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Best Spouse For The Avatar In Lunatic Mode

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Hello again. I decided against Taguel Morgan as I think that would super difficult.

So the question is, who would be a good spouse for either a Male or Female avatar? I'd rarther +Def -Lck as it makes my life a million times easier. I play Casual mode, so I "backed-up" a save of MUXGangrel (Made a battle save that I can make an active file again later) which I quite like the file, but I want a luna file instead.

I could go MuXGangrel again, but don't quite like the idea of the avatar without a spouse and no Morgan in the main game. That leaves a 3rd gen Morgan male with a female file (I'm leaning towards Gerome) or two avatar children with a male MU.

If I choose a male MU, I'm deciding between Panne (Mostly for a taguel Morgan, so that's probably out), Cordelia (She gives +3 Skl/Spd and 5 Def, very nice) or Olivia (Same as Cordy but -1 to those stats.) I like Olivia and Inigo more than Cordelia, but I always feel weird marrying Olivia as I feel like I'm betraying Shadowofchaos (even though we haven't talked before, I follow him on here and on youtube, lol) I also have this weird thing where I prefer the male avatar to have 2 daughters, I guess because I feel the only son the avatar should have is Male Morgan. XD

So anyway, what do you guys think? 3rd gen Male Morgan (Probably Gerome or Owain for physical (Yes I know most like Caster Owain, lol) But not Inigo!Morgan as I already have a file with C!I!M) or two avatar kids and a kawaii Morgan.

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Looking at Mods, Ricken!Owain!Morgan gets 4 mag, 1 Spd, 3 Lck, 3 Def, 4 Res and -3 Str only with +Def -Lck. That'd make a very solid Sorcerer or Sage actually! Hmm, Owain's looking good for a Caster Morgan!

As a dark knight R!O!M would get 35 Str, 45 Mag, 45 Def and 42 Res. That's amazing! I think I might go with this, but what do you guys think?

Actually, I think I'll go with this. Sorry for making a topic. XD

Edited by LetheTheRaptor
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For Main Game: Really it's just someone you're using and has matching classes so you can make use of the pair up bonus effectively. The pair itself matters more than the children in main game.

Female, it's likely Chrom.

Male, it really doesn't matter, just meet that above criteria.

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I second what AC said, though personally, I think children aside from Lucina are out for obvious reasons (and I think Lucina herself is iffy).

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It's personal preference really. And you don't have to worry about shadowofchao's love for Olivia as he already got over that a while ago (and hence his preference/wish for a M!RobinxF!Robin pairing) Also, I do recall in one of his vids that every save file is essentially a parallel universe.

I went with Cordelia for my Lunatic+ Classic run using my +HP/-Lck M!Robin. With that pairing, I can have Morgan and Severa with the stat mods of +2 Str, +0 Mag, +3 Skl, +3 Spd, -1 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res.

Male Robin has Axefaire, Counter and the freedom to pick a wife that can give him 2 kids.

Female Robin has Galeforce, Dual Support+ and the option to S support Chrom.

Marrying a 2nd gen. child is only worthwhile if going for a Morgan that specializes in a specific stat or going for a Morgan with 2 gender-exclusive skills (ie. M!Morgan with both Dual Support+ and Galeforce).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Lucina is a unit you will likely already be using, so she has that going for her.

There's also the option of Veteran Manakete sisters if marrying a dragon who looks like a preteen doesn't bother you.

I'd honestly say Lucina's really pushing it when you have to wait for half the game for her to join in the first place.

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She's a Grima killer though. And you could say that about any kid.

I DID say the children characters all suffer from that. It's just that Lucina doesn't suffer as much, but it's still enough to render her far from ideal. And tbh, I think being a Grima killer ain't enough to cancel that out.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Oh my bad. I guess you're right. Sorry.

Completely off topic, but sorry I've been kind of a jerk to you recently Levant. Please believe me when I say it's not intentional. Sometimes things I post don't read quite like I intend them to.

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Oh my bad. I guess you're right. Sorry.

Completely off topic, but sorry I've been kind of a jerk to you recently Levant. Please believe me when I say it's not intentional. Sometimes things I post don't read quite like I intend them to.

It's not a problem. Anyways, personally, I consider a good spouse one that comes early enough that it's possible to get Morgan before the end of Valm.

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please it's midgame it's not lategame and lucina can easily get good enough bases relative to enemy stats at that time which coupled with low level and veteran it's literally one level per kill early on

those levels rack up fast

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please it's midgame it's not lategame and lucina can easily get good enough bases relative to enemy stats at that time which coupled with low level and veteran it's literally one level per kill early on

those levels rack up fast

I think you're missing the point. I meant someone who comes early enough to marry before near the end of the Valm campaign, and I seriously doubt that would apply to Lucina.

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For non-postgame, I find Panne, Cordelia and Nowi to perform the best as wives and Chrom to be the best husband. The two transforming units have incredible growths and are both some of the best first-gen units in the game for Lunatic, and Cordelia allows you to realistically get six Galeforce units without grinding (also using Chrom x Sumia).

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For non-postgame, I find Panne, Cordelia and Nowi to perform the best as wives and Chrom to be the best husband. The two transforming units have incredible growths and are both some of the best first-gen units in the game for Lunatic, and Cordelia allows you to realistically get six Galeforce units without grinding (also using Chrom x Sumia).

IMHO, I don't see Panne as a good wife candidate because Morgan ends up with an utter shitstain of a starting class, and winds up with little to show for it, to say nothing of the Morton's fork that results from it (because Taguel sucks so bad, I'm encouraged to reclass out... but wind up having to dig my way out of E rank no matter what; thanks for nothing, Panne).

You can marry her earlier if you save paralogues.

IMHO, that only further proves that I'm forced to go out of my way to marry Lucina, and I'd honestly not want to have to go out of my way to have a Morgan that doesn't join late enough that s/he falls into "can't catch up" territory... Edited by Levant Caprice
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IMHO, that only further proves that I'm forced to go out of my way to marry Lucina, and I'd honestly not want to have to go out of my way to have a Morgan that doesn't join late enough that s/he falls into "can't catch up" territory...

There is no such thing as a child of Robin that "can't catch up". You're inheriting god-mode bases and Veteran, FFS. Morgan can get himself going just in his own goddamned Paralogue.

Support levels are a solvable problem. You can "grind" Spotpass battles for support pretty easily, if you care about such things.

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Okay, wow, there's a lot on this topic. I went for Ricken!Owain!Morgan but was underwhelmed by Morgan in general as he has average stats (same amount of modifiers as Libra!Morgan would have ironically)

I have 3 copies of this game and all DLC (I bought 2 copies, my friend who disliked the game gave me his.)

I have 5 Lunatic files and 4 hard file. My hard files include Lon'qu!Morgan (Husbando file), Nowi!Morgan, Aversa!Morgan, and Chrom!Inigo!Morgan.

I recently started playing Lunatic in the past week, so I redid some files and now have: Chrom!Morgan, Tharja!Morgan, Henry!Morgan (2nd husbando file, lol) and Sumia!Morgan.

I want as much variety and think that a male avatar with 2 kids is probably the way to go. Hmm, Cordy seems like a good wife, I'm thinking AT, GF, Sol, Lancefaire and filler until I get LB as a Falcon Knight? And Morgan and Severa get great mods with +Def -Lck.

Okay, I also made the mistake on the Owain!Morgan file of marrying Chrom to Maribelle.... he defense is suicide in Lunatic, haha.

Now I just need a hsir color for Severa... Hmmm.

That or is Lucina!Morgan that good? I've used Aether Morgan a few times in hard mode, and I'd assume it's amazing in a Lunatic environment. Who would you recommend be Lucina's mother in that case? I' thinking Sumia for PavGis Lucina and overkill speed Morgan?

Or would Olivia!Lucina!Morgan be better? She gives 1 more defense in exchange for some Skl/Spd.... I'm going to run +Def -Lck again, so I want Morgan to have decent mods.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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but I always feel weird marrying Olivia as I feel like I'm betraying Shadowofchaos (even though we haven't talked before, I follow him on here and on youtube, lol)

I guess you didn't get the memo.

Uhh... go crazy marrying her, I guess.

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There is no such thing as a child of Robin that "can't catch up". You're inheriting god-mode bases and Veteran, FFS. Morgan can get himself going just in his own goddamned Paralogue.Support levels are a solvable problem. You can "grind" Spotpass battles for support pretty easily, if you care about such things.

Well, I'll concede that Morgan at least has an easy paralogue going for him/her. Otoh, Yarne and Inigo don't have that luxury, and that is why I cannot completely agree.

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Whoa who said i was marrying Lucina

Was making Lucina

idk your posts sounded like training Lucina wasn't worth it so ???

Like i don't care much about postgame but ChromxMU storyline is powerful as fuck

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Whoa who said i was marrying Lucina

Was making Lucina

idk your posts sounded like training Lucina wasn't worth it so ???

Like i don't care much about postgame but ChromxMU storyline is powerful as fuck

Well, I ain't trying to dispute Chrom/Avatar's efficiency - in fact, I agree he's the best husband, Lunatic wise. What I AM disputing, however, is Lucina's practicality as a wife.

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Taking stats out of the picture, for a female avatar (as much as I hate saying this), Chrom is the best husband mainly because it's the only pairing that gives you two children. As for a male avatar, I would recommend any of the first gen females that have a second child (except for Nowi and Panne), Lucina, or Aversa. Honestly, as you will most likely keep Morgan as a Tactician, marrying a unit that gives a weakness is a bad idea. Lucina gives Aether, which is a solid skill, not to mention up to four units can learn Aether per playthrough (Chrom, Lucina, Cynthia/Kjelle, and Female Morgan). Lucina also appears early enough in the game to make this actually worthwhile. In fact, I think Morgan's chapter unlocks right after you get Lucina. Aversa gives Shadowgift, which is great for a Tactician. The downside is you get her post-game, meaning unless you want to play the DLC maps, this serves no purpose.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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Taking stats out of the picture, for a female avatar (as much as I hate saying this), Chrom is the best husband mainly because it's the only pairing that gives you two children. As for a male avatar, I would recommend any of the first gen females that have a second child (except for Nowi and Panne), Lucina, or Aversa. Honestly, as you will most likely keep Morgan as a Tactician, marrying a unit that gives a weakness is a bad idea. Lucina gives Aether, which is a solid skill, not to mention up to four units can learn Aether per playthrough (Chrom, Lucina, Cynthia/Kjelle, and Female Morgan). Lucina also appears early enough in the game to make this actually worthwhile. In fact, I think Morgan's chapter unlocks right after you get Lucina. Aversa gives Shadowgift, which is great for a Tactician. The downside is you get her post-game, meaning unless you want to play the DLC maps, this serves no purpose.

Aversa is post-game only and pretty -meh- as a post-game char. And Shadowgift is pretty... bland. Sliding into postgame, you see Dark drop off like a rock, due to Nosferatu losing its edge.

Morgan's chapter only appears alongside Lucina if MU is married before C13. [Your wording may be weird there] (If you marry Lucina, it's C13+7 [i do say 7, because who else are you burning that Seed of Trust on? It's gonna be 7, not 8.]... which is /very/ viable if you can control support points (which is very beneficial since, ahem, Child Paralogues are excellent EXP mines, and if you can fanangle a few open right alongside C14... it's excellent) or save some paralogues (not as lucrative as marching into a few child paralogues) [if you do both, well, you get Morgan before zoning into C14.])

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I disagree with you on Nowi and Panne, Hunter. They're both great, because Panne is one of the best units if you can spare her a Second Seal and Veteran Manaketes are great. On keeping Morgan a Tactician--sure, the class has its uses, but I don't think it's so amazing that it eclipses the likes of Mercenary->Hero, Dark Mage/Sorc, Dark Flier, Manakete, or Cavalier/Paladin.

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