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Please re-read my posts and you can see that I'm merely reacting to your comments. And I think I've been very reasonable.

Why does canon matter? Well as with any video game, there are purists who seek the truth. I may never even play a game with what we could ultimately conclude would be the most canon pairings within a discussion on this forum, however I would certainly like to think about it. To know about it. So again, I have provided invalidation to your theory about ulterior motives to justify personal headcanon. That's just not my angle. For the last time, I am in this thread with a neutral perspective. I'm being very transparent with my agenda here.

As for maintaining civility, well, I'm going to be frank, so I'm sorry in advance, but...

- you enter this thread to basically denounce it...

- then post a comment saying that I shouldn't post in a "fucking public forum"

- then explain that your reasoning behind your hardly civil approach was actually to avoid the thread becoming uncivil in the first place...? And/or to avoid uncivil debates on the forums...?

It doesn't quite add up. And this is getting tiresome to discuss. If you have nothing to actually contribute to this discussion, I'm going to ignore your posts hence forth. Sorry.

You obviously have no idea what I'm talking about in the first place, and you're just trying to make yourself look like the "morally superior" person over something YOU didn't even understand about my posts.

You're the one who told me first not to "partake in the thread", nice job taking it out of context. This topic had been settled and dead before you decided to bring it up. GG.

EDIT: Also, justifying personal head canon? My head canon is literally "I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck let's scramble all the pairings whee". Nice job putting words in my mouth.

Edited by Sangyul
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Why does canon matter? Well as with any video game, there are purists who seek the truth. I may never even play a game with what we could ultimately conclude would be the most canon pairings within a discussion on this forum, however I would certainly like to think about it. To know about it. So again, I have provided invalidation to your theory about ulterior motives to justify personal headcanon. That's just not my angle. For the last time, I am in this thread with a neutral perspective. I'm being very transparent with my agenda here.

there is no truth

the canon of the game simultaneously has thousands of different equally canonical timelines floating around

it is provided for by actual mechanics in the game

you literally cannot have canon pairings

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Ana is a walking flame magnet.

I hope this wasn't meant to be some kind of insult. Just wondering before I go saying something without thinking again.

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I hope this wasn't meant to be some kind of insult. Just wondering before I go saying something without thinking again.

It's not meant to be an insult, but an observation that a lot of rather high-fuel discussion seems to follow you.

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It's not meant to be an insult, but an observation that a lot of rather high-fuel discussion seems to follow you.

Ah, gotcha. In fact, I can't even argue with that. You're right. And I hate how that happens...

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I would honestly have less of a problem with these threads (because they do bring up interesting plot discussions) if it weren't that "canon" is an inherently loaded word in this context

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there is no truth

the canon of the game simultaneously has thousands of different equally canonical timelines floating around

it is provided for by actual mechanics in the game

you literally cannot have canon pairings

I knew this would get brought up, but that's okay. This kind of discussion requires you to look past the surface. There is no truth from the developer. But what we can do is analyse everything we know and discuss it, rank it, and evaluate what would be most likely to be canon. :)

I would honestly have less of a problem with these threads (because they do bring up interesting plot discussions) if it weren't that "canon" is an inherently loaded word in this context

So come on! :D

Let's have at it. A rose by any other name...

Edited by Red Falcon
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I would honestly have less of a problem with these threads (because they do bring up interesting plot discussions) if it weren't that "canon" is an inherently loaded word in this context

I was under the impression that the meaning of the word "canon" has always been "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong end of story."

have I been misinformed?


I knew this would get brought up, but that's okay. This kind of discussion requires you to look past the surface. There is no truth from the developer. But what we can do is analyse everything we know and discuss it, rank it, and evaluate what would be most likely to be canon. :)

then change your thread's title to "what pairings do you think make the most sense"


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I was under the impression that the meaning of the word "canon" has always been "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong end of story."

have I been misinformed?

did i not just say that "canon" is a loaded word? >_>

i mean like that's what these kinds of discussions always seem to boil down to

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Well, Red Falcon, the Awakening forum is notorious for devolving into a mindless drivel.

Especially when it comes to headcanons.

Boron/Sangyul is usually pretty calm and rational.

And Ana is a notorious member for her antics and being vocal about her opinions.

Any discussion is difficult with other members having the same type of attitudes when the word "canon" is being thrown around.

And then there's people like Cam who troll for good laughs:

imo the only true canon pairing is maMUxfeMU

I wholeheartedly support his statement, btw.

Why does canon matter? Well as with any video game, there are purists who seek the truth.

If only it were that simple. To say the least, people can turn pretty toxic whenever their own view/distortion of the truth the creators of the game intended get questioned.

To contribute to the discussion, besides just stating my opinion on why this part of the forum is a mess...

The first thing people need to actually learn is the meaning of any "canon".

It should not be a word thrown around to make their choices feel more justified, or "right". (The following explanation for the word is for others, not you.) For example, the way Chrom x Sumia and Chrom x FeMU fans do. Let's face it, both sides can be pretty toxic. And "alternate universes" for people to say "every pairing is canon" is a cop-out. With canon, something is right, and something is wrong. It's just with pairings, Awakening has none.

Anything we have that is canon are things like "Chrom is Lucina's Father", "Chrom died in the bad future", etc.

Boron is a bit irked when it comes to people discussing "what is the most canon" for characters.

Honestly, I am as well, considering it's beating a dead horse.

If you've been here long enough, there are a lot of the same instigators that kill actual discussion.

I for one enjoy things with Awakening involving showing the merits of the pairings, but never throw around any "canon".

Because people do it. All. The. Freaking. Time.

Discussion for what the canon pairings in Awakening is pointless drivel. [/hipster]

So, essentially, if you really want to look at it that way, both Boron and I are toxic to discussion of "canon" in this forum due to all the past incidents.

I mean sure, if people were like you, Red Falcon, and were honestly neutral when presenting merits of possible canon, things would go more swimmingly in this entire forum.

The sad truth is, it's not.

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I dislike the word canon because it implies that there is a be-all end-all when there really isn't

i mean like

you can write pages and pages of why virion/olivia is canon and henry/olivia is not, but unless (until?) a sequel comes out for all we know there's some hidden asspull about olivia being henry's long-lost childhood friend or some shit waiting in the wings; this asspull would now be canon by the definition of the word

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honestly if there's a canon it would only be if there was some FE5 sort of thing with pairings going on in a hypothetical sequel



did i not just say that "canon" is a loaded word? >_>

i mean like that's what these kinds of discussions always seem to boil down to

yeah you're right I was just being an ass

I don't need to de-rail the thread further though

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I think Awakening will get a sequel so canonizing pairings would be possible in that sequel. I do think that the Avatar will be left ambiguous because I think IS learned from thier mistake with FE12 where Kris' gender was heavily implied to be male.

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And Ana is a notorious member for her antics and being vocal about her opinions.

Haha, I won't deny this either. I'm VERY dedicated and loyal to what I love, and that leads me to be Little Miss Vocal. :P

And I've accidentally riled people up with that on occasion. I assure you that I don't EVER intend to offend or insult anyone though. I'm a very nice person when you get to know me. Think of me like a tsundere. I'm kind of blunt and cold sometimes on the outside and I can get competitive and argumentative about my beliefs (especially when I genuinely believe someone else is making no sense/is totally wrong/etc), but behind that is a kind soul if you take the time to look.

This is mainly directed at Red Falcon, just to point out.

But it IS true that talk of what's canon and what isn't can attract the wrong kind of people and start needless flamewars.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think Awakening will get a sequel so canonizing pairings would be possible in that sequel. I do think that the Avatar will be left ambiguous because I think IS learned from thier mistake with FE12 where Kris' gender was heavily implied to be male.

If they make canon pairs, they're going to enrage tons of hard-core shippers. If they really do make an Awakening sequel, the 'safer' option would be for them to let the player decide the pairings when starting a file. (I don't see why they would be ambiguous about the Avatar's gender to avoid fan backlash, but cause a possibly bigger one by making some canon pairings)

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I would say Donnel and Nowi because at the time, they are close in age, and their support seems good to me. Otherwise I would sadly have to say Sumia X Chrom considering it's shoved in my face every ten seconds. Otherwise the only other true canon pairing is maybe Lon'qu X Cherche because of how good their support is.

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If they make canon pairs, they're going to enrage tons of hard-core shippers. If they really do make an Awakening sequel, the 'safer' option would be for them to let the player decide the pairings when starting a file. (I don't see why they would be ambiguous about the Avatar's gender to avoid fan backlash, but cause a possibly bigger one by making some canon pairings)

I agree with this 100%. I think canonizing pairings would cause a bigger backlash than canonizing Avatar's gender ever would. The safest route would be to choose pairings before the start of the game or pull a Radiant Dawn and add a data transfer feature.

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If they make canon pairs, they're going to enrage tons of hard-core shippers. If they really do make an Awakening sequel, the 'safer' option would be for them to let the player decide the pairings when starting a file. (I don't see why they would be ambiguous about the Avatar's gender to avoid fan backlash, but cause a possibly bigger one by making some canon pairings)

I'd actually like to see them try to take your pairings from an Awakening save file and transfer them to the sequel, that would be neat.

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I would say Donnel and Nowi because at the time, they are close in age, and their support seems good to me.

"Close in age". Right.

Anyways, that doesn't even have anything to do with possible "canon".

It's simply your preference.

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"Close in age". Right.Anyways, that doesn't even have anything to do with possible "canon".It's simply your preference.

Yeah you're right. Personally I don't really ship, but some hilarious thing I saw on the internet influenced it. I would show it but it isn't appropriate.
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The first thing people need to actually learn is the meaning of any "canon".


I know

"Canon" is what people use to yell at people they disagree with

and "Cannons" are what they use to blast people they disagree with!


Seriously though, I agree. There's not really anything in terms of Awakening's pairings that's canon, and neither are there any pairings that are "more canon" than others, because canonity isn't a spectrum.

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It is when you're talking about Awakening. Some pairings may have more of a "push" than others, but nothing is absolutely canon except that Chrom marries someone and makes babies.

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