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Hmm Fiona?

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Fiona has very bad base stats for her level. She cannot use steel lance and javelin without massive speed penalty. However her growths are decent. Another advantages are that she has two very nice skills and canto. She's trainable on easy mode, because the enemies aren't high level and you get much expierence for killing enemies. On normal mode you really have to "baby" her. At least she needs a forged iron lance to do any damage and not to lose any speed. On hard mode: NO!

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Now that I think about it, training her is going to suck because the next part of the game I cant use her in, and the next times that I can, her movement will be lowered. Jesus her and Meg are quite the challenege to use. Also I wouldnt dare use her in hard mode xD

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1-7. Reduced movement. Almost every enemy is stronger then her.

1-8. Not available. Not that it would've helped much in the swamp.

1-9. Excusable lol.

1-F Ledges and reduced movement. Also enemies are tough as nails. Probably again limited to javelin chugging and cantho.

3-6. Oh gods. Swamp limits movement to starting isle. Laguz EAT HER alive. Again her best bet is Javeling Chugging.

After that it gets better. But she'll need to be nearing T3. And is likely still T1 with the javelin support exp she'd gotten so far.

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Effectively she is a lost cause, unless you munchkin the hell out of her in 1-7.

She is not really worth it anyway. Her growths for Str and Skil are pretty bad, which is unfortunate for a unit who sucks at both hitting and damaging the enemies since it makes it hard to dig her out of her hole.

Her Defense growth is nice but she starts so fragile that it will never make a difference. Especially since her HP growth is rather lackluster too. Even if this wasn't the case, her Def caps prevent her from getting much out of that growth.

And this is before you factor in that all the maps in the game hate her.

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Fiona's the only earlygame unit I've never been able to take to endgame. I've had success with Lyre, Meg, and Astrid; Fiona has never been anything but underwhelming for me, even as a Silver Knight on Easy mode.

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No, she's not even worth using on Normal Mode from my experience (she's still awful. Bad bases, bad growths, kiss all of your bonus exp and stat boosters that could be going to more useful units bye just to try and keep her from falling behind). If you're playing easy mode then...maybe, I couldn't tell you since I've never done it.

Edited by Xandere
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So I recently started playing again, and this go around I wanted to try fiona, but wanted to know if she was worth it. Are her growths good? Just wanted to get some opinions.

Well, her contributions aren't awesome at all when you train her, so she's not worth training and dumping a bunch of resources. I have a soft spot for growth units but if you want to use her, that's up to you.

Her growths are mostly around the 50%s overall, her best stats are Sp, Lck, Def and Res, so you'll want to BEXP lv up for Str and Skl as soon as she caps like, res at Tier 1 and Sp, Def and Res by Tier 2 and 3. She'll need a max mt/crt forge by P1 to avoid AS reduction and actually hope on her killing units and or crtkilling them. You'll like to save the P1 Energy Drop, Dracoshield and Seraph Robe to make her less shitty and a bit more reliable. Just feed her the most kills you can under your turn limit and take advantage of her growths. By 1-E for the sake of goodness, dump her all the BEXP you have, promote her with a Seal and assign her Adept. By that time she'll double most enemies (in NM) and ORKO mages, there are thieves and plenty of enemies to feed her kills. Now, by P3 she'll have a hard time at 3-6 and will barely see combat if you're rushing but if you're getting in the corner then she'll level up a bit with the mentioned resources. By 3-12 give her Killer Lance, Adept and pray for crts and kills, so by 3-13 she'll be already Tier 3 and be kind of on par with the rest of your units. If you ever decide to use Fiona just train only one DBer because she'll demand every single resource and then you'll end up with a bunch of crappy units.

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Well, her contributions aren't awesome at all when you train her, so she's not worth training and dumping a bunch of resources. I have a soft spot for growth units but if you want to use her, that's up to you.

Her growths are mostly around the 50%s overall, her best stats are Sp, Lck, Def and Res, so you'll want to BEXP lv up for Str and Skl as soon as she caps like, res at Tier 1 and Sp, Def and Res by Tier 2 and 3. She'll need a max mt/crt forge by P1 to avoid AS reduction and actually hope on her killing units and or crtkilling them. You'll like to save the P1 Energy Drop, Dracoshield and Seraph Robe to make her less shitty and a bit more reliable. Just feed her the most kills you can under your turn limit and take advantage of her growths. By 1-E for the sake of goodness, dump her all the BEXP you have, promote her with a Seal and assign her Adept. By that time she'll double most enemies (in NM) and ORKO mages, there are thieves and plenty of enemies to feed her kills. Now, by P3 she'll have a hard time at 3-6 and will barely see combat if you're rushing but if you're getting in the corner then she'll level up a bit with the mentioned resources. By 3-12 give her Killer Lance, Adept and pray for crts and kills, so by 3-13 she'll be already Tier 3 and be kind of on par with the rest of your units. If you ever decide to use Fiona just train only one DBer because she'll demand every single resource and then you'll end up with a bunch of crappy units.

Wow..That is alot just to make her on par with everyone else! I think I'll pass on fiona, this seems like alot of experience I could give to someone like Aran or Edward. thanks for replying! ^^

On the next play through I may live dangerously and use her on Hard mode just for the challenge

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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On the next play through I may live dangerously and use her on Hard mode just for the challenge

In that case, it's better for you to test her out in NM before trying her in HM :/.

Btw, you'd also like to hit the Edit button before double posting :b

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In that case, it's better for you to test her out in NM before trying her in HM :/.

Btw, you'd also like to hit the Edit button before double posting :b

Oops! Im kinda new to the forums, sorry >.<

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She's becomes fairly tanky with good speed but that doesn't mean much in a game where most enemies can hit hard without missing often. If you REALLY want to use her just forge a few lances with more Hit rate, because her skill is garbage, for her and have Nailah Glare a Priest and poke at them for like 100 turns then BEXP abuse when some of her stats max out to bring her other stats up to par. Once promoted she can hold her own fairly well. And she wears blue/white armor. Looks pretty cool which is most important. Also, having the having 34 speed but looking cool is more important.

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When Fiona finally makes it to Silver Knight she'll be okay, comparable to a flightless Tanith... but even with her great free skills and earth affinity, her bases are so bad and her growths, while not really any worse than anyone else's, are going to take forever to get her out of the hole. Not to mention her availability and the fact that the majority of maps she IS available in just makes her nearly useless anyway, training her is a novelty to do once and never again...

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