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What is your favorite/least favorite class costume design?

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I haven't seen this discussion yet, so here it is. What are your favorites class costumes based on design alone?

My favorite class designs are the War Cleric and Pegasus Knights.

War Cleric- I find their design really unique and the cage dress thing looks really cool even though it kind of impractical

Pegasus Knights- I just really like Cynthia, Sumia, and Cordelia's design. It just looks really pretty.

My least favorite is female Cavalier. I just don't understand how they can ride horses when it looks like they are not even wearing pants and those weird headgears.

So what are your favorite costume designs?

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Favorites: Great Knight (especially Frederick), Bow Knight. Great Knights looked awesome in Sacred Stones, imo, but they still look just as cool in Awakening, Frederick even moreso with those badass shoulderguards of his. Bow Knights just look cool, imo.

Least Favorites: Almost everything else, really. This game had overall the worst class design, imo. I found Cavalier, Knight, and General to be the worst of the worst. They are just plain ugly and stupid. :/

I'm just really REALLY thankful that Awakening didn't ruin Great Knight. Great Knight is the most win class that doesn't exist in Tellius, imo. Great Knights ftw. :3

Edited by Anacybele
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There was a topic for this a while ago, but it's well into Necro range now.

Wyvern Lord (M) is my favorite, Generals and Sorcs are my least favorite- Sorcs because they're hideous, and Generals because they lost all of their coolness from the GBA FEs. Paladins and Heroes took a big hit too, but they at least aren't bad.

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My favorites are the Pegasus Knight tree, and War Monk/Cleric.

Least favorite are Berserkers (No. Just. NO.), and Snipers (W-what's with all the armor?). Great Knights, too (though they aren't god-effing-awful looking like they were in Sacred Stones, at least; Frederick's the only one who manages to pull it off).

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War Cleric is the most amazing, and anyone who doesn't believe so is objectively wrong. /fact

Dark Mage/Sorcerer falls into a kind of so bad it's good territory.

Both Cavaliers and Knights got hit with a whole lot of awkward (male Cavs are okay, though)

F!Trickster is pretty good, but M!Trickster just looks awkward.

Peg Knights look good as always.

Avatar's cloak is really cool. If someone made a hoodie based on that design, I would buy it.

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My favorite has to be Dread Fighters because they look so badass plus their Levin sword animation is awesome. They toss the sword up into the air and then the lighting strikes the enemy

Least favorite is easily any of the armor types like General/Great knight because they look stupid.

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Favorite: peg knights, merc/heroes, myrmidon/swordmasters

Least Favorite: knight/generals. in GBAFE they were tough, clunky, steel-covered veteran badasses with a huge removable chest shield thing and an axe half their size attached to a chain, which they threw at their opponent's face. In Awakening they are beyond terribad.

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F sorcerers sleeves. Just the sleeves, not any of the other parts. I also like the thing near the dark knight's necks. Don't know what the term for it is, so I hope that was specific enough. I can't forget to mention Miriel/Laurent's hat, which goes very well with a lot of their possible classes.

I have never really liked the sage outfit, though I can't tell why.

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I think the main problem with the aesthetic in Awakening is the switch from sprites to 3D models. The sprites looked so much better it's not funny. It's a perfect example of why artistic style beats graphics every time. The berzerker used to be my favorite looking sprite, the outfit, the stance, the attack animation, all scream "fucking badass" to me. Now I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten foot pole, he looks like a male stripper and his flailing muscle spasms disguised as "attack animations" produce not gazes of wonder but chuckles of pitiful amusement. Plus nobody has feet? As if that hasn't been mentioned already.

More on-topic however, I like the Tactician the most. Almost everyone with a unique model, Chrom, Lucina, Freddy, (with the exception of the Grandmaster, eew.) Looks fine in combat and out as well. Everything else is mediocre at best. The worst is a tie between the Berserker and the General/Knight, is difficult to decide which one disappoints me the most considering they both looked so damn cool in the GBA games.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about Dread Fighter, I really like that one too!

Also, the graphics in Awakening can be explained by the fact that IS mistakenly underestimated what the 3DS can do. That's why nobody has feet and stuff. lol They're not gonna make the same mistakes twice, I can see.

Edited by Anacybele
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Going by default outfits of characters:

Favourite: Cherche and Olivia. I just adore Cherche's outfit and it looks cute with her as a sprite. And I love Olivia's, as a dancer myself, and it is fun to see a woman kick butt while she's covered in pink sparkles. xD

Least favourite: Chrom and his freaking asymmetrical onesie. Dude's over 18 and…gah. I just want to burn it.
"Avatar, are we strapped for funds?"
"No, but now that you're not wearing that hid- I mean, those royal robes anymore, I could stand to sell them."
(Do it for the army Chrom!)

Going by classes in general:

Favourite: I really love the Dark Flier and Brides outfits for ladies, and men's…I'm gonna go with Swordmaster and Dread Fighter.

Least favourite: Anything that puts the girls in a leotard. I know my current avatar is a Wyvern Lord but I still can't get over that. (The things I do to have a dragon mount. >:'P ) -I'm also not fond of the Sage outfits, but they don't bug me nearly as much.

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Plus nobody has feet? As if that hasn't been mentioned already.

Believe it or not, you're the first person in this topic to bring this up. It's kind of a thing everybody takes for granted by now.

Also, the graphics in Awakening can be explained by the fact that IS mistakenly underestimated what the 3DS can do. That's why nobody has feet and stuff. lol They're not gonna make the same mistakes twice, I can see.

I think I heard somewhere that they may have said that in an interview.

However, I can make this game lag if I want to, so it could be a valid concern (using Astra with Book of Naga/Valflame/any Tome with long-lasting particle effects in Cht.10 with the 3d on and 3 fliers on the map lags pretty badly).

Least favourite: Chrom and his freaking asymmetrical onesie. Dude's over 18 and…gah. I just want to burn it.

At least it actually is asymmetrical, as opposed to things like Basilio's eyepatch, which actually switches eyes when he turns around.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Going by default outfits of characters:

Favourite: Cherche and Olivia. I just adore Cherche's outfit and it looks cute with her as a sprite. And I love Olivia's, as a dancer myself, and it is fun to see a woman kick butt while she's covered in pink sparkles. xD

Least favourite: Chrom and his freaking asymmetrical onesie. Dude's over 18 and…gah. I just want to burn it.

"Avatar, are we strapped for funds?"

"No, but now that you're not wearing that hid- I mean, those royal robes anymore, I could stand to sell them."

(Do it for the army Chrom!)

Going by classes in general:

Favourite: I really love the Dark Flier and Brides outfits for ladies, and men's…I'm gonna go with Swordmaster and Dread Fighter.

Least favourite: Anything that puts the girls in a leotard. I know my current avatar is a Wyvern Lord but I still can't get over that. (The things I do to have a dragon mount. >:'P ) -I'm also not fond of the Sage outfits, but they don't bug me nearly as much.

I actually really liked Chrom's getup, not as much as the Avatar but still.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Dread Fighter, I really like that one too!

Also, the graphics in Awakening can be explained by the fact that IS mistakenly underestimated what the 3DS can do. That's why nobody has feet and stuff. lol They're not gonna make the same mistakes twice, I can see.

I hope that you're right on that, It's incredibly frustrating to watch a series I care so much about take this big a hit in aesthetic. I also think Owain is made for Dread Fighter, so cute, I ship it.

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You guys can like it all you want (it's cool~ opinions are free), but Chrom's onesie will forever be a reason why I don't marry him. (Even Gaius said it looked like he took it from a grave or something. xD)

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You guys can like it all you want (it's cool~ opinions are free), but Chrom's onesie will forever be a reason why I don't marry him. (Even Gaius said it looked like he took it from a grave or something. xD)

Nor would I expect you too, I think his clothes look cool but that's not reason enough to bear his children.

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I personally like the mercenary, great knight (on Frederick), lord, pegasus knight and tactician classes.

Not sure what my absolute least favorite classes are, but hero(fugly collar) and assassin(unnecessarily large and ugly spikes) are definitely top contenders.

Though I don't hate the grandmaster class, it's a shame it doesn't hold a candle to the infinitely cooler tactician class.

Being relatively new to the game, I have yet to see how some characters look in certain classes.

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As far as I have gone, I like mostly all of the unique get ups of the main cast. Frederick looks perfect. Lisa is awesome (even with that strange cage-thing around her as a war cleric). The tactician looks good, but the change to the grandmaster doesn't make sense to me. Lucina is the best. Basilio has wardrobe malfuntions.

For general classes, I like the desgin of the Wyvern Lord, the Sword Master, and the Falcon Knight. Not a fan of the Barbarian, Bow Knight, or Sorcerer.

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Favorite: Tactican - Been in love with this design since the announcement of the game. Grandmaster is one hell of a downgrade.

Worst: Conquerer - Ah, the great Conquerer. Tremble in fear of his might as he enters the battlefield wearing a little kid's Halloween costume. I'm surprised the outfit doesn't have a cute little devil tail to truly complete it's appearance.

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My favorite class design is the silent guardian, the watchful protector, the Dark Knight.

My least favorite class design is the Knight, especially as worn by Kjelle.

My favorite design with the character taken into consideration is Lucina.

My least favorite design with the character taken into consideration is Kjelle.

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I like Sorcerer, Sniper, Griffon Rider, Dark Knight, Freddy!Great Knight, Wyvern Rider, and War Monk/War Cleric

I dislike Paladin, anyone but Fred!Great Knight, Knight, General, Pegasus Knight, Falcon Knight, Barbarian, and Warrior

Everyone else is kind of meh.

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I like Dread fighter, Assassin (even if there's no match aginst the Gba Assassin), Dark Flier, Dark Knight, Hero, Tactician.

I dislike Berserker a little and Knight/General a lot.

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I actually adore the tiny feet the models have, they look adorable.


Chrom and Lucina's outfits (quite regal)

Tacticia and Grandmaster (though I wish females also wore pants)

Mage and Miriel/Emmeryn!Sage (mages cuz RICKEN, and Miriel and Emmeryn wear such a beautiful dress as a sage)

Bride (kicking ass and taking names in a beautiful frilly dress, I approve)

Dread Fighter (BADASS, enough said)

Archer (simple yet cool)

Mercenary (looks cool)

Henry!Dark Mage (i love this outfit so much that I never promote or reclass him anymore)

Male Paladins (especially Fred)

Thief (effective)

Assassin (SCARVES)

Trickster (Generic/Enemy Units at least, because they get that sexy hat)

Bow Knight (probably my MOST favorite outfit, it just looks so cool and awesome)

Nah!Manakete and Tiki!Manakete (the former is very cute, and the latter is beautiful)

Disliked Outfits

Dark Mage and Sorcerer (for both genders, it's just tacky and tasteless)

Knight/General/Great Knight/Conqueror (they went out of their way to make the outfits as bulky and ugly as possible)

Female Paladin/Great Knight/Wyvern Knight/Griffon Knight/Cavalier/Myrmidon/Swordmaster (because who needs women wearing pants when you can have them dress stupidly sexy in just underwear? sick bastards ugh)

Hero (the MOST ugliest armor in existence, seriously, I can't even stand to look at it)

Fighter/Berserker (mostly because I hate bulky muscle 8U)

Dancer (disgustingly and tastelessly sexy for no good reason)

Nowi!Manakete (same as above)

Anything not mentioned, I'm rather neutral on I guess.

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Favorite - Male Mercenary, Dread Fighter, Tactician, Great Lord Chrom, Female Hero, Great Knight Freddy, Swordmaster

Least Favorie - General sucks so fucking much.

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