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I'm not dead yet

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When the Dark comes rising, Six shall turn it back

Three from the Circle, three from the track

Wood, bronze, iron, water, fire, stone

Five shall return and one go alone

This is now officially offtopic.


Here's something of mine

Oh memory oh memory

May you shine with light

Oh Memory oh Memory

Will you please shine bright

Oh Memory OH memory

The Keep has now been reborn

Oh Memory, Oh memory

She is now on the shore

Oh memory oh memory

Of Unearthen Lore

Oh Memory Oh memory

Nest of memories, piles of past

Memories of one, they shall not last

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Hey Kiryn!!!!! Heh, I know what you mean about band and school. It's why I haven't been on much, if at all.

How's your band's show coming along, out of curiosity?

Arc - I asked that almost entirely because I remembered you complaining about us talking about marching band a few months ago. XP

/joking, in case you couldn't tell.

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Our show is really good. I mean, the design is awesome. We're pretty good with the music, too. But the marching... I don't know how it's happened, but each run-through since band camp has gotten worse. Tonight we have outdoor rehearsal again. And tonight, this downwards trend is gonna end. At least it dang better.

The trumpet section are all fairly idiotic when allowed to be, which is kinda to be expected, but for the most part they're all right, and they all play pretty well. We just need to make sure the whole band focuses. I think the rest of the leaders are gonna be more focused this time too, especially since our first competition's coming up, so it should go better. (Last rehearsal we were stuck in the school gym due to Hurricane Hanna, so obviously that's not the best for concentration.)

Our main issue is people just don't think. I know of at least one way to cure that though. It's a slightly evil way, but... not evil enough to keep me and the other leaders from using it.

I think our band's got a lot of potential for sure- we just have to use it. How's your band?

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