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what exactly is the difference of introverts and extros


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what exactly are extroverts?

what is introverts?

on a certain event in my college, i went hang up with 2 friends, we had a blast, and i totally enjoyed it, but then some people start baiting me saying that those who can do that with only someone we already know each other are introverts...

i mean wtf man, im totally out of my usual days nervous state, doing some out of box matters, shouting this and that, if that arent extrovert stuff, then what the fug are they??

out of seriousness... they all start depicting my "happy going confidence" into some kind of "introverts desperation"

im...losing words here..

true, extroverts dont give damn, they wont even consider this bait even a single moment, me posting this may prove i am dominantly more on introvert side, but just tell me...

what exactly my crazy going attitude when going with friends then? are they truly my true feelings desiring to have fun or it was just some stupid desperation??

.......i dont even feel slightest desperation on the first place when im going with them..tough i start to felt a bit lonely at certain moment...maybe im unsatisfied?

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Being an introvert or a extrovert has nothing to do with depression. There are some very happy introverts and depressed extroverts as well. Introverts, in general, might like to go out with people they know, but find it hard to act close with people they don't. Extroverts enjoy meeting new people, while introverts don't (it doesn't mean an introvert can't enjoy meeting a new person, just that it's not something that they particularly enjoy). Also, introverts find social occasions "tiring", which means they lose energy after taking part into them, even if they enjoy those.

Going out with your friends and enjoying it has nothing to do with being an introvert or an extrovert, and there's nothing wrong at all with being an introvert.

Edited by NOBODY
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as for making new friends its a mixed feeling, making friends isnt really hard as long as you gives them proper attention and as long they pay back the attention and so on, that's that.

but its true sometimes i can be nervous and ended up pessimist before even start engaging a conversation (especially damn true in internet, tough that's not always the case)

i asked my mom what i am and she directly told me an introvert,

and wow... sheet stuff,, sheet stuff into the heart,

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Being an introvert myself, i have to disagree with this but okay

Which part do you disagree with?

I myself am a introvert as well.

EDIT: with "people they know" I meant friends, and "people they don't" I meant people who aren't friends. Bad wording on my part.

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Introverts are people who are easily drained in social situations and recharge in solitude.

Extroverts are people who are easily drained in solitude and recharge in social situations.

I think introverts tend to prefer hanging out with people they know when they socialize because they don't like to drain themselves on something meaningless. Comparatively, extroverts need a good reason to get away from a crowd. Being alone needs to be worthwhile to them in the same way.

Introverts can enjoy a moment of meaningless silence because it rejuvenates them. Extroverts can enjoy a meaningless conversation of idle chit chat because it rejuvenates them.

There is nothing better or worse about either of them.

Edited by Makaze
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being an introvert is not bad, it does not mean you are depressed, it does not mean you don't like other people, it does not mean you are bad at social interaction. being an introvert means you recharge your batteries by taking some time alone. being an extravert means you recharge your batteries through social interaction.

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I'm a large fan of Eysenck's theories about the subject.

To briefly summarise, his theory was that all humans have what I'll call a sensory inhibitor. It effectively reduces the intensity of stimulus from the outside world to more managable levels. Within the context of this theory, we're talking about how the inhibitor weakens the strength of social stimulus, and it's effect on the individual.

In the case of an extravert, this inhibitor is very strong. This means that an extravert requires a large amount of social stimulus to feel sated, because their intake is constantly being inhibited. As a result, without enough stimulus, they will feel unsatisfied.

In the case of an introvert, this inhibitor is very weak. This means that an introvert becomes sated with a relatively small amount of interaction, because their intake is not being inhibited much, and they recieve a large amount of stimulus from small amounts of interactions. As a result, if they recieve comparable levels of stimulus, they become overwhelmed and often feel uncomfortable as a result.

If you want a roundabout way to think about it, extraverts are kinda a bit "deaf" and introverts have acute hearing. Chuck each of them in different rooms with a music player and the extravert pumps up the volume, whist the introvert is happy to leave it low or turn it off after a while.

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being an introvert is not bad, it does not mean you are depressed, it does not mean you don't like other people, it does not mean you are bad at social interaction. being an introvert means you recharge your batteries by taking some time alone. being an extravert means you recharge your batteries through social interaction.

Im pretty damn extroverted. Like a text book case.

However, i tend to recharge with Me Time. Maybe its just getting older. I crave being around people, but i do need my space after a while. So i guess there is a sorta in-between here. /shrug

Extroverts tend to be the ones who begin conversation.

Introverts are the ones who feed conversation once its started.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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out of seriousness... they all start depicting my "happy going confidence" into some kind of "introverts desperation"

The hell? They can't tell you what you're feeling. If you're feeling normal and just having fun and you're not feeling desperate, let them say whatever they want to say, 'cuz they're wrong anyway. No biggie.

Trust your own judgement over theirs. And WRT the whole introvert/ extrovert thing, I think as a society we're past the whole introversion-is-bad thing. It's possible to not get excited at the idea of conversations and social situations, but still be good at it anyway.

Edit for capitalization because that`s how I am.

Edited by RandomX2
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my personality tests ended up on either ISFP or ESFP

speaking of inhibitor i tend to get very low stimulus depending on mood, on certain events, i can ended up even losing my cool, depressed and panic on event just because no one with me

and sometimes i ended up agitated by my own devices in certain moments

as for solitude, i enjoy and happy with it, but in some cases, it ended up making me frustated too instead. why? i felt alone.. i wanna have a friend to hang in with.. and being alone can be cancerous to me if it remains like that over and over.

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Look, dont worry about labels like extrovert and introvert, its not a game where you choose your traits and stats, peoples emotions are dynamic, social interaction is a human necessity but how much you can take or want is not a set number, don't have your mind on these things, if you wanna be alone then you go ahead and stay in your room all day,if youre feeling a little lonely go take the initiative to hang out, people judge each other all the time don't bother paying attention to passing comments

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what exactly are extroverts?

what is introverts?

If you are recharged by being alone, you are introverted.

If you are recharged by social activity, you are extroverted.

It's probably more a scale than an outright black-or-white situation, anyway.

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To add to what's already been said, introverts have a narrow social focus and extroverts have a wider social focus. As an introvert, I enjoy time on my own and very personal conversation with one or maybe two friends at once but when there are 8 of us round a table, I tend to retreat into myself. Don't forget, introverts can enjoy a large conversation, extroverts can enjoy a moment of peace and quiet etc. but it's somewhat outside their comfort zone and can often be draining for them.

Being introverted or extroverted is neither good nor bad, no-one should be judging you based on it and you shouldn't try to change for them. Being introverted or extroverted is like being tall or short, fair or dark, sporty or bookish - it's part of who you are and you should embrace it.

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Speaking of comfort zone

Those this 2 types of personality drtermine one's courage/recklesness?

Or it is actually common for introverts doing what they are against/afraid of?

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Speaking of comfort zone

Those this 2 types of personality drtermine one's courage/recklesness?

Or it is actually common for introverts doing what they are against/afraid of?

Not really, it's possible to be a really brave introvert or a cowardly extrovert. Someone might be incredibly outgoing and social but also rather careful. Like Furet's said, it's more of a scale than a binary thing - although it's possible for someone who's really extroverted to have a select few very introverted traits.

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Im pretty damn extroverted. Like a text book case.

However, i tend to recharge with Me Time. Maybe its just getting older. I crave being around people, but i do need my space after a while. So i guess there is a sorta in-between here. /shrug

Extroverts tend to be the ones who begin conversation.

Introverts are the ones who feed conversation once its started.

Well the way I look at it ((I consider myself an extrovert)) is though extroverts enjoy social interaction and recharge from it they can't do it all the damn time. That would be wild. Everyone, introverted or extroverted, needs alone time or they'd be driven insane.

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the only way for me to go wild in home is either no one in home or me and my sis happened to be in the same mood with mine

Edited by Pukuriripo
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I dunno, maybe for introverts it's different, but like I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't be able to just stay at home for a very long period of time and just not see anyone or talk to anyone and not feel lonely or sad or tired or something.

EDIT: Yes I know I flipped my original statement but I feel this post may apply to introverts more while the previous one applies to extroverts more.

Edited by Star-Lord
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Look, dont worry about labels like extrovert and introvert, its not a game where you choose your traits and stats, peoples emotions are dynamic, social interaction is a human necessity but how much you can take or want is not a set number, don't have your mind on these things, if you wanna be alone then you go ahead and stay in your room all day,if youre feeling a little lonely go take the initiative to hang out, people judge each other all the time don't bother paying attention to passing comments

Good spot of advice ere, though all you guys have been giving good definitions

IIRC even the people who made the MB personality test admitted readily enough that it's not so set in stone. You don't need to listen to somebody else trying to tell you otherwise, they could easily just be projecting.

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Good spot of advice ere, though all you guys have been giving good definitions

IIRC even the people who made the MB personality test admitted readily enough that it's not so set in stone. You don't need to listen to somebody else trying to tell you otherwise, they could easily just be projecting.

I usually test for ENTP, but when depressed I flip to INTP or INTJ in extreme cases. My introverted results correlated heavily with being around people I didn't like for extended periods of time.

It's definitely not a concrete thing.

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while the 16 personality didnt really match of who i am nor i even understand how the personality works

the blood types really convinced me of who i am... or who i wanna be maybe

im B, and slowly im convinced im a happy going and saguistic individual, very true when i happen to be on good mood, but normally im either choleric or phlegmatic when bored

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Well I've found that the more balance I have between social situations and solitude the happier I am and the more I enjoy both, so I guess that puts me in the middle of the intro/extro scale.

I also got intp for the personality thing

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How 'bout we stop wasting time with labels and just. . .be? Introvert is not a secret code word for "socially awkward"/"depressed". Likewise, extrovert does not mean "eternal chatterbox".

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