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Frederick's Family Run: The Bear Meat-Filled Journey!


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Well, when you see people basically going "your dialogue sucks!" and " you're going too slow!" I'm not exactly encouraged to keep going with this. It sucks, I know. And I really hate having to cancel this run.

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Sorry, but I just don't see it.

Well one, there wasnt much in the way of build up, so why is Chrom so damn butthurt? Plus, Chrom is literally taking that worse than he took his sister's death in actual canon. Even then, he had a hard time actually shedding tears. If you had claimed this simply "My Alternate Universe Run Where Everyone Is Actually Different" in the OP, i doubt there would be an issue here.

I didn't make this thread to get "critiqued" on writing.

Then post screens. It might be easier to follow that way anyway. This doesnt even feel like a run, more like a fanfic outlet. If you dont want critique, change how you present the run. All im seeing is fanfiction with a stats table. (versus Boron's where she actually details every move her guys make. Dont ask me how she does that without screens.)

If no one likes what I'm doing, why bother doing it?

Is this just another excuse to not finish something you started? Come now. No one wants you to shut this down, you are doing that yourself. You said like two pages ago you just didnt "feel like doing this" anymore, so is this tantrum just a way to get out of it? If so, son, i am disappoint.

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Well one, there wasnt much in the way of build up, so why is Chrom so damn butthurt? Plus, Chrom is literally taking that worse than he took his sister's death in actual canon. Even then, he had a hard time actually shedding tears. If you had claimed this simply "My Alternate Universe Run Where Everyone Is Actually Different" in the OP, i doubt there would be an issue here.

Then post screens. It might be easier to follow that way anyway. This doesnt even feel like a run, more like a fanfic outlet. If you dont want critique, change how you present the run. All im seeing is fanfiction with a stats table. (versus Boron's where she actually details every move her guys make. Dont ask me how she does that without screens.)

Is this just another excuse to not finish something you started? Come now. No one wants you to shut this down, you are doing that yourself. You said like two pages ago you just didnt "feel like doing this" anymore, so is this tantrum just a way to get out of it? If so, son, i am disappoint.

Uh, you obviously didn't read all of the dialogue. There was hinting all over the place that both Chrom and Frederick had a crush on Kelli.

I can't post screens. The only way I could do that would be to post everything on Miiverse and that would just be tedious as hell.

And see there you go complaining about something again. First it was that I'm "going at a snail's pace" now it's "it doesn't feel like a run." And honestly, Sangyul detailing every move she made was the only thing I DIDN'T like about her run. I felt that that part was boring. I don't want my viewers to have to sit through boring junk.

This complaining is what's causing me to shut this down. Not me "throwing a tantrum" which I'm not.

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Ana, I feel Chrom is OOC because Chrom isn't a very romantic type in any of his supports, so him having a crush on someone as soon as he sees her feels a bit strange.

But don't stop this run. :(

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Do you want to know why im complaining? Im not here to read your fucking fanfiction. Im here to watch you go through the goddamn game. How you move your guys, what happens during player phase, what happens on enemy phase, you know a run through the goddamn game. If i wanted bad fanfiction, id go surf tumblr or ff.net or some junk. All im seeing is:

Guys move once



Wheres the gameplay? Im here for gameplay and witty dialogue is only a bonus. Come on.

And see there you go complaining about something again. First it was that I'm "going at a snail's pace" now it's "it doesn't feel like a run." And honestly, Sangyul detailing every move she made was the only thing I DIDN'T like about her run. I felt that that part was boring. I don't want my viewers to have to sit through boring junk.

Im actually there in boron's runs FOR GAMEPLAY. Her witty dialogue is icing on the cake. Cuz guess what, when people do runs in a game and post about them, they outline the stuff that happens in the game. Some people like yourself cannot post screens. So they must detail the stuff that happens in text.

I repeat, i and many others are not here for fanfiction. If you are seriously wanting to shut this down because we dont want fanfiction, that is not our problem.

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Good, because I was never writing fanfiction. And I did outline some stuff that happened in the game. I mentioned the items I picked up, some of my strategies, etc.

Ana, I feel Chrom is OOC because Chrom isn't a very romantic type in any of his supports, so him having a crush on someone as soon as he sees her feels a bit strange.

But don't stop this run. :(

Where did I ever imply that Chrom was in love with her from the moment they met? He said Kelli was attracted to Frederick from almost the moment they met. Chrom didn't develop his crush until later.

I'm really sorry, but I'm done. This thread has turned into nothing but ridiculous arguing. Why hasn't it been locked yet?

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...This... didn't take long.

I second that Chrom and Kelli didn't know each other for long enough for them to like each oth, er... for CHROM to like HER, I'm sorry, my mistake, not another mini-argument over this.. Since barely any of Chrom's supports are romantic and they're barely at a C rank. And Chrom bawling after a C-rank heartbreak? He didn't even react that bad when his SISTER died 5 chapters later... when they knew each other their whole lives. Kelli, or any avatar by chapter 6, only knew each other for a few days if not like a week. She's just his tactician anyway.

And not just this post, but almost ALL of these posts are nothing more than constructive criticism which is only there for you to understand your mistakes and LEARN from them. CC and insults are 2 very different things.

1 week isn't enough for Chrom to be even sadder than when his sister dies. I'm 12; I don't know much about love, but even if his tactician is taken, wouldn't one think that maybe he'd go for one of the other girls that he's known for much longer? And as such, girls he has more of a connection with? Instead of locking the thread and getting depressed, don't you think maybe you could learn from what we're telling you? it's the same thing... so many times. If it's not Frederick or Ike, it's Chrom. Why? Why does this keep happening? Why do arguments keep starting? Why does constructive criticism not do it's thing? Why?

I know this is probably getting locked, but can you please, please, PLEASE take this advice for the future? I don't mean to spam or offend or anything, but... pleaaaase, listen to me, everyone in this thread, and everything people in other threads have said?

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I know this is probably getting locked, but can you please, please, PLEASE take this advice for the future? I don't mean to spam or offend or anything, but... pleaaaase, listen to me, everyone in this thread, and everything people in other threads have said?

No. Sorry, but there won't be any need. I don't plan on doing any special runs of the game in the future. At least at the moment.

And even if I DID want to continue this run, I can't change anything anyway. As I said earlier, I already saved the game. The supports are locked as they are. It would make even less sense if I went and changed any dialogue now.

Now can someone please lock this thread already?

EDIT: Wait, one week? Where did you get that everything that's happened in this run so far happens in the span of just ONE week? I would've thought at least a couple months went by.

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...I had a feeling that I shouldn't have stayed silent this long. Ana, you're six years older than I am. You know as well as I do that people tend to see things differently and there will be people who get ticked off at how some characters are portrayed, and forgive me for this small outburst (even if I'm jumping all over the place), but COME ON!!! Are some of us, not everyone, seriously going so far as to get ticked off at quips of dialogue created for a run that seem out of place for video game characters?! I get it! If characters in movies weren't given good personalities or their actors didn't portray them right, it'd make terrible characters, but none of the dialogue has been altered in the actual game! It doesn't matter if it appears to be fanfiction or whatever the hell someone wants to call it! For some it works, for others it falls flat! If they like it, fine! If not, there's other things to read up on, and even then, things can be fixed as the run goes on! ...*sigh* I don't want to be the ticked-off cousin of Uncle Charlie or anything like that, but, please, I implore you to hear me out. You have to accept that there will be critics. That's not a reason to stop. If someone sends criticism, be it positive or negative, mold those words into a solution to where it can be fixed, and if you have trouble, ask for help. No one's gonna turn a blind eye to helping write dialogue that's good to read. Ask Sangyul, as shadowofchaos (if he's good at that sort of thing), ask MageKnight404 if he'd be willing to help, anyone who's good at this sort of thing. You don't need to take it all in as negativity, and you don't need to try and find the answers on your own. ...supporters don't like it when a leader is ready to turn around. People don't like it when others fight. Neither do I. I know this will be a great project later on, and you have the potential to make it shine with the right words and actions. Even if you fall, there are plenty of herons around to pick you up.

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If that wasn't a big block of text, I'd find it a lot easier to read...

But from what can tell, you think that I'm not doing anymore special runs just because this one is a failure. But that's not the case. I actually had no plans for anymore runs long before this whole argument started.

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I wanted to step in and start the argument. That was my point in the message. Don't argue with someone if they have problems. Try to find a fix or a compromise. It may have sounded like my reason was since it seemed like a failure, but this run hasn't failed yet. I'm not leaving this in the dust until it's finished for real!

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No. Sorry, but there won't be any need. I don't plan on doing any special runs of the game in the future. At least at the moment.

And even if I DID want to continue this run, I can't change anything anyway. As I said earlier, I already saved the game. The supports are locked as they are. It would make even less sense if I went and changed any dialogue now.

Now can someone please lock this thread already?

EDIT: Wait, one week? Where did you get that everything that's happened in this run so far happens in the span of just ONE week? I would've thought at least a couple months went by.

With context like this, I would assume this kind of issue with Chrom would be extremely unlikely to ever happen again, granted you learn from the mistakes(?).

IIRC, (And bear with me, I haven't played Awakening in awhile), but I thought it was implied that they rested after every battle or something, excluding skirmishes. And the first 2 chapters (Including the prologue) are definitely in the same night.

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Ana - if you want this thread locked, report the first post and ask for a thread lock. The mods have lives outside of SF. I'd HIGHLY suggest waiting 24 hours before you request a thread lock, though.

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With context like this, I would assume this kind of issue with Chrom would be extremely unlikely to ever happen again, granted you learn from the mistakes(?).

IIRC, (And bear with me, I haven't played Awakening in awhile), but I thought it was implied that they rested after every battle or something, excluding skirmishes. And the first 2 chapters (Including the prologue) are definitely in the same night.

Oh. NOW I see how writing what I did this soon was unrealistic. But they also had to take the time to travel through Ferox and then all the way back to Ylisse to get to Plegia. I doubt that took only a few days. Still, it doesn't seem like more than a month passed either, so...

However, there were other complaints, so it seems like that posting runs of a game just isn't my thing. I had tried to do so with Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (and I had posted screens there, with my phone. I would have to take a lot more for an FE run though) previously, but no one was interested in it. So I just abandoned it.

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Good! You see? That's what we want to see. If not a few days, then maybe a week or two.

I would've been interested in a run-through of Luigi's Mansion. I just didn't know you started the thread.

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Well, I didn't really give a play-by-play description on that run either. I just did some commentary on each mission and showed screens of my jewel collection. I was trying to get every jewel in that run. :P

And I understand now, but like I said earlier, it's not like I can go back and undo all the supports. I saved the game. I could change up Chrom's reaction to Frederick and Kelli's engagement, but that's really it.

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You don't have to undo all the supports or even start over. While I personally think that trying to integrate the story too deeply with gameplay might make both very confusing, just changing Chrom's reaction to the engagement would be fine. Whether I agree or disagree with your headcanon, I don't care as long as the characters feel in-character.

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Thing is, I don't know what to change it to. And I feel like doing other things right now. Not that I most definitely WON'T pick this back up, I'm just not in the mood to at the moment.

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You don't have to do it right now if you're not in the mood, and you don't have to change it right now. Even if you don't change it, as long as you keep the main point I was trying to get across in mind for the future I don't even really mind.

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It would, at the very least, be much more accurate if it were something along the lines of:

*Chrom is lying in his tent*

Chrom: "Maybe I should have said something sooner? Oh, well, good for her. At least she's happy."

It's still somewhat out of character, but ti's definitely better.

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Well, no offense, but I think that sounds completely boring and unrealistic. People don't brush off heartbreak just like that. But then again, I find Chrom boring in-game already. I'll consider it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For being dialogue that's supposed to be for shits and giggles, I'm really not laughing. Your dialogue feels too serious to be funny.

After catching up a bit on the backlog... this is exactly what I feel is going on in here.

It really isn't for the entertainment, but more for your own headcanon justifications of the characters.

Which is why I kind of felt like my shot with Sumia was a little pre-emptive, but still spot on.

Writing for yourself is fine, but what I think you're expecting is the same reception as Boron had on their first Avatar/MU run.

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Uh, SOC, if you didn't notice, this is dead and not being continued.

Not quite.

Until necroposting is outlawed, then as far as I know, nothing is wrong with posting. Discussion could always continue, in some way.

But SoC has a point. Posting 2 weeks after the latest post doesn't mean you should just ignore what he said.

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