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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Flight


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While Norbert was relatively surprised at Lumi's sudden appearance and even more sudden departure -- he wasn't quite as alert as he usually was, he supposed -- he was largely unable to say or do anything about it. The most he got out was a quiet "Uh-" as he somewhat blankly watched his fellow rider leave. Then came the information about the riders' treatment. While he was glad they weren't dead, their treatment was unacceptable.

"What?!" he exclaimed, though it sounded more like a grunt. His voice was a bit less clear right now than it normally was. Annoying as it was, it didn't change much, as Bert thought about it. He shook his head before addressing Fizza again. "Did you free them? And did you find where the bandits are keeping their arms and armor? If any of them are in any shape to fight, they could come get their pegasi and help with the battle. If they can't, then they should come here anyway and get their pegasi so that they can escape, or be helped out of this place. There's a dragon and wyverns out there -- I don't think these pegasi are too eager to leave the stables without their riders. As for me, I'm staying here. I'd help free the prisoners if I could, but I just don't have the mobility right now. I'll guard the pegasi if I can if any bandits come around, but for now, I just don't see a reason for me to get back out there. Rizen won't leave until the wyverns and dragon are gone, and I'm getting more tired by the moment. At least in here, I'm out of sight."

Shakily, and heavily leaning on his poleaxe as he used it like a walking stick, Norbert began slowly walking back to the captured pegasi. "I'll try to get the pegasi ready for their riders and keep them calm while you're gone, unless you have a better idea."

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With the ballistician firing off another shot at her friends, Jam had enough. It was time to bring the pain! She quickly spun out of her position and to the ballistician's left side. In one swift motion, she stopped and sent a spell into his face.

"Try shooting while you're blind!"

Ah yeah! Jam's the DJ and she's bringing the biggest hits! HIT +2!

Most Requested: "Sapping Tome to the Face!" -featuring Ballistician A

Roll: [6,6,3] http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=110530

Hit! 10-7 = 3 damage!

Ballistician A: 26/36; RES -1

Jam: 9/15

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[spoiler=Lumi combat]


Both miss!

Both look away embarrassed!

Hoshi stumbled to her feet as behind her Lumi tossed a spear of ice at the flying bandit only to miss and narrowly dodge the returned lance. She nodded to Eva. "They're... tricky. But that ballista is a bigger issue. Lets get rid of it." She summoned a ball of dark energy and sent it flying at the man. It slammed through him and into the ballista itself, eating through the structure and quickly destroying it.





18+5-6=17*2=34 damage

Ded ballista

Hoshi: 13/18

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Hard Choices

The bandits never came back at them with the strength or numbers they had previously boasted. The guard captain supposed that was a good thing, but their situation was completely different from that of the mercenaries. Even from here he could tell that they were having a hell of a time even keeping the initial foothold they'd gotten. One of the ballistae was destroyed, at least. That wasn't a part of the plan, but he supposed it was better to destroy them than to get killed by them. The situation was looking desperate, though.

"They're destroying them?!" Doran hissed, "We need those to defend ourselves from the-" "Later, Doran," the guard captain cut him off, "We need to get in there and help them out. If they fall, we're in trouble, too."

"You're forgetting the archers," Doran gave the guard captain an annoyed look. "Unless we take most of the shields with us, we'll get skewered by the archers in the towers."

"Urgh, dammit," the captain cursed under his breath, "we'll take the towers first, then ... and hope it's not too little too late."

Suddenly there was a loud crash. It was too grating to be an explosion, but it was fairly close. Doran and the guard captain looked up to see that the northwestern tower was completely gone. To the west, Sonya was trailing splinters and other debris. "She rammed it," Doran said, realizing that Sonya had decided to directly attack the bandits, after all. She had been so adamant about only serving as a distraction before. She must have realized that they weren't doing so well inside the fortress. It must have been hard, but at least they only had one tower, the one just south of them, to deal with. "Come on, we can take fewer men with us this time, just shield our front, force our way in there, take the tower, and then send some more men to help out the mercenaries."

"Right ... I just hope we're not too late," the captain said, biting his lower lip. He had a feeling they very well might have been.


"Not yet," Fizza shook her head as she produced a vulnerary, "but they're not in any danger yet, precisely because of that. The stables look safe enough, so I'll see about getting them over here, but their equipment is probably mixed in with the rest of the supplies here; honestly, I doubt they'll be able to help us directly unless you just want the pegasi goring people. Like I said, though, I'll see about getting them out." She was going to have to kill everyone guarding them, first, but that was both her specialty and her vice. "Take this in the meantime," she said, offering Norbert the vulnerary.

Prioritization Problems

There were still plenty of bowmen around, but only one left that still posed a direct threat to them. Naturally, the sniper was lining up a shot on someone else, so Amon started moving in on him. There was just one problem, though. The swordsman from before knew what he was up to, and was after him, now. He might be able to simply outrun the guy, but if that sniper got a shot off, someone else might killed. Deciding to take his chances for now, Amon rushed at the bowman from the side.

The swordsman wasn't even close to saving his fellow bandit, but he was in time to use his own mass to come crashing into both him and Amon as the latter removed his knife from the former's throat. All three of them went down in a heap with Amon on the bottom, the dead or dying bandit in the middle, and the swordsman on top. Taking advantage of the situation, the swordsman rose up and started hacking away at Amon's head. It was a gruesome struggle that saw nearly all of the attacks striking the now most assuredly dead bowman. Amon had to block the rest with his hands ...

Amon attacks Sniper C! Rolls 6 2 2



Swordsman B is annoyed!


Amon was almost certain he was done for when the swordsman was pulled away from him by someone he couldn't see. That was good, because the blood loss, combined with the fall itself, had Amon feeling too lightheaded to do much more than flail defensively. He wasn't sure how long he had until someone noticed him and came over to finish him off, but at least he had a moment to try and think. He wasn't dead, yet, and as long as he was still alive, there was a chance to turn this around.

Shadrak managed to pull the swordsman away from Amon before the sancturan was killed, but the poison was starting to affect him even more noticeably. He wasn't able to put up much of a fight when the swordsman prepared to cut him down. Suddenly, as Shadrak fell to one knee, and put up a useless hand to protect himself, the swordsman relented with a knowing grin. "Looks like you're finally tuckered out." Just as he was about to step forward to subdue the shaman, one of the pegasus riders came over and swung his lance hard, bashing Shadrak in the nose, shattering the bone, and sending the druid onto his back, helpless, and writhing in pain. "Hah ... behave yourself, now, and you might survive. The boss has been looking to recruit some mages, and you could be one of them."

"He's all yours," the pegasus rider nodded to the swordsman.

Falcoknight A attacks Shadrak! Rolls 4 4 5 (Target Fix'd)


HIT! -4 HP! KO!

Falcoknight B attacks Nadya! Rolls 3 5 5


CRITICAL HIT! -10 HP! Poisoned!

Swordmaster B attacks Amon! Rolls 4 5 4



Ballista B attacks Hoshi (Eva defends) with Wind Rune! Rolls 1 2 1


HIT! TINK! Eva is forced to the backline!

Poison ticks!

... uhhh ... never mind.

Stance ticks ... or something ...

Luther HP +2


Carlos HP 0/30
Falcon Knight A HP 8/18 Poison Lance (Subvert) (SIEGE)
Falcon Knight B HP 8/18 Poison Lance (Subvert) (SIEGE)
Sniper A HP 0/18
Swordmaster A HP 0/21
Ballistician A HP 0/36
Sniper B HP 0/18 (Aggressive)
Swordmaster B HP 21/21 (Aggressive)
Ballistician B HP 36/36 Ballista (Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Sniper C HP 0/18
Falcon Knight C HP 18/18 Poison Lance (Passive-Subvert)
Ballistician C HP 36/36 Ballista (Passive-Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Sniper D HP 0/18 (Aggressive)
Falcon Knight D HP 18/18 Poison Lance (Passive-Subvert)
Ballistician D HP 36/36 Ballista (Passive-Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Norbert HP 0/18
Lumi HP 18/18 (CLOSED IN)
Shadrak HP 0/24 (Poison 2T remaining)(CLOSED IN)
Eva HP 13/30 (BACKLINE)
Angelica HP 18/21 (BACKLINE)
Jamilla HP 9/15 (CLOSED IN)
Nadya HP 6/21
Luther HP 10/27
Amon HP 0/21
Hoshi HP 10/18 (CLOSED IN)


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Hoshi forceblasts the two pegs, seeming to knock them down, only for them to shake it off and seem to be healthier than before she attacked.




12+6-4=14 damage


12+1-4=9*2=18 damage

Hoshi recovers 16 HP

Falco A counters


6+6-5=7 damage

Falco A: 18/18

Falco B: 18/18

Hoshi: 11/18 (Poisoned)

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Nadya was feeling woozy after the lance of the pegasus knight slammed into her. She managed to heal Hoshi who had just attacked them, but she wondered if this was going to be the end. All for a Wrathdamn wagon...

Nadya heals Hoshi! Hoshi 11/18-->18/18

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Jam jumped out of the way as the ballista was devoured by Hoshi's spell. Things were looking rather dire, but the dancer wasn't about to retreat. It was time to move in on the next ballista. She backflipped towards the next operator and came back up with another round of light magic to the face.

"Plenty to go around!"

Time to switch it up to some Hard Rock! DEF+2

Next on Playlist: "Blinded by the Light (of a sapping tome)" -featuring Ballistician B

[3,4,5] http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=110634

Hit! 8-7 = 1 damage!

Jam: 9/15

Ballistician B: 35/36 RES-1

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Stepping down onto the ground, it only took a few moments before Eva was also blown back by another one of the ballista. Walking up to the rider and giving her a pat on the shoulder, Angelica began running past her.

"We've gotta get back in there, Eva. That ballista is gonna fire again, and we're still in range... try and spread out, if he has to pick two moving targets, maybe we'll get lucky and he'll mess up." Angelica noted, not liking the prospect of having to close through artillery with so few targets around.

"Be careful, okay? I'll never forgive you if you die..." The adept noted with a dour face, as she launched herself forward.

Angelica closes to... normal range? And for the love of all things keeps the firewall equipped @.@

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"<WHAT THE FUCK!?>" Eva shouted in angry Neviskotion as some sort of magic sent her flying away from the ballistas. She'd never had to deal with flying without a mount before, so the sensation was weird and incredibly unpleasant. At the very least, there had been a soldier under her to buffer her landing. While he was groaning at the harsh catch, she was fuming over being sent flying.

It seemed that Angelica had been blown back before her, and her landing had been a lot more graceful. She was irate, so Angelica didn't get more than an "<Okay...>" as Eva pulled herself up. Searching for the nearest target to shout at over her issues, she saw Shad getting smacked about by one of the pegasi riders.

Not today.

"Alright you flying feather fucker!" she shouted, as she ran over. She took that grinning bastard's moment of reprieve as an opening to sock him back, shoving her first square into his nose. "SUCKS, HUH?" she belted. Her sword came up and leveled at the Falco right after, not having anymore of this. "I'm tired of your prissy allies giving me shit all for a challenge! Your sword spinning idiot friend bounces off of me without me having to put my sword up, but I'M HOPING, MAYBE, with how cocky your high flying ass is acting, JUST MAYBE, you'll be something worth fighting... So GET DOWN HERE AND SWING!" Eva was fuming, over the ENTIRE situation, and she really, really wanted to hit something right now.

Eva closes to normal range, taunts Falco A

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Luther didn’t have time to curse his luck as an unseen bolt grazed the mercenary’s shoulder. The longer he stayed out in the open, the greater the chances of him get skewered. Utilizing what little cover he could, he advanced towards the ballista that probably had fired at him. That bastard did need to paid in full for causing trouble.

Luther moves to enemy siege range.

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[spoiler=OoC]Sorry about the lack of fluff this time around. Things are getting a bit busier on my end but I didn't want to hold up PP7.

Falcoknight A attacks Hoshi! Rolls 5 5 1


HIT! -3 HP! Poisoned!

Falcoknight B attacks Hoshi! Rolsl 1 3 5


HIT! -2 HP! Re-Poisoned!

Swordmaster B attacks Eva! Rolls 2 5 5


Rolls 5 6 2

HIT! -2 HP!


Ballista B attacks Angelica! Rolls 3 4 2


HIT! -14 HP!

Poison ticks!

Hoshi -3 HP

Nadya -5 HP

Stance ticks!

Luther HP +2


Carlos HP 0/30
Falcon Knight A HP 18/18 Poison Lance (>:D) (SIEGE)
Falcon Knight B HP 18/18 Poison Lance (>:D) (SIEGE)
Sniper A HP 0/18
Swordmaster A HP 0/21
Ballistician A HP 0/36
Sniper B HP 0/18
Swordmaster B HP 21/21 (Aggressive)
Ballistician B HP 35/36 Ballista (Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Sniper C HP 0/18
Falcon Knight C HP 18/18 Poison Lance (Passive-Subvert)
Ballistician C HP 36/36 Ballista (Passive-Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Sniper D HP 0/18 (Aggressive)
Falcon Knight D HP 18/18 Poison Lance (Passive-Subvert)
Ballistician D HP 36/36 Ballista (Passive-Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Norbert HP 0/18
Lumi HP 18/18 (CLOSED IN)
Shadrak HP 0/24 (Poison 1T remaining)(CLOSED IN)
Eva HP 9/30
Angelica HP 4/21
Jamilla HP 9/15 (CLOSED IN)
Nadya HP 1/21 (Poison 1T remaining)
Luther HP 12/27 (CLOSED IN)
Amon HP 0/21
Hoshi HP 10/18 (Poison 3T remaining)(CLOSED IN)


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Norbert halted when Fizza offered him something, and, after a brief pause, half-turned to see what it was. It took a lot longer to travel any sort of distance in the condition he was in than it normally would, so, if she was just going to stand there, holding it out to him, he wished she'd just walk over and pass it off. Still, he appreciated the help, especially when it was taking all he had just to move.

So, he began half-hobbling over. It took a fair stretch of time, so as he journeyed, the rider added, "Thanks. And about the weapons, if you can pick up some that no one's using outside, that should help. I don't know what sorts the pegasus knights are used to, but it's better to have something than nothing so that they can fight if they want to."

When he reached Fizza, Bert realized that he'd have to sit down if he wanted to be able to do anything else with his uninjured arm, as it was currently helping significantly in holding up his weight. So, he let himself slide back down to the floor and, while his hand was free, took a deep breath, steeled himself, and with a grunt, yanked the arrow out of his chest. Then, after tossing the arrow to the side, he reached up to receive the vulnerary. Bert wasn't particularly keen on standing again until he wasn't bleeding out so much, after all.

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Well, splitting up had worked... to an extent. The enemy swordsman had ran to intercept Eva, and whilst he had landed a few blows, they didn't seem substantial... it looked as though Eva would be able to make it past the man and into cover, but that left the ballista itself. Angelica cursed under her breath as she saw the bolt fire in her direction, There wasn't time to evade properly, she could only hope to stop the bolt with her magic.

Unfortunately, while she had some success, in that she wasn't immediately skewered, Angelica had still taken a hard hit to her flank, stumbling for a moment, before pressing her arm against the wound to attempt to staunch the blood flow, sprinting the rest of the way into cover, before diving against a nearby wall, and cradling her wound to the best of her ability. Damn, those things hurt.

"F-fuck..." The adept muttered under her breath, spitting out the blood that was already starting to build in her throat. She couldn't take much more, at this rate...

Angelica closes in, keeps on the firewall never let go of the firewall

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Nadya managed to feel strong enough after drinking a vulnerary from Lumi that she could make her way over to Shadrak and heal him. She focused on the vital parts rather than the broken nose though- not much time to deal with relatively minor injuries.

Nadya rezzes Shadrak! 0/24-->18/24

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"Shove off, useless!" More than aggravated now, that the rider had ignored her and the swordsman was still futilely trying to hurt her, she grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt the next time he swung, and tossed him onto his back a few feet away. "You're big enough to kick a mage in the face but you can't fight worth shit. Go home." She spit at him and rushed back towards the ballista, hoping to be able to get in the way of someone else going down.

Eva closes into siege range

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Catching a small break to regain his composure, Luther quickly scanned his surroundings. He noticed Nadya moving to heal the unconscious Shadrak and reasoned that this was the pegasus knights’ handiwork. Out of the corner of his eye, he located the terrible duo circling above; searching for their next target. He burst from his makeshift cover; moving to intercept any attacks attempted on their struggling healer.

Luther defends Nadya!

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"That's good," Fizza smiled, looking almost proud of the injured pegasus rider. She supposed it beat her initial plan of going over to him and balancing the salve on his head for a moment. "Swords and lances, mostly," she said, in regard to Norbert's earlier musing about the preferred weapons of the typical pegasus knight."These guys weren't stupid, though, the supplies and weapons are being kept on the other side of the fortress, and of course the riders are kept separated from their pegasi. You'd never manage to sneak across the open terrain of this place twice without being spotted. It's almost like a legitimate prison. That said, the battle outside makes for a good distraction. I'll try to get the riders back here, but the weapons are going to be tricky." She wasn't even going to consider their armor, since changing into it would take entirely too long.


Haythem surveyed the battlefield from what he hoped was a safe distance. The pegasus riders left him and Isis alone after she'd smacked both of them, and the ballistae were focusing mostly on Sonya, so for now it seemed safe enough where they were, a good one hundred meters from the fort itself, and about thirty meters high. It was difficult to make out everything going on down there, but knowing that Amon and Nadya were somewhere in the middle of all that made him desperately wish he could do more to help. As things were, he and Isis were simply one big flying target.

Fort Gate

"Captain," cried one of the ursaean guardsmen, "They're here!"

"Who's," the guard captain froze at the sudden realization, "oh no ... not now." He had to think fast, or he and his men would simply wind up getting hit full force on whichever side was most poorly guarded. "Lock them out," he ordered, "We're shutting the gate and locking everyone inside!"

"... you're joking," Doran said. Rather, he hoped. If everyone was locked inside, then they wouldn't be able to retreat if the mercenaries failed. Their immediate retreat seemed to be cut off, anyway from the sound of things, but it still felt as if they were fashioning a corner for themselves, at least to Doran.

"We can't help them and cover our front and flank," the captain explained, "so we have to close this gate and keep them from hitting us directly. That way, we can at least try to help them."


The wyvernless wyvern rider sure liked to fling insults, the swordsman noted as he gave chase. It was hard to take offense at anything but her trying to physically assault and spit on him, considering he was in the process of killing her allies before she'd decided to interfere. "Hah, I am home, lizard licker. That's why annoying guests like you aren't welcome here," he called back at her as he brandished his blade. "If you're not willing to face me head on, then I'm sure the half dead nomad over there wouldn't mind dying in your place!"

Of all the things for Nadya not to address then and there, it had to be Shadrak's nose. The druid had lost all interest in the fight while in the grips of the pain erupting from his own face, and would have dove for cover if he could see straight enough to find some. For the time being, the first ballista they had destroyed would do. He quickly made his way over, trying to somehow nurse his wound without agitating it. It was looking to be pretty much impossible. That was when he saw it, and his eyes went wide with realization.

"Ur-s-saean scum ..." coughed a seemingly dying crewman of the ballista, not the main operator from the looks of him. Hoshi's magic had already done quite a number on him, and Shadrak wasn't convinced he would survive on his own, anyway. He realized the intense pain may have been clouding his judgment, but he was no use to anyone in this state. In the end, he did what he felt he had to do, and unleashed a weak, but focused nosferatu spell that took the bandit's life and began to ease some of Shadrak's own pain. At least, he reasoned to himself, he could actually do something to help the others, now ... and he knew just how to do that. Hoshi had destroyed the first ballista, after all.

Shadrak heals Hoshi! +9 HP!


Falcoknight A attacks Luther! 2 4 6


HIT! -2 HP! Poisoned!

Falcoknight B attacks Nadya! Rolls 1 3 6



Swordmaster B moves to siege range!

Ballistician B shakes fist!

Poison ticks!

Shadrak -5 HP!

Nadya -5 HP!

Hoshi -3 HP!

Luther -6 HP!

Stance ticks!

Luther +2 HP!

Carlos HP 0/30
Falcon Knight A HP 18/18 Poison Lance (>:D) (SIEGE)
Falcon Knight B HP 18/18 Poison Lance (>:D) (SIEGE)
Sniper A HP 0/18
Swordmaster A HP 0/21
Ballistician A HP 0/36
Sniper B HP 0/18
Swordmaster B HP 21/21 (⌐■_■)
Ballistician B HP 35/36 (Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Sniper C HP 0/18
Falcon Knight C HP 18/18 Poison Lance (Passive-Subvert)
Ballistician C HP 36/36 (Passive-Aggressive) (SIEGE)
Sniper D HP 0/18
Falcon Knight D HP 18/18 (Passive-Subvert)
Ballistician D HP 36/36 (Passive-Aggressive) (SIEGE)

Norbert HP 0/18
Lumi HP 18/18 (CLOSED IN)
Shadrak HP 13/24 (CLOSED IN)
Eva HP 9/30 (CLOSED IN)
Angelica HP 4/21
Jamilla HP 6/15 (CLOSED IN)
Nadya HP 6/21 (CLOSED IN)
Luther HP 6/27 (Poison 2T remaining)(CLOSED IN)
Amon HP 0/21
Hoshi HP 15/18 (Poison 1T remaining)(CLOSED IN)


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Luther bravely blocked a pegasus lance for her, while Nadya managed to swerve out of the way of another one. I had enough of that for one day. "Somebody kill these things!" she called out the group before healing a badly wounded Luther

Nadya heals Luther! Luther 6/27-->24/27

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Norbert nodded and gave a small, affirmative grunt as he received the Rexian woman's proffered vulnerary. He was about to just pull the cork out of the bottle with his teeth and spit it out so he could start drinking the stuff -- it was the easiest and fastest way to get at the liquid inside with only one fully-functioning arm -- when it occurred to him that he'd need that cork later if Fizza was only offering him a dose and not the whole bottle.

He'd get to asking about that, but first, he wanted to address something else. "You're right that that's usually what they use. I was wondering about these individual fighters, though, when I mentioned the weapons. And the last time I was outside, there was at least one bow and some arrows on a dead bandit out there. It'd be faster and easier to take weapons from people you come across on the ground, at least in the meantime."

Now, to address the other issue. Norbert had been resting his eyes on the vulnerary as he spoke, but now he looked back up to Fizza, asking, "How much of this did you want to have left when I'm done with it?"

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"It's yours," Fizza smiled in amusement, before waving off the question. She'd stolen it on the way here and still had one of her own, so it really wasn't a bother. "If I recall correctly, Ursians do get at least some general training with the most common weapons, even if they don't specialize in them. That would include bows." It might actually help a little in solving the issue of the prisoners fighting without their standard gear, since armor was slightly less of a concern for the ranged fighters than those that were purposed for close quarters combat. She'd have to collect at least four bows and thrice as many arrows if she wanted to have a good laugh about all this tactical nonsense later, though. "I'm off," she said, making for the exit.

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As much as she wished she could sit this one out from here on, things were still too close to call. Ugh, what a bother. Deciding to stay as out of it as she could while still contributing, Angelica tossed a knife at one of the falcoknights, the blade lodging itself into his collarbone, just shy of slitting his throat... blasted wound messing with her aim... hopefully someone else would finish them off before he realized where he had been attacked from.

Angelica attacks Falcoknight A with stiletto!

Angelica(6,4,6) Autohit, 12 Mt - 1 def, 11 damage!

No counter due to range

Angelica switches to Firewall

Angelica 4/21

Falco 7/18


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Damn, this idiot was persistent. Did he not understand that they were all going to die if they stayed here? Things were going too well (from her perspective) for this kinda attitude. "When I said go home, I meant leave. This isn't your home anymore, and if you don't leave, you're going to die like the rest of your friends. Your boss is already down, or either that or he's given up and left, 'cause I don't see any big arrows flying through here. You still think you have a chance?" Weakened or not, she put herself between him and Nadya, unable to protect everyone, but at least able to protect someone. "Take me down and prove you're still in this, then! Come on! You've failed twice already!"

Eva taunts SM B, defends x2 Nadya

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Norbert nodded in response to Fizza's farewell, though her back was turned, so he doubted she saw it. It had more been on reflex than purposed anyway. Still, he felt he should say something, so he responded with, "See you soon."

Then, he used his teeth to pull the cork out of the vulnerary and toss it away before drinking the bottle dry. He would have been more selective as to how much he applied where, but it would've been far too time-consuming to remove his armor just for that. Besides, healing from the inside out was preferable to healing from the outside in right now. He'd just have to trust the vuln to restore his arm quickly.

In the meantime, the rider pulled himself up again and began heading towards the four, captive pegasi. His energy was beginning to return, and his shoulder was progressively feeling less numb. Hopefully, he'd be able to get these pegasi ready for their true riders before said riders arrived.

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