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Listen about today...i understand what most of you think of me. i understand what you think of candy. but i dont care about any of it. this place has been like a second home to me and i have thought of alot of you as family.

although i am not as strong willed (or strong period) as candy...im not leaving despite the things that have been said about us. Most of you are really good people...and are some of the nicest i have ever met....so what im trying to say is...i love you guys.

and no matter what you think of me...im not leaving. i wish candy could say the same...but...i just dont know.

if you dont believe i am one person then thats fine. i wont ridicule any of you. and i hope anyone i have wronged today will forgive me as well.......anyway.........thats all i have to say

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Listen about today...i understand what most of you think of me. i understand what you think of candy. but i dont care about any of it. this place has been like a second home to me and i have thought of alot of you as family.

although i am not as strong willed (or strong period) as candy...im not leaving despite the things that have been said about us. Most of you are really good people...and are some of the nicest i have ever met....so what im trying to say is...i love you guys.

and no matter what you think of me...im not leaving. i wish candy could say the same...but...i just dont know.

if you dont believe i am one person then thats fine. i wont ridicule any of you. and i hope anyone i have wronged today will forgive me as well.......anyway.........thats all i have to say


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Please don't tell me she left... because I sent her a pm asking her to stay, and if she didn't read it, I need you to show it to her too..

I was told that she is leaving for good........because she's affraid of being harrased by Hika and Doom.

Edited by MaSu
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Okay. Gatrie, show her this.

Candy, please don't abandon us. You did bring a bit of drama that we didn't want. But guess what; if we weren't nosy that wouldn't have happened. WE stuck our noses where it didn't belong, and you actually explained it...I apologize for us all, we didn't mean any offense, we all love you. If it helps, I will personally handle anyone who bothers you, I have a small amount of seniority, and I can use it, and my words are effective quite often.. I will miss you... please...stay..?

Edited by Mathew O'Connell
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Okay. Gatrie, show her this.

Candy, please don't abandon us. You did bring a bit of drama that we didn't want. But guess what; if we weren't nosy that wouldn't have happened. WE stuck our noses where it didn't belong, and you actually explained it...I apologize for us all, we didn't mean any offense, we all love you. If it helps, I will personally handle anyone who bothers you, I have a small amount of seniority, and I can use it, and my words are effective quite often.. I will miss you... please...stay..?

Dude, get a grip :lol::blink:

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Okay. Gatrie, show her this.

Candy, please don't abandon us. You did bring a bit of drama that we didn't want. But guess what; if we weren't nosy that wouldn't have happened. WE stuck our noses where it didn't belong, and you actually explained it...I apologize for us all, we didn't mean any offense, we all love you. If it helps, I will personally handle anyone who bothers you, I have a small amount of seniority, and I can use it, and my ability to flame people off boards without being banned to my advantage.. I will miss you... please...stay..?

*inappropriately laughs hysterically*


Ok sorry it was kinda a joke im just tired of all of the depressing topics today so im just trying to...you know....lighten the mood.

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Okay. Gatrie, show her this.

Candy, please don't abandon us. You did bring a bit of drama that we didn't want. But guess what; if we weren't nosy that wouldn't have happened. WE stuck our noses where it didn't belong, and you actually explained it...I apologize for us all, we didn't mean any offense, we all love you. If it helps, I will personally handle anyone who bothers you, I have a small amount of seniority, and I can use it, and my words are effective quite often.. I will miss you... please...stay..?

u really like her, huh?

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Dude, get a grip :lol::blink:
Dude, no.
*inappropriately laughs hysterically*


Ok sorry it was kinda a joke im just tired of all of the depressing topics today so im just trying to...you know....lighten the mood.

Hahahahahaha, I fucking love you!!
u really like her, huh?
Yeah, she was fun, and she never did a wrong thing to us.
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