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What mechanic introduced in Awakening should be a mainstay for the rest of the series?

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Infinite support conversations should stay. Makes filling out the log easier.

Infinite supports can cause a lot of conflict or overlap WRT characterisation. They also may not integrate into the story properly, thus making individual support converations less unique as a result.

Sure, the other games got around this by limiting your total pool to 5 so you couldn't get final ranks in both, but it definitely causes problems. Not to mention I've heard plenty of complaints about some characters regressing everytime you start a new support chain with them.

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I realise that, the problem is still present though. A lot of the A rank supports in prior games are designed to actually be exclusive, not just because the characters get paired, but because of some kind of revelation or understanding reached in a final rank of a support that allowed that character to grow. Allowing all of them to reach A rank can cause problems as a result.

To avoid this problem results in another one; that anything other than S rank or whatever maximum ranked support that we lock off becomes frivilous, which lowers the quality of the script on the whole.

Edited by Irysa
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(Excluding engine [Awakening RUNS faster] and QoL improvements [target then weapon, automatic actions by move-to-target (click on enemy to attack them etc.), etc.])

Pair up and everything that goes with it.

It may need a bit of balance [best way would honestly be letting the enemy use it-- it's not THAT powerful without support anyways] but is otherwise a sound mechanic.

Edited by Airship Canon
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The bigger problem is the existence of S racks in the first place. Giving every opposite gender pair a S rank support despite their CBA supports being platonic kills the S rank support which is supposed to be romantic.

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The best way would be to remove the S rank and create a special chapter for all the mother.

A special chapter where it's only her and the male unit with the most love point with her.

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Only two things:

1. Weapon level system

The weapon level system is consequent:

Bronze: E

Iron: D

Steel: C

Silver: B

Brave: A

However some weapons and especially staves and long range magic tomes should be added. I mentioned it in other threads already, so I don't go further in that.

2. The skill system

I like it that a character can have up to 5 skills. However the skill system could be modified. Removable skills like shade, promoke, daunt, cancel or adept... should be added, which every unit can use independent of its class. (I don't know, if these skils exist somewhere in the DLCs - never played them - only know about the existance of paragon)

"Pair up" is an interesting mechanic, but I prefer the classical mechanics like rescue, take and drop from previous FE parts.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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This isn't so much of a mechanic, but I'd really like if they kept the way the map music transitions from the map to battles; that was probably the most interesting feature in the game to me. I'd also like them to keep the fatigue the characters have when their health is low.

I don't want to see pair up in fe 13's form ever again, it simply trivializes the game. I can see Intelligent Systems were trying to push the concept of bonds with pair up, dual guard, etc, but I feel they removed much of the challenge because of these mechanics.

Last what I think they should do for the next FE is restructure the series, like they did with Advance Wars Days of Ruin. Give units more useful skills that tie to their class, like pass for rogues, a dissapearing skill for assassins, etc. Get the writers from FE7, 8 ,9 back to create an interesting setting / characters; and keep casual mode.

Edited by Heyhowudoing
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