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Avatar Run Reloaded: Lunatic Style


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Paralogue 8

Kjelle: Coward! Fight me like a man!

​Luka: Ugh … we should probably stop her before she kills herself.

Maribelle: I'm on it, darling.

I rescue Kjelle with Maribelle and Chrom recruits her, then pairs with her. Kjelle runs over to Maribelle, pairs up with her, then Chrom pairs with Luna. Robin and Miriel pair up and charge ahead, and Robin lets Miriel take out the enemies in the center path. Raven pairs with Iona and crit-kills a mercenary. Amara and Iain join up, and stand at the bottom rightmost path to tank enemies. Maia and Corin do the same for the other side. Luka and Allen pair up and Luka takes out a mercenary. Luna flies straight up and kills a silver bow archer, with Chrom dual attacking.

On the enemy phase, the people who were blocking the two bottom rooms get enemies that suicide on them. Luna also gets a kill, and Chrom helps. Maia weakens a dark mage while Amara and Iain kill an archer. Luna gets hit by a silver bow archer, and she crit-kills in response. Luka dodges an arcfire mage and takes out a mercenary. The next phase, Amara kills the dark mage Maia failed to kill, then weakens the dark mage. Maribelle heals Maia. Corin finishes off the dark mage. Raven flies over behind an armor knight, then lets Iona kill it. Miriel heals Luna. Allen and Luka take out an armor knight. Luna flies up and kills a mercenary with Chrom's help. They both level up.

Luna crit-kills an armor, while Iona takes out one as well. Allen dodges a dark mage and an archer. Iona continues to kill stuff with Chrom. Iona dodges mages, and Luna breaks her thunder tome on an enemy. Allen and Luka take out a mercenary together. Iona gets hit by a sorcerer. Amara kills two enemies near the middle path. Maribelle heals. Robin runs up and kills the enemy that Luna had failed to kill with Miriel. Iona 1HKOs a dark mage and Luna weakens the sorcerer. Luka takes the lead and kills a dark mage. Enemies attack on the EP, but I am able to dodge most of them. Luka and Allen take out another dark mage together. Miriel protects Robin from a 0 damage arrow. Luna levels up, while Iona gets hit by the sorcerer again. She kills it on the next turn.

Corin kills an archer while Luna and Chrom kill a sorcerer. Miriel heals Iona. Maribelle moves up while Luka kills an archer. Iain moves down to kill a mercenary. On the EP, Luka and Allen kill an armor together while Luna counterattacks an archer on the other side of the boss room. Iain gets attacked by things at range. The next phase, he kills the dark mage that tried to attack him. Miriel heals Iona. Allen takes out an armor. Maribelle heals Luna. Reinforcements everywhere!

Miriel kills an armor (and Robin protects her from a 0 hit 0 damage attack). Luna takes out an archer with Chrom. Corin gets tinked by a bow. Amara protects Iain from a mercenary, and they take it out easily. Iain gets hit by an archer, and Corin by a tomahawk. Allen dodges a longbow and Iona a sorcerer with waste. Corin kills the longbow archer and gets an interesting level. Luka gets the short spear chest. Luna and Chrom kill a tomahawk general. Miriel runs to the other end of the map, while Iona kills the sorcerer. Iain stands in the range of several enemies.

On the EP, Luna gets hit by an archer. Miriel kills an archer, and Iain takes out all the enemies that attack him. Miriel heals Luka, while Luka starts heading for the chests on the right side of the map. Maribelle heals Corin. Raven gets an EXP tile. Luka opens the door to the boss's room. Miriel heals Allen. Luka opens the bullion chest. I have Raven take out the boss, which she does in two turns (and after Maribelle heals her).

Maia: That was easier than I thought it would be!

Allen: And now we have someone else new tagging along.

Raven: It is literally raining children from the future.

Kjelle: Hey! Are you calling me weak?!

Iona: No. We're calling you a load.

Paralogue 14

Laurent: Father! It is you! I recently had the most unpleasant of dreams where I was the progeny of … an entity I cannot even recall!

​Robin: … This joke was never funny, and it never will be funny.

I pair Robin and Miriel and immediately recruit Laurent. He has pro stats! Laurent takes Robin as a pair up partner. I stick Chrom with Miriel, Amara stands on her own for now while Maribelle creeps over towards her. Luna and Iona pair up, and Luna takes out an enemy. Luka and Iain run up. I accidentally have Allen rally instead of pairing up with Raven. Maia and Corin fly over to a few enemies. On the EP, Maia kills a barbarian. Laurent is able to kill an enemy as well. Maia takes out another enemy, while Raven dodges arcwind. Maia gets hit by a silver axe for 24 damage. Laurent gets struck by a silver bow, but the aegis skill Robin passed down really saved him (as did Robin's dual attack). The two take out a pegasus knight, and then another one. Raven kills a pegasus knight easily. Maia takes a hit from a falcon knight but only weakens it.

Miriel takes a new mend staff and heals Laurent, who has capped everything but magic right now. Robin likes to dual attack, which is funny since the two don't have supports. Maribelle physics Maia, and Amara pairs up with her. Luka kills a barbarian, while Allen pairs with Raven and the two kill a mage. Maia flies Corin over to a spear pegasus knight and Corin kills it. Iona kills the falcon knight Maia weakened. Laurent crit-kills a fighter on the EP and levels up. Maribelle heals Iona and Raven finds a glass sword. Luka stands on water, while everyone else trails behind. Miriel dodges an attack on the EP. She and Chrom finish it off. Luna weakens a falcon knight and kills another with dual attack on the EP.

Laurent moves up and kills a warrior. Maia flies over to the first village and takes out a barbarian. Luna lets Iona take the lead and kill another barbarian. Luka crosses the lake and kills the arcwind mage. Raven kills the arcfire mage. Maia kills an enemy on the EP while Laurent takes a hit from a falcon knight. He dodges the other one and weakens it. The one on the other end of the map suicides on Iona. Miriel heals Laurent, and he takes out one of the falcon knights he weakened. Raven kills the tomahawk berserker with Allen and Maribelle runs over to the other end of the map. Maia gets the village.

Raven takes a hefty hit from an EP bow. Luna protects Iona from a 0 damage bow attack, and Robin dual guards Laurent from a falcon knight. Laurent maxes out everything, so I let Robin take the lead for a bit. Miriel heal Raven and Allen takes the lead, finishing off the warrior with Raven's help. Luka kills a tomahawk barbarian with Iain. Corin kills the other tomahawk barbarian with Maia and Luna kills the warrior. Enemies suicide on Robin and Corin on the EP. Laurent protects Robin, although from a 0 damage hit. Robin reaches level 20 paladin and can go back to being a grandmaster now. Miriel visits the village and Luka gets the other event tile.

I fly Luna over to the last village, while Raven and Luka decide to tank the incoming falcon knights. Corin takes two second seals from the convoy, one that goes to Laurent and the other to Robin. Laurent uses his second seal to become a tactician (for veteran and because I like the class). Luna tanks the enemies on the right side of the map, while Maribelle ends up taking out the falcon knights. Miriel heals her on the next turn. Robin takes the other second seal and reclasses back to grandmaster. Raven kills the tomahawk barbarian while Luna flies towards the village. Then, the final wave of reinforcements appears.

Iain and Corin are the ones who decide to handle the final wave initially. But Corin can't double the falcon knights, so it kind of sucks at first. One gets through to Robin as well. Miriel physics Iain, who then hand axes a berserker. Laurent weakens a falcon knight. Corin takes out one of the others, while Raven kills the falcon knight Laurent weakened. Iain is able to tank (or dodge) enemy fire on the EP. Laurent dodges falcon knights and Maribelle gets another kill. Miriel heals Robin and Luka gets in a kill on the berserker Iain missed. I take a heal break with Miriel. Once everyone is healed up, I have Laurent stand in front of the boss with a bronze sword. I make a stupid mistake and not realize that the boss has counter, but Robin dual attacked with Laurent to finish off the boss, so I suppose it's all good.

Miriel: How unusual. This is an unexpected turn in developments.

Laurent: Truly, but I am indeed your future progeny.

Raven: Robin, why'd he have to adopt his mother's manner of speech as well?

Iain: I'm still amused that Robin has a son.

Edited by Sangyul
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Paralogue 13

Iona: Hey, hey, hey! How about … instead of being stupid and arguing with one another, we settle this in a civil manner?

*enemy commanders start battling one another*

Amara: I think that's a no.

I deployed Lucina and Laurent in this map as well, since I want to continue using this file after I'm done with this run. Laurent got a lot of love, as did Robin and Luna (who are both in their final class - grandmaster).

Robin decides he's going to kick both of the commanders' asses, so that's how that goes. I pair Chrom with Maia and he recruits Yarne immediately. Laurent pairs with Lucina (they're married) and go to tackle the enemies not he right side of the map. Luka and Raven kill one of the generals on the right, while Robin and Iona throw hand axes (and stab) one of the generals in the center. Corin provides Yarne a safe hiding place, while Iain (plus Allen) throws hand axes at a general and Luna pairs with Amara.

Maia is able to take out one of the generals easily, while Amara takes a hit from a silver lance. Corin activates pavise against a general, while Iain puts his counter skill to good use. He and Allen take out enemies together and Iain manages to dodge a sage. Iona does as well and kills it with Robin's help. The third sage hits Iain, though, which really hurts. He's somehow alive at the end of the EP, don't know how. Luka and Raven kill a paladin. Laurent kills stuff. A lot of stuff.

I have Maia kill a tomahawk general, while Amara steals a nosferatu tome from the convoy and kills a swordmaster (not with that tome, though). She then kills a spear general with the nosferatu. Maia kills another swordmaster. I have Iona go over to the thoron sage and kill it, she luckily dodges a counterattack. Lucina kills a bow knight and Laurent kills another enemy. Luka 1HKOs a sage. I have Iain kill a spear general with Allen's assistance. Corin stays close to him.

To my relief, Maia dodges a general's axe, although she gets hit by the next one's lance. She kills both easily. She also takes a hit from an enemy swordmaster. Luka is able to kill the swordmaster that attacked him. Laurent dodges and kills stuff once again. He levels up enough to get counter, which was my goal. The next phase, Maia moves up and weakens a paladin (1 HP!!!!!) while Lucina takes out a spear paladin. Laurent takes the lead to have things suicide on him. Allen kills the paladin that Maia failed to. Amara kills a paladin and kills a valkyrie next with her nosferatu tome equipped. Iona kills a general while Raven and Luka do the same. Corin attempts to get the villages at the bottom. Laurent dodges stuff on the EP while Amara kills things. Laurent also gets in kills.

On the next phase, Lucina kills a valkyrie while Amara moves to lure in the paladin boss. Corin, Iona, and Raven get 3/4 villages. Allen gets the event tile and finds a superior bow. The general boss moves and blocks the last village, so I have to let Allen waste a turn. Amara weakens the paladin boss and finds a volant axe. On the EP, she kills the boss. Allen visits the village, and kills the boss on the next turn with Iain's help.

Yarne: You guys saved my hide! Let me go with you, please!

Chrom: Well, you're one of Lucina's friends, right? We would be, well, happy to have you with us.

​Robin: I … just … just don't be a distraction.

Panne: How can this boy be the last hope of the taguel?

Iain: Be nice. He's your son.

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Paralogue 10

Severa: Humph, don't think I'm joining you because I need your help! I just need to get over to Holland, and then I'll consider joining your cause.
​Allen: I'm so glad she's not my daughter.

I pair Amara with Chrom and run over to talk to Severa. Lucina+Laurent and Iain+Corin head in that direction. The others go up while Luna stays unpaired for now. The berserkers suicide on Maia and Allen. They both level up. On the player phase, everyone moves up. Luka dual guards Allen from two out of three assassins. Allen takes out the two armed with swords. Iain gets hit by a berserker at 38%. Amara runs up and kills one of the berserkers with Chrom's help. Corin takes out a trickster (dodging a 76% hit) and Amara kills the other berserker. Maia takes out the bow assassin while her pair up partner, Raven, kills a trickster. Robin and Allen block the middle path.

Allen may have terrible HP, but he can dodge mages at least. Robin is able to avoid two silver bows at ~60% hit and Allen is good at dodging. He does get hit by one sage, though. Amara runs up and kills an enemy in the way, then kills the rexcalibur sage that is likely to attack Severa. Corin and Lucina advance. Luna runs up and takes out a bolganone and thoron sage. Maia takes out the tomahawk berserker and Raven kills a levin sword trickster. Luka kills a rexcalibur sage (and Allen dual attacks after the sage activated miracle, thank you Allen) while Iona 1HKOs another levin sword trickster. Amara and Chrom kill things on the EP. One levin sword enemy gets a hit on Severa, which sucks. Raven takes a hit from a silver bow.

I have Amara continue running down Holland's path clearing stuff for Severa, while Iain runs over and kills a silver bow assassin near the central path. Lucina advances. Iona kills a tomahawk berserker while Maia kills an assassin and Luka takes out a sage. Amara kills stuff on the EP while one assassin goes for Lucina. I have Allen pair with Corin and Iain with Luka. Amara runs up and separates with Chrom near the staircases in Holland's room. Robin takes out a tomahawk berserker with Iona. Another berserker attacks him on the EP, and he finishes it off with Iona again.

Luka opens the door to Holland's room while Maia kills a trickster. Lucina kills a sage, and then both retreat out of enemy range. The next phase, Luka gets the levin sword chest, while Raven pokes an assassin and lets Lucina kill it. Everyone stands on top of a staircase to block reinforcements. After Severa recruits Holland, Luka gets the event tile and finds Kris' confect. Raven flies over to the wall and lets Maia kill a berserker. Iona, the only other person not on a staircase, edges towards the boss room. Luka begins moving towards the others. Maia kills one assassin, then retreats. One enemy still manages to get to her, though, but she is still alive.

Once the enemies get closer, Lucina kills the bolganone sage while Corin and Allen take out a berserker. Iona smacks a sage upside the head and Maia kills another berserker then runs away again. Luka advances while everyone else holds their position. Iona dodged a 80% levin sword hit. She 1HKOs it on the player phase. Corin and Allen get the last non-boss enemy. Luka gets the last chest. I decide to let Corin and Allen kill the boss.

Cordelia: Oh! You're … my daughter?
Severa: And what if I am? Does that make you feel disappointed?
Maia: She's a real ray of sunshine for sure.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom    15.40    *80  *44   12  *41  *42  *46  *41   30
Robin    01.65    *80  *39   39  *37   41  *45   35   41
Iona     13.34    *80  *52  *17  *36  *36   43  *50   12
Corin    05.81     75  *33   30   40   40   37  *31   29
Maia     08.17     78  *32   37  *47  *41   40   32   17
Luna     01.34    *80   37  *39   36   39   36   38   35
Raven    16.37    *80  *47  *31  *37  *35   39   45   30
Luka     15.82    *80   49  *31  *35  *43  *49  *34   14
Iain     17.09    *80  *52   23  *44  *40   38   32   19
Allen    08.55     64  *41  *29  *48  *46   42   29   23
Amara    04.36    *80   36  *43  *40  *42   35   38   35
Miriel   12.07    *80   22  *49  *44  *43  *45  *29  *40
Laurent  05.76    *80  *40  *38  *45  *46  *46  *38   38
Edited by Sangyul
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"You have all of my flaws and none of my good looks. Yes, I am disappoint, and I'm joining a nunnery just to make sure I don't get pregnant with you."

. . .this is why I'm not in charge of Awakening's script. :P:

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Paralogue 12

Morgan: Father! It's you! I'm so glad you're here! It's me, Morgan! Your little girl!

Robin: I don't know you.

Miriel: How odd. Another traveler from the future claiming to be our offspring. This requires further study.

Laurent: Astute as always, Mother.

Chrom: STOP THIS! Seriously!

Deployed the usual crowd. Raven pairs up with Corin and they fly over to the rightmost chest. Raven kills one of the rexcalibur sages there. Allen and Amara pair up. They kill an enemy, then Allen crit-kills an arcfire mage. Iain and Luka run over to the arcthunder mage and take it out. Everyone else minus Luna pairs up and starts running up. Luna finds an Innes' Bow. NPC Morgan dodges a 71% silver sword hit. Robin takes out a myrmidon while Raven kills and dodges stuff. Robin and Chrom kill a swordmaster. Morgan dodges a wyvern and kills it, then takes out another one. SHE GOES THE WRONG WAY THOUGH COME BACK ;/

Robin goes after his daughter while Raven kills the other rexcalibur sage with Corin. Amara and Allen move up the map in the other direction. Lucina kills a mage, then activates galeforce and takes out a myrmidon. Allen kills the bolganone sage while Luna runs in Chrom's direction. Iona follows. Allen takes out a myrmidon on the EP and dodges two mages. Morgan kills a wyvern and Lucina does the same. Morgan then kills a mage on the other phase. Luka gets the bottommost chest because somehow the thief that was supposed to get it died. Luna steals Chrom as a pair up partner while Robin moves down to get Morgan. Iona stabs a mage, while Lucina takes out the other one and Laurent kills a wyvern. Allen kills the last wyvern in the vicinity.

The EP consists of Laurent dodging a tomahawk. I have Allen use his last use of an iron sword taking out the fortify thief. Lucina kills the tomahawk wyvern rider, then move towards the remaining enemies and put Laurent in the lead. Robin finally recruits Morgan and they pair up. Raven flies up and lets Corin kill a thoron sage. Iona smacks a myrmidon. Allen gets a myrmidon reinforcement on the EP while Laurent dodges a mage and Corin kills a swordmaster and some wyverns. Luka crosses the water and kills a mage. Iona kills the other mage while Laurent gets the griffon rider. Everyone moves to regroup.

Two wyverns show up as reinforcements. Corin kills one, Allen dodges the other. Amara pokes the wyvern that Allen didn't kill and gets a good level. Luka opens the last chest. Morgan tries to reach the boss because I want to give her the kill. More reinforcements! After a few suicide on me on the EP, I have Iain kill the griffon rider (with counter, lol) and Maia gets the wyvern rider. I then have her rescue Robin over so I can save several turns of Robin+Morgan advancing. Robin helps her get the boss kill with little problem.

Robin: Morgan, I would've been perfectly fine with you not inheriting my lack of navigational skills.

Morgan: I know, Father, but I want to be just like you!

Iona: Because we needed two of Robin in this world, right?

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Robin: Morgan, I would've been perfectly fine with you not inheriting my lack of navigational skills.

Morgan: I know, Father, but I want to be just like you!

Iona: Because we needed two of Robin in this world, right?

lol! Poor Robin.

"You have all of my flaws and none of my good looks. Yes, I am disappoint, and I'm joining a nunnery just to make sure I don't get pregnant with you."

. . .this is why I'm not in charge of Awakening's script. :P:

ilu so much right nao, clipsey.

Wow everyone is so bamf. Dat Chrom...

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Robin: Morgan, I would've been perfectly fine with you not inheriting my lack of navigational skills.

Morgan: I know, Father, but I want to be just like you!

Iona: Because we needed two of Robin in this world, right?

"Of course!" - M. Bison

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I'm back :P:

Chapter 14

Raven: How I hate sailing on the ocean. The seasickness, the lack of anything to do, the cramped quarters, the -- WHAT IS THAT THING?!

Robin: Looks like Valm wants a fight.

Iona: In that case, we should give them one.

I deploy everyone plus Morgan, who's a tactician right now. To start off the battle, I have Robin pair up with Morgan and the two of them attack the armor knights on the left. Raven takes Iona and flies over to the ship the boss is on, and Iona kills a mage. Luna and Iain run onto the ship on the right and kill an armor, while Luka and Corin run to the bottommost ship. Chrom and Maia go right while Allen and Amara move down.

Robin helps Morgan survive and kill stuff on the EP. Maia gets in a kill with Chrom and gets a good level up. Luka and Corin are also able to kill things that are not ranged on the bottom ship. Iona dodges mages (which still do heavy damage to her) and Morgan is good at not getting hit. Iain dodges a couple of mages that somehow do very little damage and have little hit on him. Robin is pretty good about dual attacking. Iain also kills things that suicide on him. Iona learns dual guard.

On the player phase, Luka gets the second seal chest and Allen kills the mage. Maia takes out another mage and rescues Luka over to the ship with the two chests. Luka takes out the other mage. Morgan and Iona kill mages on the left ship. On the EP, Morgan also takes out a general with Robin. Allen kills a pegasus knight that attacked him from range and Luka starts raiding chests. Raven gets the event tile, and Iain gets the other. The next phase, Amara and Allen both take out two pegasus knights near them while Morgan and Raven kill a pegasus knight and an armor. Another pegasus suicides on Morgan on the EP, and one on Luka.

Maia kills a pegasus knight and gets a luck only level. Raven and Iona kill the boss.

Chrom: Everyone! Get ready to jump!

Lucina: Father, I … uh, don't know how to swim.

Allen: That's okay. Most of us don't.

​Iain: … We certainly didn't plan this well, did we.

Chapter 15

​Corin: I'm not sure how we all survived the previous chapter, but I guess we did.

Robin: Let's just consider ourselves lucky. So, now, our next plan of action is --

Chrom: Hold, Robin! There's a woman being chased by Valm soldiers! Any enemy of theirs is a friend of ours. Come on!

Luka: Chrom, are you sure we shouldn't try to be more … inconspicuous?

Morgan pairs up with her father and they kill an armor knight. Iona takes Luna as her partner and 1HKOs a cavalier. Chrom and Raven fly over to the enemies on the beach and Raven pokes a spear cavalier. Iain and Luka run up, and Luka throws a hand axe at a cavalier. Amara kills a general with Corin's assistance, then runs over to a mage and has Corin stab it in the face. Maia and Allen run up. On the EP, Raven draws in enemies on the beach that can reach her while Say'ri somehow dodges the armors. Robin protects Morgan from an armor and they kill it together. More armor knights attack Corin and he either dodges or kills them. Morgan dodges stuff and Iona kills a thoron mage. Morgan kills more stuff.

Raven kills an armor knight with a spear on the beach while Iain kills a mage near Corin. Amara runs up and kills the spear general and one of the armors attacking Say'ri. Morgan kills a mage while Maia finishes off the tomahawk general. Luna kills a spear armor while Iona finishes off a weakened general. Raven continues to kill stuff on the EP. Say'ri takes a hit. Raven dodges mages. On the player phase, she gets a short spear. Amara kills the remaining armor knight near Say'ri, then lets Corin get the adjacent house. Maia kills a cavalier and gets another house. Morgan runs up in front of Maia while Luka finds a Kris' Confect. Iona and Luna advance.

All the enemies on the beach die and Raven reaches level 20. Luka dodges an enemy and Iona 1HKOs a cavalier. Morgan is able to weaken a cavalier and kill another, and Iona gets hit with thoron. On the next phase, Raven returns all of her weapons to the convoy, since she's ready to class change. Morgan kills the cavalier she weakened and Allen kills one of the dark knights with Maia's help. Luka kills the tomahawk general and Iona takes out the thoron dark knight. Morgan is able to kill the bolganone mage in the corner on the next turn while Allen and Amara get the last two villages. Raven class changed to grandmaster and got an event tile. Luka kills the boss.

Say'ri: Mercy, friends! The tales of your strength bear no exaggeration!

Virion: Ah, Say'ri. Well met. Tell me, how fares the resistance?

Luna: Resistance? Virion, do you know something we don't?

Say'ri: Allow us to explain, 'tis not a long explanation.

Amara: This is gonna be good.

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Say'ri: Mercy, friends! The tales of your strength bear no exaggeration!

Virion: Ah, Say'ri. Well met. Tell me, how fares the resistance?

Luna: Resistance? Virion, do you know something we don't?

Say'ri: Allow us to explain, 'tis not a long explanation.

Amara: This is gonna be good.



Virion is going to do something relevant isnt he? Ooooo

Morgs smushing things like she should.

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Paralogue 6

Inigo: Hello, Father, it's so great to see you again! Now watch as I take out these pesky bandits! And after that … tea time with a fair maiden!

Chrom: … I raised a philanderer.

Lucina: Oh right, I forgot to mention Inigo to you.

Olivia: My … he sounds interesting for sure …

Robin: … And you think my son is weird, Chrom?

I deploy everyone, including Laurent. He rescues Inigo over to the group, and Chrom recruits him. They pair up and run down, towards the event tile. Allen+Luka, Iona+Luna, and Amara+Iain run towards the top of the map. Corin pairs up with Maia and they take out a general blocking the center part of the map. Raven pairs up with Laurent and Morgan+Robin stand behind Laurent. Morgan is able to weaken the general and get a level up. Laurent kills an attacking assassin. I have Inigo finish off the general on the next turn while Morgan promotes. Laurent heals her while Maia kills two assassins. Chrom helps Inigo kill an assassin, which was nice.

A general attacks Inigo on the EP, and he and Chrom weaken it heavily. A griffon rider attacks Amara (whom Ian dual guards) and she weakens it. Luka kills a griffon rider on the EP. Laurent rescues Inigo over to kill the griffon that Amara weakened while Maia kills the general. Amara kills a dark flier while Luna weakens another one. On the EP, Luka handles the dark fliers while Luna kills the griffons. The enemies from the bottom charge up. Maia kills one griffon, while Corin takes out a dark flier. Luna kills a dark flier while Iona weakens another. Inigo kills a dark flier and Laurent heals him. Inigo also kills another griffon.

The tomahawk griffon rider suicides on Laurent while the remaining dark flier goes for Iona. Inigo and Laurent kill it, then I take a heal break. Robin and Laurent switch pair up partners so Raven is with Robin and Morgan with Laurent. At this point, I start moving my avatars into the center part of the map while Laurent heals rescue staves on Inigo for staff experience. Most of the enemies suicide on Robin, but Raven got in a good dual attack at least once. Luna also got a kill with Iona's help. Robin is good at stealing back his health with sol if he happens to get hit. There's only one thing he didn't kill. Luka and Allen get in a hit on a nosferatu sorcerer. Luna also kills a silver bow assassin (with Iona dual attacking again).

On the player phase, I let Raven kill the silver bow archer in the upper path. Luka finishes off the sorcerer he weakened. Iain stands in range of a silver lance general and he weakens it. (He has lancebreaker, so it's good.) Raven and Robin kill a ruin sorcerer. Iain and Amara kill the general. Laurent heals people. I have Corin run up to intercept the assassin up north. Corin kills the assassin on the next turn and Laurent heals. Amara weakens a sorcerer on the bottom. On the EP, all the enemies there suicide on her and Iain. Corin and Maia run towards the boss while Amara pairs with Luna. Laurent heals Amara.

Chrom gets EXP on an event tile. Corin gets in range of the boss. After taking a silver bow shot, Corin and Maia easily kill the boss on the following turn.

Chrom: Inigo, what are you doing? It's time to leave.

Inigo: But … but teatime!

Amara: Chrom, a brief tea break couldn't hurt, could it? The sun's setting, after all.

Allen: I am fine with this.

Paralogue 7

Brady: Hey! You're Chrom, aren't you? You gotta take me with you!

​Maribelle: … How on Ylisse did I give birth to such an uncouth boy?

Luka: What's the problem? I can see the resemblance.

Morgan pairs up with Robin and they block off the southeast corner. Chrom recruits Brady and they block off the bottom staircase, while Allen and Maia do the same and stand next to them. Iain and Amara stand next to each other, unpaired, to block off the east while Corin+Luna and Raven block the left. Iona and Luka run up towards the boss. Laurent rescues a village away from a longbow sniper's range.

Enemies attack Raven on the EP, but she's resilient and Luna dual guards her from a hero and dual attacks a swordmaster Raven couldn't double. Morgan also kills stuff, as does Maia. Amara and Iain gets some kills on their side as well, and Iain has fun with counter. Iona gets a kill on two swordmasters and draws longbow snipers. More kills on the EP phase for people.

I have Iona get the event tile and kill one of the snipers. Amara kills the two snipers on the right. Laurent rescues a villager away while Raven, Iona, and Corin kill enemies on their end of the map. Maia cleans up as well. On the EP, the boss goes for Raven, who weakens him. Iain kills a hero, while Raven also manages to kill another hero on her side of the map. Iain gets pushed down to below half health. But all the villagers are still alive. Some other enemies suicide or weaken themselves on my characters.

On the player phase, I have Corin kill a swordmaster, Maia kill a sniper, and Iain also kill a sniper. Luka gets the boss kill.

Brady: Ma! I missed you so much! *sobs*
Maribelle: Oh, Brady! *sobs*

Raven: What a happy family reunion.

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Chapter 16

Amara: That is one huge tree.

Iain: … Are we really meant to climb this thing?

Say'ri: There is a staircase that leads to the shrine at the top of the Mila Tree.

Luna: Oh, stairs. That's a lot more reasonable.

I deployed everyone along with Robin's family. Morgan pairs up with Robin and does her best to get in some kills. Miriel and Laurent, who are both level 20, stand back so I can have Laurent raise his staff rank. Luna and Raven are on the right end of the map and they go up. Iona and Amara, who are also on the right, follow them up. Allen and Chrom go straight up the center, while Luka+Iain and Corin+Maia follow Morgan.

Iona and Raven get in some kills on the EP, and Corin takes out a warrior. Luka and Iain kill a tomahawk hero. Most of them do their job really well with no real issue. On the player phase, Laurent heals Iona (whom I accidentally ran into a counter warrior) and everyone advances. Maia kills a thief and moves up the center. Luna curt-kills a fighter and gets an event tile. Iona and Amara follow them up. Pavise is an amusing skill, especially when the enemy does 0 damage anyway. Corin and Luna get in some EP kills, the enemies aren't really a challenge at this point. Iona and Amara both level up. Morgan and Robin take out a hero, while a steel bow warrior and a hero attack Luna from range.

Morgan runs up and kills the thief with the master seal. Luka and Iain kill a bow knight. Laurent continues to heal. Amara kills the steel bow warrior (it has counter) and Iona takes out a fighter, which leaves Luna and Raven to kill the hero. Maia kills a hero. A falcon knight suicides on Morgan. I move Allen and Chrom up to the boss while Laurent heals. Reinforcements arrive. Two falcon knight reinforcements on the next phase suicide on Luka and Iain, but the rest can't reach. I have Raven and Maia kill two falcon knights that got close enough to them before Allen takes out the boss with Chrom's help.

Iona: Are you sure it's a good idea to bring all the gemstones together? Surely they were separated for a reason.

Chrom: I agree, but Lady Tiki says that Grima is threatening to rise.

​Robin: … Something gives me a really bad feeling but I don't think this is a good idea.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom    18.06    *80  *44   13  *41  *42  *46  *41   33
Robin    05.31    *80  *39   43  *37  *42  *45   37  *42
Iona     03.42    *80  *44   33   38  *39  *45  *42   20
Corin    02.48    *80  *28   38  *37   36  *47   40   41
Maia     01.72    *80   41  *27  *52  *45  *45  *33   20
Luna     04.68    *80  *39  *39   36  *40   38   39   36
Raven    05.22    *80  *41   40  *39   36   41  *42   36
Luka     03.68     72  *42   39   39  *39  *49   37   19
Iain     09.26    *80  *42   28  *46  *46  *44  *32   22
Allen    18.51     71  *41  *29  *48  *46  *46   33   27
Amara    03.24    *80  *40  *42  *40  *42   41  *37   41
Miriel   20.00    *80   22  *49  *44  *43  *45  *29  *40
Laurent  20.00    *80  *28  *54  *42  *46  *46  *29  *43
Morgan   05.97    *80  *38  *48  *39  *44  *46  *38  *43
Everyone except for Allen (hero), Iain (swordmaster), Corin (sorcerer), and Maia (assassin) are grandmasters. Edited by Sangyul
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Chapter 17

Maia: Does anyone else besides me find it weird how the gates to this fort are wide open?

Corin: It's like they've been expecting us.

Iona: Or maybe they're just too stupid to actually barricade their fortress during an invasion. Or arrogant.

(Has anyone noticed that in the picture of Fort Steiger in chapter 17, the doors/gates to the fortress are wide open?)

The usual team is deployed. Robin+Iona and Chrom+Luna go straight down the middle. Amara and Iain take out a hero on the left, and then a valkyrie. Raven kills a hero while Allen takes out a war monk (that activated miracle, so Luka had to dual attack). On the right, Maia and Corin kill two enemies while Morgan pairs up with Miriel and takes out a hero. Laurnent stands back for now. The enemies suicide on Corin and Morgan on the EP, while Luna and Robin get in a kill. A sniper attacks Iain from range. Luna weakens a valkyrie.

I have Luna finish off the valkyrie on the next phase, and she also kills the sniper. Morgan takes out the sniper on her end of the map. Amara and Iain kill some enemies blocking the left end of the map. Raven and Corin kill things on the EP while Iain avoids getting hit. Robin then kills one sniper while Aram takes out the one on the other side of the wall. Allen runs up to take out the hero further up in the map. Maia kills two enemies. Things either suicide on or try to attack Iain on the EP. Amara kills one of them on the player phase, while Allen runs up and gets the other. Everyone advances while Maia heads for the upper chest room.

Laurent rescues Luka over to the right chest room while Luna trails the thief on the left. Things suicide on Luka on the EP. Raven weakens a valkyrie in the left chest room. Amara kills a thief while Iain takes out one of the valkyries. Luna finishes off the valkyrie that Raven weakened. Iona runs into the boss's room and takes out a hero. Laurent runs left. Laurent heals Raven and Iain, who have a little damage. Morgan heads into the boss' room. Enemy reinforcements appear.

After Laurent rescues Luka over to the left side, I basically wait around for Laurent to heal everyone and for Luka to get the remaining chests. A few people get in kills. Once I finish healing and cleaning up all the enemies, I have Morgan take out the boss.

Virion: Ah, what ill fortune falls upon us! We are surrounded.

Say'ri: Words cannot express my shame … the former alliance … has betrayed us.

​Robin: If you guys have time to whine, then you have time to be getting out of here.

Raven: Oh? Well what do you have planned, genius?

Chapter 18

Luna: Look, Chrom. It's a volcano.

Chrom: I see. What's the most logical thing to do now?

Amara: Head into the volcano?

Say'ri: Fie! H-how does that constitute a logical decision?!

Didn't have enough room for everyone, so I took Miriel out of this map.

Robin pairs with Luna and she moves down, taking out a swordmaster. Iona takes Raven and kills the paladin that she can reach. Robin takes the lead and kills a warrior in the way with Luna's assistance. Chrom is an island of his own and he trails after the group. On the left, Amara pairs up with Luka and they kill a swordmaster. Allen and Iain move down and take out the griffon below, while Luka and Amara take out the warrior above them. Maia is able to kill a warrior on the right end of the map, and Morgan takes out the sage by them. Maia blocks a chokepoint and kills a griffon rider.

Raven protects Iona from an EP bolganone shot, which is nice. Luka and Amara take out a swordmaster while Maia gets hit by thoron. She also takes out a swordmaster with ignis. Robin weakens a paladin (enemy Aegis :|). Luka learns ignis, which is nice, and Amara dual guards him from a paladin. Maia continues to tank things with her face. A lot of enemies wanted to suicide on her. Laurent heals Maia and then Maia shoots a bow over to the sage's head (sage activates miracle, but Corin kills it). Corin takes the lead and kills a griffon rider. Luna kills the paladin that Robin weakened. Raven takes out the sage and Chrom kills a paladin. Luna and Robin advance. Allen kills a warrior and Amara gets the event tile behind her.

Allen and Robin get in a kill. Corin gets hit but also takes out the enemy that hit him. Allen and Iain kill a paladin and Allen reaches level 20 hero. Laurent gets in some kills. He then rescues Luka over, and Luka gets the rescue staff chest. Chrom kills a bolganone sage and Iain takes out a griffon rider. Everyone moves down. Robin takes out a warrior, a sage, and a paladin. Luka takes a heavy hit from a sage. He opens another chest on the next phase, though. Iain moves down and kills a griffon, while Luna takes out a warrior. Move down some more. Iain kills a swordmaster and Corin takes out a sage. Laurent moves over to the other side of the map while healing. Once I get the last chest and heal everyone, Maia kills Yen'fay.

​Allen: … He was RIGHT there. Why didn't we go after him?

Iain: Your guess is as good as mine.

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....AND WE'RE BACK! wooooooooo!

Brady: Hey! You're Chrom, aren't you? You gotta take me with you!

Maribelle: … How on Ylisse did I give birth to such an uncouth boy?
Luka: What's the problem? I can see the resemblance.


Say'ri: Fie! H-how does that constitute a logical decision?!

Gee, i dunno Say'ri. Maybe yer dumb-as-a-post brother...? oh wait, Loki isnt in this run.

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Paralogue 17

Chrom: The atmosphere here is so relaxing.

Robin: Really. Because it just makes me allergic.

Deployed everyone but Miriel again. This chapter's strategy was relatively simple: form a wall around Tiki. I positioned Corin+Amara, Iain+Chrom and Morgan+Robin to absorb enemy hits.

Corin gets all of the enemies on the left (and Amara dual attacks), while most of the enemies suicide on Maia. Laurent heals Maia on the next phase. Morgan kills the wyvern lord that Maia didn't finish off. Iain gets the griffons in the center of the map. Most of the rightmost enemies decide to suicide on Maia instead of Morgan, but she got hit with a 14%. Maia breaks her sword, so she has to borrow Allen's.

Morgan finishes off an enemy, while Laurent heals. Iain kills stuff in the center, and Maia dodges a wyvern lord. Corin gets in quite a few kills as well. I have Maia trade Allen back his sword so she doesn't get too many kills. Corin breaks his tome and runs out, whoops. Morgan at least gets in kills. Maia takes out an enemy with a bronze bow, then resumes her position. Corin borrows Amara's tome. Iain gets the boss kill.

I let my avatars absorb all the kills minus one dark flier, so that Laurent can heal. Once everyone is healed, I finish off the last enemy on turn 10.

Say'ri: Are you unharmed, Lady Tiki?

Iona: Why would she be harmed? All she did was take a nap while we killed everything.

Paralogue 9

Allen: I told you we should've gone north instead of continuing east, Robin.

Luka: Wasn't the first hint when we crossed the ocean?

Robin: Blame whoever put me in charge. They should know that I can't navigate.

Cynthia: Halt, fiends! All those who would dare impersonate my lord Chrom will be punished by my lance!

Iain: … We don't have time for this.

Deployed the usual team again.

I have Laurent move up and rescue Amara paired with Luna. Amara runs up and kills a hero with Luna dual attacking. Luna takes out a war cleric blocking the path, then they run up towards the boss. Iain and Robin stand outside Cynthia's range. Chrom pairs with Corin and waits outside Cynthia's range as well. Luka and Iona stand next to Laurent and wait. Maia shoots arrows at a berserker, which lets Allen attack a sniper (and Maia dual guards him). Morgan and Raven wait outside Cynthia's range.

Iain dodges a warrior, and Laurent gets hit by a hero. Iain takes out a hero, and Corin somehow gets hit at a 12% hit rate. Morgan avoids a sniper, while Iain takes a few hits. Laurent loses quite a bit of HP, but thanks to sol he is able to regain his health. He also absorbs most of the kills on the EP because of that. Luna gets in a berserker and hero kill, while a sniper tries to attack her. Laurent retreats and heals Corin. Chrom recruits Cynthia and Morgan takes out a sniper. Cynthia flees while Luka kills a berserker. Iain takes out a sniper and Allen runs towards the main group. Amara kills the silver bow sniper, which lets Luna kill the boss.

Morgan kills a berserker. Maiai takes out a hero that went after her. A sage would rather attack Luka with elwind over swordmaster Iain or Maia with a sword. Laurent heals Iain. Morgan gets the event tile. Maia kills a warrior while Iain takes out a sniper. I refrain from taking out the last enemy on the map so Laurent can heal. Luka weakens the boss but doesn't kill it. So I take more time to heal. For some reason, the sniper decides to suicide on Laurent.

Lucina: Does that make things clearer for you, Cynthia?

Cynthia: Yes, Lucy. I'll never mistake another generic bandit for Chrom again.

Laurent: Lucina … why do you have so many pictures of your father anyway?

Inigo: It's because she's obsessed. Obsessed, I tell you!

Morgan: Wow, not even I'm that crazy about my father …

Paralogue 5

Owain: I am a chosen warrior from the future, here to bring hope to a dying world! I am Owain! My sword hand twitches!

​Raven: … Who is this joker?

Luna: I dunno, but it seems he's on our side. … I think.

Laurent rescues Owain and Chrom recruits him. I decide I sort of want Missiletainn, so I have Chrom pair up with Maia and run to the southernmost house. Morgan and Allen follow them as well. Amara and Corin also help clear the bottom so that I can run Owain down safely. Iain kills the tomahawk barbarian while Iona kills a myrmidon. Luna takes out an assassin by the upper house as well as a barbarian. Iona kills a myrmidon.

Luckily, a nosferatu mage can't kill one of the NPC sages. Luna is able to kill a berserker on the EP. Two wyvern riders on the bottom half of the map survive. Morgan kills one while Maia kills the other wyvern. She and Corin then run over to the left side of the map. Laurent rescues Iona and Robin closer to the left of the map. Luna kills the dark mage while Iona takes out a myrmidon. Raven kills a berserker. Laurent gets in some kills while a villager takes a hit from an enemy. Amara kills it and Corin talks to the NPC. Chrom gets the bottom event tile and finds a superior lance. Owain gets his sword.

Laurent rescues the bottommost villager over, while Iain and Iona kill enemies. Luna takes out an assassin as well, which puts all the enemies out of the NPC's range. Laurent heals the NPC villager, then on the next turn gets the last item. I let Iona kill the final dark mage.

Amara: All right, so I think we're almost back on track after that ridiculous detour. Where do we go now?

​Corin: … Oh no. We have to pass through Wyvern Valley from here.

Paralogue 11

​Robin: We're so … high up … I don't … like heights …

Iona: Whatever you do, just don't look down.

Maia: I know. This is awesome!

Laurent stands back to rescue villagers while Chrom recruits Gerome. I have Chrom pass Gerome onto Laurent while he pairs up with Raven. Luna+Luka and Corin+Maia run up while Robin+Iona, Amara+Morgan, and Iain+Allen go left. On the EP, Raven and Chrom kill a sniper and a swordmaster. Luna gets hit by a berserker, but she and Luka kill it easily. Maia kills an enemy on the EP, then lets Corin take out a wyvern. Luna throws a fireball at another wyvern lord, then goes right and lets Luka take the lead. The three on the left advance while Laurent rescues villagers and gets B staves.

Iona dual guards Robin from a berserker and they kill it with a dual attack. Iain takes a hit from a sniper, and he kills a berserker easily with Allen's dual attack. Luka kills a swordmaster and a berserker, and draws in another berserker. Chrom dual guards Raven from a tomahawk. Iona has to double back and kill a wyvern lord that got a little too close to the villager island. Laurent rescues over the last villager. Maia kills the tomahawk berserker while Luka gets the event tile. Maia moves up. Morgan kills a sniper. Iain advances.

Raven moves down while Laurent moves up and heals her. Iain gets the second event tile while Morgan and Iona move up. Corin draws out the boss and weakens him. He also gets a few kills and takes rather heavy damage. Allen dual guards Iain from heavy hit while Corin and Luna somehow manage to hold on and survive. Luka finishes off the boss. Morgan takes out a wyvern lord while Allen takes the lead from Iain and kills a swordmaster. Raven stands in the range of enemies going down the center. Allen absorbs a few hits from the left while Chrom dual guards Raven. Laurent gets in some kills as well, and aegis is nice. He and Raven clear the center island, while Luna dual guards Luka from a wyvern.

Maia and Croin kill a wyvern lord on the right, while Morgan, Raven, and Laurent do the same for their respective sides. I accidentally separate Iain and Allen instead of attacking, so Iain dodges a tomahawk before partnering up with Allen and killing the wyvern lord.

Gerome: I am only here for Minerva. Meddling in the past must not be done.

Iain: But you are here. You might as well lend your strength to our cause.

Lucina: Please Gerome, we could use your help.

Edited by Sangyul
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Chapter 19

Luka: THAT's Walhart? I expected him to be … scarier.

Virion: You don't say! There is no one more fearsome than the conqueror in this land --

Corin: He looks like a giant lobster. That's not scary.

Morgan: I'm hungry. Father, feed me!

​Robin: … Can we wait until after we clear this battlefield?

Robin starts by pairing up with Morgan and having her take out a general on the right side of the map. Luna and Luka pair up and they kill a paladin, then Luna moves onto an event tile and the two proceed to weaken a dark knight. Raven takes Chrom and finishes off the dark knight. Maia kills a dark knight and then lets Corin eliminate a paladin. Laurent and Miriel stay out of enemy range and Laurent spams ward. Amara and Iain take out a general on the left, and she weakens a general with her last use of a steel sword. Allen also kills a general with Iona's help.

Morgan snags quite a few kills on the EP, and Amara takes a hit from a general (and Iain helps her finish it off). Allen also gets in a kill, and Amara gets hit again. Morgan breaks her tome weakening a great knight, and Allen gets in some more kills. Luna weakens a paladin and Corin grabs some kills. On the player phase, Luna moves down and kills a paladin and Laurent heals her. Luka kills a bow knight. Amara kills a bow knight on an event tile and Iain goes onto the event tile and kills the dark knight with Amara's help. Iona kills a bow knight with Allen's assistance. Raven takes out a weakened great knight, while Maia kills a paladin. I then have her kill a dark knight (Corin dual guarding her). Morgan kills a dark knight as well.

Maia gets hit in the face with a spear on the EP, and Corin helps her take out the enemy. Iona also activates pavise on a wyvern lord and kills it easily. Iain and Amara kill another wyvern lord. Morgan continues to dodge-tank stuff and reaches level 20. Maia and Corin get in a paladin kill, and a dark knight attacks her (but she can't counter because sword). Laurent heals Morgan with physic, and Robin takes the lead to kill a bow knight. Iona and Iain begin moving towards the center. Luna kills the dark knight that attacked Maia. Laurent heals Maia on the next turn. Chrom moves into Walhart's range.

Chrom gets attacked by a few enemies on the EP, and Robin weakens an enemy. Raven dual guards Chrom from Walhart, then helps him finish off Walhart (Chrom gets Aether as well).

Raven: Curse you, Walhart! Get back here and fight like a man!

Iain: He already left, Raven.

Chrom: Come! This battle isn't over yet!

Chapter 20

Allen: Walhart rides his horse indoors? That's quite strange.

Laurent: Indeed. It's quite an unusual bit of trivia, isn't it, Father?

Robin: Laurent, the man wears a lobster costume. I think that is unusual above all else.

I have Robin, Miriel, Corin, and Maia on the right side of the map, all the female avatars on the left, and everyone else in the center. First, I pair up Maia with Corin and attack a general to open up the path to the right staircase, and have Robin and Miriel do the same as well. Maia is able to kill a tomahawk general as well. Laurent heals Maia. Luka and Chrom pair up and they kill a warrior, while Iain and Allen do the same. Luna and Iona kill a general, then they take out another. Amara kills a general with a spear, then lets Raven take out the silver axe general with some help. A general suicides on Maia on the EP, while Cervantes kills himself on Iain. A few other enemies all rush at him (Allen dual guarding him from a hero). Luka and Chrom kill a sage and Chrom hits level 20 (and gets magic, lol). All the sages go after Luka. Raven kills a few enemies on her side of the map, and Iona kills two sages. Maia and Corin also get some kills.

Several of my team is at low health now. I have Laurent heal Iain, and then Allen finishes off a general. Maia and Corin hang back, because they're low on health. Robin and Miriel keep advancing. Laurent heals Luka, and then Luka and Iain move up towards the second wave of enemies. Iona and Raven move up as well. Maia heads towards the center of the map. Chrom protects Luka from a general, then they take it out. Iain is also able to kill a general as well. Excellus attacks Luka, who thankfully dodges, and is weakened. Morgan dual guards Laurent from a hero, and Laurent avoids some longbows.

Robin kills a sage as he continues to move up the right end of the map. Luna and Raven move up as well. Maia kills a warrior from range, and Corin kills Excellus. Next, Luka kills a warrior and Allen takes out a longbow sniper. Laurent kills the other longbow sniper. On the EP, Raven and Robin get in some kills and Luka dodges a thoron sage. Reinforcements have also arrived. I have Maia the sage while Allen gets the lower event tile. Laurent heals Maia. Robin kills the thief that opened the spirit dust chest. Luna and Raven rejoin the others. Raven gets in a kill on a war monk. Laurent also manages to get in a kill. Laurent rescues Luka and he opens the door to the other room. Allen and Raven kill enemies around Walhart while trying to bait out Walhart. Maia kills an enemy and gets an event tile. Luna kills a rexcalibur sage.

… After all my precautions of putting in people who can't counterattack Walhart in his range, the idiot decides to go for Laurent??? What the actual fuck -_-

​Corin: … I don't understand how that happened.

Maia: Neither do I, but I don't care. Let's go.

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Chapter 21

Robin: This guy was obviously evil. Why did we come here again?

Chrom: Hey, I thought you had a plan!

I pair up Laurent and Morgan and have them kill a sorcerer in the path. Luka pairs with Corin and opens the door to the first chest room. Maia pairs with Allen and they kill a berserker together, then they continue to advance. Robin and Miriel pair up and attack a swordmaster near the start point. Chrom pairs with Luna and they kill the other swordmaster, then move down. Raven, Iona, Iain, and Amara all advance. A mire sorcerer attacks Iain and Amara dual guards him. Luka dodges mire and kills the one he's standing across from. Laurent somehow gets hit by a 15% hit rate, but counter+sol at least helps him regain some health back. The next enemy that attacks him gives him all of his health back. And then an assassin hits him and Laurent gets an ignis crit. Allen is stuck with a sword and can't counter the sorcerer picking on him.

Luka gets the noble rapier chest. Iona kills a silver sword assassin with ignis. Amara gets hit by a 14% bolganone hit (that did 5 damage, but still) and kills the sorcerer. I then move her forward and let Iain take the lead. Maia kills the mire sorcerer in the upper chest room and then advances down. Robin and Laurent advance, while Laurent spams a ward staff. The sorcerer in the chest room attacks Luka and he kills it. Mire is annoying. Iain kills a swordmaster and Amara dual guards him from an assassin. Most of the enemies suicide on him, although he takes some significant damage Amara at least helped him kill a sorcerer and dual guarded him from the bolganone sorcerer as well.

Laurent heals Iain. Luna kills a tomahawk berserker. Luka runs towards the upper chest room while the others advance down. Iona somehow gets hit with ~27% mire hit rate, and Raven dual guards her from an 88% assassin hit? Iona runs down and kills a berserker on the player phase (Raven likes to dual guard). Maia kills the assassin that attacked Iona last phase and advances down. Laurent heals Iona. Amara kills another berserker and stands in range of a swordmaster. Luka's almost at the chest room.

Corin dual guards Luka from mire, but gets hit by the second one that targets him (~25% too, what). Luna takes 0 damage from mire. An assassin attacks Amara (who is equipped with a sword) and she and Iain kill the swordmaster. They take out a berserker while a sorcerer hits Luna with bolganone. Iain dual guards Amara from an assassin and they finish it off together. Robin kills the assassin that Amara didn't with ignis. Luka gets the secret book chest and Laurent rescues him over. Raven and Iona kill the bolganone sorcerer. Allen and Maia go left. More EP mire spam. Allen also gets hit by a killer bow that he can't counter.

Luka gets fortify. Robin heads back to deal with some coming reinforcements. Maia kills the assassin and Allen kills a swordmaster with her assistance. Luna weakens a sorcerer, while Amara takes out a berserker and retreats. Mire spam and surprise reinforcements suck. Luka gets hit by mire again. Allen kills a sorcerer and Robin easily dispatches of reinforcements. One of the reinforcements go towards Allen, but is eliminated.

Luna kills the sorcerer she weakened and gets the event tile. Laurent heals Amara. Allen and Maia return to the others while Robin and Miriel kill a sorcerer and Luka heads towards the last chest. Raven stands in the range of a swordmaster to draw it out, but she only weakens it. Laurent heals Luka and Robin moves to rejoin the others. Allen kills the swordmaster Raven weakened while Amara kills another swordmaster with Iain and Iain moves to the left side of the bottom part of the map. Luna kills a sorcerer reinforcement. Mire dodge! Iain is able to kill a ruin sorcerer with 100% hit and 22% crit and then a bolganone sorcerer with 100% hit. High hit percentage ruin sorcerers suck. Amara dual guards him from the 93% hit swordmaster.

I have Laurent heal Iain, who continues to run down towards the left corner. Robin moves up to intercept reinforcements while Luka heads towards the last chest. A bunch of surprise reinforcements show up, but thankfully Robin can dodge mire and they do 0 damage to him. He also takes care of the reinforcements that come after him. He gets astra'd, but easily steals his health back with a sol crit. Iain and Luna also get in a few kills. I have Robin kill a sorcerer that didn't suicide on him, while Luka opens the door to the chest room and Laurent heals him. Luna also finishes off a sorcerer with Chrm's help. Amara and Iain kill the mire sorcerer in the corner and an event tile. EP is basically a mire fest.

Luka gets the last chest, but I take a turn or two to heal. Allen gets the boss kill.

Lucina: What do you think you're doing?! You betrayed us!

Allen: Lucina, we can point fingers at each other later --

Lucina: No! How dare you, you --

Iona: Enough of this. We're still in enemy territory. Save it for when we're out of this place.

Chapter 22

Lucina: Robin. In my future, you … you killed my father.

​Robin: …

Lucina: What?! You're not going to even deny it?!

Robin: There's no point. I fully know I'm capable of it.

I pair up Robin and Chrom and have them move up. Iona pairs with Iain and they do the same. Luka and Luna stand in the edge of the range of the enemies on the left, Corin and Maia do the same for the right. Allen and Raven back up Corin and Maia, while Miriel and Amara do the same. Laurent spams ward to raise staff rank.

Maia and Corin kill the assassin while Iain takes out the bow knight. Luna dual guards Luka from the paladin and helps him weaken it. Maia dodges valflame and weakens the valkyrie decently enough. Laurent heals Iain. Luna finishes off the paladin that Luka weakened and they both kill a warrior through the power of dual attack. Amara and Miriel kill a dark knight. Maia takes out the valkyrie in one hit while Corin kills the general with double ignis. Only Allen is fast enough to double the yewfelle sniper, and he finishes it off. Iain and Robin hold their ground.

Laurent uses a ward staff on Robin, who moves into enemy range. Iain waits in the range of the Balmung swordmaster. The others start to regroup. Chrom dual guards Robin from the war cleric and they kill it easily. Robin misses his first strike on the sorcerer and Chrom doesn't dual attack, which is annoying. I try attacking him with a steel sword on the next phase and it works out. Laurent heals Luka, who weakens the swordmaster for Iain and Iona to kill. Amara takes out the sage.

I wait a few turns to have Laurent heal. I decide to let Corin have the boss kill so I start moving him towards Aversa. When he finally reaches Aversa, he and Maia take her out in one hit.

​Corin: … That was too easy.

​Maia: I know. She definitely wasn't a challenge.

Iain: We have more important things to worry about. Validar must be stopped.

Luka: You know, I've been thinking. Is this really a good idea? I mean … putting Robin and Validar together in the same place.

Amara: No, but does anyone else have a better plan?

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Chapter 23

Validar: Fools! You just activated my trap card!


I pair up Robin and Chrom and have them run towards Validar. On the other end of the barrier, Morgan ignis-crits a sorcerer. Amara and Iona take out a hero and then a sorcerer. Maia kills a berserker and then lets Corin move forward to take out a hero. Luna weakens a sorcerer (she would've killed it but nosferatu) and Allen finishes it off. I pair Raven with Laurent and have Laurent heal Luna.

A general attacks Corin, but he and Maia finish it off easily. A silver lance general hits Amara, and she and Iona kill it. Corin dodges a spear then kills the general with Maia. Laurent and Raven kill a berserker with ignis and Laurent kills an assassin. Raven then dual guards him from a hero. Amara and Raven kill a berserker and Laurent and Raven kill a different berserker. A ruin sorcerer does 0 damage to Corin, and he kills it with Maia's help. Enemies like to attack Amara, but Iona dual guards her from an high hit assassin.

The next turn, I have Laurent heal Amara, then run her up to kill a general while Maia crit-kills a spear general. Corin takes the lead to kill a berserker. Luna and Luka kill a sorcerer, then Luka takes out an assassin with a crit. Alllen and Morgan advance while Iona and Amara run back to kill a general. Robin runs up to Validar and elthunders him.

Cutscene plays and Basilio and Flavia show up. I pair them together and have them run. Corin dodges a berserker and a sorcerer, which is nice. Also manages to take both of them out with Maia's help. They're the only ones really in range of the enemies, so they get most of the kills. Maia also manages to dual guard Corin from an 81% silver sword hit. He takes a tomahawk to the face, though, and activates pavise on a silver axe. An assassin goes for Allen, but Iain dual guards him and Allen kills it. He also takes out the sorcerer easily with Iain's help. Two more assassins goes for Corin, and he activates aegis both times.

I have Laurent heal Allen and let Iain take the lead. He stands in range of three enemies while everyone else advances and Corin stays out of enemy range. Allen dual guards Iain from a hero and Iain manages to take out all three enemies that charge him. The next player phase, I have Laurent rescue Robin over. Iain kills the remaining general on the map while Robin grabs a brave sword from the convoy and weakens Validar … TO 1 HP. (CURSE YOU CHROM, WHY DID YOU NOT DUAL ATTACK THE LAST TWO TIMES.) Corin gets the kill on Validar because of that.

???: You may have defeated Validar, but this was all fated to be. Now I shall rise again!

Luna: Oh hey, you're that guy from the beginning of the last arc whom we really should've remembered but somehow forgot.

Allen: Well, we know that but he wasn't mentioned in this run before either.

Iain: I don't really care who he is. But I think we should start running right about now.

Chapter 24

Luka: By the time we get back from Mount Prism, there won't be a world to save.

Chrom: I know, it's completely out of the way. But does anyone have a better idea?

Iona: I did. You ignored me.

Amara: Iona, your idea was "do nothing".

I have Maia and Corin, who are on the bottommost part of the map, take out the paladin nearest them and then a great knight (Corin dodges a 77% spear hit). Robin (and Miriel), at the topmost map slot, kills the paladin near his start point. Laurent and Morgan stay back while Laurent spams staves for healing and weapon experience. Chrom pairs with Allen, who weakens a valkyrie. Luka+Iain and Luna+Raven advance. On the EP, a great knight attacks an unpaired Morgan but she kills it without much problem. Allen finishes off the valkyrie, while Chrom dual guards him from a second one (Allen only weakens it again). Luka dodges a thoron-wielding valkyrie and kills it. Robin and Miriel take out a paladin, while Corin chips at a valkyrie. Miriel dual guards Robin from a bow knight and helps him finish it off. Iona protects Amara from a wyvern lord's axe, and Amara kills it. Allen gets pushed down to low health, but he's able to kill the wyvern lord.

Laurent heals Allen, who advances and takes out a nearby wyvern lord. Amara kills the weakened valkyrie, while Maia also takes out another low health valkyrie and lets Corin weaken a paladin. Iona kills a silver axe wyvern lord. Luka advances and takes out a great knight, while Luna is able to take out an enemy and let Raven kill a wyvern lord. Robin and Miriel kill a spear-wielding wyvern lord. Morgan stays put. Corin has to kill an enemy, as does Allen. Iona also kills the paladin that Corin weakened. A bow knight also suicided on Iona. Amara dual guards Iona from a very scary valkyrie, which was nice. Chrom also protects Allen from a wyvern. Luka takes a hit from a different wyvern but he and Iain kill it with little problem. Corin activates pavise against a wyvern's axe and Miriel dual guards Robin from a wyvern. Amara blocks Iona from getting a tomahawk in the face, and Iona kills the wyvern. She kills a paladin as well. Corin is pretty good at getting pavise to lower damage on him.

I have Laurent heal Corin while Amara and Iona stand on one of the forts. Morgan does the same. Iain, Robin, and Raven all advance. Iain dodges a tomahawk thrown at him by a great knight and he kills it. Luka protects him from the next hit. Iona dual guards Amara from a tomahawk, which was cool, but no counterattack because Amara had a sword equipped. The next turn, I have Laurent heal Allen, who finds a superior edge. Corin stands on a fort, while Morgan moves off her fort to kill a great knight. Robin and Miriel kill a great knight near the boss, while Amara kills the enemy that attacked her on the EP. Iain goes for the boss. Luka dual guards Iain from a luna strike and Iain finishes it off with an ignis strike.

Chrom: Shh! Do you hear that? It's the voice of Lady Naga.

Maia: I don't hear anything at all.

Raven: Same here. Are you sure this voice isn't in your head, Chrom?

Lissa: It's not! I can hear it too!

Lucina: As do I.

Luna: Maybe only the exalted family can hear it.

Frederick: Nay. Her voice is very clear to me as well.

Corin: … Or maybe it's just us fellbloods who can't.

Edited by Sangyul
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Chapter 25

Chrom: You guys have been awfully quiet the entire time.

Robin: It's hard to hold a conversation with an imaginary or invisible deity that somehow everyone except for us can see.

Morgan: Father, if it makes you feel any better, I can't see her either.

Laurent: Indeed. It's quite fascinating, if only I could study the phenomena behind this oddity!

Robin and Miriel pair up and kill one of the generals on the left. Iona takes Chrom and they kill the other general, while Allen is the only one able to double the swordmaster. Iain pairs up Amara and Amara takes out one of the berserkers on the right. Raven and Luka kill the other berserker, while Amara and Iain kill the swordmaster. Corin and Maia advance, while Laurent casts ward on Iona. Mire sorcerers attack Iona and Maia on the EP, while Robin and Miriel kill a trickster, and Maia kills the levin sword trickster on the right. Iain dual guards Amara from a silver bow warrior and helps her kill it. Tomebreaker allows her to avoid the sage easily and take it out.

After a mishap with a poorly timed ignis and a counter warrior attacking at 1-range on the EP, I put Robin at the very edge of the range of a counter warrior. Laurent heals him to full health while Allen and Iona back him up. Raven kills a general with ignis and Luka, while Amara manages to kill a mire sorcerer. Maia advances and gets attacked by mire on the EP. Laurent gets attacked on the EP, but he merely counters and steals back his health with sol. The counter warrior gets his bow dual guarded and is also easily taken out with an ignis crit. (Robin's mad.) Meanwhile, Amara is on a fort and is able to dodge well enough and kill stuff that tries to attack her. The only thing that gave me trouble was the swordmaster, and Iain killed it. Her tome also broke too, which was not cool. Enemies start flying towards my characters.

Maia kills a dark flier with double ignis. Laurent heals her with physic. I have Luna kill one of the tomahawk griffon riders, then kill a swordmaster with Allen. Robin continues to advance towards the boss, while taking out things within his reach. Iona kills a silver axe griffon rider while Maia weakens a dark flier for Raven and Luka to kill. Amara kills a dark flier that she didn't attack on the EP and Iain takes out the mire sorcerer. Amara dual guards him from a different mire on the EP. Allen takes a levin sword hit but easily kills the trickster on the counterattack. A griffon attacked Laurent, much to my annoyance. I trade him an elixir on the player phase and he heals. Robin runs up towards the trio of generals and takes one out with Miriel's help. Everyone else advances.

Chrom dual guards Iona from a mire shot, which was nice. Robin steals back his health from a silver axe general, while griffons just want to attack Laurent. (At least he can self-heal with sol.) I have Laurent heal Robin before sending Robin up again, while taking out a mire sorcerer. The rest of the team also moves up, and all reinforcements are too far to catch up with them right now. Both Iain and Robin are in range of the boss. I have Iain and Amara weaken her, but Amara's goetia shot hit Iain and he activated counter, so she died.

Lissa: Y-yikes! What was that?

Lucina: It's the dragon's call!

Maia: So … that's what the fell dragon looks like.

Henry: Aw, don't be so surprised! You saw it before in Plegia, remember?

Raven: We were probably pretending the story didn't exist then.

Paralogue 18

Chrom: This statement is a disclaimer that all events occurring from this point on until the final boss are considered to be strictly non-canon. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Amara: So, the first person on our list of "people who have no business being playable but are anyway" is Gangrel. Aren't you all thrilled?

Robin: No.

I pair up Robin and Miriel, then throw them into center of the enemy horde. Maia gets to take out a berserker that she can reach, and then she stands in the edge of the leftmost wyverns' range. Everyone else clusters together outside of the enemies' range and Laurent spams ward. Most of the enemies go after Robin, as planned, but thanks to sol and having an actual support he is able to hold his own quite well. One sage manages to attack Luka, but he got dual guarded so it's good. Maia gets some kills on wyverns, as does Luna. Laurent heals Robin, who survived the EP thanks to sol, and he moves towards the village. Allen weakens a wyvern lord and Maia kills it. Raven also is able to kill the remaining wyvern while Maia kills the sage. Robin kills the berserker near the village, as well as a wyvern to the north. (His tome broke and he got stuck with a sword.) Allen kills one of the wyverns, while Luka gets the other and Robin visits the village.

This is where I take a few turns to heal and regroup. Once everyone is healthy, I figure out a way to recruit Gangrel. First, I have Maia run in and kill a berserker, then retreat back. Luna does the same with the other berserker. I then end the turn, and this is enough to have all the enemies charge me. Once all the enemies come over, I have Chrom talk to Gangrel, then have Luna take the lead and kill a sage by her. She activates galeforce, and Chrom talks to Gangrel again, and Luna kills the berserker to her side. Everyone attempts to retreat out of Gangrel's range (Maia falls short) and I end the turn. Gangrel attacks Maia on the EP, who switched to swords. All the other enemies follow. Chrom talks to Gangrel one more time and recruits him. Maia then kills a wyvern to her north. I have the rest of the team slowly pick off as many enemies as they can. Thankfully, I get enough of them to let my team survive an EP comfortably.

Once that's over with, I take another heal break. Only the boss is left at this point. Since Maia is the only one not at level 20, I let her get the kill.

Gangrel: Well isn't this just dandy. Here I am, allies with His Radiance the exalt and his tactician horde. I just may puke.

​Chrom: … Gangrel is non-canon Gangrel is non-canon Gangrel is non-canon …

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Aw, but I LIKE Gangrel~! Well, better than some of the other playable characters (like those with no personality or extremely contrived reasons for suddenly being good).

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Allen: Why are we here? It's pouring and there's nothing out here anyway.

Maribelle: It is because you are all uncouth lunatics! No person of proper breeding in their right mind would be out here in this rain!

Luka: But you're here.

Maribelle: How dare you --

Chrom: Can you both have your lover's quarrel later? Look who's back.

Luna: … Oh no, it's the lobster.

Paralogue 19

After several failed attempts of this chapter, I decide to try a new strategy that I like to call "pair Robin and Chrom and have them do most of the work". The others pair up as well to clean up some stragglers in the behind, but for the most part I decide to let Chrom and Robin do most of the work. A few rallies later, I have everyone ready to go on the EP.

Corin dual guards Maia from a bow, which is a good start. The two of them also kill a paladin with their swords, and Corin also dual guards her from a dark knight. Chrom also protects Robin from a paladin and they kill it easily. Also, sol procs (and higher defense than Laurent) help Robin stay alive longer than anyone else. Robin and Chrom continue heading towards Walhart while the others clean up the enemies around them. Amara gets a kill on a tomahawk great knight while Luna arcthunders a bow knight, then lets Iain kill a paladin with ignis-counter-ignis. Maia kills a different bow knight while Corin kills the dark knight. Laurent weakens a valkyrie and Raven kills it. I have Morgan take out a paladin while Allen kills a great knight.

On the EP, Corin gets mobbed by a few enemies, but he takes out the paladins easily. Two enemies also suicide on Morgan, and she makes quick work of them. Aegis, sol, and Chrom make Robin's life easier. I continue to move Robin up towards Walhart. Maia kills the valkyrie that Corin didn't kill, while Luna dispatches of an enemy near Robin. Amara kills an enemy that Iain weakened, then helps Allen take out a dark knight. Morgan kills a different great knight, while Laurent heals. Reinforcement spam.

Robin takes a hit from a paladin, but has sol to do the trick. Chrom also dual guards him from the next hit. The next enemy that goes after him also fails to hit him due to Chrom and actually gives Robin all of his health back. Luckily, most of the enemies decide to go after Robin instead of anyone else in their range, which was somewhat lucky. Three decide to go after Allen, though, and another Iain.

WALHART MOVES. I equip Robin with arcthunder and take a spear from the convoy, then have Chrom attack Walhart. A lucky aether strike ensures Walhart's downfall. Morgan shoots wind spells at a paladin while Laurent heals Allen. Luka kills a weakened paladin, while Allen and Amara take out the valkyrie and Maia kills a great knight. After Iain kills the last paladin, the map is cleared.

Robin: Chrom, I cannot believe you're letting Walhart join us.

Chrom: Would you rather that I let him roam free and conquer everything in his path?


Luna: Don't worry, maybe he will just teach them how to dance.

Paralogue 20

Chrom: E-Emmeryn?! Sister, is that you?

Lissa: Emm! Oh, it is you!

Emmeryn: … Sister?

​Luka: … I know I should be happy for Chrom and Lissa that the exalt is alive, but … something about this bugs me.

Iona: You're telling me. How did she survive a drop from that high up? More importantly, how'd she get here? An island in the middle of fucking nowhere?

Raven: I try not to think about it.

To start off, I pair up Robin and Chrom again. They head towards the boss from the right. Laurent rescues Emmeryn while Miriel takes Morgan and visits the village. Allen+Luna and Maia+Corin go left, while Amara+Iain and Luka+Raven back up Robin and Chrom. Iona stays with Laurent to protect Emmeryn. Mire spam always sucks, but at least most of them don't take high damage anymore. An assassin attacks Maia, and she fails to kill it. Dark fliers go after Raven, who is too slow to double them. Luka at least helps her take some out. I also got to see Raven activate vantage, it is quite hilarious.

Robin advances into a swarm of oncoming enemies. Iona kills the dark flier that has been weakened the most, while Amara and Iain take out the remaining two. Laurent heals Raven. Maia kills the assassin she weakened, while Luna and Allen kill a sorcerer. Allen weakens an assassin, while Corin and Maia are able to kill a waste sorcerer. Allen dodges an EP mire, while Raven only takes 6 damage from one. Luna dual guards Allen from an assassin, while Morgan takes out the one that was weakened. As expected, most of the enemies on Robin's side suicide on him and Chrom. Luna also helps Allen not get hit and take out a dark knight.

Laurent casts physic on Raven, who lets Luka kill the assassin she weakened on the EP. Robin kills the mire sorcerer with Chrom. Luna kills a weakened assassin, then lets Allen take out a dark knight while dual guarding him. Maia kills the mire sorcerer. The boss attacks Robin, as do a horde of enemies on the right, but Robin and Chrom are able to handle themselves. I have Laurent heal Maia on the next phase, while Morgan kills a dark flier and Maia takes out a dark knight. Corin weakens a different dark flier while Allen advances. Raven stands on a fort to draw enemy attention while Robin takes a concoction. Robin is, once again, an enemy magnet on the EP. At one point, he was in the danger zone, but he manages to steal back enough HP to not die. Allen also manages to weaken two dark fliers on the EP. Robin survives with 4 HP.

I have Laurent heal Robin, who also takes a concoction. Raven moves to intercept a dark flier that wasn't in Robin's range. Corin and Luna kill the remaining dark fliers. Raven weakens the remaining dark flier on the EP. Iona rallies her, and Raven finishes off the dark flier on the player phase. At this point, only the boss is left so I have Laurent heal everyone for staff points. Once I finish spamming staves, I have Robin charge the boss with his sword drawn. He and Chrom only need one round.

​Maia: Chrom, we all know how much you miss your sister. But remember … all of this is non-canon.

Chrom: I know! … I know, just … give me a moment.

Iain: Take as long as you need. The rest of us will be puzzling over why we went from Valm to this island when we need to get back to Valm again in the next paralogue.

Edited by Sangyul
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