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FE7 Chaos Mode [FE7CM] V1.34


Favorite characters?  

187 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are your favorite characters in the first third of the game? (Stats or class, growths, any reason.)

  2. 2. Who are your favorite characters in the second third of the game? (Stats or class, growths, any reason.)

  3. 3. Who are your favorite characters in the last third of the game? (Stats or class, growths, any reason.)

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I feel like I'm going to have a hell of a time if ever I decide to go through with this playthrough.

So many squishy units. This'll be fum. So unbelievably fum.

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How do you get Leila in the newest version? She doesn't appear like she did in my old playthrough.

I got her by waiting until Fiora showed up, then talking to Leila with Matthew. . .but you'll want to unequip him first. . .just trust me. . .

Edited by eclipse
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Where is Leila that she can be talked to?

Rather than ask questions, play the chapter itself. The rest will fall into place.

Now, onward. . .just beat Chapter 28, and. . .

I have no idea how this happened, but I don't think it was intended. Here's the conditions:

- Lowen is poisoned

Here's what I did:

- Killed an Assassin, which dropped a Goddess Icon

Here's the unexpected result:

- After getting the Goddess Icon as a drop, Lowen was able to canto (if anything was sent to convoy, I forgot; it looks like he's still holding on to the Icon)

I don't know what caused this (or whether poison/FoW was even relevant).

And after Chapter 29. . .

Aw hell yiss, usable Nils~!

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I don't know that, though, because I heard Leila was glitchy, and I don't see her yet on the map. So the advice not to ask that question is ill-based, even if you are correct.

Play the map until you see Fiora, then tell me what happens. If Fiora isn't on the map, wait longer.

[spoiler=Chapter 30]Am I a bad person for missing every single droppable item on this map? :P:

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I am really enjoying the hack. Been playing it for months. Almost finished 1 playthrough when one of my people glitched out with 0 hp and I can't fix it. Now I'm on chap 24 in your latest version.

Gotta ask though, are you interested in balancing the game? Or just leave the chips where they fall?

edit: just tried to promote Rath. Doesn't work?

Edited by noitanaperT
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.......... Maybe those luna druids in chapter 31 could have less accuracy? They do 30 damage and have hit rates higher than 60 against my guys.

Edited by nemid
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I didn't mean to be unhelpful. I was just surprised that you considered the game balanced. I mean that sincerely, not as an insult.

I'll illuminate my thoughts a bit later.


Light is better than dark magic, both are a lot better than anima. Basic light has an insane 120 hit, 2-3 hit range, 1 weight, and dirt cheap (9G per use). And if you really need to pull out the big guns, use Shine, with equally good range of 1-2, 5 weight, and an incredible 15 damage and 30 crit. 15G per use. Versatile and dominating kit that loses no speed because of weight restrictions.

Flux has the power of Shine, with almost the hit rate of Lightning. No range or crit, so it is quite markedly less useful. Cheap and weightless though. Nosferatu comes with 1-2 range, 13 might, 60 hit, 15 crit, pretty much the same as Shine except that it also drains HP, which is great utility. It is a rare and costly tome at 80G per use, so it should only be used when other strategic options have failed. It's good to be able to pull it out as a trump card, but it would also be good if Dark had a ranged enemy phase option other than it. Or Fenrir, which is also prohibitively expensive and extremely heavy enough to offset its versatile 1-3 range due to the high chance of being doubled by key enemies. Luna is stupendous though, of course.

Anima is really crummy in all respects. "Basic" fire magic is heavy, weak, and most of all, expensive. Thunder is heavy and inaccurate. Elfire is almost good, except that it is locked to 2 range, inaccurate, and still too heavy even as the lightest option for anima users (Isadora loses 3 speed using it). Anima users have no option for enemy phase, as Thunder is heavy, and no option for reliable offense, as Elfire is inaccurate, and Fire is heavy and expensive. Even when Fimbulvetr comes along, it still has 0 might and, worse, 55 hit chance. This is less than half of Light's.

I think Light needs nerfs, and anima needs buffs. Look at how versatile and reliable Light is. Dark is reliable, but not versatile (ironically), and Anima is neither.

With me so far?

Edited by noitanaperT
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I didn't mean to be unhelpful. I was just surprised that you considered the game balanced. I mean that sincerely, not as an insult.

I'll illuminate my thoughts a bit later.


Light is better than dark magic, both are a lot better than anima. Basic light has an insane 120 hit, 2-3 hit range, 1 weight, and dirt cheap (9G per use). And if you really need to pull out the big guns, use Shine, with equally good range of 1-2, 5 weight, and an incredible 15 damage and 30 crit. 15G per use. Versatile and dominating kit that loses no speed because of weight restrictions.

Flux has the power of Shine, with almost the hit rate of Lightning. No range or crit, so it is quite markedly less useful. Cheap and weightless though. Nosferatu comes with 1-2 range, 13 might, 60 hit, 15 crit, pretty much the same as Shine except that it also drains HP, which is great utility. It is a rare and costly tome at 80G per use, so it should only be used when other strategic options have failed. It's good to be able to pull it out as a trump card, but it would also be good if Dark had a ranged enemy phase option other than it. Or Fenrir, which is also prohibitively expensive and extremely heavy enough to offset its versatile 1-3 range due to the high chance of being doubled by key enemies. Luna is stupendous though, of course.

Anima is really crummy in all respects. "Basic" fire magic is heavy, weak, and most of all, expensive. Thunder is heavy and inaccurate. Elfire is almost good, except that it is locked to 2 range, inaccurate, and still too heavy even as the lightest option for anima users (Isadora loses 3 speed using it). Anima users have no option for enemy phase, as Thunder is heavy, and no option for reliable offense, as Elfire is inaccurate, and Fire is heavy and expensive. Even when Fimbulvetr comes along, it still has 0 might and, worse, 55 hit chance. This is less than half of Light's.

I think Light needs nerfs, and anima needs buffs. Look at how versatile and reliable Light is. Dark is reliable, but not versatile (ironically), and Anima is neither.

With me so far?

Have you bothered combining the weapon analysis with the characters you get, as well as the enemies you face? I don't have problems hitting things with Fimbulvter, for example.

I'm a noob at getting ROM hacks to load, but, how do you download this?

1. Get ROM. Don't ask us how/where to do this.

2. Download the patch, which is in the first post in giant letters.

3. Download NUPS. Use the Search function at the top of this forum to figure out where it is.

4. Follow instructions in NUPS to patch the ROM you got in step 1 with the patch you got in step 2.

Edited by eclipse
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I didn't mean to be unhelpful. I was just surprised that you considered the game balanced. I mean that sincerely, not as an insult.

I'll illuminate my thoughts a bit later.


Light is better than dark magic, both are a lot better than anima. Basic light has an insane 120 hit, 2-3 hit range, 1 weight, and dirt cheap (9G per use). And if you really need to pull out the big guns, use Shine, with equally good range of 1-2, 5 weight, and an incredible 15 damage and 30 crit. 15G per use. Versatile and dominating kit that loses no speed because of weight restrictions.

Flux has the power of Shine, with almost the hit rate of Lightning. No range or crit, so it is quite markedly less useful. Cheap and weightless though. Nosferatu comes with 1-2 range, 13 might, 60 hit, 15 crit, pretty much the same as Shine except that it also drains HP, which is great utility. It is a rare and costly tome at 80G per use, so it should only be used when other strategic options have failed. It's good to be able to pull it out as a trump card, but it would also be good if Dark had a ranged enemy phase option other than it. Or Fenrir, which is also prohibitively expensive and extremely heavy enough to offset its versatile 1-3 range due to the high chance of being doubled by key enemies. Luna is stupendous though, of course.

Anima is really crummy in all respects. "Basic" fire magic is heavy, weak, and most of all, expensive. Thunder is heavy and inaccurate. Elfire is almost good, except that it is locked to 2 range, inaccurate, and still too heavy even as the lightest option for anima users (Isadora loses 3 speed using it). Anima users have no option for enemy phase, as Thunder is heavy, and no option for reliable offense, as Elfire is inaccurate, and Fire is heavy and expensive. Even when Fimbulvetr comes along, it still has 0 might and, worse, 55 hit chance. This is less than half of Light's.

I think Light needs nerfs, and anima needs buffs. Look at how versatile and reliable Light is. Dark is reliable, but not versatile (ironically), and Anima is neither.

With me so far?

Anima: The crummiest magic, but the most people who can use it. You get an anima user before you get a dark, and before you get a light user. In fact, you get two anima users before you get a light user. By the time you've promoted Marcus, you probably already got two or three anima users. Most people when promoted, including dark users, get anima. It's a great backup magic and considering it has Excalibur AND Forblaze, the best magic tomes of all, it's hard to really insult it.

Dark: The one you criticized the most, except you failed to pay attention to its best feature: The basic tome is 1-range. In a game of bowswords and mainly 2-3 range weapons it hits the enemy's RES while also hitting them where they can't counter, and has WTF good stats. You get at least two or three nosferatu's throughout the game too, and Flux is more than enough to last you until the midgame when Leila gains Light (The one you proclaimed the best magic) or Sain gains Anima, which gives him with his amazing stats tons of attack options.

Light: The one you proclaimed the best magic, but really it's not as amazing as you say. Lightning is accurate, but really weak. Shine is really powerful, but also inaccurate. Aura is amazing but really rare. You have very few light users and all of them are generally mid to late game, when the enemies are getting really tough, so you need good weapons and tomes at the point. Remember: The whole point of Chaos Mode was that weapons and tomes are what make the enemy strong. Enemies and the Player are generally on equal footing throughout the game, requiring strong tactics.

Considering I've played the game three full times with nearly every character and also read 3 complete LP's as well as 5 other incomplete ones, I'm aware of the game's weaknesses in regards to balance, and the weapons/tomes are not really part of it. For example, a couple patches ago I made the Blade weapons all 1-2 range, and gave them good stats so sword users had more attack options at their disposal. I made that decision after seeing how useless they were. I only will buff useless weapons weapons, not nerf good/mediocre ones.

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So, found a really cool LP of this hack by FPzero and some of his friends, the creators of Awful Emblem. Check out their video!


It only goes to mid-chapter 13, and they apparently had some erroneous assumptions (I kept hearing "they" in reference to the development team of FE7 Chaos Mode, but I'm the only person who worked on it, with credits to Camtech/Primefusion/Brendor for some minor fixes.) but this had some REALLY funny moments in the LP. I lost it when they saw the silver sword for the first time.

Edited by Klokinator
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