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I'm not dead yet

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Well, I've been really busy for the past while... and will be again mostly, but I might as well make some sort of return topic. Highlights (or not) of my away-ness on my end:

-Survived band camp.


Fell hopelessly for one of band friends. Again. Sigh. (He's incredibly cute but also incredibly clueless on occasion. Sigh again.)

Trying to figure out how to make myself think logically again. Not going too well. Logic fried. And yeah, proof of that is that I'm posting this. I'll probably edit it three or so posts later. Whatever.

-Met teachers. All seem okay. Realize that AP Chinese and English will kill me but oh well.

-Figured out who's all in my classes. Friends, bandgeeks, countrymen. No computer classes this semester so I won't be on much during school for a good long while.

-Marching band continues.

What's new here? I miss anything besides people complaining about school?

Also, I'll hopefully update my stories later this week.

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Well, I finished my story. Any idea on when you'd be able to come back to the forest regularly and help on Serenes Emblem?

And as for that guy, just go up to him and be forward with him. Tell him directly that you like him. Trust me, you'll regret it if you don't tell someone you like them if you think it could work.

Good to have you back though! *hugs.*

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Take it from a dude: Either the guy's playing dumb on purpose or he isn't into you.

This. And in either case, then it wouldn't hurt you if you asked him out. Not very traditional, but guys these days are wimpy and won't ask a girl out like they used to.

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lol ouch, Arc!

Uh I don't think that was nessascary MaSu

she asked what she missed. and its not like TLS is gonna go "MASU WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER!?!?!?!" since he made a freaking topic about it!

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she asked what she missed. and its not like TLS is gonna go "MASU WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER!?!?!?!" since he made a freaking topic about it!

You don't have to "yell" at me MaSu, like you, I think suicide is a touchy subject. But since we announced we are one BIG HAPPY FAMILY, I guess its okay, sorry

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-looks at AIM box and contemplates doing something idiotic- No. That won't work. I've got a better idea. A much, much, much better idea.

-falls asleep-

Eh well.

Well, good luck Kiryn! We're behind you all the way!

*Waves 'Go Kiryn' Flags.*

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