with that, then why not? "It's probably going to be more of a bother for you than me or either of them, but sure, if you want. I'm going to wash up really quick, get dressed, then head for the stables. Will you be ready by then?"

Steinn's Room

"I'll be getting some exercise downstairs if you need anything," he said with a slight nod.

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His eye... that made sense, she supposed. Anything that had a chance of getting it back was a lead worth taking, and better leads than that place were likely few and far between. His verbal response gave her a bit more pause for thought, though... it'd be more trouble for her than anyone else there? It seemed he was in a bit of a rush, so asking him to clarify didn't seem to be much of an option, but... how bad could it be, really?

"Yeah... I'll meet you there, then." Faatine replied, nodding her head.


"Ah, allow me to accompany you then, Lord Devlinos. I must become stronger as well if I am to properly assist you... if you plan to train, then I shall join you." Annelise replied swiftly.

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Right, Blake answers to the Order of Wrath now...that will take some getting used to. "Well, I assume that any employees of Weyland's will be coming along. That would just leave...Reign and Faatina as unknown I believe," Veronika said. "If they agree to come along, then we are not too far from our full strength. It could be better, but I suppose it is the best we can do for now," she said, attempting to hide her disappointment. Trying to convince Gar and Gytha would be a waste of time I think.

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"I'm not so sure about Reign, due to his eye, but we'll see," Blake said, as Veronika voiced her opinion about their numbers. Looks like he'd need to start figuring out combat teams soon enough, assuming they had enough manpower.


"Right, about that...," Evelyn, said, distracted for a moment. She took her pack, and rummaged through it a little, before producing a letter. The former royal guard then offered it to Jethro. "Take this. I've been meaning to give it to you for a while, but I haven't had the chance."

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It appeared that someone was trying to talk to Cherish while she ate. Just what she needed before she assumed her new identity: Someone trying to talk to her. Still, it would pass the time while she at and even if she couldn't assume her new identity yet that didn't mean she had to be herself.

"I've seen better," She said calmly as she continued to eat her breakfast.

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Jethro accepted the letter, resisting the urge to ask what it was about; he'd find out soon enough. "Hmm ... wait, what?" He couldn't believe what he was reading. Perhaps it was just life in general that past year, but after quickly skimming the letter, he couldn't help but smile. He supposed it was better to smile than frown at a time like this. "I meant my family, Evelyn, not the royal family, heheh ..." He heaved a heavy sigh and then sat back on the bed, examining the letter at arm's length. "I can't believe I've gotten a recommendation ... ... they know I'm probably not the best person for this, right? What with everything that's happened."

Reign's Room

"Great. I'll see you in a bit," Reign replied before disappearing back into his room and gently closing the door. He wasn't sure which of the two trips would be more annoying, the one involving his father and the older man's persistent pestering, or the Archive's mysterious caretaker. He was leaning toward the former for the moment.

"Okay, time to get a move on before something else happens."

Steinn's Room

"Very well; you might want to change into something comfortable and loose, first," Steinn noted, alluding to his own attire.

Dining Hall

"I'll see if I can't find anyone else on the estate who can help you," Weyland said. "Until then, try to be ready by noon," Weyland he concluded, leaning back in his chair, tea in hand, mind racing.

"There was supposed to be someone taking orders this morning but I don't see anyone else around," Ernesta noted, her eyes scanning the dining hall like a hawk's. "I suppose I'll have to fill in for the moment. Would any of you like anything in particular for breakfast or will you be all right with whatever the chefs are making?" She'd caught the scent of cooking meat--some kind of pork no doubt--and eggs a little while ago, so chances were some portions were already waiting to be served to whoever wanted them. Cherish had more or less proven this as she was already digging into her own plate.

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Gytha shrugged, then informed Ernesta, "I'm not picky."

That said and with the meeting apparently over, she walked over to a nearby, empty table and sat down. She didn't need to know anything more specific about the mission the others were going on, so she figured she'd leave them to that. She wasn't opposed to company, though, hence the sitting relatively nearby.

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"Alright, see you in a bit, yeah." Faatina replied, as she went to get her own stuff ready.


"Yes, of course, Lord Devlinos." Annelise replied, as she went to retrieve some more appropriate clothing.

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"Alright, I'm off to the cathedral, in that case," Blake said, as he rose from the table and began to make his way out of the dining hall. Hopefully this wouldn't be too problematic.


"The royal guard offers some protection for its' members families, so that they don't get subverted," Evelyn said, slightly smiling. "And the Guard isn't aware of your situation, but honestly, considering the circumstances and especially considering I was just a member, I don't believe that will be too big of a problem. Not if you explain it as a you had a negative run-in with a criminal organization. Consider it, at least."

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I wonder if he can't adjust to that missing eye over time- being unable to accurately judge where one is throwing fire would be quite detrimental. "Save me a plate of whatever we're having- I'm going to try and round up everyone else," Veronika announced, striding out of the dining hall and heading upstairs towards the rooms.

I think this is the right one... she thought as she knocked on the door. "Do you have a moment to talk, Reign?" she asked.

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"I don't know," Jethro frowned, his shoulders slumping. "My ideals aren't what they used to be. It feels wrong to take them up on this, now."

Reign's Room

Well that was fast, the mage thought to himself as he put on his shirt and made for the door. All that was missing was his coat. "Let me guess," he said as he opened the door, "something came up ..." It seemed the group's newest problem always came within one day if they dared linger in one place, and he didn't expect the pattern to change this morning, not with Raquel likely still out cold, and everything else that was going on.

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"I see...," Evelyn said, as she turned to the door. "Well, hold on to it, and if you have a change of heart, you know where to go. Anyways, I should be going. Sorry for keeping you so long."

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"Good guess. Lois Gizem- some kind of inventor prodigy or something- was kidnapped by a group that may have connections with the Organization. If we don't deal with this now, we might be fighting tanks later- which will likely end poorly for us. We're getting ready to leave for Ursentius by noon, can you be ready by then?" Veronika asked Reign, deciding not to beat around the bush.

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If they ended up having to hire more mercenaries, Synthia definitely wanted a say in who they were picking up. Maybe she could write out some interview questions… Blake and Veronika had left, and Ernesta had just asked about breakfast orders. The mage was content with eating whatever they were already preparing, and said as much. “What they’re making should be fine,” she answered, before walking over to sit by Gytha. Once seated she unshouldered her messenger bag and pulled out her tome. She really needed to remember to pick up some kind of notebook one of these days with the amount of writing she was doing…

“Hey Gytha, what do you think would be good questions for prospective hires?” she asked, turning to a blank page.


Kat had entered the kitchen and was looking around for some kind of cup. She was trying to stay out of the way of people working, but just really needed a glass of water at the moment.

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Well, that was an interesting question. The mariner pondered it for a moment. Usually, she was the one seeking to be hired, not being sought after or doing the hiring, so it was a little difficult to come up with anything good. "Hmm... Well, I s'pose I'd want t' know what sort o' experience th' jack's had in th' past with this sort o' work. Ye'll probabla learn what sort o' fightin' they're used ta that way, too. Other'n that, I'd likela d'cide what t' ask as questions come up. Fer example, if someone looked suspicious, I might ask where th' jack's found work b'fore. Turns out sailors from Neviskotia do things n' act differentla than sailors from Kigen, fer example. So, maybe if he's spent a lot o' recent time in eastern Neviskotia, ye'd want t' keep 'im close n' careful."

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"It's not like I've got anywhere else to go," Jethro shrugged. He almost chuckled but he was still in poor spirits. "You take care of yourself, Evelyn," he said, nodding a goodbye.

Reign's Room

"Noon?" Was Raquel up or ... "Is Raquel going to be resting here for now?" He could think of safer places in light of all the attacks, but only a few. "I can be ready by then, but I've got some things to take care of in town first," he explained. As he did, it occurred to him that since there was only one road to Ursentius from where they were ... one viable one at least, he and Faatina wouldn't have much trouble catching up to them if they did fall behind.

Europa was one thing, however, Ursentius was the hornet's nest as far as he was concerned, and he wasn't planning on skipping out on a disguise if he went there. Horizon academy was there, as well as a lot more people who might recognize him. He remembered what his parents told him about the army's offer, but he preferred things the way they were, with no involvement with them whatsoever.

Dining Hall

"Your assignment," Ernesta said to Robin, surprised and a little irritated that the archer apparently didn't know, "is to locate and rescue Lois Gizem, cripple or destroy Invictus, and secure the tanks they stole from the garrison forces. I suggest you write it down if you're having trouble remembering."

Of course people were fine with bacon, eggs, and most likely a mountain's worth of toast, so Ernesta could see why none of the waiters or waitresses were around. She wasn't sure why she even bothered, really. Weyland seemed to be a bit more relaxed now that he knew his people in the capital would be getting help on this. It would indeed put his mind at ease if this situation had a favorable outcome.


"Keep'em nice and warm," Johnny instructed as he stood over some cooking sausage. The man he was instructing seemed to be a fire mage, carefully working several plates worth of toast while another nearby added to the piles in twos. "Things sure are going smoothly this morning, no fallen, no fires, no thunderstorms. It's a good morning, I think."

"I'm still a little depressed," Erica murmured to herself. As she glanced over her shoulder to remind Johnny that the fallen weren't done just yet--quite the opposite, actually--she noticed Katrina wandering about. "There's plenty ready if you're hungry, or did you want something else?"

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"Yes, she's looking better but still not awake. I hope she recovers from her injuries, but there's not anything I can do about it. Do you know where Faatina is? She wasn't at the meeting either," Veronika asked Reign. She elected not to pry into his business for now, as long as he could make it on time what he did was his concern.

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"There's some exceptionally fine caves out there if you get desperate enough," Xenia commented. She'd been mostly ignoring the conversation(it was a bad idea to get too involved) but felt the need to chip in on this.

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Jethro would have noted that caves weren't really his kind of place, but she'd used the word 'desperate'. "Heh, we'll see," he said taking one more look at the letter. He wasn't sure why they would want him guarding the royals after leaving the army. He'd resigned and hadn't made a scene on his way out, but still ...

Reign's Room

"Probably getting ready, herself," Reign answered, nearly shrugging. "She decided to tag along. Makes sense after what happened the last time, I guess."

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"Indeed- well try not to run into any demons or dragons or anything. We'll probably leave at noon regardless if you're done or not, but you two should be able to catch up quickly enough on horseback," Veronika responded, satisfied.

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"I'll keep that in mind," Evelyn said to the healer, before going back to Jethro. "You take care, too."

And with that, the woman left the infirmary and went on her way..

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