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Hyrule Warriors


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Legend Mode is too short. But, at least it isn't shorter than it already is. Ganondorf's part is cruel. ;~; It's a neat idea, but aaaaah so hard to stomach.

This so much. I don't think killing Gorons is something I will ever really get used too. They are so small, it feels like attacking children. And it gets really creepy once you notice that they still smile while trying to kill you. On the bright side...

...on the bright side, I got to reclaim the Triforce of Power and give it to it's rightful owner. Too bad that didn't stick. It was so painful seeing Ganondorf loose his Triforce piece to the Kunoichi clone, the Vocaloid reject, Lana the Vocaloid reject yet again.

Speaking of, Ganondorf's third map is really cruel. To me it seems impossible to beat his third map on Hard without farming first because the bosses revive way more often then on Normal. Since the HQ gets flanked from two sides and it takes way too long to take down one of them, they will eventually reach the HQ and then they can just keep blasting it until it's destroyed. Zant and Ghirahim claim they engage them but they do absolutly nothing to slow them down in the slightest.

After countless tries, I had no choice but to go back to Normal. In a way it was annoying to make that step but at least curbstomping those two was a good way to vent off some frustration.

Anyway, I hope there will be some Ganondorf DLC. In addition to what happened in this game, he was made a fool of it ALbW and spend three Smash games being a Captain Falcon clone. So he deserves some love for once.

Edited by BrightBow
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I actually like Cia's DLC outfit


Even though she isn't an official character...yet

Four pages? I just noticed there actually was a little manual packaged with the game which has four pages. Do you mean that one? Because I meant the digital manual that you can access by using the home button while playing the game (unless I'm missing something, it seems like unlike with 3DS games, on the Wii U you can't access the manual straight from the main menu of the console.) I assumed traditional paper manuals weren't packaged with Nintendo games anymore, so I didn't specify that.

In some they do although they don't make them as informative as before. They don't tell any characters and things like that.

stupid sexy link

What exactly is the bug? I don't understand. Link does look hilarious doing that though. lol

Having a character use someone else's weapon. In the video's case, Link using one of Lana's weapons.

I really hope this bug never gets fixed. Sexy Link has got some great moves.

No game crash either as it is using the template animation of the rod that Nintendo developed and gave. XD
This bug is really something. I just hope that it is in my copy of the game when I get it. XD

it's pretty funny when you do play co-op though because two zeldas or two other characters can appear at the same time.

It was even funnier when you can have

Ganondorf working together with Link or Zelda in those Ganondorf map campaigns

Super Mario RPG. Ayup.
No different.

So bosses only count as 1 kill I guess? Also, didn't Koei give an update that allows you to play as

Cia, Voulga, and Wizardo


DLC tiiiiiiime!!!! :D

I don't really know which one you mean exactly (I only remeber one with 700 foes for Ruto, haven't done that one yet though), but a general advice is to just ignore all of the bosses and stronger enemys. If the Bossenemys (like Dodongo etc.) are coming too close, just run to the next spot with enemys. At least thats how I'm doing this kind of missions.

I hope you're looking forward to kill 1000 Enemys in 10 Min. with Agitha..

Yes they're only 1 kill.

As far as i know, the update was only released in Japan so far. I don't know about the US, but Europe will get the Update on October 16th.

The US better damn well get that update if everyone else is! Volga is my favorite original bad guy in this game, even if I DO find him a pain in the ass to beat. I mean, he's got a badass design, uses fiery attacks, and is just overall cool!

Oh, figures... Man, unlocking the Adventure mode characters is going to be harder than I thought. But I do want Ghirahim that badly...

Also, that one square with what looks like a grip ring from Minish Cap. I can't seem to beat it. I either lose the allied base or I get killed by that damned golden cucco. >.> And I just can't find the boss key. I captured just about every base and outpost too.


I still will never understand why she's even in the game over someone like Ashei or Rusl. But yeah. xP

...Or Anju.
This is why that she should be in the game! :D
...And what is this about this Zelda game having a levelling system? No other Zelda game has ever had this before. :/
Edited by PuffPuff
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Makes sense. Hyrule Warriors is like an anniversary title. Also I HATE those random Cuccos who follow you around the map. The minute you hit them, they summon an army. Also my favorite adventure mode maps are ones in which you team up with Volga.

Edited by Ace Gamer
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'dat Lana, though. *¬*

On topic: I'm really interested in Ghirahim, maaaybe Zelda, Ganondorf & Darunia (I like BIG and STRONG characters).


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It's most certainly weird that Hyrule Warriors doesn't have proper horses, given that this feature is a stable in both the Zelda series and the Warriors series, no pun intended. Especially since a horse shows up in Link's intro and victory scene bot nowhere else.

Still, if the are going to make mounts playable, I wish they would add Ricky as well.

Edit: And the update really did remove the weapon glitch. Expected but still disappointing. If it wasn't for the option to remove boss intros, I would have considered avoiding the update for a while. Still, since they are aware of the glitch, maybe there is hope that they consider to add the ability to use the weapons of others as an actual feature in a future update... not that I really expect that to happen but the world needs more footage of Link using the Summoning Gale thingy.

Edited by BrightBow
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It's most certainly weird that Hyrule Warriors doesn't have proper horses

How is Epona not a proper horse?

Still, if the are going to make mounts playable, I wish they would add Ricky as well.

I'd rather they add the ride-able boars from Twilight Princess, as well as Ganondorf having his black horse.

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How is Epona not a proper horse?

Because it's not a mount and can't be ridden by other characters and is instead it's own character.

Edit: And I really should have waited with the update until I got all the lv 2-3 weapons of characters with multiple weapon types. Without the glitch, I need to play with a crappy lv.2 Summoning Gate to unlock the lv 3 version. So time to grind for a good lv2 gate that becomes immediately obsolete until I unlock the lv3 version. Such joy.

Also, turns out that if you delete the update, the Wii U won't let you play the game anymore until you reinstall it. Which I guess makes sense, given that your save data takes those into account.

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Because it's not a mount and can't be ridden by other characters and is instead it's own character.

Edit: And I really should have waited with the update until I got all the lv 2-3 weapons of characters with multiple weapon types. Without the glitch, I need to play with a crappy lv.2 Summoning Gate to unlock the lv 3 version. So time to grind for a good lv2 gate that becomes immediately obsolete until I unlock the lv3 version. Such joy.

Also, turns out that if you delete the update, the Wii U won't let you play the game anymore until you reinstall it. Which I guess makes sense, given that your save data takes those into account.

Do Lana's strong attack to summon, then do the combo to bring up the monster you just summoned for a powered up move. (Pray for Argoroks)

Also don't forget that the yellows appear next to your base just after the three captains, and leave the skulltulas until you don't need an A-rank

So it seems there's another map to complete in Adventure Mode. Hopefully its not as painful and frustrating as the first was.

Same map as the first by the looks of it.

Also is anybody else having an issue with the character just forgetting how to run every now and then, and just stopping? That and the imprisoneds/argoroks dropping weapons instead of materials every time I try to farm them

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Oh you ain't kidding about The Imprisoned and Argorok. >_< FREEEEEEEAKING. I need SO MANY EMBERS but I keep getting weapons. Dx

Wish there was a potion that nullified weapon drops so you're guaranteed to get mats...

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I finally managed to get the lv3 Summoning Gate.

Curse it's slow attacks. Curse it leaving the user wide open with every move. Curse the crappy damage output of a lv2 weapon on that map. Curse you Aerofols and the fact that you are like the only enemies who can be stunned while performing a weakpoint opening attack and of course Curse you Link and your stalling tactics. And curse the Golden Cuccoo too. This would have been so easy with the Master Sword.

Thank Yune for Sheik and her ability to kick Girahim's ass without any help and the more forgiving health requirements for A-Rank. Well, at least the worst is over now. The only ones who are left are the Great Fairy, Ruto, Darunia, the lv3 Chain and the lv3 Skirt Blower. I guess the Great Fairy lv 3 might cause a little trouble but otherwise it should be smooth sailing from here.

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...Skirt blower...?

I have access to lv3 Summoning Gate but not lv2.

My map is blocked off by Ganondorf-only scenarios. Can't play as him very well. >_< Can't even get his lv3 weapon...

PS: Volga is fun to play as. :3 He might be my new favorite.

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...Skirt blower...?

I have access to lv3 Summoning Gate but not lv2.

My map is blocked off by Ganondorf-only scenarios. Can't play as him very well. >_< Can't even get his lv3 weapon...

PS: Volga is fun to play as. :3 He might be my new favorite.

I meant the Wind Waker. Zelda' wardrobe is just as much affected by it as the enemies are. I wrote that post shortly after I used the weapon for the first time so that was still on my mind.

I regret now not having used the Wind Waker with Link when the glitch was still working. I'm kinda curious if those physics affect him too.

If you have gotten the lv3 Gate but not the lv2 one, does that mean you managed to beat that map with a lv1 Summoning Gate? That would be amazing.

Lv2 was way easier, given that Lana can use any of her weapons. It's still hard as hell, though. I couldn't beat the map back when the weapon glitch was still working and I had Lana use the Master Sword.

Poor Ganondorf really isn't made for Adventure mode. He is such an easy target and his strong attacks leave him wide open too. I'm glad I managed to beat his map.

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I meant the Wind Waker. Zelda' wardrobe is just as much affected by it as the enemies are. I wrote that post shortly after I used the weapon for the first time so that was still on my mind.

I regret now not having used the Wind Waker with Link when the glitch was still working. I'm kinda curious if those physics affect him too.

If you have gotten the lv3 Gate but not the lv2 one, does that mean you managed to beat that map with a lv1 Summoning Gate? That would be amazing.

Lv2 was way easier, given that Lana can use any of her weapons. It's still hard as hell, though. I couldn't beat the map back when the weapon glitch was still working and I had Lana use the Master Sword.

Poor Ganondorf really isn't made for Adventure mode. He is such an easy target and his strong attacks leave him wide open too. I'm glad I managed to beat his map.

Ahh, the baton. Figures--it's wind related.

No, I don't have the lv3 Gate. Just lv1.

Which map? o_o There are 3 areas at the top (first and seconds rows) that are "blocked" by Ganondorf-only battles.

The area on the right side (which leads the the lv3 Gate) is blocked by a surprisingly easy battle. The area in the center is blocked by the battle for his lv3 weapon, and the area to the left is blocked by...the cucco battle. And then there's that one tile inbetween the lv3-weapon-tile and the Ganon-boss-battle-tile. Maybe I should actually try that cucco battle...

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Which map? o_o There are 3 areas at the top (first and seconds rows) that are "blocked" by Ganondorf-only battles..

I meant the map for Ganondorf's lv3 swords..

One piece of advice for that map: Don't bother fighting Dark Agitha directly. That will take way too long. Focus instead on her comrades. Once she is alone, leave the area. Allied units are actually quite competent in dealing with lone enemy officers when you aren't looking, so they should be able to rip her to shreds... or at least damage her just as fast as you could if you would stick around. This approach also served me well when dealing with Ganondorf on Darunia's lv3 map and with Girahim on the lv3 Summoning Gate map. (Sheik didn't even need any help for this one but she did come close to dying a few times.)

But this absolutly doesn't work on enemies with visible buffs. They will still rip through you allies like they are made of cardboard.

Also I forgot that I still have to get Agitha's lv3 weapon. So much about "smooth sailing". This might turn out to be the hardest of them all.

Edited by BrightBow
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